
Celebrating Victory, Night

The party has just returned from a successful quest and they are celebrating in the local tavern. The fighter and the swordsman are drinking ale and telling stories of their adventure while the mage and the monk sit at the table listening. It is late and the others have decided to call it a night, leaving only the three heroes sitting around a fire that is slowly getting smaller by the minute. They were just discussing when the door suddenly opened, a young man stumbling in followed by some other men. Everyone looks up at the new arrival with curious expressions.

"Excuse me," the man gasps as he stands upright on his feet. He seems to be trying to catch his breath. "I need help. My name's...is...Myrtius..."

"Where do you think you're going? Get back here!" one of the men shouted after him as he quickly runs off into the dark night, out of sight. The group watches for a moment until one of them walks in and asks: "What did I miss?"

"Nothing," the leader smiles and turns back to the fire. "A stranger came in through the door, He came to ask for our assistance, then fled from being chased.". the Rogue Muttered...

"Our help?! What can we do to help?!" The cleric exclaims enthusiastically before noticing zero motivation behind his comrades. "Wait...what does 'our help' mean exactly?" the leader wryly said...

The young Cleric noticibly excited about the possible call to adventure "We have to Help Him!! Our help means we save the day!!!! Doesn't it???

His question gets no answer though because everyone had already moved on to another topic, ignoring his query completely.

"So anyway," one of them continues, "We defeated a monster and saved the day! Isn't that right.

"If your just going to sit here and gloat about the past, when we have heroing to do in the present..

cutting off the cleric the Rogue Mumbled almost to herself...

"We don't know where he was heading, but if you could find out your way to there trail shouldn't be any problem..."

"Go after him if you want, if you can still catch up to him!" chimes in the Fighter...

..."Playing hero" the Rogue finishes, Glaring at the Fighter annoyed at being interupted.

and with the Glimmering look of youth in the clerics eyes, he vanishes out the door without another word.

After that no one says anything more about it, but everyone is still staring at the place where the cleric disappeared into the darkness. The fire crackles cheerfully. There are no more jokes about how heroic the fight was that day. As usual, no one talked, or even noticed how quiet it got in the tavern.

After a few minutes the leader gets up from his seat and leaves in the direction where the cleric went.

Maybe he'll go after that guy and rescue him, who knows." mumbled the Warrior, shrugging his shoulders as he finished his drink. As soon as the rest of them finish drinking the bartender gives them money and tells them to go back home safe and sound.

No one else seemed too bothered about it, so they continued their night together as usual.

Further up the main road the leader of the party scouted the streets for any sign of the fugitive, the thugs chasing him, or the cleric chasing after them.

He let out a long and tired sigh

It hasn't been long since his younger half brother and him were reunited..he managed to avoid the windfall after everything fell apart back then, being sheltered and raised in A conveentt monastery.

While he the older illegitimate child learned his stripes on the streets. no better feelings from it it was how we learned his trade.

how we got into adventuring in the first place. it all happened so fast and yet, so slowly and it. He had been trained as a Noble warrior to become the next Knight of Arms,, but things just didn't add up, everything changed when his father died. His brother was shipped away before he knew it and he was left to join the army as a squire.

when he heard about the Chantry, running up to him screaming his name three towns and three weeks ago, he couldn't believe himself.

a story about the convent sending him to the local village for aid relief and healing. and since then he's been following his party to the current city.

he never expected to meet him again, and definitely not somewhere like that, but he felt drawn to him.

after all, why wouldn't someone with such a tragic story end up joining the Knights?

The Rogue Mumble's words ring in his ears. She sounded like she genuinely cared about his younger brother, and he wasn't surprised.

She had a soft spot for the weak and vulnerable....