
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


Inside the sailors meeting hall sat about thirty sailors , the hall was quite spacious that it gave a feel of the hundreds of sailors that came there during their gathering but now they were only few.

"Why are they only this number of you?" The Shopkeeper, Owen whispered to the head sailor as he could see that Proteus was already on the verge of exploding.

"This is all I could gather, many of our guys have gone looking for other jobs" the head sailor whispered back "but if your guy can do anything about the sea monster then I can make them back" the head sailor said.

As Owen walked towards Proteus, he spoke "okay, I know this is not what you expected, but..."

"Expected? This is a collosal waste of my time" Proteus spoke angrily

"Hey, dude are you going to help us or not, I've got a family to feed" one of the sailors spoke.

Proteus looked at him with anger in his eyes and as he walked towards him, he was held back by Owen.

"Listen to me, help and they'll bring more of their friends" he said "I know gods don't like being tested but you have no choice" he added.

He sighs.

"Good men. I know you've all been facing a very tough problem, about a sea monster called the kraken, but I am here to save you all"

"How do you plan on doing that?" Another sailor spoke

He sighs.

"You all don't know about me but I am a god"

The crowd looks at him for a while, then starts to laugh.

"Whoa, whoa, okay so you are a god, like the one Owen here sells portraits of" a sailor asked

"No....no...no.... He looks more like an egyptian god" another said while holding his laugh

Now that really offended him, being called an egyptian, he walked towards him and grabbed him by the neck with one hand, "I may not be the god I used to be but I can still kill a weakling like you humans" he let go of his neck causing him to fall to the ground and cough...

"Know this, I am Proteus the god of the seas and oceans and all the creatures who live in them, even the kraken will fall to my command, when you go out tomorrow, pray to me and I will protect you" he said with a very loud voice

"Zeus and the other gods, they don't care about you, but I do and I will give you back the sea" he said

He walks out of the room, "listen to him I've known him all my life, he will protect you" Owen said to the head.

"We can't just lay our lives in the hands of some psychopath who calls himself a god" a sailor said.

"But I can lay my life in your hands" the head said to Owen.

"May Proteus be with you on your journey tomorrow" Owen said.

"And to you too"...

"The kraken you see today, you'll see no more" Owen said

"What? Is that like from the Bible?" asked a sailor who looked at him confusingly


Early the next morning before the sun rose, the sailors boarded two ships as it was the only one they had left.

They were both heading to the north, they had hoped one of them would make the trip with its merchandise.

They greeted each other farewell.

"May Proteus be with you, brother"

"May Proteus be with you too" he said back with a little bit of doubt.

The head sailor spoke "do not fear, only believe" "now let's go"

Their journey would take them at least two days to arrive at their destination


In front of the completely burnt house lay the remains of a dead skrull. The others had gotten the message it relayed before it died.

They arrived at the location in human form as men in black suits, as they walked around the house they stood by their dead when Hera came in a black Mercedes.

"You said you had the box?" She asked as she walked towards them.

"They got away" it said


"Some kids"

"So kids got away from you three?"

"We weren't here, only one of us were" indicating at the dead skrull on the floor.

"So where are they now?" She asked

"He had placed his marking on one of them before he died, we will find them" the skrull said.

"Well quit your mourning and go get them" Hera said in a loud voice as she walked back to the car.

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you find them yourself bit...." One of the skrull said before he was stopped by the older one.

She stopped walking and turned to face them "what did you say?"

"Please pardon him, he is only grieving" the older one said

"Find my box before I get tires of your face" she said and walked into the back seat of the car.

"You know she cannot use her powers" the Younger skrull said

"Yes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have them" "she must be hiding from someone" the older one said.

"Then let's take her out now" the younger one said

"Not yet...let her first take down Zeus" "then we join her with her husband and brother".....


They had arrived in an abandoned house and Bella tore a part of her clothes to cover Tony's wound..

"Does it hurt?" She said with a worry on her face

"Don't worry, I'm fine" he said with a little smile to assure her he was okay....