
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

39.Shadow moving sect

Kang sheng looked at the crowd.

"All of you are making fun of me .right

Guards continue to grab whoever comes your way .I don't care whether they belongs to someone or not .if they struggle beat them "

"Old man I will give you a favor on behalf of kang clan . don't interfere "kang sheng told qiang .

"We don't need your favor .they all belongs to me .keep your hands off them " lin tian had already noticed commotion .he had to come out .he couldn't believe someone from prominent clan was treating peasants like this .He couldn't blame them if he didn't wanted to help .it was personal choice .

But to come and bully and using force to forcefully take them . wasn't it 'adding salt to the injury 'These people had already suffered enough .Their home ,their belongings , everything they had built up to now was destroyed .some lost their important once .They traveled to this city .facing unknown dangers to survive .To seek protection.But here They met scum like this .who instead of helping .only knew how to abuse them .

To exploit them to the bitter end .inside the restaurant he heard about kang clan . According to staff .if these people were taken to kang clan. They will be exploited and treated less than a dog .they will either end up dead or disabled .In any case they won't live for long .

"What do you say .you don't want my kang clan's favor .are you refusing my clan "kang sheng was steamed .

"Yes .if your clan is just like you .I don't need your favor " lin tian

Young master stop don't cause trouble .

"I don't care I will take them today by force .if you don't agree .you can face my clan's wrath " kang sheng .

"All these slaves are registered in my name .They are my property.with magistrate's approval .They are officially registered .if you do something I will have to seek knights "lin tian showed him a document with magistrate's seal.

"You officially registered them as slaves .what kind of idiot are you .do you know what it means to register them " kang sheng was stunned .

To register them officially meant .The owner couldn't do as he pleased with the slaves .once slaves dies or killed there should be clear reason.owner will have to compensate the slaves family .once they died or killed .once slaves served the owner for 10 years .He could start receiving salary after 10 years time .After another 10 years slave would be free .owner will have no stake over slaves life .Slave could do whatever he wanted .What if slave wanted revenge after many years later .it was very dangerous decision.

Regardless of what he thought .if they were really registered officially.That means behind them was magistrate .That means there was chance he had to explain in front of magistrate if he took them forcefully.

At this time from inside the carriage 4 figures came out .

"Lord kang you are taking too long .you said you will gift us slaves for free. If you weren't capable.you should have told us .we could have went to slave market it was just cities away ."

"No...the situation is like this "kang sheng ashamed explained to the four figures of what was happening.

Just like silver tail city .many wandering cultivators had appeared in sword edge city to search for treasure that appeared some days ago . cultivators with some good background were staying in noble clans like his kang clan .These 4 were also guest in their clan .They wanted slaves for them .so he brought them here to give slaves as free .And earn their favor .but unexpectedly he was really unlucky today. .The situation was not in his favor .

"Is that all..that just means we will have to grab them ourselves.magistrate's authority may limit you .but we don't belong to this city .he has no say over us."one of the 4 replied and pointed to lin tian

"Whoever you are .we will buy these slaves from you .we belong to "shadow moving sect "don't even think about saying no .unless you want to face serious consequences."one of them threatened.

"No " lin tian replied simply.

"You are serious ohh .I don't believe everyone of them belongs to you ."disciple 1

"Anyone who is willing to become slaves of us .can get a heavenly chance at cultivation.

If you want to leave long .Or to gain immortality . cultivation is must "disciple 2

"Do anyone of you want to cultivate.if so there is chance .In our sect everyone cultivates .whether they are slave or not . Everyone has chance to soar in the sky "disciple 3

"Can we really cultivate in your sect "

"Ofcourse there is no distinction in cultivation . everyone can cultivate "disciple 4

"You are not lying to us "

"There is no lie I swear to the heavens everything I said is true ".disciple 2

"I want to cultivate.i am willing to be slave "

"But aren't you his slave .we can't take you .if there is already owner "disciple 3

"No I lied I belong to no one .from now on you are my owner .I just want to cultivate "

"Me too .I also want to cultivate "

"Is this true once you cultivate you no longer need to eat or drink."

"Indeed its true in higher realm of cultivation there is no need to eat .one can live on air alone and for millenium."

Instantly the group was divided in those wanted to cultivate or those who hesitated which side to choose on .

"Elder qiang ."

"Sigh young master don't ask .you have already done enough "

"Elder qiang I kind of understand the betrayal you talked about .I am angry .I just protected them .but they have just changed sides so quickly "lin tian

"Since you understand let's go young master "qiang

"No tell me about "shadow moving sect " I want to hear if what they said is true "

"What they have said is indeed true .but there is a catch .In order to get the chance to cultivate they will have to survive against each other first .most of them will die before they get the chance to cultivate.Not to mention whether they have aptitude for cultivating is undecided"qiang

There were others things he knew about shadow moving sect but he decided not to disclose them ."However it is considered very normal among sects .A selection to decide the best among 1000s"

Lin tian nodded. And asked a question to the figures on carriage .

"So your sect is recruiting disciples this month "


"I heard that Sects only recruits people two times a year .During starting of summer and winter .is your sect still recruiting "

"I don't think I need to answer your question."

"Yeah don't disturb us "

"Don't overreach "

"I heard that there are some shady groups .who pretend to be high ranking cultivators .They tricks others to gain their everything and later kill them "

"What do you mean are you calling us fakes "

"No I am just telling that you are tricking them "

"Nobody has heard about where shadow moving sect exists .if you all don't believe me .you can ask kang lord .if he knows ."

"Shadow moving sect is just hoax you created in order to trick them .Everyone they are just speeding your deaths . They will take you to unknown place and than kill you there Don't fall for it "

Clang !

A metallic sound rang as a sword hit energy barrier around lin tian .He was attacked by one of the "shadow moving sect"disciple.

Elder qiang instantly moved .before the disciple could flee .he was grabbed by elder qiang ."you have eaten tiger's gallbladder I see " now die " elder qiang was about to crush the disciple's throat .

"Elder stop "

"I told the truth .so you want to kill me "lin tian

"No ...I just wanted to deal with you "he wanted to say .but his voice came out hoarse .when looked at elder qiang he understood what he needed to do .To stay alive .

He nodded.

"Your friends are leading them to death .right "


"Were your friends tricking them "

"Yes "

"Everyone you heard it .They were just tricking you .Rest is your choice ."

Elder qiang released the man .he wobbled to his team.

"Senior brother why did you stop us from speaking .That brat defamed us.And you also said yes to everything "

"That old man would have killed me.if I said anything other yes "

"But that brat also talked about key points .we can't expose our sect's location.our sect's recruitment is also held secretly.we had no retort .so I thought of killing him .But I didn't expect he had defense treasure "

"Senior brother than do we have to bear the humiliation"

"For now .we don't have any elder with us ."

"But he also can't protect these peasants for long .we will grab these peasants and refine their blood later on .These peasants he protected will become stepping stone for our cultivation .Their blood and bones I will make use of everything "

"Ohhh .So that's how your shadow moving sect is treating my city's peasants " A thunderous voice sounded from above grabbing everyone's attention.

When they looked up a man was floating above .He slowly landed in between the crowd .facing shadow moving sect disciples.He said .

"Your shadow moving sect is rather brave to treat my city's people as nourishment.Is this your intention or the people behind you ."

"Magistrate....city magistrate."kang sheng exclaimed.

"Kang brat you are together with these sect disciples.Is it because of your clan's intention"

"No.... Its my personal intention.i just felt they were good friends .I didn't knew they were like this. "Kang sheng knew he had to protect his clan's name . otherwise He will be punished from both side .

"City magistrate this person humiliated and defamed our sect . because of that we might have said some unpleasant things in anger . please punish us " All four disciples bowed and said .

"Your sect is infamous for doing bad things . And to treat weak human as expendebles for your use .All of you were also trained like this . does he need to defame you "Magistrate replied

"We ask for your forgiveness city magistrate.But don't inform our elders about this ".They were very clear with their sect 's punishment.Their sect would not punishment for trying to kill some humans.But for leaving clues connecting to their sect's .The punishment would be torturous and painful.

"I don't want to see anyone from 'shadow moving sect's in my city .Leave before tonight "magistrate

"Kang brat you are local .why are you mingling with outsiders who wants to harm our city .Did you also disturb food distribution for homeless "magistrate

"Yes.i didn't knew it was with magistrate's approval.".kang sheng

"Feeding the hungry is good deed.Outsiders are feeding the homeless and earning good karma .I don't see your clan doing anything good.But taking advantage of situation to gather cheap workforce. On top of that you tried to stop food distribution"

"I will need your clan to answer some questions.inform your patriarch to meet me .leave "magistrate waved his hand . signalling kang sheng to leave . Later he said to restaurant staff ."You can continue distributing food .knight captain should be coming any time now .You can ask for any help from them " .

He calmly walked in front of lin tian and invited him to eat in restaurant.Lin tian , qiang and magistrate were sitting on table .The special dishes were served to them because of magistrate.

"Kang brat isn't stupid enough to challenge my authority.so it must be you who tore the agreement."

Lin tian nodded . previously elder qiang had explained the use of special agreement sheet .So he just made use of it .To summon magistrate.

"By making use of me .you have earned huge debt .How will you repay me ."

"I....."lin tian had no answer.he can't pay him with money right .

"Because of young master magistrate can discipline kang clan and warn others .I think that repays the favor ."qiang replied for lin tian

Magistrate didn't say anything and started eating .

"if this old man wasn't with you .you brat would have already died 4 times .Courage should go with one 's capability .And not with sense of justice ."

"A mortal can never beat cultivator with sense of justice or intelligent.your instinct of sensing danger is very dull "

"Young master is experiencing world .in the future he would be different "qiang

"What does sir magistrate wants to say "lin tian

"Simpleminded ,softminded, occasionally intelligent,otherwise dull ,sense of justice ,But not capable ,with backbone of steel ,Mature from outside ,but inside amateur,spoiled ,with sense of responsibility,

Lacks worldly understanding.You won't become strong with weak heart .even if you cultivate "magistrate

"I don't beleive magistrate's words

"Let's add 'Not trusting others' to the list."

"Anyway you have offended kang clan and.he will definitely take revenge on you .

Since you have already used me .you are already in debt .I won't mind helping more and becoming a firewall.In return you just have to do small things .make the residence you bought lively again and another is :-

My father left a momento in that residence.if one day you find it .please give it back to me .it is very hidden .so I never find it .If you can't find it forget it .If you do find it you must give me ."magistrate said with some melancholy in his eyes

"If I find it I will definitely give it to you .what does it look like "lin tian

"I don't know it's shape .but it should be very well hidden .so it will be noticeable with first glance "magistrate

Knight captain came in this time .He bowed

"Sir magistrate there is crowd outside not moving .saying they regret their decision and feel guilty. They want to repay the gratitude of saving their lives .what to do with them "

"They are probably here for you brat .you can make them work for you.since you have spent effort .it's natural they repay you "magistrate left with knight captain.seeing the magistrate the crowd parted and made way .