
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 75 Sweet Dreams

It was getting late, and after the dowry matters were settled, Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu said goodbye to Ye Xiaomei, Wei Feng and the others, and walked back.

  Xiao Erniang sent the people there, told them to live a good life, and went back with four bearers.

  The two of them walked out of the narrow alley, and a bright ray of sunset suddenly shone directly over them.

  Ye Anyian was shaken by the dazzling light and subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

  When his eyes slowly adapted to the light, he looked through the gaps between his fingers, but all he saw was the setting sun, so gorgeous that he couldn't see clearly the people walking on the street in front of him.

  He chuckled and suddenly felt his whole body relax.

  Jiang Zhu caught a glimpse of the smile on his face and reached out to hold him: "Are you so happy?"

  "Ye Xiaomei is the only person I care about in the Ye family."

  Ye Annian said: "Now that she is married, I can finally let go of her heart."

  "Uh-huh," Jiang Zhu held his hand and shook it, "You're relieved. I'm afraid the Ye family is already very noisy now."

  "It's your own fault." Ye Anyian said lightly.

  "Then let them endure it," Jiang Zhu smiled at Ye Annian, "Let's go home and make delicious food. What do you want to eat?"

  Ye Anyian was in a good mood, thought for a moment and said, "I ate so much greasy food at noon, let's eat something light at night. I'll make something delicious tomorrow. How about making some sweets?"

  Sweets can make people happy, and it's autumn now, and it's getting colder in the morning and evening. Eating sweets can also increase calories and make people feel warm.

  "We still have the chestnuts we picked last time at home, which can be used to make candied roasted chestnuts and chestnut cakes. Let's process those hawthorns and chestnuts tonight, and I'll make them for you tomorrow."

  "There are also sugar snowballs." Ye Anyian said.

  "What kind of food is that?" Jiang Zhu looked at him and smiled, "Did you create it yourself?"

  Ye Annian nodded: "That's right. It's actually similar to candied haws on a stick, and it's also delicious."

  "Oh?" Jiang Zhu was curious, "Then you can teach me how to do it later."


  The evening breeze blew, gently lifting the hems of their clothes, and the bright sunset stretched their shadows. Behind them were noisy voices, and in front of them was the wide street, which was also their way home.

  The two of them hired an ox cart from the town. Because it was getting late, the cart driver was only pulling the two of them on this trip. The cart would probably be empty when they came back, and the price would inevitably be higher.

  But thinking that Fu Zai and Ding Qiu were still at home alone, they couldn't care less and spent ten cents on taking a car back home.

Somewhat surprisingly, Zhao Le was afraid that the two children would be alone at home, so he and Shitou stayed with Ding Qiu and Fu Zai.

  Seeing Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu come back, Zhao Lehe and the two exchanged a few words and went back with the stone.

  After a tiring day, there were guests at the dinner table at noon. In the evening, the four of us were tired and full, and couldn't eat anything at all.

  Jiang Zhu made a pot of sweet millet and pumpkin porridge and steamed some sweet potatoes for dinner.

  I had a simple meal in the evening and it was still early to finish my meal.

  Ye Annian moved a small stool and, together with Jiang Zhu, sat in the main room peeling chestnuts and pitting hawthorns.

  Fu Zai and Ding Qiu also came over to join in the fun. Tong Qian curiously came over to sniff here and there, and Ye Anian maliciously stuffed a cored hawthorn into its mouth.

  Tongqian was already used to eating all kinds of things Ye Anyian fed it. It didn't expect that Ye Anyian would cheat it. As a result, after chewing it twice, the puppy's face wrinkled up with soreness.

Fu Zai was so amused that he giggled.

  Tongqian flattened its mouth, spit out the hawthorn it chewed, and then rushed into the yard to find water to drink.

  The four of them were much faster, and within a short time they had finished processing all the chestnuts and hawthorns they had picked that day.

  Ye Annian put away two pots of prepared chestnuts and hawthorns for tomorrow.

  Jiang Zhu boiled a large pot of hot water for everyone to wash and soak their feet together to relax their muscles and bones, relieve fatigue, and have a good sleep at night.

  It was already full moon outside. After washing, the two children consciously went back to the west room to sleep.

  After Ye Anian soaked his feet, Jiang Zhu drove him into bed, while he went to the medicine house to prepare medicine for Ye Anian.

  Bored by being alone, he sat up with his clothes on and took the Luban Suo from the table next to him to play with.

  While playing with it, I remembered that the modern educational toy Rubik's Cube can also be made out of wood. When he releases a Rubik's Cube tutorial, many children will like it.

  While he was studying, Jiang Zhu walked in with a hot soup.

  Seeing him in a trance while fiddling with the Luban lock, Jiang Zhu sat down by the kang: "Have you unlocked it?"

  Ye Annian was holding a twelve-column Luban lock. After playing with it a few times, he pieced together a small, square piece of wood.

  "I made it, so it won't be a problem for me."

  He said, glanced at Jiang Zhu, and a smile appeared on his lips: "It's you who put this thing on the table. Tell me, have you been secretly studying it for a long time?"

  "I'm studying how many solutions there are," Jiang Zhu smiled, "just to pass the time."

  Ye Anyian: "Then when I make the Rubik's Cube, you can play with it."

  "The Rubik's Cube?" Jiang Zhu raised an eyebrow, "The new thing you researched?"

  Ye Anyian nodded: "It's as fun as Lu Bansuo."

  "Okay," Jiang Zhu became interested, "Then I'll wait."

  While he was talking, the medicine had cooled down a bit, and Ye Anyian didn't show any pretense. He took it and took a sip.

  Jiang Zhu poured some water for him to rinse his mouth, and the two of them turned off the lights and got into bed.

  The nights of the past two days have been particularly cold. When the two of them covered themselves with a quilt, they had to be very close to each other and tuck the corners of the quilt around them to keep warm.

  Maybe it was because he was in a good mood today, so he soaked his feet again and drank the hot medicine. Ye Annian felt warm all over his body.

  He and Jiang Zhu were lying on their backs, closing their eyes and just about to fall asleep, when Jiang Zhu suddenly reached out and held him.

  The slender hands spread his fingers apart, folded his hands, and clasped the fingers tightly together.

  "How old are you? You still have to hold hands while sleeping." Ye Anyian muttered.

  Jiang Zhu ignored his words and said with unclear meaning: "I recently made a new ointment that is scented with gardenia. Do you want to try it?"

  "What?" Ye Anian was a little confused by these sudden words.

He was still thinking about what kind of ointment smelled like gardenia, but Jiang Zhu had already turned over and pulled him into his arms.

  The two of them were so close that Ye Anyian felt as if he was wrapped in a big furnace.

  But what he didn't know was that his own body temperature was also very high.

  It wasn't until Jiang Zhu held his wrist and kissed him carefully that Ye Anyian finally realized what the ointment was for.

  His heart beat violently and he was a little out of breath.

  But he didn't refuse, he just trembled when Jiang Zhu's hand reached into his clothes and pressed on his waist.

  He still remembered the last time the two of them messed around, it was a wonderful feeling.

  Therefore, with the previous things as a basis, the acceptance level is much higher.

  Suddenly, Jiang Zhu lit up the candlestick on the Kang table next to him.

  The dim candlelight danced gently, emitting a warm yellow halo.

  Ye Annian was in a daze for a moment, and saw Jiang Zhu stretching out his slender fingers and opening a small wooden box on the table.

  The box was covered with dark red velvet cloth, with a small white porcelain jar and a small milky white medicine pestle placed on the cloth.

  Jiang Zhu opened the small jar with one hand deftly, and Ye Annian smelled the faint fragrance of gardenia.

  ......(brake line)

  The two of them tossed for an unknown amount of time before they finally rested. Ye Anyian lay on Jiang Zhu with half-closed eyes, and fell into a deep sleep within a short time.

  In the middle of the night, he was woken up by thirst.

  As soon as he moved, Jiang Zhu hugged him tighter.

  "I..." He opened his mouth, only to feel his throat was dry and hoarse.

  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Zhu's voice rang in his ears, low and gentle.

  "I'm thirsty... I want to drink water." Ye Anyian said.

  "Then you lie down and I'll pour it."

  The warm candlelight lit up again, and Ye Anyian saw Jiang Zhu quickly get up and get off the ground, push the door open and go out.

  He sat up with half-stretched body, but felt that his stomach was a little bloated, and he had a strange feeling, which was not very comfortable.

  Before he could think about it, Jiang Zhu had already walked in with a tea cup and handed it to him.

  The tea cup was warm to the touch, the water was yellow, and something seemed to be soaked in it.

  "I put some honeysuckle in it to soothe my throat."

  Ye Anyian responded in a low voice and drank water.

  When the cup bottomed out, Jiang Zhu dropped the cup and asked, "Do you want more?"

  Ye Annian shook his head.

  Jiang Zhu put the cup on the Kang table nearby.

Ye Annian glanced along his hand and saw the wooden box with the lid open again.

  Inside, the small white porcelain jar was still there, but the medicine pestle was gone.

  Ye Anyian was stunned for a moment, as if he thought of something.

  He subconsciously reached out and touched his abdomen, and the corners of his eyes turned red: "Jiang Zhu, you..."

  Jiang Zhu put down the cup and then took back his hand, only to see Ye Annian staring at him with his lips tightly pursed.

  He followed Ye Anyian's gaze to the wooden box and understood instantly.

"That's solidified Wanying Ointment, which has the effect of reducing swelling and relieving pain."

  Ye Anian's grip on the corner of the quilt suddenly loosened, but he still had a cold face.

  He didn't speak any more. After getting back into the quilt, he lay down with his back to Jiang Zhu and curled up.

  Jiang Zhu chuckled helplessly, blew out the candle, and lay down.

  He stretched out his hand to pull Ye Anyian back into his arms, hugging him tightly, then covering his lower abdomen with his hand and rubbing it gently.

  Ye Anyian struggled slightly and was held down by him.

  "Don't move." Jiang Zhu said warmly, "This ointment is very effective. You will know when you get up tomorrow morning."

  Ye Anyian bit his lip tightly. After hearing what he said, he said coldly: "You are not a serious doctor."

  "Well, I'm not serious." Jiang Zhu squinted his eyes and nodded, gently resting his chin on Ye Anyian's head, "I'm not serious at all."

  "So, go to sleep quickly. It won't feel uncomfortable when you fall asleep."

  "Can't sleep." Ye Anyian gritted his teeth.

  The hand that was rubbing his stomach stopped. Jiang Zhu reached out and grabbed his wrist, pressing the Shenmen point with her thumb.

  He exerted a little force, and Ye Anian felt a slight soreness on his wrist. After a while, he actually felt sleepy, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

  Then, he just fell asleep.

  Jiang Zhu then raised his hand and pulled the corners of the quilt, wrapping the two of them more tightly.

  Have a good night's sleep.