
The Path to New Era

The current era of the universe is coming to an end and to begin a new prosperous era and stabilize the current dangers faced by the universe there is a need of a unparalleled genius to be a lead to initiate the new era. Watch the battle between heavenly geniuses of many factions fighting to be a top figure of the generation and start a new era. But will the journey of such top figure end there.... let's see

Daoist_Nothingness · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

The Basics

On a open field a group of children were running aroumd and playing among themselves the youngest of them was three years old and the oldest among them was six years old. While they were playing a tall man with scholarly aura came to the training field.

When the children saw the tall man they ran to him and greeted, "Good day Uncle/ Elder Ron"

Elder Ron smiled at their greetings and said, "Greetings children, Tyche it's time for your lesson", Ron came here to call Tyche for his lessons on cultivation which will start today.

It's been six years since Tyche's birth today he will officially start learning about cultivation and some basic body exercises. Now six year old Tyche was about three feet tall and has a healthy complexion along with the Ashborn Clan's usual slight dark skin, wavy black hair which reached his shoulders and dark purple eyes which was basically common for most of the members.

When Tyche heard Ron calling him he excitedly asked, "Uncle can I start cultivating from now on"

"No, not till you are old enough young Tyche", said Ron who was ready to answer this usual question from Tyche. After that he brought Tyche to the private hall which is used to teach young clans members.

"Tyche what do you know about cultivation and what are the different realms of cultivation", asked Ron to see Tyche's knowledge on cultivation.

Tyche thought for a while and answered, "Cultivation is the process of breaking the mortal limitations which everyone is born with, as for the stages of cultivation they are: Body Tempering, Qi Gathering, Divine Sea, Divine Transformation, Essence Soul, Void Breaking, Tribulation, Dao Formation, Supreme"

Ron nodded his head in satisfaction and added, "Indeed what you said is correct but the stages of cultivation you mentioned are from Universal Cultivation path so these stages may differ in other paths"

Tyche felt puzzled about these words and asked, "Uncle what is a cultivation path that you mentioned"

Ron recollected the information in his mind and started to explain, "As you said cultivation is the process of breaking past limitations but not every one is talented or suited enough to follow the path created by the universe so some talented individuals created some other path of cultivation which they find suitable, for example Dao path and Nature spirit path of our Ashborn clan"

"All the paths of cultivation will usually be created on the base of qi, body, soul and Dao", Ron finished speaking and let Tyche digest the information provided. After some time he asked, "Tyche do you have any doubts on this"

Tyche recalled all the new information he was provided with and nodded, "No Uncle Ron I understand everything"

Ron nodded and continued, "Then there are talents we cultivators possess, for different paths there are different criteria for talent required. The talent for qi refinement is determined by the grade of your meridians, similarly for body tempering it is the grade of your body(or physique), for soul cultivation it is based on grade of the soul and apart from them there are some special physique, meridian and soul which will provide a cultivator with various attributes"

Tyche pondered for a while and asked, "Then what about the talent for individuals Dao"

Ron smiled mysteriously while answering this question, "When forming a Dao it is not based on a persons talent in cultivation rather it is based on ones own comprehension, charecter, aspirations and state of mind and Dao is not formed at persons birth but rather made by themselves"

When Tyche heard the last part of the sentence he got interested by what it is like to creating your own Dao. Seeing Tyche didn't ask any questions Ron continued,

"The talents mentioned above can be graded such as: Mortal, Black, Profound, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, Primordial, Chaos, Orgin which is common for all the paths and these grades also apply for bloodline of a person"

After explaining Ron pulled a book from the void and handed to Tyche, "This book contains detailed information about talents and various special physiques appeared in the universe. Read this book in a day and come to me if you have any doubts"

Tyche received this book and left the study hall. Along the way to his home he recalled the information he received from Ron, as he reached home he saw his mother sitting on the sofa and drinking tea.

When his mother saw him she smiled and asked, "Little Tyche how was your day come tell your mother about your lesson today"

Then he revised today's lesson to his mother and went to his room to read the book he received today.