
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 178 What happened back then

Jiang Zhu patted his back gently, and after he finished vomiting, he took a teapot from the table and poured water for him to rinse his mouth.

  "The reaction was so big?"

  Ye Annian took a sip from the cup he handed over and rinsed his mouth, then wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "Well, it just started in the past few days."

  "What else do you want to eat?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  Ye Annian shook his head.

  "Then let's talk later. I'll get you some prunes to hold in your mouth. It'll be better."

  After he finished speaking, he turned around to leave, but Ye Anyian grabbed his sleeve.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I'm fine," Ye Annian pulled him to sit down on the chair, "We'll talk about the preserved plums later."

  His face was pale at this time, because he had just vomited a little violently, and the ends of his eyes were still wet and red, and the pregnancy mole at the corner of his eyes was particularly eye-catching.

  The look with his head raised to look at people was inexplicably fragile and pitiful. Jiang Zhu gently wiped his eyes with his other hand, feeling helpless: "I won't run away. I will know everything you want to know." I told you."

  Ye Annian didn't say anything, and held on to his sleeve and refused to let go.

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu sighed, sat back in the chair, and poured him another glass of water. "The story is a bit long. I'll tell it slowly, and you can listen slowly."

  Seeing that he agreed, Ye Anyian let go.

  "Although I don't want to mention that person, I have to say that this should be the grudge between me and Wei Zhihuai."

  "Wei Zhihuai?" Ye Anyian had little understanding of the upper-level affairs of the Dongling Kingdom.

  "He is the current prince." Jiang Zhu said, "I told you before that the old man once drank and made trouble, and it was because he fell into his trap."

  "I was seventeen years old at that time. Baihe Study had just been built for two years and had just begun to take shape. Wei Zhihuai was not yet the prince."

  The old emperor Wei Yuankui of the Dongling Kingdom had five sons and four daughters. Wei Zhihuai was the third eldest, and his position was neither high nor low. In addition, his biological mother had a low status and was not taken seriously, so he was in a difficult situation in the palace.

  The eldest prince Wei Honghui was born to the queen, and the old emperor and the queen had a deep love for each other. Therefore, Wei Honghui was given high hopes almost as soon as he was born, and he was also recognized by the entire Dongling Kingdom as the candidate for the future prince.

  However, as he grew up, his character flaws were also exposed. Wei Honghui was simple and straightforward. Although he was powerful and talented as a general, he was not a good candidate to be an emperor.

  The second prince, Wei Bingzhe, was born to Concubine Yu. Although he was smart and alert, he was also diligent and studious, and had the best grades when he was in Imperial College, but he was frail and sick and could not work hard.

As for the fourth and fifth princes, they are still young and have not been included in the competition for the heir apparent yet.

  "The old man has superb medical skills and has been responsible for recuperating the body of the second prince. That day happened to be Wei Zhihuai's birthday. The old man was preparing medicine for the second prince, but he was suddenly invited to a banquet. The old man is a good drinker. As soon as I heard about the grape nectar sent as tribute from South Vietnam, I couldn't help but go."

  "He was greedy for alcohol and made a mistake when he came back. The medicine he prepared for the second prince was changed. The second prince developed a high fever when he drank it. Before he could diagnose the cause, he was taken away and locked up."?

  "Although the old emperor believed in him, Concubine Yu refused to let him go and asked him to put him in prison. She also said that if the second prince could not recover, he would be beheaded and buried with him."

"Later, it was Wei Zhihuai who took action to settle the matter?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Jiang Zhu nodded: "Wei Zhihuai met with him in private and forced him to take sides and become his helper."

  "Senior Xie probably won't agree." Ye Anyian guessed.

  "It's now, what difference does it make whether he agrees or not?" Jiang Zhu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

  "The second prince's high fever has not subsided, and the imperial doctors in the palace are helpless. The old emperor wanted to use an excuse to let him out and treat the second prince. Originally, Concubine Yu had already agreed, but Wei Zhihuai mentioned me at this time."

  "So, the old emperor asked you to enter the palace?"

  "Well, I went into the palace to treat the second prince, and Wei Zhihuai took the opportunity to capture Xiao Ji."

  "Who is Xiao Ji?"

  "My little junior brother, he was only ten years old at that time."

  "He used Xiaoji to threaten you to help him seize the throne?" Ye Anian was a little surprised.

  "If I don't agree, he will kill the second prince and let the three of us master and apprentice be buried with him. The old man and the junior brother are both in his hands. I have no other choice but to agree first and then make plans."

  "Later, the second prince's fever subsided, and I left the palace safely. The old emperor released the old man, and Wei Zhihuai also released his junior brother."

  "His goal was you from the beginning?!" Ye Anyian was a little surprised.

  "Yes." Jiang Zhu sighed softly, "As long as I work under him, the old man will naturally be on his side."

  "Then what happened to Xiaoji..."

  "After agreeing to his conditions, I left Baihe Study and found someone to take care of me. I wanted to wait until Xiaoji was older in a few years and leave it to him. But not long after this happened, one time He went out to collect medicine and fell into the valley, but his body was not found."

  "Is it someone from Wei Zhihuai who did it?"

  "I didn't doubt him at first, but after a banquet, he asked me to take the people from Baihe Study Studio and surrender to him."

  "I fell out with him immediately, and the next day he sent people to surround Baiyun Mountain. Fortunately, there is a Fayuan Temple on Baiyun Mountain. The abbot of the temple had some friendship with the old emperor, and he did not dare to actually attack the mountain. "

  "After that, I calmed down and agreed to his request for the time being. But if I were to really bring the entire Baihe Study under the control of such a person, it would be impossible."

  "I selected fifteen older disciples from among the disciples who voluntarily followed me, and took them to Wei Zhihuai's sect. However, Wei Zhihuai felt that the name 'Baihe Study' was too weak, so he took it upon himself to call 'Book 'The word has been removed."

  Ye Anyian felt depressed after hearing this. After being silent for a long time, he asked: "...Is there no other way?"

  In his impression, Jiang Zhu was almost omnipotent, but he ignored that Jiang Zhu was only seventeen years old at that time, just a fledgling boy.

  "I made an agreement with him," Jiang Zhu said softly, "I helped him sit on the throne of prince, and he would let me and the fifteen Baihezhai disciples leave."

  "Later, I did it, and it took three years. In these three years, I helped him do countless evil things of murder and arson, eliminate all opponents who blocked his rise, and finally pushed him to the position of prince."

In those three years, he never had a good night's sleep. Sometimes he would lead people to arrest people and ransack their homes, and then go to prison to torture and extort confessions. The blood stains on his body would always be covered with new ones, and he couldn't even wash them clean. .

  Ye Annian caught a glimpse of his tense jaw, with sharp and cold lines. Somewhat nervously, he reached over and patted the back of Jiang Zhu's hand gently.

  Jiang Zhu held his hand instead: "Do you feel sorry for me?"

  Ye Annian bit his lip and said nothing.

  "It's all over." Jiang Zhu smiled.

  "What happened to Yue Liang City? Is it also a trap set by Wei Zhihuai?" Ye Anyian asked.

  "That year, not long after he was established as the crown prince, he caught up with South Vietnam and invaded the border. It happened that none of the powerful generals in the court were in Kyoto, and the mountains and roads were far away from Yueliang City, so Wei Zhihuai took over the job because of his talent. "

  "He took only two captains who were idle in Beijing and set out for Yueliang City with a hundred thousand soldiers and horses. The result can be imagined.

  Later, Wei Zhihuai was defeated miserably and retreated to the city with the Yueliang City defenders. They sent me a letter to Fei Ge asking for rescue. He promised me that after this incident, he would let me and the fifteen disciples of Bai Hezhai leave. "

  "So you went?"

  Jiang Zhu nodded: "Although I don't have many people with me, it is more than enough to deal with a group of people wielding swords and guns. What's more, Wei Zhihuai still has more than 50,000 troops, and there are still a few hundred left to defend the army. "

  "In short, the battle was won."

  "You are so powerful." Ye Annian looked at him and blinked.

  Jiang Zhu chuckled softly: "The old man was one of the best in the world when he was young. People in the world praised Lao Gui. Apart from his medical skills, no one can match him, and his kung fu is also very good. I was also taught by him after all."

  "Then Wei Zhihuai broke his promise? He didn't let you go?"

  "Yes." Jiang Zhu said in a deep voice, "I don't know who leaked the news about this matter. After returning, the fifteen disciples of Baihezhai and I were summoned into the palace. The old emperor wanted to grant me an official position."

  "Of course I wouldn't agree. After I returned, I mentioned leaving to Wei Zhihuai."

  "He probably won't agree." Ye Anyian guessed.

  Although Wei Zhihuai was not good at leading troops in war, he was scheming and ruthless. Jiang Zhu got the attention of the old emperor and wanted to reward him. Wei Zhihuai must be afraid that Jiang Zhu would become an official and become powerful and threaten him.

  "Yes, our talks broke down and we parted on bad terms. After some time, everything seemed to have calmed down, but news of an enemy invasion came from Yueliang City."

  "The letter said that the South Vietnamese army had occupied Yueliang City and captured all the people in the city as hostages, just to force me to show up. I didn't believe it at first. But thinking about it, I did fight with the King of Nanyue that time , and left a scar across the entire left side of his face. It is reasonable for him to hate me. "

"The matter was urgent. Wei Zhihuai gave me 50,000 troops and asked me to lead troops to repel the enemy, so I agreed."

  "Wei Zhihuai actually colluded with the King of Nanyue?" Ye Anyian was a little surprised.

  Jiang Zhu shook his head. He did not explain, but continued: "When I arrived with my troops, it was already dark, and there was heavy fog that day. The whole city was surrounded by soldiers wearing South Vietnamese military uniforms, and there were densely packed civilians. Kneeling in front of the city gate."

  "After I led people to rescue them, I opened the city gate and rushed in. That battle..."

  He looked at the green nandina outside the window, his peach blossom eyes that were always smiling, and a little bit of melancholy and sadness appeared: "That battle was too easy. It took less than a stick of incense."

  Ye Annian also discovered something. His eyes suddenly widened: "Those people wearing enemy uniforms in the city are not South Vietnamese enemy troops?!"

  "They are the common people of Yueliang City disguised as enemy troops." Jiang Zhu said calmly, "Those people wearing common people's clothes and tied up and kneeling outside the city are all Wei Zhihuai's personal guards."

  "From the beginning to the end, no South Vietnamese enemy troops invaded. Wei Zhihuai colluded with the county guards stationed in Yueliang City and set up this trap."

  "He just wants to hold me tightly in his hands and be his lackey for the rest of his life."

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