
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


Kuro looked at the world that was vastly different from before with wonder. He quickly sat down and closed his eyes, entering a unique sense of calm. Kuro began to comprehend the three laws with extreme speed, losing his perception of time. Eventually, he opened his eyes, looked around him, and slowly stretched his stiff body.

"Haha, you know you're quite a lucky lad."

"Huh?" Kuro said with vigilance, quickly making distance between himself and the unknown voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. Your grandfather had asked me to observe you and to tell you to go to him when you woke up."

"Woke up?"

"Mhm, it's been a week since you entered the Selection Hall. We would have simply removed you had you not entered the state of enlightenment."

"I see, I'll be going then, Elder."

"Mhm. I hope you had some good luck in your enlightenment state, Young Master."

Kuro left quickly with various thoughts running through his mind; however, a single one seemed to overwhelm the others. 'He called me Young Master! Haha! I'm finally the successor!' Kuro thought with joy. He had been working his entire life for this moment, specifically trained to handle the family and to acquire personal strength. He learned various complex subjects along with martial arts and other skills, all to be considered the successor.

During this week, Edith had not been idle. He had finished the procedure and had finally entered the Body Strengthening Stage. This first procedure simply improved his physical attributes and condition to the best natural state. After the procedure, he was teleported to a white room that the system gave him to get used to his newfound strength. Of course, he was only given 24 hours, and anything after that he would have to figure out himself.

After everything was done, Edith began the next step of his plan. Using the little remaining amount of money he had, Edith took a gamble. A gamble that would quite literally either bring prosperity to his shop or be the end of the shop. The funds were used to buy and randomly spread Dawn Keys all over the two worlds that were connected. In total, 18 keys were bought and spread over Earth and Gia. Now, Edith was simply waiting for customers to enter his shop and spend their money.

"Is no one going to use those damn keys!? It's already been a week!"

"Huh? Owner?"

"Sigh! Sorry, Elizabeth, I'm just a little annoyed, that's all."

Of course, Edith didn't know that none of the keys he had sent out had been found yet. Some were sent to the peak of the tallest mountains, while others were sent to the bottom of the sea. However, most of them were sent to dense forests and isolated areas. Of course, that was all about to change.

Unknown to Edith, one such key was about to be used, and this small action would send waves through the planet. Kuro had been sent on his first mission after being named the successor. Next to him was his most trusted aide and friend, Julia. She had been with him since childhood and was his maid. Every potential heir is given a maid that will be under their direct command at the age of six. These maids are usually around the same age as the children and are tasked with accompanying them throughout the child's life.

Kuro looked to his side and explained to Julia their mission.

"Recently, a rogue cultivator has been spotted in the Fu Mountains. His cultivation has reached the Foundation stage, and he's wanted for multiple counts of murder and cultivation exposure."

"I understand, Lord."

"No need to address me as such; address me as Young Master from now on."

"I understand, Young Master."

Kuro and Julia ventured into the Fuji Mountains a few hours later. After a full three days of searching, they finally came across the cultivator in question. Covered by a cold mist, a figure wearing half clothes was standing on top of the Fuji Mountain, overlooking the landscape. He sighed slightly while saying with mild annoyance, "You can stop trying to hide."

"Oh? You noticed us?"

"Of course I did; your presence is leaking everywhere. Whoever taught you didn't teach you how to conceal your aura."

"That's rich coming from a nobody until he committed mass murder."

"Haha, that might be true. Of course, I don't think of it as mass murder, more like curving the population."

Kuro shook his head and reasoned that talking with him was the pinnacle of idiocy. Taking out a midnight-black dagger stained with a blood-red edge, Kuro pointed it at the man and then suddenly disappeared. The man quickly looked around him in alarm; however, it was already too late as Kuro's dagger was already about to pierce the man's neck. Luckily, the man had enough time to move the most vital part of his neck out of the dagger's path. The man's hand went to his neck and slowly wiped the blood that had started to flow from the cut on the side of his neck.

As his eyes watched his own blood stain his hands, the man became furious with the little boy in front of him.

"You damn brat!" Yelled the man, and he swiftly took out his own weapon, a spear. The spear was silvery white, holding a crimson-red tip. Tied to the handle was a long black ribbon that flowed with the wind.

The man drove the spear toward Kuro's body; however, he was too late as he was gone. Kuro had vanished from his spot and reappeared behind the man, driving his dagger into his body. As Kuro felt the familiar feeling of piercing the flesh, he smiled. However, that smile would prove to be done too hastily as the handle of a spread knocked him into a nearby rock. Kuro let out a pained grunt and looked around to find whoever had hit him, and it was only then he noticed that no blood was on his dagger.


"It's quite rude to ask a cultivator their secrets. Well, I don't like dragging things on, so, you better start coming to amends."

"Ke! Kekeke!"

"What? Did you go crazy?" Said the man; however, the next moment his body tensed up and he quickly rolled to the left, barely evading an arrow that shattered a nearby rock. The man quickly looked back; however, he couldn't find anyone. With no other alternative, he decided it was best to finish off his opponent and leave the battle. He quickly charged toward Kuro, stabbing his spear toward his chest; however, it was fated to miss as Kuro simply vanished from his position, and an arrow flew through the air toward the man. The man's face fell, and he swiftly evaded to the left, an action he had thought was for the best; however, it would prove to be fatal as Kuro reappeared behind him, with his dagger stabbing toward the man's heart.