
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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Let's Begin!

So this is why you didn't want to remember what happen to your friends. Yes! Please don't delve deeper into my past, i decided not to remember those moments i failed to complete. I'm sorry but you must remember what you done or-- please i plead don't make me watch it all over again! *Delves deeper and yet deeper...

Researcher 1: Well Lets do this!

eight days later...

Hello sir, i see that you applied to our company and it seems here you're an expert in all five fields interesting. We can use a person like you on our team the more geniuses the better!

Thank you sir i'm confident in my abilities.

*Nods... ok it seems here you're twenty-seven of age and your name is Sinifer Johnsin interesting, you worked as a software engineer for 3 years and the programming software you mastered are python, C++ and while your favorite is C sharp correct?

Yes sir.

So it seems here you have no criminal record of any kind you were a C student in highschool while having great knowledge in five fields. You applied too CBRC university at the age of 19 while being at the top of your class interesting.


I gotta say *Looks up and down the papers... You're pretty intelligence at your young age while you seemingly payed off six hundred thousand digital dollars worth of debt off "by yourself" heh i gotta say dude that's pretty impressive. I had to get my boss to pay off my college debt haha but don't tell anyone that i took the easy way out.

Hmph thank you sir I'm the smartest man in the world!

*poker face... Ok sure buddy, now it says you're great at socializing you're cooperative and independent. You're able to work three times faster then a average human astonishing like wow dude are you human?

Well i've pushed myself to my limit and researched and deconstruct everything i delved into, you see instead of the teacher teaching us instead i teached the teacher about the subject, sounds abnormal aye?

W-wow Sin you're actually... pretty lame, You know i interviewed a guy who's eleven times better then you in every way and how? Well in college instead of the teacher teaching the class he teached the "teachers" in the class while being the student that is teaching the teachers. You see his IQ was beyond anyone could ever imagined. When i interviewed him you know what he said? He said no! Let me interview you "instead". So he interviewed me i was scared because i could of failed the interview!

*Mumbles wait how is he scared of the guy he's interviewing but hes the interviewer wait what?

He asked me questions of my occupation i-i said i was a interviewer and a data scienctist then he said "Oh cool" then i got really shy at that very moment. He said i may not be eligible to get this job then i said please i want this job! I was shocked and shaking until he said "Actually i'm going to hire myself" after he hired himself he said "Look you got the job congratz!" I got so happy and it was a relief!

Wait what? i'm confused sir!

Ahem we're off topic sir. So if someone were to slack off during his or hers job what would you do?

Well its simple i will tell them to get back to work!

No you tell them if they don't get their bitch-ass back to work or else they will get a light saber shoved up there arse.

Huh? Wait can you re-phrase that?

Come on dude i thought you learn faster then this!

N-no its just that i suppose to bend them over then grab "a" glowing light saber and shove it up there arse?

Yes its the best punishment and besides the women like it the most i heard.


Ok next question if someone was caught initating the fabricate of the Life time of continuum what would you do?

... *What kind of question is THAT? Uh umm don't do it?

Great! You're pretty bright i do say so myself ok moving on.

How would you react if someone was caught sabotaging our research while in our facility?

Uh... Shove my big fat light saber up there arse?

There you go! Man you're learning quickly now if they don't yield to the first strike of the light saber what do you do next?

Thrust my light saber deeper into there arse?

NO NO NO idiot you thrust it down there throat not there arse if they don't learn from there first punishment then you gotta move on to the second punishment. Jeez even a child would know that, ugh but its fine you're doing well so far.

Now how would you react if you got a fat juicy glowing light saber shoved down your throat for being mmm bad...


Get on my knees and o-open wide and--

Accept your punishhhment my boy hehe don't be scared you deserved it. Now you want to know the third punishment?


Well i'm going to tell you anyway on the third punishment you gotta--

let them suck my light saber!

N-no you chop there legs off and arms so they can't run away once you do that, you stitch some nails into there chest and grab an seventeen inch long fabric and apply it to there body. Then once you do that it should be as if they were a backpack ready for a long adventure. Then once that happens you will have to drain all of there nutrients from there private area.

W-why woul-

Because simpleton the life force flows more down there it's where all the fun begins after you drained all of the nutrients from there body.

W-wait why there why it gotta be there!?

Because C-cum has the most nutrients flowing through the body anyone would know that, once you do that you want to prepare a scienitific ritual where we feast off of the persons brain. Drin-drinking it like a Wawa smoothie mmmh delicious.

D-duh fuck?!

Once we "Sucked" its brain fluids we then stitch some animal legs on its lower torso as if it were legs then we do the same to its upper torso as if it were arms. Then once she i mean he no once "IT" begins functioning we call it dumb-shit because it's so fucking dumb it doesn't even know where its going *Laughs His ASS OFF... HAHAHAH its so funny and messed up haha oh my goodness dude man. You want to know how Dumb-Shit barks? Well he does Console.Write(...); haha get it?

Haha you threw it a Programming language joke in there wow very creative.

Essentially if you didn't fully get the joke it doesn't bark because its so fucking retarded oh oh dude one time Dumb-shit was wondering around the hall ways it couldn't even open a door HAHAH Dude i Kicked the FUCK out of that thing! I Whaled on it with these hands bro i kicked it i tossed it i snapped its neck then i un-snapped it again.

Dude i FUCKED that thing up after i did that it was crying after that moment... i felt sorry and remorse but i soon realized it doesn't feel because its so retarded so i stomped the fuck outta that thing i did it over and over until it shut the fuck up then i left. Pretty funny huh?


Um uh...

Huff puff i guess no one thinks its funny... Moving on.

I'm not sure what i drank while writing this

Did you know while you're watching someone, someone else is watching you?

MajesticArtistscreators' thoughts