
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Skrull in the garage

Running non-stop, he finally made it to the Allen house breathless, he knocks on the door.

When Bella came out to see who it was, she saw Tony standing outside trying to catch his breath.

"Did you run all the way here" she asked him

"Nooooo" he tried to lie and seeing as she wasn't eating it "yes....yes I did" he said.

"Why are you here?" "you know I can't have friends over when I'm babysitting" she said

Before Tony could say anything she received a text from her dad which said

"He thinks you are in love with the kid" with three laughing emojis and two hearts.

"Wait you what?" She said showing Tony the screen of her phone.

"Okay wait.....I can explain.....this is a misunderstanding" looking at the phone again he said "whoa....that's a lot of emojis" "how old is your dad?".

Seeing as she got a bit irritated, he spoke seriously "okay.... I did not believe your dad when he told" Tony said trying to find the right words to say

"so why are you here?" She asked.

"I mean....you know....umm" "I didn't want your dad to think I didn't believe him" "you know..... I mean....I didn't want him to think I was....I was calling him a liar, so I played along and came here"

"Really?" She asked sarcastically

"Well, clearly he is a liar" he said

She sighs "come in, but you can't stay long, okay?"

"Yeah....yeah....cool, just gonna stay a little bit".

Inside the garage Micheal had a chance against the skrull seeing as the box messed with his powers.

He hit the skrull three consecutive times with his bow staff and it infuriated the skrull.

It rushed toward him and grabbed him tossing him towards a pile of stacked paint cans.

As they entered into the house, Lee was on the couch watching TV "so where's..... Micheal?" He asked Lee..

"Please stop" Bella said

"You can't bring people into our house" Lee said as he stood up from the couch.

"Yeah.... I know.....but he's not gonna stay long...so please don't tell your parents" she pleaded.

"I get to have the Ice cream for dinner" he bargained

"Yeah cool... whatever" she said

"So you are the boyfriend" Lee looked at him irritably "honestly, you are worse than I imagined" "what do you see in him?" He asked Bella

"She loves me for who..." Tony spoke but was stopped by a sound of clashing tin cans coming from the garage

"What was that?" Bella asked with a bit of fear in her tone.

"It's probably just Micheal and Clinton" Lee said, but then Micheal came flying through the door that led to the garage

"Get out" he screamed and Lucy who was in the room came out and seeing the skrull come out of the garage she screamed.

Bella immediately ran towards her and grabbed her hands.

The skrull was about attacking Micheal when Tony dashed towards it using his body weight to push the skrull into the kitchen.

"Get the box" Micheal said to Lee as he got up and went to the kitchen....

"Wait.....what box?" Bella asked confused, "no time" Lee yelled and quickly went to the garage.

He tossed Tony towards the fridge and having a feel of its powers coming back it lifted the oven severing the gas pipe.

He was about to toss the oven at Tony when Micheal came in and pushed him out the way.

"You okay?" Micheal asked

"Yeah" but he immediately winced as he felt a stinging pain on his right shoulder, it was one of the skrulls claw it stuck to him when he pushed the skrull...

"Are you okay" Micheal asked seeing the claw.

"Yeah.....it must have managed to attack me when I pushed it" "what is it anyway?" Tony asked.

"That I do not know" he said as they kept on throwing dishes at it and moving round the kitchen Island

Micheal saw the gas leaking, he took the bottle of pepper and through at it splash red hot pepper into its eyes.

"Go....go...go...go" He yelled at Tony.

As they went through the front door,

"give me your lighter"

"What makes you think, I have a lighter?" Tony asked

"Just give it"

He quickly hands him the lighter, he turned it on and threw it through the window.

"Run" he yelled

They ran forward towards Lee and the others who were already at a safe distance waiting for them.

"So why did you take my lighter?" Tony asked

Micheal turned around to see the house still in one shape "uh..... I guess I wa...." and immediately the house went up in flames.

Seeing the view "your mom is gonna kill me" Bella said.

The skrull jumped out through the window in flame, it screamed in pain.

"What is that?" Bella asked

"We don't know?" Lee said

"What is this" Bella asked pointing at the box

"It is a treasure chest?" Tony asked

Lee sighs

Just then Clinton runs towards them breathless "you guys will not believe what happened to me" he then noticed the scream "whoa...what is that?"

The fire on the skrull soon went out, so the skrull began walking towards them

"Uhh..... guys what's happening" Bella said bringing their notice to the skrull.

The skrull was completely weak so Micheal brought out a knife he had took from the kitchen then pierce it into its heart, it made a screeching sound towards the heavens but it didn't sound as if it was in pain.

"Okay.....I may not be the smartest person in the world but that sounded like a call for help" Tony said covering his wound from bleeding with his hand.

"We gotta go now" Micheal said....