
The Path of a Demon King: A Tale of Ambition and Revenge

In a grim and desolate world governed by ancient laws that have bound demons since the world's inception, a profound awakening stirs the previous demon King from his eternal slumber. Erupting from the depths of the underworld, his once-majestic physique is reduced to decay, his wings tattered and frayed. Fiery red eyes, burning with a threatening fury, survey the unfamiliar and disdainful new realm that unfurls before him. Yet, the demon King harbors no intentions of idle observation. His purpose is to conquer and subjugate, wielding his arcane mastery to absorb the powers of those who possess magic. His path blazes with destruction, leaving behind a trail of ruin and despair. With each victim ensnared, his powers surge to heights unimaginable, and his insatiable thirst for blood and dominion grows evermore ravenous. As the demon King's might intensifies, the boundaries between worlds begin to erode, and disgusting creatures slither through the cracks of reality. Drawn to the dark allure of the demon's malefic energy, they flock to his side, forming a ghastly legion. Their eyes glimmer with a sinister luminescence, and their claws drip with the promise of untold suffering and death. Shrouded in impenetrable darkness, the world trembles under the oppressive reign of terror. People huddle within their feeble sanctuaries, fervently praying for salvation from the demonic monarch and his unholy horde. Yet, escape proves impossible as the relentless onslaught ensues. The demon King and his minions relentlessly hunt down those who dare defy them, their powers swelling with each conquest, as the world plunges further into an abyss of everlasting dread.

Brianx_Ngo · Fantaisie
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65 Chs

Chapter 15

Astaroth stood at a distance, observing the frontline where humans and goblins are about to clash. He had no vested interest in which side would emerge victorious in the war; what truly fuelled his desires was the sheer destruction of both men and monsters. The goblin king's power had been transformed by his influence, and this upcoming battle promised to be truly captivating.

The demon king surveyed the human side, his eyes fixating on a man adorned in gleaming golden armor. To his left and right stood knights donned in an array of vibrant colors. A white-armored figure stood prominently to the left of the man in golden armor, while a knight clads in fiery red armor guarded his right. The metallic sheen of their armor hinted at its formidable construction, augmented with potent enchantments.

Astaroth's gaze narrowed, a sly grin creeping across his face. "I see they've mustered their finest knights," Astaroth chuckled darkly, his voice carrying an air of unwavering confidence. "But they are but frail beings, no match for the might of a demon king. Soon, they shall witness the true extent of my creation."

As the goblin army closed in, the dire situation of the Kingdom became unmistakably apparent. The once distant threat had transformed into a formidable force of two hundred thousand, an expansive sea of green that seemed to have no end. From his tower, King Borosik surveyed the vast mass of goblins, but his gaze remained unyielding, filled with unwavering confidence. Deep within his heart, he refused to succumb to despair, knowing that his forces may only amount to only a hundred and twenty thousand. In the face of the imminent onslaught, he embraced the challenge with unwavering resolve.

Within Castle Clovershire, the elite sentinels honed their weapons with steady hands, their eyes gleaming with determination and unwavering resolve. They understood the daunting task ahead, yet their spirits remained unyielding. Each sentinel embraced their role as the final guardians of the Kingdom, embracing the weight of their duty with unwavering confidence.

Outside the castle walls, the goblin horde grew restless, their malevolent gazes brimming with insatiable craving. They savored the anticipation of the suffering they would unleash upon the Kingdom, relishing in their sadistic delight. Their chilling laughter pierced the night, instilling a sense of dread and trepidation within any who dared to listen. Even the moon itself seemed to cower, casting a haunting, pallid glow upon the land as if acknowledging the impending calamity that awaited the Kingdom.

Yet, despite the impending doom that loomed over them, the sentinels of Castle Clovershire stood tall, exuding unshakable confidence. They knew the road ahead would be arduous, but their unwavering belief in their abilities and the strength of their unity fuelled their determination. With every weapon sharpened and every heart brimming with resolve, they were ready to face the onslaught head-on, knowing that their unwavering spirit would be their greatest weapon.

The thunderous beat of the battle drums resonated through the air, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. It was a foreboding sound that heralded the imminent arrival of the goblin army. With each chilling scream that pierced the night, the Kingdom's darkest nightmares were brought to life. The goblin horde approached, their insatiable thirst for blood evident in their malevolent eyes, and their wicked blades gleaming under the moonlight.

Amidst the sea of green, a towering figure emerged—a formidable presence that commanded the goblin forces. His name was Zeeke, the mighty goblin army commander, and his stature alone instilled fear in the hearts of all who stood against him. Under his guidance, the goblin army was divided into various divisions, each led by a different goblin leader.

Goblin warriors, fierce and battle-hardened, were assigned the task of sending the goblin grunts charging forward, while the cunning goblin shamans stood ready to unleash their elemental magic, providing crucial support to the relentless onslaught.

Confidence radiated from Zeeke as he surveyed his assembled forces. He knew that victory was within his grasp, for his army was a well-oiled machine, ready to unleash chaos and devastation upon the realm. He had been surprised when the transformed goblin king arrived a day ago. The power emanating from him surpassed all logic. Once again, Zeeke found himself humbled by sheer strength. In his lifetime, he knew he would never be able to reach the level of the goblin king.

As Zeeke pondered Zarku's instructions, he couldn't help but wonder about the new master to whom his king had submitted. The thoughts swirled in his mind, fuelling a mix of curiosity and unease. However, deep within him, a flicker of confidence ignited. Zeeke knew that while he may never match the goblin king's power, he possessed strengths and skills that could prove invaluable in the battles to come and if the new master acknowledges his contributions then he could be given new powers as well.

With a commanding gesture from Zeeke, his hand cutting through the air, the goblin warriors surged forward, their primal instincts unleashed. A cacophony of grunts filled the air as they charged toward the castle, driven by their insatiable thirst for battle. Arrows rained down upon them from the castle's ramparts, but the goblins pressed on undeterred, fueled by an unyielding determination.

As the arrows found their marks, goblin bodies fell, creating a gruesome tableau of twisted limbs and blood-soaked ground. Yet, the goblin shamans, shrouded in dark robes, chanted their incantations with fervor. Flames burst forth from their outstretched hands, hurtling towards the castle walls, seeking to engulf the hidden soldiers within.

Ladders were hastily mounted against the fortress walls, and the goblin horde climbed with reckless abandon. Their numbers seemed endless, dwarfing the volley of arrows raining upon them. A sense of impending doom hung in the air as if the very fabric of the world trembled in the face of this horde.

Amid chaos and carnage, Zeeke stood tall, his eyes gleaming with confidence and a tinge of wicked delight. He delighted in the terror he instilled in the hearts of those defending the castle, relishing their futile attempts to repel the relentless goblin onslaught.

Zeeke could not resist the searing heat of battle; his blood boiled with primal fury. With a thunderous war cry, the goblin commander pull out his two-handed axe and hurled himself into the fray. Towering in size and possessing raw power, Zeeke effortlessly scaled the castle walls in three mighty bounds, rendering the defending soldiers powerless before him. His eyes transformed into a fiery crimson hue as he mercilessly dispatched the nameless soldiers.

However, just as Zeeke reveled in his dominance, a chilling sense of foreboding gripped him. In the chaos, a blinding flash of white appeared before him, momentarily blurring his vision. And there, standing defiantly in front of him, was a figure adorned in gleaming, pure white armor, wielding a sword that emanated an ethereal radiance.

"You will go no further, Zeeke," declared the renowned First Knight Commander of the kingdom, Alfred Atheling, his voice dripping with confidence and determination. Without waiting for a response from the goblin, Alfred thrust his sword forward, launching a relentless onslaught of strikes toward Zeeke. The clash of metal reverberated through the air as Zeeke swiftly raised his massive axe to parry the blows.

Alfred's eyes blazed with unwavering determination, his every movement a symphony of calculated precision. Meanwhile, Zeeke's twisted grin revealed a sadistic delight in the chaos unfurling around them. With each clash of steel, realization began to seep into Zeeke's consciousness: he was facing a truly formidable opponent. Rumors of the kingdom's twelve legendary knights, each possessing varying degrees of skill, had reached his ears. They were known as the pinnacle of strength in the realm, but there was one more figure, a renowned general whose power surpassed even theirs, said to be one of the greatest in the world.

Zeeke's instincts told him that he needed to focus all his attention on this battle; any wrong move could cost him his life. He swung his axe with sheer determination, channeling every ounce of strength into his arms, raising the intensity to another level. Each time his axe clashed with his opponent's sword, sparks erupted, a testament to their fierce struggle. Alfred, witnessing Zeeke's resilience, was both astonished and horrified that he couldn't swiftly defeat him, only to find the goblin's strength increasing with each passing moment.

While Alfred valiantly fought off Zekee, Aella, Galahad, and Edward took charge of leading the soldiers in the battle before the castle, staunchly holding their ground against the relentless horde of goblins. Aella, clad in her crimson armor, emanated an aura of unwavering determination, her blade cutting through the enemy ranks with precision and grace. Galahad and Edward donned gleaming silver armor, and fought alongside her, their swords slashing through the goblin army like molten steel.

Their collective might inspired both fear and awe in the hearts of their adversaries, the goblins faltering under the weight of their onslaught. With each swing of their blades, they exuded an air of unshakable confidence, as if the outcome of the battle had long been sealed in their favor.

Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage, there lingered an underlying sense of horror. The goblins though outnumbered, fought with a viciousness that defied their stature. Their bloodshot eyes glowed with an unholy fervor, their gnarled teeth bared in snarls of rage. The battlefield echoed with their bloodcurdling screams, a chilling chorus that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest soldiers.