
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 170 Earrings

Ye Annian was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Is there something wrong?"

  "The old man is sick. I have to go see him." Jiang Zhu replied.

  "Is it...Senior Xie?"


  "Then how long are you going?"

  "It may be more than ten days, or it may be several months."

  "It's been so long," Ye Annian frowned, "Is Senior Xie seriously ill?"

  "He's fine. It's just that it's a bit far from our place and it takes time on the way."

  "Do you want me to go with you?"

  Jiang Zhu raised his hand and trimmed the strands of hair behind his ears: "Next time, I was in a hurry this time. Besides, someone needs to take care of me at home."

  Ye Anian knew that he would not agree, so he nodded: "Then when will you leave?"

  "Just two more days."

  Ye Annian glanced at him: "Isn't Senior Xie sick? You should go back early and don't delay."

  "Then I'll leave tomorrow?" Jiang Zhu was a little cautious.

  Ye Annian was funny: "You decide for yourself, why do you ask me?"

  He fluttered his sleeves and walked to the main room, Jiang Zhu chased after him: "Niannian, aren't you angry?"

  "Why am I angry? Senior Xie is ill, so you should go back."

  Ye Annian said this, but Jiang Zhu was still keenly aware that his mood was not right.

  However, Ye Anyian didn't give him a chance to pester him anymore, and turned around and went back to work.

  In the evening, Jiang Zhu made some egg noodle soup, which tasted very good, but Ye Anian only took a few bites before putting down his chopsticks.

  After Fu Zai finished a large bowl, he saw Ye Annian holding the chopsticks in a daze, and waved his hand in front of him: "Brother?"

  Ye Annian came to his senses and glanced at him: "Eat yours."

  "I've finished eating," Fuzai showed Ye Annian his clean bowl, "What do you think, brother? You don't even want to eat."

  "I didn't think anything of it," Ye Annian said, "Have you finished your homework? You are going to the academy tomorrow. Be careful of Mr. punishing you."

  "It's all done, but there are a few things I don't know how to do. Brother, please teach me after dinner."

  In the past, he and Jiang Zhu took turns teaching the two children's lessons. When they were in a good mood, they would come together, but today Ye Anian rejected Fu Zai.

  "Let your brother Qiu teach you. Brother is a little tired today."

  Fu Zai thought they were going to fly kites in the back mountain today and Ye Anyian was tired. He nodded sensibly and said, "Brother, go to bed early."


  After dinner, Zhang Lu went to clear the table with a wink. Fuzai and Ding Qiu went back to their room to do their homework. Ye Anian also went to his wood carving room and continued to build kites.

  Jiang Zhu followed him in and expertly tied the frame with bamboo strips, but neither of them spoke. For a while, the atmosphere was so quiet that it felt a bit uncomfortable.

  After a long time, when Jiang Zhu finally couldn't bear it and was about to say something first, Ye Anyian spoke first: "When did you know the news?"

Jiang Zhu was stunned for a moment when he asked this question, and then realized that this matter was a bit difficult to explain.

  After a moment of silence, he said: "I received the letter."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian nodded.

  The atmosphere became quiet again, only the candlestick on the table was still burning with dim candlelight, reflecting the faces of the two people.

  Ye Anyian said nothing and silently sketched the kite pattern. He never even raised his head to look at the person sitting next to him.

  Jiang Zhu stayed with him for a long time, but finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  "Niannian, don't do it."

  Ye Anyian ignored him and continued to draw carefully with a pen, without even stopping his movements.

  "Stop it." Jiang Zhu repeated again.

  Ye Anyian still didn't move.

  If Jiang Zhu wants to leave, he won't stop him, no matter if it's Xie Xiaogong's business or not.

  But just, I feel very uncomfortable.

  He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable, he just didn't want to talk, not to Jiang Zhu.

  "Nian Nian..." Jiang Zhu sighed and grabbed his left hand that was not holding a pen.

  The pen in Ye Anian's hand finally stopped.

  The pen tip hung on the thin paper and dropped a drop of ink.

  "What's wrong?" He kept his voice as calm as possible.

  Jiang Zhu didn't say anything, but took the pen in his hand and put it on the pen holder aside.

  Then, he stood up, hugged the person horizontally, and returned to the house.

  The candle lights were still on in Zhang Lu's house, as well as those of Ding Qiu and Fu Zai.

  There was a distant sound of frogs in the courtyard, accompanied by the sounds of two children reading.

  "what are you doing?!"

  Ye Annian was startled by Jiang Zhu's sudden move, but still subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "Nothing to do." Jiang Zhu carried him into the house and gently placed him on the kang, "I'm leaving tomorrow, so I have to get things out of the way. I don't want to leave in an awkward situation with you."

  Ye Anyian:...

  He lowered his eyes, his expression still calm.

  "So, what's wrong with you? You don't want me to leave?"

  Ye Anyian was silent.

  After a while, he shook his head: "A little uneasy."

Jiang Zhu was slightly surprised: "It's not like I won't come back."

  "I know too little about you." Ye Anyian raised his head and looked at him, "But you know everything about me."

  He didn't say that if Jiang Zhu left and never came back, he wouldn't even know where to find someone.

  The master suddenly appeared, the weakness that appeared in winter, the unusual relationship with Yao Jun (Yao Zhifu), and many other clues.

  He saw it all, but never dug into it.

  In the past, he felt that he didn't care about this, but as they spent more and more time together, he found that he actually couldn't do it.

  "I'm going to Kyoto." Jiang Zhu grabbed Ye Anyian's earlobe and gently rubbed it. "The old man's condition is indeed serious, so I delayed a little longer."

  "What disease is it? Can you cure it?"

  "I don't know yet, I'll have to wait until I get back."

  Ye Anyian nodded and said no more.

  Jiang Zhu's hand became a little stronger: "When I come back, I will tell you everything."

  "It's a deal."

  "It's a deal."

  The quilt on the kang was stretched out, the candlestick on the kang table suddenly dimmed, and their coats were thrown messily in the corner.

  Jiang Zhu put his hand around Ye Annian's waist, first gently caressing it, and then gradually slid it to his back, patting it gently.

  Ye Annian closed his eyes, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

  The courtyard had become quiet, Zhang Lu turned off the lights, and Fu Zai and Ding Qiu also went to sleep. Only a few frogs and insects occasionally came from afar.

  Jiang Zhu's heartbeat was right next to his ears, extremely clear.

  He suddenly became a little irritable and pushed Jiang Zhu's hand away.

  "Can't sleep?" Jiang Zhu paused and took his hand away.

  Ye Anyian didn't answer, just stood up, leaned over and kissed her.

  He kissed a little urgently, breathing slightly, and his heart was beating fast.

  The person beneath him just froze for a moment, then obeyed and let him vent, and even cooperated extraordinarily.

  With a heavy weight on his waist, Jiang Zhu hugged him again, and the strength around his waist was even stronger than usual.

  Ye Annian didn't let go of Jiang Zhu until both of them were almost suffocating. He took a moment to breathe, but someone took advantage of him. Their positions were reversed, and Ye Anian was pinned down by Jiang Zhu.

  He wiped the water stains from the corners of Ye Anyian's mouth with his fingers and said warmly: "Shall we sleep?"

  Ye Anyian said nothing, but held his clothes tightly with his hands.

  Jiang Zhu sighed: "No, I have to be on my way tomorrow."

  "I don't have to rush." ​​Ye Anyian's voice was a bit muffled.

  Jiang Zhu reached out and gently scratched his nose, feeling helpless: "You..."

  As he said this, his hands honestly pulled open the straps of Ye Anyian's clothes, and the thin clothes immediately slid to both sides.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and as he fiddled with it, he felt that the person under him was shaking violently, and seemed to be much more sensitive than usual.

  "Every year..."

  Jiang Zhu covered Ye Annian's ear and called softly.

  Ye Anyian bit his lips and turned his head sideways.

  But soon someone caught his chin and turned his face back.

  "Don't bite, the skin will break."

  Ye Anyian ignored him and bit him harder.

  Jiang Zhu had no choice but to use a little force on his hand to force him to let go, and then kissed him.

  I don't know how long it took, but Ye Anyian was in a trance and felt his left ear being pinched by someone, which stung a little.

  He groaned and moved somewhat uncomfortably.

  "Don't move," Jiang Zhu's gentle voice sounded in the darkness, "Just a moment will be enough."

  Then, there was an unbearable pain.

  Ye Anian subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch it. As soon as he raised his hand, Jiang Zhu held it and pressed it back again.

"We'll see in the morning. It'll be fine tomorrow."

  Ye Anian really didn't have the energy to do anything else, so he said a vague "hmm" and fell asleep.

  Perhaps because he was too tired, he fell into a deep sleep in the second half of the night and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

  Jiang Zhu was no longer around. He reached out and touched the place next to him. It was cold.

  Ye Anyian didn't get up immediately, looking at the roof in trance.

  The unbearable soreness from last night has mostly subsided, and my body feels refreshed.

  He knew that Jiang Zhu must have cleaned him up before leaving, and even applied medicine.

  But when he thought that Jiang Zhu would not come back for several months, he still felt empty in his heart.

  After lying around for a while, Ye Anyian got up.

  While getting dressed, he accidentally touched his ear, and the sudden stinging pain made him gasp, and then he remembered what happened last night.

  He immediately went to the ground, pulled off his shoes, and went to get the bronze mirror on the cabinet.


  Because of his haste, he accidentally knocked over a porcelain bowl placed on the cabinet.

  The medicine in the bowl was scattered all over the floor, giving off a faint bitter smell.

  Ye Annian was startled for a moment when he looked at the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, then looked away, and still picked up the bronze mirror.

  In the mirror, he looked a little lazy as if he had just woken up in the morning. His long hair was disheveled, and the pregnancy mole at the corner of his eye was brighter than usual.

  The small black earring on his left ear was very obvious and he saw it at a glance.

  He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched it. It was slightly cold and he didn't know what material it was made of.

  But for some reason, looking at this earring, he suddenly felt much better.

  "Brother, are you awake?"

  Outside the door, Fu Zai's voice came in, faintly worried.

  "woke up."

  Ye Anyian put the bronze mirror back on the cabinet, straightened his clothes, and quickly adjusted his mood.

  He walked over and opened the door, and saw Fu Zai, Ding Qiu and Zhang Lu standing at the door.

  Seeing him standing there properly, Fu Zai finally breathed a sigh of relief, took his hand and said, "Brother, come and eat quickly. Brother Zhang Lu has already prepared lunch."

  "Okay." Ye Anyian smiled.

  But I heard Ding Qiu say: "Brother Ye, sir gave me a box and asked me to give it to you when you wake up."