



From: Megan Adams

To: Scarlett Hudson

You know how I always believed that there was good in this world, that the universe had a way of ultimately making things okay.

Well, guess what? The universe finally proved me wrong.

There is no balance. There is no justice in this world. Bad, unspeakable things happen to people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve them.

Sometimes things get taken from you, things you can never get back.

Men are despicable, vile creatures Scarlett. Don't trust them. Don't trust anyone.

Trust, love, happiness; these feelings are a trap, something monsters can use to hurt you. Don't let people in, the moment you open your heart to someone they're going to hurt you, they will strip away your soul until you're left with nothing.

I'm glad you left this god-forsaken place Scar.

I hope you never come back.

What happened to you Megan?

Who hurt you?