
The past has return

Meet Sophie Avery, the sweeter girl who has a crush on her best friend’s big brother. Noah Smith the total badass and player who has never been in love and Davina his little sister When everything was finally working out for Sophie after everything she has been through, her life goes upside down after she discovers that Noah has come back from Europe. This relationship was hard to work and besides Noah’s secret, she was madly in love with him. When Noah reappears in her life, there is already competition waiting for him. Will Sophie come back with Noah forgetting everything or will she give herself a new opportunity?

Yordalys_Rodriguez · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I can't believe we are in a junior year already after everything I came through. It's difficult for me not to think of what I could have done.


You can't blame yourself for others decision, my brother decided to go besides everyone told him not to, it was his decision and you did everything in your power to stop him

I know, anyway, is being a rough summer. Losing my parents, my aunt, and your brother almost at the same time

Hey girls, how are you two doing?

That was Mia, the most popular girl in the school

OMG Sophie, how are you holding everything? I'm so sorry I couldn't be at your parent's funeral. Has Noah called you yet?

MIA... Says Davina with an expression on her face

What did I do? I was just asking

It's ok Davina, no, he hasn't called me since he left.

Who is that guy? Davina says

Has an interesting back

Maybe is the happiness that you deserve

My face showed a smile for the first time since last summer.

This year will be a blast, you just have to let the happiness flow through your veins again. I know It hurts like hell but you can't live in the past forever. I will be here every step of the way as your best friend, your sister by choice.

My eyes went watery and my mind wanted to explode.

While I was taking the notebook from my locker my phone rings and the screen shows what I was expecting a long time ago, Noah was finally reaching me.

Davina!!! Your brother is calling

Well don't block yourself and answer the phone Sophie

I wanted to answer but maybe he was just playing. While I was wondering if answer it or not the phone stopped.

Well, it stopped, I wanted to answer it so badly but I am scared of what he was going to say. I don't want to suffer again, he left me without saying goodbye, he just left me all alone when I needed him the most.

I understand but I thought maybe you wanted an explanation of what he did or why he did it, but hey, I'm here and will support you whatever you decide to do.

Time to go to class, see you in history. You know I love you right?

Yes I do

Ok, kisses bye.

Entered the classroom and when I look beside me there was him, the new mystery guy, seated next to me.

Hello, I'm Declan Marshall, it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl; be honored to seat next to her every day. What is your name beautiful?

Hi, such gentlemen. There are no such people like you anymore. My name is Sophie

What a beautiful name

Thanks. You are new right because I haven't seen you before. This is a small town so basically, everybody knows everybody.

Yes, I just move here. I came to take over my family Bussines. It's not what I like though but as a good son, I don't like to disappoint my parents. Since I was a kid they dreamed about this day when I finally take over the family company so I just make them happy and proud of doing it.

Time to go but hey there is this party at night, Do you want to go? It's a kind of religion after the first day of school. But hey, don't feel obligated or anything

No, I don't feel anything of that. It will be a pleasure to go to the party just to see you there, don't take the wrong way just that you are the only person I have spoken to.

See you at the party then.

I wasn't capable of taking off my memory the phone call, why was he calling now? I'm getting my life back since he parted and now mysteriously he has an appearance.

This guy seems nice, came from a good family, it's pretty handsome, elegant, why not let me try a friendship, who knows maybe it ends in something else.

The hours were passing while I was trying to forget about everything and focused on me.

I prepared for the party, choose my cloth, did my hair and makeup, and got ready to start a new beginning.

Sophie speed up we're late

I'm coming

OMG, you're so beautiful and sexy. This is how I want to see you every day. You're so beautiful, smart, kind, you just have to let people see the Sophie I see

Davina, I know you want to make me feel good and I appreciate that but we can let the cheat chat for later, we're late remember.

We finally made it to the party on time. Maybe that was what I need after passing through a rough summer, but anyway nothing can take away that my parents aren't with me, that I'm all alone in the world. I can make an exception, I can try and be happy again, I know that my parents will be proud.

Enter the party and Declan was leaning on the bar.


Hey, you're finally here, I was looking for you everywhere.

I know sorry, caught me a little late

Don't worry now that you're finally here is when the party started for me

Haha, Are you always like these?


I don't know, so enthusiastic, gentlemanly.

Yes, my parents tough me how to treat a beautiful girl like you.

And I'm so grateful for that.

He makes me laugh, makes me feel safe like I deserve everything. I think I can let myself care again.

So, beautiful Sophie, tells me something about you.

There's no much to say, my life is a total disaster. Last summer my parents died before I could even see them, my aunt left the house leaving me all by myself, and the man who I thought was the love of my life left me without any explanation, and that it is.

I'm so sorry about your parents and your aunt. I couldn't think of any of these, you look so calm.

I know, I just show what the people want to see, but inside I'm broken, sorry.

My head looked down with my eyes full of tears when he grabs me and says:

Don't be, I'm not like the other people, I want to see what's inside you, help with your grief, and mend any harm you have.

At this time I felt so overwhelmed, maybe I need to do what Davina says, maybe it's time for me to be happy again.

While looking to Declan and realizing that maybe he is the one who will try to end this suffering inside me, the person who was never supposed to appear just stud in front of me like anything ever happened.

Hi Sophie
