
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 142 Memorial

Ye Annian was not a nosy person. He pulled Jiang Zhu to leave, but he pulled Jiang Zhu but Jiang Zhu didn't move.

  "Do you think that's Qing Niang?"

  Jiang Zhu's words made Ye Annian stunned for a moment. When he looked towards the woman again, the man who was chasing her away happened to avoid her, and he could see the woman's appearance clearly at a glance.

  Wearing a plain dress with white silk flowers pinned to her temples, she was sitting upright and kneeling there burning paper money. She was not a young lady.

  "I'm talking about you! Let's go, let's go!"

  When the shop assistant saw that Qing Niang didn't move, he became impatient and raised the broom in his hand to hit Qing Niang.

  Ye Anyian shouted hurriedly: "Stop!"

  The waiter was startled. As soon as he moved slowly, Jiang Zhu stepped forward and snatched the broom away.

  "What are you doing? Mind your own business!" the guy said angrily.

  "If you have something to say, it's wrong for you to hit someone," Jiang Zhu said.

  "What do you know," the clerk pointed at the young lady sitting on her knees, "She is burning paper money at the door of my shop and won't let anyone do business?!"

  Upon hearing this, Ye Annian glanced at the shop opposite and found that it was actually Zhou Ji's Pawn Shop.

  He was stunned for a moment, then stood in front of Qing Niang: "I will persuade her to leave. If you still want to look at the shop, just leave it alone."

The waiter looked Ye Anian up and down with great distrust, and then said reluctantly: "Then get her away quickly. If I come out later and see her here again, I will really beat her up." !"

  "Don't worry, we'll leave right away." Jiang Zhu also promised and returned the broom to him.

  The boy then took the broom and returned to the shop.

  After he left, Ye Anyian turned back to see Qing Niang.

  But before he could persuade her, Qing Niang said, "You go, I won't leave until all the paper money is burned."

  "Why do you have to be here?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Qing Niang remained silent, twisting open pieces of yellow paper with her onion-like fingers, and approached the burning flame. The dancing flames instantly engulfed the yellow paper.

  "Is there any grudge against Zhou Zaiqian? Otherwise... you tell me, maybe I can help you."

  The white round paper money with square holes was thrown into the fire. Qing Niang silently watched them turn into ashes, but did not raise her head to look at Ye Annian.

  "Then who are you paying homage to? Why don't you go to the tomb? It must be here?"

  Ye Anyian persevered, but Qingniang made up her mind and refused to say a word.

  The two of them spent a while in silence. After Qing Niang burned a bundle of yellow paper, she untied another bundle and piled white paper money mixed with it at her feet.

  Ye Annian had no choice but to get up and leave first, going to the side to discuss with Jiang Zhu.

  "what to do?"

  They can't kidnap people by force, but if this continues, if the guy comes out soon, there will probably be another conflict.

  Jiang Zhu stared at Qingniang for a while, then suddenly said: "I'll give it a try."

  "Persuasion is useless, she ignored me at all." Ye Annian frowned.

  But Jiang Zhu walked straight over, picked up the pile of yellow paper and paper money that Qing Niang had piled on the ground, turned around and left.

  His movements were smooth and smooth, without any stagnation. Qing Niang, who was burning paper, and Ye Anyian, who was standing aside and watching, did not react.

  By the time the two of them came to their senses, Jiang Zhu had already walked far away with those yellow and white things in his arms.

  "what are you doing!"

  Qing Niang was caught off guard and ignored the pile of burning paper in front of her. She got up and chased Jiang Zhu.

  Seeing the two running away one after another, Ye Anyian quickly followed them.

  The three of them were chasing each other on the street, especially Jiang Zhu, who was walking at the front. He was holding a large bundle of paper money in his arms and dropping it as he walked. Many people passing by were dumbfounded and didn't know what the three of them were. What caused the fuss.

  It wasn't until he walked out of a street that Jiang Zhu found a small alley and stopped.

  Although he was just walking quickly along the way, Qing Niang and Ye Anian who were chasing behind him ran well. Both of them were slightly out of breath when they arrived.

  I have to say that although Jiang Zhu's move is damaging, it is indeed very useful.

  He immediately lured people away, and when Qing Niang caught up with her, took the things and went back, the pile of burning paper must have been burned, and all the sparks had been extinguished.

"I'm sorry," Jiang Zhu quickly apologized when he saw Qing Niang's expression turned ugly, "I had no choice but to make this move."

  Qing Niang ignored him at all, picked up the yellow paper and paper money scattered on the floor, took off the belt around her waist and tied it up, picked it up and turned around to leave.

  Faced with such a situation, Ye Anian didn't know what to do for a moment. Jiang Zhu reacted quickly and caught up with the previous one and cut him with a knife, knocking him unconscious.

  Ye Anyian:...

  When Jiang Zhu quickly carried the person on his shoulders, Ye Anian picked up the bundle of paper money in tacit agreement, and the two of them walked towards West Street.

  Fortunately, we are not far from West Street here, and we will arrive in a short time.

  Grandma Qian was surprised when she saw the two men carrying Qing Niang back: "What's going on?"

  "Quick! Come in first and put the person down."

  Jiang Zhu followed Grandma Qian into the restaurant, passed through a small courtyard, entered the main room and put her on the bed.

  Ye Anyian told Granny Qian what they had just met on the street.

  Granny Qian glanced at Qing Niang who was lying quietly on the bed, sighed, and said after a while: "It was her lover who was killed by Zhou Zaiqian. Today is the death anniversary of her lover."

  "She has been like this for more than ten years. Every day she goes to the door of Zhou Ji's pawnshop to burn paper. You don't have to worry about it. The Zhou family's guys don't dare to do anything to her."

  Qing Niang hadn't woken up yet, and the two of them wanted to ask more about Qing Niang, but Granny Qian was very cautious about it and refused to say more, so the two had to go back to their shop first.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Zhu returned to the stall, while Ye Anyian went to the wooden workshop and continued to teach the ten carpenters how to make the Rubik's Cube.

  Ten people got started quickly, and the 24 small parts can be made very well, but it is still a little difficult to assemble.

  Ye Annian took them to assemble it a few more times, and then began to teach them how to use paint.

  Wen Heng still came every day, with his few men, coming early and leaving late. In addition to watching the carpenters work, he also ordered the servants he brought to clean everything inside and outside. This supervisor was quite qualified. , Ye Anyian was very satisfied.

  It is estimated that in a day or two, the carpenters will be able to start mass-producing Rubik's Cubes according to the requirements of the order.

  Seeing that the weather was getting colder and colder, before returning to the village in the evening, the two of them went to a clothing store again and ordered two thick winter coats and thick quilts for themselves, the two children at home, and Yu Hu.

  When driving the bullock cart back, Jiang Zhu held Ye Annian's slightly cold hand and thought about selling the bullock cart to get some money and use it in exchange for a carriage.

  Although pulling things may not be as convenient as an ox-cart, it is at least warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is much faster to move than an ox-cart.

  He told Ye Anyian his idea, but Ye Anyian hesitated: "We still have to build the courtyard wall and the house. Let's talk about it next year."

  Although the shop did make some money after it opened, and Jiang Zhu also earned a lot of medical fees, but recently because he had to rent a yard again, he hired ten carpenters at once, and he didn't have much left. .

"It's just a winter, we can make do with it." Ye Annian patted Jiang Zhu's hand and comforted, "We can wait for the sun to rise before driving to the town, and return before the sun sets in the evening. Wear more clothes. , not a big problem."

  Seeing his persistence, Jiang Zhu said nothing more.

  When the two returned home, they were fastening the oxcart and moving things. However, for the first time, no copper coins came out to greet them. Not even Ding Qiu was there. Only Fu Zai ran out with a "click, click, click" and called someone obediently. , and ran back and forth to help get things.

  Ye Anyian felt something was wrong.

  The child is quiet and is definitely acting like a monster.

  "Is there something you're hiding from us?"

  "No, no," Fu Zai shook his head like a rattle, "Brother and Brother Jiang have been tired for a long day. Come in and have a rest. I'll get the things."

  Jiang Zhu reached out and pinched Fu Zai's little face: "Where is your brother Ding Qiu?"

  "Brother Qiu is in the house. He has difficulty moving. I'll pick you up."

  "Where are the copper coins?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Fu Zai blinked: "In the house with Brother Qiu."

  The two looked at each other and agreed not to ask any more questions.

  After taking everything into the house, Ye Annian knocked on the door of the west room and opened the door after hearing Ding Qiu's answer inside.

  He saw Ding Qiu sitting at the table, playing with the Luban lock in his hand, and the copper coins were lying at his feet. When he saw Ye Anian coming in, he came up to him with his head and tail wagging, begging to touch it.

  Ye Annian touched Tongqian's head casually, glanced down, and saw the tip of a furry, round tiger-striped tail exposed from under the bed.

  "What is this?" He pretended not to know, squatted down and touched the fur tail that was not hidden, and suddenly there was movement under the bed.

  Just hearing a "ouch", a large ball of furry things squirmed and rolled out from under the bed.

  Looking at such a big fur dumpling, Ye Annian was a little surprised. He felt that the lion king had already grown half a head longer than a copper coin after just a few months.

  "What are you playing for? It's so lively."

  Hearing the movement inside the house, Jiang Zhu and Fu Zai peeked in from outside.

  When Fu Zai saw the exposed Lion King, he panicked: "Brother..."

  "You're already here, why are you still hiding?" Ye Anyian curled his lips.

  Jiang Zhu had already moved over to pick up the big cat.

  Fu Zai felt relieved when he saw this: "The lion king's foot is broken. He came to see Brother Qiu for medical treatment. Let him go tomorrow."

  Ye Annian lifted the Lion King's feet and took a look, and sure enough he saw a piece of cloth wrapped around one of the hind feet.

  "Very smart." Ye Anyian scratched the Lion King's chin and praised.

  The lion king raised his head in enjoyment and began to purr in his throat.

  And the living treasure Copper Coin, lying next to the Lion King, also imitated its behavior and raised its head high, hoping that others would scratch its neck.

  Jiang Zhu scratched it twice in cooperation, and Copper Coin looked like he was enjoying it and started to hum.

It gave all four of them goosebumps, it was so embarrassing.

  In this way, the lion king managed to stay overnight by being cute and courting. When Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu went to town the next day, he followed them out and went to Wangyue Mountain.

  In the morning, I had to change the lion's dressing before coming out, and I specially cooked eggs and rice for him to eat, which delayed me for a while. By the time I got to the shop, the sun had already risen.

  Ye Annian tied up the ox cart and carried the cloth bag he brought with him into the shop, but unexpectedly saw an unfamiliar figure.

  Zhou Rong was actually sitting on a chair in the shop for guests to rest with her belly bulging out. She was playing with a small, exquisitely crafted rattle in her hand.

  Hearing footsteps at the door, she raised her head and met Ye Annian's gaze.