
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 66 The show begins

Business is good today because of the guests. The lobby on the first floor is almost full.

  As soon as Ye Anian and the other three entered the door, a waiter came up to them and led them inside.

  "Here, please, what do you three want to eat?"

  "What are your store's signature home-cooked dishes?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Now that we're here, no matter if it's a show or not, we still have to order some food.

  "The fried meatballs, fried lotus root, soybean stewed pig's trotters, and Dongpo pork all have a good reputation!"

"Well, let's have fried meatballs, fried lotus root, and a vegetarian dish." Ye Anian thought about it and said.

  Anyway, Wu Xianglian will definitely bring Ye Anbo later, so there is no need to order too many meat dishes.

  "Okay, do you want some rice?" the waiter asked.

  Jiang Zhu glanced at the two people who were looking outside: "Three bowls of rice."

  "Okay, you three, just wait a moment!" The waiter left after taking note of the menu.

  The three of them sat and waited for a while, and the dishes were served one after another.

  Ye Anian told the two of them to eat quickly, but the three of them didn't say anything else and just immersed themselves in the meal.

  Not to mention, the food in this restaurant really tastes good.

  Ye Annian picked up a Jiaoyou meatball and was eating it enthusiastically when he saw the two people outside entering the door from the corner of his eye and winked at Jiang Zhu and Ye Xiaomei.

  The two understood and quickly picked up some more meatballs and lotus root boxes.

  Ye Xiaomei had just eaten a piece of lotus root box stuffed with meat when Wu Xianglian's voice rang in her ears:

  "Hey, Brother Nian, Xiaomei, didn't you go to Clay Figurine Lane to sell clay figurines? Why did you come to this restaurant?"

  "I didn't eat in the morning. I'm so hungry." Ye Anyian said calmly.

  Wu Xianglian stared at the three dishes on the table, her eyes gleaming, and she sat down with Ye Anbai in her arms.

  "The food you guys eat is really good. Brother Nian, you and your wife make a lot of money now, right? You can afford to come here to eat."

  Ye Anyian ignored her, and Jiang Zhu and Ye Xiaomei also remained silent.

  However, Wu Xianglian was thick-skinned and didn't care at all. She didn't have any bowls and chopsticks, so she directly kneaded two meatballs, stuffed one into her mouth, and stuffed the other into the mouth of Ye Anbai in her arms.

  Ye Anbai ate deliciously and did not call anyone or say hello to Ye Anyian or the others. His eyes were only glued to the two plates of meat and vegetables.

  While kicking his legs, he pointed at the fried lotus root and shouted: "Milk! I want to eat one!"

  "Okay, I'll get you some milk."

  There were only two or three pieces left on the plate, so Wu Xianglian simply put the plate in front of her and ate it with Ye Anbai.

  Ye Anyian's face suddenly darkened: "Nai, what do you mean?"

  Wu Xianglian was still chewing the lotus root box in her mouth. When she heard this, she rolled her eyes at him and said, "I'm your baby! Amber is your brother! What? You can't even treat us to a meal?"

  Ye Anyian's face turned darker, and he put down the chopsticks in his hand, looking like he "can't finish this meal."

  When Wu Xianglian saw this, she said: "Look at how stingy you are! Your father will become rich in the future, so I think I care about your meal!"

  Ye Anbo, who was in her arms, finished both plates of food in the blink of an eye, licking her fingers and shouting that it was not enough.

  "Brother Nian," Wu Xianglian was afraid that he would cry, so she had to soften her tone, "Would you like to order some more food?"

  "We have no money." Ye Anyian refused simply.

Wu Xianglian choked, then smiled shyly: "What are you afraid of? Your father will be rich in the future. If you have no money, how can he not help you?"

  What she said made Ye Anyian feel ashamed for her.

  But he still looked reluctant, glanced at Ye Xiaomei next to him and said, "Second sister, go ask the waiter to add more food."

  Ye Xiaomei responded and stood up reluctantly.

  Seeing him relent, Wu Xianglian smiled so much that her face wrinkled up: "That's pretty much it."

  However, before the wrinkles on her face subsided, she suddenly heard a crisp sound of "dinging, banging, banging" in the lobby, and then there was a noisy quarrel.

  Wu Xianglian frowned impatiently when she heard the noise.

  Ye Annian was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Zhu aside and said, "It seems like it's the second sister!"

  The two looked at each other, their faces sank, and then they stood up and walked to where the crowd gathered in perfect agreement. No one paid attention to Wu Xianglian and Ye Anbai.

  Wu Xianglian felt a little uneasy as she watched the two of them leave in a hurry, so she pulled Ye Anbai and chased them slowly.

  Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu squeezed through the crowd and saw Ye Xiaomei being blocked by a tall and muscular man.

  The man was dressed in ordinary clothes, with a beard and a terrifying scar on his forehead. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his plump muscles, and he looked like a man who was not easy to mess with.

  "Second sister, what's going on?" Ye Anyian interrupted the man's angry rebuke and asked.

  Ye Xiaomei huddled aside, lowering her head and wiping away tears: "Brother Nian, I...I accidentally knocked over his dish."

  "That's Buddha jumping over the wall!" The man's face turned red with anger, he pointed at the fragments on the ground and shouted, "Fifty taels of silver a cup!"


  Wu Xianglian, who was hiding in the crowd, turned pale with fright when she heard this.

  Fifty taels of silver, this little bitch who has suffered a plague!

  "Pay compensation!" The man spread his hands towards Ye Xiaomei, "I made this for the distinguished guests in the private room upstairs, and you ruined it!"

  Ye Xiaomei was so frightened that her shoulders trembled. She bit her lip and whispered in a low voice: "I...I have no money."

  When he heard that he had no money, the man's eyebrows stood up. He pointed at Ye Anian and said, "What about him?! I just heard him call you second sister. Is he your brother? Let him pay!"

  Ye Annian shivered when the man yelled at him, and hid behind Jiang Zhu, also looking worried and saying: "I, I don't have any money either!"

  "What?" The man rolled up his sleeves angrily, "Then what should I do if my Buddha jumps over the wall?!"

From the corner of his eye, Ye Anyian caught a glimpse of Wu Xianglian who was holding Ye Anbai and was about to leave. He grabbed her sleeve and said loudly: "Mistress! You can't leave the second sister alone!"

  At this time, the eyes of the onlookers all fell on Wu Xianglian. The people in front automatically stepped back, and everyone automatically formed a circle, with Wu Xianglian in the middle.

  Before Wu Xianglian could leave, she saw the man's fierce look again, and her legs trembled with fear: "No, it's none of my business!"

  She pointed at Ye Xiaomei and said, "She was the one who beat you, so you should ask her to accompany you!"

  "Miscellaneous," Ye Xiaomei wiped her tears at the right time, "you can't ignore me! My third uncle earns ten taels of silver a month. Can you let him lend me some money first? I will definitely pay it back in the future."

"No!" When Wu Xianglian heard this, her face suddenly turned dark.

  The third child earns 10 taels of silver a month to support the whole family. How can he repay Ye Xiaomei's debt?

  Moreover, her marriage to the Zhou family had already been decided, so how could she dare to involve Ye Chenghe in this matter?

  Besides, what would Ye Xiaomei give back for fifty taels?

  "Oh~" the fierce man said thoughtfully, "You, an old woman, have been making trouble for a long time and you have money, but you still don't want to give it to me?!"

  "This trouble was caused by your granddaughter. If I can't come up with fifty taels of silver, I have to pay for it myself. Let me tell you, don't even think about it!"

  He put his hands on his hips and approached Wu Xianglian fiercely. Wu Xianglian staggered back holding Ye Anbai in her arms.

  "You...what are you going to do?!"

  "Your grandson is not bad." The fierce man smiled at Ye Anbai, "I couldn't get the money, so I sold this kid to pay off the debt!"

  "How dare you!" Wu Xianglian could hardly stand still, but she still protected Ye Anbai, "I, I will report to the official!"

  "If you report it to the official, you will have to pay even more money!" The fierce man did not give in at all.

  Wu Xianglian was forced by him to protect Ye Anbai and retreated repeatedly. Finally, she sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

  "No money means no money! If you can, kill my old lady!"

  "That girl is the cause of the trouble! Look for her! If you want to sell it, sell her! Let her pay off your debt!"

  "That's what you said!"

  The fierce man stared at her fiercely, suddenly waved his hand and asked the waiter to bring him some pen and ink, and he wrote something on it.

  Then he took Wu Xianglian's finger, made a cut with a knife, and pressed two fingerprints on it.


  Wu Xianglian was frightened and frightened. She covered her fingers and screamed in pain. Ye Anbai beside her was also frightened and howled loudly.

  "You should think carefully about it yourself. I will come to you in three days to ask for the results. Should I pay compensation or compensate people?"

  The fierce man took one of them, threw the other at her, turned around and left.

  As soon as everyone saw that the matter was over, they all talked and dispersed. They all cursed Wu Xianglian as someone who was not willing to take the money even though her family had money, so she sold a good eldest daughter like this.

  Only after everyone had dispersed did Wu Xianglian regain her composure.

  She wiped her face, picked up the piece of paper on which she had put her fingerprints, and looked at it for a few times, but she couldn't read, so she had to call Jiang Zhu who was aside.

  "Jiang, Doctor Jiang, help me see what's written on it?"

  Jiang Zhu picked up the piece of paper and read: "Today, a village woman, Wu Xianglian, owes me fifty taels of tattooed silver. She will pay her back in three days. If she doesn't pay back, she will voluntarily marry her granddaughter Ye Xiaomei to me to pay off the debt, as evidenced by her fingerprints."

  Below the words is Wu Xianglian's name, and above the name is the bloody fingerprint Wu Xianglian was forced to press just now.

  After hearing this, Wu Xianglian froze on the spot.

  She said in a daze: "No, wasn't Xiaomei spilled the food? How...why should I pay for it?"

  She also signed an IOU inexplicably!

Seeing her like this, Jiang Zhu kindly explained: "Ye Xiaomei is your granddaughter. She is a girl who has not left the court. How can she get the money to pay her back? You are her grandmother and the elder, so naturally you should pay the money."

  "But, but I..." Wu Xianglian felt that she had been wronged, "I am an old woman and I don't have any money!"

  "If you don't have money, marry your second sister to him." Ye Anyian gave her a cold look, "Isn't it written on it? It means, either you lose money or you lose people."

  After he finished speaking, he pulled Jiang Zhu and asked Ye Xiaomei to leave.

  Wu Xianglian held the IOU in her hand and slumped on the ground blankly. Next to her, Ye Anbai was still sobbing and crying.

  On the other side, the three of them left Youkelai Restaurant and turned into a small alley not far away.

  In the alley, the fierce, bearded man just now tore off the fake beard on his face and smiled innocently at the three of them.

  "I, was my performance okay just now?"

  Ye Xiaomei sniffed, wiped away the tears that had just been squeezed out, and smiled back at him: "Brother Wei did a good job."

  Wei Feng scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "This is the first time in my life that I have been so vicious."

  "Don't worry, she has been restrained by you." Ye Anyian comforted him.

  "So, what about the back?" Wei Feng asked.

  "Just wait for the news from the old Ye family," Jiang Zhu answered him, "Wu Xianglian can't make up her mind, so she will definitely go back to discuss it with Ye Quan. If they don't make any move in the next three days, we will do as we agreed before. Bring someone to the door directly."

  However, there should be no need for Wei Feng to take the initiative to come to the door.

  Now that Ye Chenghe's marriage is imminent, Ye Quanding wants to settle the matter quietly as soon as possible. Moreover, Wei Feng is also in town, and he is afraid that the matter will become a big deal and the Zhou family will know about it.

  Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Anyian and the others were about to go back.

  Ye Xiaomei waved her hands to Wei Feng with some embarrassment: "Well, Brother Wei, let's go first."

  Wei Feng nodded and smiled: "Slow down. I didn't let you eat well this time. Come back next time, I'll treat you!"