
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantaisie
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47 Chs

Tackling the disaster and beating the rich brats and Rina (3)

Gabriel looked at all 4 of them with a serious look. Lucien looked at Clara and she gave a nod. The reason Gabriel fight a first is because he wanted to look how they fought against the monsters. He knew that leaving Lucien and Barina other two only depended on their suits to fight rather than using anything else.

Rina came out of camouflage with a grin and slowly other four also started to have a casual look. Gabriel knew that something has changed and activated the Vision scanner.When he looked at the armor of both Clara and Carl lots of energy has accumulated in their chest portion where "Lunar-Solar" orbs were fixed.

The energy kept increasing and huge light kept on emanating from them. Gabriel sensed trouble from the energy attack. "Behind me" shouted Gabriel. "Why?" asked Harriet.

"No time to explain." said Gabriel as he saw the energy readings reach the peak. Both her and Carl pointed their hands towards Gabriel and aimed the chest portion towards him.

The two of them released the beams of energy with high concentration at Gabriel. "Stay behind me." shouted Gabriel as he willed a enormous shield to occur in front of him and it was gigantic to block all 6 beams of energy.

They kept on attacking him with beams while Lucien signaled Barina to attack him while he is busy. The two of them ran and appeared to the side of Gabriel which is vulnerable to attack.

The two of them took out balls which contained a paralyzing drug which is used to incapacitate criminals and threw at the three of them.

The balls hit the ground and released the drug in the form of gas into the air. Gabriel didn't expect such a development and was caught off guard. He knew they had tricks up their sleeve but this was most unexpected. He definitely underestimated the 4 of them.

[Host is being affected by paralysis drug "Jund"]

[System recommends host to buy "Selective breathing" skill]

"Do it." said Gabriel as he saw Harriet and Roxanne falling down even after covering their face with cloth pieces. He saw that their eyes were open and moving but their body could not move at all.

System deducted 200000 gold and activated the skill. Luckily Gabriel stopped breathing for two minutes so he did not get affected.

The nostrils filtered the air entering his nose and only allowed oxygen to enter his body. Gabriel breathed out the air inside.

Carl had a wicked smile along with Clara because they thought their plan has succeeded because in next 1 minute Gabriel will be paralyzed.

Even Lucien and Barina who wore some filtering masks felt relieved seeing Gabriel unable to hold his breathe.

"How does it feel? This drug is a specialized weapon to paralyze criminals and capture them. I never thought that I would have to use it against you." said Lucien with a smug face.

Gabriel kept silent and closed his eyes. He wanted to make sure that even small amount of drug didn't enter his blood stream.

He tried to sense the Primal energy inside his body and tried to trace the drug in his body and found traces of drug in his lungs. To make sure that it doesn't spread to other body parts he allowed them primal energy to mix with the drug and completely consume into and eliminate it. As soon as it was done Gabriel's nostrils bled and blood also started flowing from his mouth.

It was the after effect of allowing the drug to mix with primal energy in his body. Lucien narrowed his eyes and felt something wrong. Due to fighting criminals with his father he sensed something suspicious. As far as he knows the drug only induces paralysis but it never causes bleeding. Lucien asked "Use the orbs to scan him."

When orb inside her suit scanned, it felt resistance and slowly started acting erratic and exploded causing burns on Clara's shoulder. She fell down as the orb exploded. "Claraaa. What happened?" asked Carl who was beside her.

"I..I.. I tried to scan him using the orb but it.. it got resistance and exploded inside the suit." replied Clara panting.

Carl looked at Gabriel and used his orb on the hip portion of the suit to float in air and tried to scan Gabriel and it has suffered the same thing.

Carl gritted his teeth and shouted "You two should get away from there."

Lucien felt a sense of dread and both of them ran away and joined Clara and Carl.

Gabriel opened his eyes and primal energy radiated from his eyes. It took few seconds and the energy dissipated.

"You've done a big mistake. Using a lethal drug like these against me who is also a student in superhero academy. I hope your fathers have good doctors to heal you." said Gabriel rotating his head clockwise and his neck bone cracked.

Gabriel locked his gaze onto Clara and Carl. Clara stood up with energy returning to the suit. Carl pointed his hand which is glowing with energy at Gabriel while Lucien and Barina took out boomerangs which had a panther drawing on them.

Gabriel grinned as he remembered another thing he heard from his brother about Lucien's family. Apparently so called Night man has trained two more people like Damien who were senior to him.

One of them died in the hands of a insane criminal and came back miraculously as a anti hero while the other one took another identity.

Lucien threw the boomerang and Calr fired two balls of crystal energy towards Gabriel. Gabriel stood there and let the boomerang and balls hit him.

The blast caused the trees to blow away while covering the entire area in smoke. Rina said "Let's get out of here."

"Why should we? He has already been dealt with. Though he might not be dead he will definitely be unconscious for 2 days." replied Carl cockily.

Rina looked at the dissipating smoke and her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. When others saw Gabriel's figure looking down with his hand in his pant pockets they felt terrified.

"My turn now." said Gabriel as he stormed towards Carl at such a high speed that he could not react in time. Gabriel delivered a punch to his armor and he was thrown away 15 meters away. Gabriel did not waste time and lunged towards Clara. Clara snet beams of energy flying backwards.

Gabriel dodged every one of those beams and quickly closed the distance. He caught hold of the neck potion of armor and Clara used the right hand to release energy onto Gabriel but Gabriel blocked the beam using his bare hands and the energy rebounded destroying the crystal along with the armor.

She used the chest piece to release beams of energy but Gabriel evaded them. Lucien appeared and kicked Gabriel on his back and Barina came and landed a punch onto Gabriel. Gabriel felt the impact of the punch and understood that Lucien and Gabriel had trained their bodies rigorously.

A single blood drop escaped from his lips. Lucien took out a sword which looked ordinary but suddenly electricity started flowing from it. He used it to slash Gabriel on his back. Gabriel's shirt got sliced and blood dripped from his back. He felt the burn and shock from the attack.

Gabriel saw Barina come at him with a big staff containing electric energy and hit him on his chest. Gabriel flinched in pain. He decided to rip apart the armor of Clara before dealing with Lucien and Barina. He could have used primal energy to wipe them away but he is not interested in killing them as it would be drawing attention from their father's ans superhero association.

Lucien and Barina simultaneously attacked him at his openings and Gabriel kept on receiving shocks. Lucien intensified the electric energy and launched his attack. Gabriel transformed his right hand into shield and blocked his attack and when Barina's attack came he transformed his hand into sword and deflected the attack.

Without giving any chance he used the shield to bash Lucien who was caught off guard who fell 100 meters away and coughed blood. Gabriel concentrated on Clara and punched the armor of her with enough strength to break it into pieces.

The impact was a little too high so her chest portion got terribly wounded and the after shock caused her to pass out. Barina saw it with appalled expression and shouted "You rascal. I am going to make sure you pay."

She came at him with a staff and kept on launching attacks at a powerful speed. Gabriel kept on dodging and evading her attacks. She decided to aim the staff to his face and electrify him. When staff reached Gabriel he bent hi head moving forward and used his fists to punch her face.

She fell down there with blood coming out of her nose and mouth. The punch was too hard. Carl whose armor broke stood up and took out chakras from his shirt. He took out a vial containing "Maroon Sea Serpent poison" and laced the chakras with them. He is definitely trying to kill Gabriel.

Lucien who stood up saw Carl pouring the poison onto the chakras. There is smoke emitting from it. The poison didn't have any color but Lucien knew how dangerous that poison is from the smoke. "What are you doing? We're not here to murder him." shouted Lucien.

"Who gives a shit about what you say?" said Carl arrogantly. Lucien was taught never to kill anyone by his father.

Lucien approached him and tried to stop but Carl threw the vial at Lucien. Lucien jumped away to to avoid getting hit.

"The only reason I became friends with you is because I get to have fun by looking down on weaklings in the academy.

Now you've changed your mind?" asked Carl looking at Lucien. "You have stopped me from beating those weaklings and only allowed me to intimidate them. But I wanted those weaklings under my foot. I decided to compromise but now a scoundrel like Gabriel comes and ruins everything. From now on I'll do whatever I want." said Carl throwing the two chakras onto Gabriel.

Gabriel saw the chakras approaching him and he had to evade a attack from the staff. He knew that those chakras will hit him.

The chakra was inches away from his neck when the chakras froze in air. Gabriel saw Harriet on one knee aiming her hand at the chakras.

"Nice timing." said Gabriel as he kicked the hand of Barina and the staff flew away from her hand and he delivered a spin kick to her which landed on her cheeks causing her to fall down. The impact of kick was too tough for her to take and she laid on the ground unable to move.

Gabriel turned his attention to Carl with a murderous gaze. He knew that Carl has crossed the line but his three crime line rule told him that only after 3 crimes he should kill someone. He approached Carl in an instant and grabbed his collar to lift him.

"Let me go. If you harm me my father will not take it lightly." Carl warned him with a sadistic smile. Gabriel sighed and kept on punching his face keeping his power to extreme low.

He did it until some of the bones in Carl's face cracked. With one final punch he mad Carl unconscious. Next he looked back and saw a boomerang coming at him but Gabriel caught it and broke. Gabriel saw Lucien escaping and instantly appeared in front of him. "You three were not bad as him but you should be punished for messing with the drug.

Lucien punched but Gabriel caught his hand and he tried by left hand but the same happened. Gabriel moved his head back and landed it on the face of Lucien. Lucien felt as if a granite stone had hit his face. His face bleeded and Gabriel delivered a kick to his gut and punch after that. He kept on hitting Lucien until the bones in Lucien fractured. Lucien fell down with wounds all over his body.

Clara came from behind without armor and used Barina's staff but it flew away from her hand after Roxanne launched seismic waves.

Gabriel grabbed her hand and broke her wrist before throwing her over his shoulders. The impact was so high that the ground's dust scattered with impact on the ground. She lost consciousness immediately.

He saw Lucien writhing in pain while rest of them were unconscious. Gabriel held his left hand where blood was flowing along with his back. He tore off his shirt and a muscular physique came out. The girls were mesmerised on seeing it.

"Stupid bastards. Phew." spitted Gabriel on the ground. He had to hold back which was tough. He looked at the position where Rina is camouflaged and transformed his hand into cannon. "If you don't come out of there I'll vaporise you and remove all your traces." saaid Gabriel.

Rina was shocked and came out. "A stupid bitch with nothing but father's support." said Gabriel as he appeared near her and kept on punching until her face bleeded.

Harriet and Roxanne were terrified with his brutality. Gabriel gave a chop and put her down unconscious.

"You two should take the girl's bodies to transport stone while I bring those unconscious bastards." as he went and dragged both Lucien and Carl's bodies. Gabriel dragged their bodies and placed them at transport stone before using blasters to destroy the runes. He went along with the girls and teleported from there.