
The Pandora

A prophecy of elders and the emergence of an 'outlaw'. increasing scientific breakthroughs in the magically influenced world. 'Regions 'beyond science and fear spreading among people. will our MC find out the secrets of regions? are those monsters or creatures away from magic and science? will those be the only things against MC? Well as the saying goes " if I trust you blindly, don't prove me blind."

badass_girl_3020 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The Birth

murmur .... murmur.

Hustling noises of people mixed with birds whistling on trees outside the window filled the corridor. Out of the room, a father was sitting in agony from his second child being born. 'clack '.The door opened. A woman dressed in white emerged and slowly lifted her head with the brightest smile, "Congratulations Mr. Hueshu, you have become a father to a baby boy." Happy tears ran through the corner of his eyes as he felt the happiness and relief growing.

"c- can I meet her and the baby "In a throaty voice he asked. "Oh yes, please. You can come inside after sanitizing your hands. you know what's good for the baby right~ " . " haha . Right I will do that ".

'creak 'clack '. He saw the mother lying on the bed. One could feel the warmth of his gentle smile as it stretched over his face. he trodded slowly forward carefully so as not to make a loud sound. Mrs Hueshu slowly opened her eyes and through her squint, she saw her husband, her love, sitting beside her. A gentle smile passed her lips with a sigh of relief.

"How are you feeling? are you still in pain?" he asked as he held her hand, stroking it gently between his rough palms ."Good ... calm" she said with a gentle smile in an angelic voice. "Take a good rest " he kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes.

His eyes went to the small being beside her in the cradle. The baby was snuggled in a pink blanket around him. he played with his small hands raising in the air, moving his mouth in every possible shape. he raised his dark eyelashes and moved around his little blue iris ." your eyes are just like your mother little one ." said Mr Hueshu, caressing the chubby checks of the baby.

'uu uw(baby gibberish)' "Oh no!".The baby crinkled his eyes and let out a piercing cry, which startled his father and made him stumble back. Oh my, you even scream like her haha. did I wake you up, little boy? I'm sorry " Hueshu said while lifting the baby in his strong arms, caressing the baby on his back.

As he held the sleeping baby in his arms, a shadowy figure appeared beside the cradle and glanced at the baby's face. The baby's mother lay asleep beside him in bed. As the silhouette vanished beneath the baby's cradle, the father felt a chilling breeze run down his spine. He turned around with his gaze sharply landing on the cradle only to find nothing. this left him disoriented.

----[After 2 days ]

A child sat beside the glass door peeking outside. He opened his mouth wide and let out a yawn. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he fought the urge to fall asleep. He had to see his younger sibling come home for the first time. The meadow outside their small cottage glistened under the golden sunshine. The tall grass swayed in sync with the cold breeze's melody, rejuvenated by last night's rain. A pair of many-hued Robin, fluttering from one end to another swiftly building a nest on the peach tree in the backyard.

"hmm ....oh... OHH .... GRANDMA, FATHER HAS ARRIVED!" screamed the 5-year-old child while dashing toward the front door. The carriage horses stopped their foot directly in front of the house after passing through the small wooden main gate. the doors opened while the anticipating eyes looked at it from outside barely able to control their excitedness. the glittering eyes meet the smiley eyes that emerged from behind the door to the carriage. The father stepped out first, holding the baby in one arm. The baby was lying comfortably with a fluffy blanket wrapped around him. Mr. Hueshu raised his right hand to help Lady Iris (MrsHueshu) out of the carriage. He looked up and saw his mother standing at the entrance, smiling. She welcomed her son with a warm smile and teary eyes. Those tears were different from those out of happiness.