
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

Chapter 53: Nightfall in the City

As night descended upon the city, the hustle and bustle continued unabated. Two figures, cloaked and masked, stood atop a towering building, their gaze fixed upon the grand castle that loomed at the city's edge, perched atop a lofty hill. Ximena let out a sigh. "Looks like there's no event drawing us there."

"Seems that way. Our only option is a direct approach," Sasha replied. "I'm skilled at it, but it's risky."

Ximena pondered for a moment before suggesting, "I could dampen my aura, make myself appear entirely human. Would that help?" Sasha nodded in agreement. Ximena began to absorb her aura, rendering herself virtually indistinguishable from an ordinary person. Sasha was impressed by her ability but also puzzled.

Noticing Sasha's confusion, Ximena raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you realize your aura was leaking like that before?"

"Yes, but most wouldn't notice," Ximena confirmed.

"Did you consider that the city's residents might sense your presence?" Sasha inquired gravely.

Ximena smirked. "They already have. Some even followed me until I showed a bit of hostility. But they're clueless about our intentions. What's the harm?"

Sasha conceded, understanding Ximena's point. "Fair enough. What about your sensing skills?"

"If you couldn't detect my aura, then I must be superior," Ximena quipped, leaping from the building. "Follow me."

Though annoyed, Sasha knew Ximena spoke the truth. "Let's just rescue him and get out of here."

Meanwhile, across town, Alex strolled nonchalantly, brimming with confidence. Despite a hint of uncertainty, he relished the feeling of control. "I'm beginning to understand the powerful," he chuckled to himself, approaching a building.

Why was he here? When he arrived in this world, he was weak, able only to create limited skills. But now, with time, he would grow stronger, feeling secure in his abilities. He refused to live in fear, instead choosing to play the game of power. Armed with extensive knowledge as the world's creator, he held an advantage.

"Looks like a crowd inside. Not as grand as Madara vs 1000 Ninja, but impressive nonetheless," he mused before entering. Inside, two attractive women, one elf and one demi-human, greeted him with smiles laced with desire. Alex, unmasked and wearing only his cloak, revealed his handsome face and captivating eyes.

He opted not to wear his mask, realizing he needed to acclimate to his eyes or risk their becoming a hindrance. Returning their smiles, he warned, "It's best for you both to leave, now. Don't look back."

Ignoring the prohibition on weapons, he approached a guarded lift, revealing a sheathed katana adorned with a sky dragon motif.

[LV43] = D-

"Weapons aren't allowed, sir," the guard warned, sensing danger. But before he could react, Alex swiftly dispatched him with a flash step, his blade drawn silently.

[Flash step activated]

[(B) Flash step – A technique learned from a book that doubles your speed. Requires 500 Arcane mana for each cast.]

As the guard fell, Alex addressed the stunned women. "I did warn you." With his King's aura activated, a wave of pressure cascaded through the building. Why did he do it? It was a nightclub, and Alex had no patience for such indulgence. Besides, none within could challenge him.

The women coughed blood, overwhelmed by the pressure. Alex, his gaze cold, approached them.

[Minor healing has been changed.]

[(C+) Healing – Can mend injuries if sufficient Arcane mana is available. (Note: Fatal wounds and lost limbs cannot be healed, only wounds can be closed.)]

A green light enveloped the women as Alex instructed, "Leave the city. I apologize for the disturbance." Scared but compliant, they departed. Why save them? They were ordinary, reminiscent of his owner's daughter. "That's in the past," he muttered, though the memory still pained him.