
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 152 Moral Kidnapping

Last night, more than a hundred members of the Xu family were slaughtered, including the chickens in the kitchen and the horses in the stables.

  But only Xu Fu survived.

  The poor eldest son of the Xu family had no legs and was paralyzed in bed. One night later, his tongue was cut out, and he could only lie on the bed "buttering" and became a disabled man.

  Zhou Zaiqian was also unlucky and rushed to Xu Mansion in a carriage early in the morning.

  By that time, the door of Xu's mansion was closed tightly, and there was silence in the mansion.

  He thought that no one in the mansion was up yet, so he asked the servants accompanying him to come forward and call the door.

  But after calling for a long time, there was no movement at all. Zhou Zaiqian was angry and jumped out of the car himself.

With great strength, he struck twice with "bang bang", and the closed door suddenly opened.

  What you can see is bodies lying all over the ground.

  He froze in fear, and suddenly felt as if his head had been touched by something, and subconsciously raised his head.

  But he saw Mr. Xu he was looking for falling on the door beam with a pale face.

  Those round, wide eyes met his gaze, and Zhou Zaiqian peed his pants in fear.

  "They're all dead!" Zhou Zaiqian's clenched fists couldn't stop shaking. When he looked up and looked around, he was at a loss.

  "There are so many people, even...even Mr. Xu..."

  ? The onlookers were in an uproar, some were frightened, some were suspicious, and some were looking at it with amusement, but no one dared to step forward.

  Finally, someone in the crowd shouted: "Everyone give way! Zhou Rong is here!"

  The crowd automatically dispersed to both sides, and Zhou Rong hurried out of the shop, supported by a large bald man.

  When he saw Zhou Zaiqian, his face turned pale with fright: "Dad!"

  "Dad, what's wrong with you?!"

  Zhou Rong held her belly and walked towards Zhou Zaiqian with difficulty, trying to reach out to pull him, but he rolled away and crawled away.

  "No! Don't come here! Don't touch me!"

  "No more! All gone! All dead!"


  "It's all gone, Rong'er! The Xu family is finished!"

  His crazy look made everyone take a breath of cold air. He must have gone crazy this week.

  "Dashi," Zhou Rong gritted her teeth, retracted her hand, and said to the bald man next to her, "Quick! Bring the master in."

  "Yes." Baldhead responded, picked up Zhou Zaiqian who was crawling all over the floor and dragged him into the shop.

  Zhou Rong stopped staying and followed the two of them, holding her stomach and slowly leaving.

  As the door of Zhou Ji's pawnshop closed with a bang, the onlookers slowly dispersed.

  Ye Annian and Jiang Zhu walked back with the flow of people, still not recovered.

  "Listen to what Zhou Zaigan said, is the Xu family wiped out?"

  "Probably." Jiang Zhu touched his nose and looked away calmly.

  "So sudden." Ye Annian didn't pay attention to Jiang Zhu's expression and was still guessing, "Who do you think could have done it?"

  "Xu is the enemy of the Xu family." Jiang Zhu said, "I heard that the reputation of the Xu family in Anxing County is not very good. They are colluding with the previous Fang Jinyuan, and the people of Anxing County have nothing to do with it. I don't hate the Xu family."

  "I don't know what the grudge is." Ye Annian shook his head and muttered, "Forget it, let's leave this matter to the government for investigation. It has nothing to do with us."

  The two got on the bullock cart and continued on their way slowly.

Jiang Zhu suddenly asked: "Nian Nian, who do you think will destroy the Xu family?"

  "How do I know?" Ye Anian glanced at him and replied, "It feels like there must be some blood feud, otherwise he wouldn't even spare the servants of the house."

  "Then do you think that person is too cruel?"

  "Well," Ye Annian frowned, "It's a bit. However, this is that person's business. I have not experienced the pain he suffered, so I am not qualified to point out his actions."

  "Yes," Jiang Zhu smiled, "that makes sense."

  We were silent all the way, and it was already dark when we got home.

  But far away, he saw a thin figure standing at the gate.

  "Doesn't that person look familiar to you?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  Ye Anyian looked at the man up and down, his face darkened.

  "If you don't want to see her, just wait in the car and I'll drive her away."

  "Forget it." Ye Annian grabbed Jiang Zhu, "They are all from the same village. If you drive her away today, she will come again tomorrow."

  Moreover, when Zhao Le was asked to spread the news, he had thought that something like this would happen.

  The bullock cart stopped in front of the fence gate.

  As soon as Ye Anyian got out of the car, Sun Caihe came over.

  She held a basket of eggs in her hand and looked at Ye Anyian with a embarrassed look on her face: "Brother Nian..."

  Ye Annian glanced at her: "If you have anything to do, please tell me."

  "I, I'm here to apologize to you." Sun Caihe said, handing the basket of eggs to Ye Anyian, "Take it and eat it to replenish your body. It was my uncle's fault last time. The aunt was confused for a moment."

  "No need." Ye Anyian took a step back and did not take her basket.

  "Brother Nian, take it." Sun Caihe insisted, "I know you may not like it, but this is the only egg my aunt can get."

  "As you know, my family owes money, and I was deceived because I borrowed money from Zhou Ji's pawnshop, so I had no choice but to do that. Brother Nian, you...just forgive my aunt."

  "I didn't ask you to borrow money. The person who tricked you was Zhou Rong, but the person you harmed was me." Ye Annian pushed the basket back, "I'm sorry, I can't forgive this."

  After he finished speaking, he ignored Sun Caihe. Just as Jiang Zhu tied up the ox cart, they opened the door and entered the yard together.

  But who would have expected that behind him, Sun Caihe knelt down with a plop.

  "Brother Nian, my uncle was wrong! You, please forgive me!"

  "I kowtow to you to apologize!"

  Then, regardless of Ye Anyian's reaction, he kowtowed with a bang.

  Ye Annian felt his temples pounding. He didn't want to pay attention to Sun Caihe, but who knew that a sharp voice behind him pinned him to the spot.

  "This elder has apologized, but he is still so unwilling to forgive!"

  "Everyone, come and see! The eldest uncle is kowtowing to her nephew!"


Something seemed to explode in my mind.

  Ye Anyian clenched his hands into fists, turned around and walked out.

  In the main room, Fu Zai heard the noise outside and ran out, followed by Coin Coin, who was barking "woof woof".

"Brother, Brother Jiang, what's wrong?"

  Jiang Zhu stretched out his hand to stop Fu Zai and told him to wait in the room: "This is an adult's business. Children, don't worry about it."

  "But I heard the sound of my milk," Fu Zai looked up at Jiang Zhu, "Brother Jiang, is my milk going to bully my brother again?"

  "No, as long as I'm here, no one dares to bully your brother."

  Jiang Zhu touched his head: "Go back and play with your brother Qiu. I will prepare delicious food for you in a while."

  Fu Zai had no intention of wanting to eat, but he knew that he could only cause trouble here, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the house."

  The little dumpling ran away with a click. When Jiang Zhu turned around, the copper coins were gone.

  Outside the door, Ye Anyian stood there with a cold face. Because of Wu Xianglian's voice just now, many villagers had already gathered around.

  When Sun Caihe saw that there were more people watching, he knelt even more vigorously. The "thumping" sound hurt just by hearing it.

  "Brother Nian, my aunt was also confused for a moment! Please stop being angry and forgive me!"

  "Hey," some of the onlookers couldn't stand it and advised Ye Anian, "After all, they are a family. She is your elder after all, and her attitude is so sincere, so just forgive her."

  "Yes," another person said, "Isn't there nothing wrong with you? Your aunt also apologized. If you forgive her, isn't everyone happy?"

  "It's not easy for Cai He to let go of his body like this. Brother Nian, just stop it when you see fit."

  "We all live in the same village, so it's hard to make the relationship so tense. It's almost settled."

  In my ears, one or two sentences of persuasion gradually became more and more frequent.

  Ye Annian felt as if there were countless flies buzzing around, and he frowned in annoyance.

  Seeing this, Jiang Zhu wanted to step forward to block these people for him, but Ye Anyian held him back, turned around and shouted: "Copper coins!"


  Tongqian let out a high-pitched howl, then kicked off his hind legs and rushed to Sun Caihe, barking "ouch".

  Although the little thing is not particularly big, its teeth and bark are quite intimidating.

  Sun Caihe was so frightened that he yelled "Oh my god!" He didn't even care about the egg basket on the ground, and stood up while crawling.

  "Mom! Hello, mother!" she shouted while hiding behind Wu Xianglian.

  Copper Coin was clever and chased her to bite her. The scene was very chaotic for a time.

  Seeing this, everyone onlookers laughed, and those who had just spoken to persuade them also shut up.

  After a while of commotion, Ye Anyian called back the copper coins.

  He glanced at the somewhat embarrassed Sun Caihe and the livid-faced Wu Xianglian, and said coldly: "If you want to apologize, then do it sincerely. Who do you want to show to by doing these tricks and morally kidnapping me?"

  "Everyone knows what my aunt has done. If this happened to your own children, would you be able to forgive her with just a word?"

"You should apologize when you make a mistake. Why force others to forgive you? As of now, whether you are willing to apologize or kneel down, it has nothing to do with me since I didn't ask for it."

  After the words fell, Ye Annian took Jiang Zhu directly into the courtyard and ignored the people outside.

  Tong Qian also swung his tail, rolled his eyes at these people with disdain, got into the yard, and slammed the fence door with a bang.

  The gathered crowd suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, someone slowly said, "What I said this year is not unreasonable."

  "If someone does this kind of thing of selling off one's own juniors, and just apologizes and gets over with it, then, what's the point?"

  "Yes, once this person has bad intentions, this time he sells his nephew, next time he can kidnap the neighbor's baby and sell it, and the next time, he might kidnap and sell children in the village. It's scary!"

  "Oh, stop talking! When I get home, I will tell my boy not to run to Lao Ye's house again, or he will be abducted one day!"

  "I, I will tell my brother when I get back, this Sun Caihe is too evil!"

  The gathered crowd dispersed in the blink of an eye, leaving Wu Xianglian and Sun Caihe looking at each other.

  Sun Caihe lifted the egg basket on the ground and looked at Wu Xianglian timidly: "Mom, what should we do?"

  "What should we do? How do I know what to do?!" Wu Xianglian rolled her eyes angrily, "If this matter can't be settled, you can only go back to your parents' house for a while."

  "No way! Mom..." Sun Caihe panicked, "I can't go back to my parents' house. Mom, please help me!"

  Because of Ye Ansong's incident, she borrowed a lot of money from her parents' family and failed to repay it. If she goes back again, her father and her two brothers will not let her in without telling her, and they will beat her up. Then she was tied up and sent back to her husband's house.

Hey, I think that my readers are more from foreign countries so I want to ask what you called love in your own language....

L_Magar_1733creators' thoughts