
The path I walk to becoming invincible

As a young man was walking down the street thinking of what to do with his boring lonely life, where his family disowned him for not being smart enough his and girlfriend left him for not being rich enough, something that he wished for like most otaku around the world happens to him. He gets the chance to be reborn in another world, full of magic and wonder. Watch as he rises up to the top of the world so that he will never be scorned by any of his loved ones again. Watch the beginning of a legend. Disclaimer for any of y'all cease and desist nibbas, it's a fan-fic. That and the fact that I have legit no way of earning money from this due to country of residence and my age, plus the concept that if I want to piggyback off someone else's creation I sure as hell wouldn't put it in a blatant way, like for example using names from the original. But just to be extra suuuuuper sure I don't get my house raided by the FBI, I own nothing happened in this. Characters other than my OCs are owned by their respective owners (who in case wasn't clear, is not me) and any placed or names used are purely coincidental and not a personal attack or something like that (don't want a Dominos' Noid case on my hands fellas). If there's a cover (doubtful at best) that you made on this novel(in other words I didn't draw or something) and want me to remove use the comments system and publicly tell me so that I feel shame and remove it. If I don't respond right away don't go ape-shit tho please and chill for a couple days-a couple months cause I have regular internet issues. That should about do it, right?

Goblin_of_Trash · Autres
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20 Chs


Hi, I have no idea what i want to do with this "invincible saint salaryman" fan-fic but we'll see where this goes.

It'll probably follow the same beginning as the original but instead of Luciel (mc of the original by broccolilion) being reincarnated another dude who really just wants to become as op as possible since he reads way too many webnovels from the isekai genre.

Since I've got the worst naming sense in the history of existence I'll probably leave it up to you guys to name the mc, but I'm thinking of taking the original author's idea of using names of angels and demons (Satan instead of Luciferre but the angel name is a blank right now) so it's either going to be an original name or based on broccolilion's idea.

This is my first attempt at writing so if you got ideas I'm all ears but if you are going to just spam curses in the reviews or comments I would prefer that you don't. If you think the direction the plot is moving is bad or you don't like how I portrayed someone/something then we could probably talk it out in the comments but if you have nothing to say other than the author is retarded or that you are confused why people read this then maybe find yourself another novel or hell write your own novel since you and only you know what you want best.

Last thing I'm a uni student but we got a break right now cause the protests in my country (Sudan) are lit af what with police going call of duty on the protesters and people blocking roads with burning tires so i might have to drop this within the next half a year but if I do I'll make a chapter or announce it on somewhere.

Ps. I am unable to stick to a schedule so updates can go from 11 chapters in an hour (if I'm I dunno super motivated and maybe on cocaine (i wish)) to 1 chapter every month.