
The Parasite's Evolution To Supremacy

Chronicles Of New World was a game that was known all over the world for being the most fun and challenging game. This was a Virtual Reality Game and you could play it using what they called; Recreation Helmet. It should be the most outstanding and the happiest day of my life because I was sure that I can now reach the highest level. However, something unexpected happened afterward. Yap. I successfully reached max level, however, the next second after that, my levels started to decrease until it "the level" turned back to zero.  I thought it was just some kind of bug or whatever, so I tried to log out, only to find out, I was no longer able to. . . . This is a story of a young man named Arthur who used to play games every day as his pastime, however, unexpectedly got stuck in the game after reaching the max level. Watch as how he, who got stuck and lost all his experience when he came back to level zero, once again soars towards the sky and finds how to log out. Fortunately, in exchange for his lost levels and all skills, he gained an OP race, Ancient Parasite.  With his new race, he obtained the ability to steal skills, shapeshift and become more aggressive in leveling up. Ps. Cover not mine. Credit to the True Artist...

Monarch_Of_Death · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

First Evolution: Am I A Human? Or A Parasite?

Right now, I am full of doubts and can't think too much of a clear goal.

Am I still a human or a parasite? I just underwent an evolution a while ago. But I don't know if it's still a game or not.

Everything is just like a dream, until now, yet I have to accept for me to be able to advance for better.

I am at the depth of the forest right now, and if you think that this is just a normal forest, you are wrong.

I am in the forest where high-ranking beasts or mobs reside. I came here to reach the max level, but ended up stuck and drained into zero useless levels.


I cannot help yet yawn in distress as I laid in the sea of grasses. With a "bang", I let my body fall on the ground.

I could see the dim sky, of course, I was facing it. Hehe!

Currently, it is dawn yet I'm still not sleeping.

I didn't even feel that time was running as I was in the process of evolving a while ago.

Ah! Thinking of evolving, I could feel that my body strength rose.

I feel better than before.

Why did I come to this topic again?!

Forget it, just let my imagination turn wild while I'm waiting for my drowsiness to come.

Although I am at the place where supreme beasts reside, no one is coming to attack me.

There is plenty of time before the sun comes.

I decided to have a rest to have energy for tomorrow's journey.

Ah! I remembered I seem cleared of all the beasts in the vicinity that's why no one is coming here… I think that's how it is. Mhmmm…

[Though, not because it's past, means you have to forget about it, right?]

[Don't live in the past, but don't forget it, learn from it]

Now. Now. I think my system is now not part of the programmed game, it rarely speaks on its initiative. If I am a protagonist who died and got reincarnated with a system, I may be overjoyed with having a system, but in my case, I don't have that much time to overjoy its existence.

I should think about how to cope up in this place more than anything.

I should think about how to see this new life of mine as I sleep.


Based on my rich personal experience in this world that I gained with hundreds of battles and decades of journey, everything in this world is possible as long as you have the power of authority.

I ain't sure if this world is still the same structure as the virtual world I used to, though.

Why I am sure is, I have to escape from this forest as soon as possible, or if I could, maybe I should look if there is a corpse somewhere that I could use to experiment with my newly obtained ability.

After all, I killed too many beasts, right?

It's just that I am not sure if they didn't turn into sparkles after death.

The World was still a game at that time...

And now it seems different.

Unconsciously, as I was in chains of messy thoughts, maybe because of the exhaustion I have and the worries in my mind, I fell asleep on the grass.








I was woken up the next day to the different sounds coming from different sources.

My location was exposed to the sun that made the heat hit my whole body which also felt uncomfortable because I was asleep.

My whole body was covered with sweat when I woke up from my slumber.

There are also the roars of beasts...

Hopefully, no one attacked me while I was asleep.

Thinking about this matter about beasts, I hopped on my foot and did some exercises to wake all my blood cells before I'll start my journey.



And other exercises...


Before I fell asleep yesterday, I thought of a plan for what to do first.

Currently, it is clear to me that I am not in the position to be able to kill any beast in this place.

It's should be safest to get out from here and go to the place where weaker beasts reside. It has been a decade since I tried to kill low-level mobs after all and I am kind of excited about it and at the same time, nervous.

With my current skills and strength, I guess hunting low-level beasts won't give me too much trouble.


I wish it won't give me too much trouble...


Note: The MC is in a state of confusion, maybe you might think his way of thinking right now is to mess up, well, I did it on purpose…