
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


Just after Edith had finished expressing his desire to go through his procedure, he vanished from the store and reappeared in a pitch-black area. In the area, Edith was unconscious as various tubes and syringes injected various substances into his body. Tubes were both pumping and extracting different substances into his body. Of course, even as Edith was unconscious, his face was contorted in pain as every single fiber of his body was being altered.

As Edith was going through his procedure, the items he had sold had made their way to the very pinnacle of Earth's cultivation world. In Japan, a large minka sat on one of the mountains near Tokyo. This minka and the mountain were the personal property of the Kurayami family, a family that has lived in the shadows of the world since the early stages of civilization. They were one of the three families that held absolute power on Earth alongside the Martian and Crown families. These three families had reached an equilibrium with their influence and power. The Kurayami family held the Eastern Hemisphere while the Crown held the Western Hemisphere. However, the Crown had control of the Moon, while the Kurayami family had influence on Mars. The Martian family had the most influence and control over Mars, controlling 70-80%.

In one of the rooms in the large minka, a young man quickly stormed into the room, finding his grandfather drinking a cup of tea. "Grandfather!" A young man quickly bowed down to an older man, who didn't look much older than his grandson. The old man nodded and quickly asked his grandson the reason he wanted to meet.

"Recently, a product has come into our possession, and I would like you to have it, or decide who it is given to."

"Oh? I had thought I left everything of the family to you."

"That is correct, grandfather; however, this item has such immense value I believe you should take ownership of it."

"Very well, what is it?"

The grandson held up a black box, presenting it to his grandfather while bowing. He quickly explained it as his grandfather inspected it.

"This box holds a pill named Enlightenment Pill. It's said to bring its consumer inner peace and a calm mind; moreover, it also increases the chances of going into an enlightenment state."

"Hmm, if this is true then you made the right decision in bringing it to me. I have the perfect person to give it to. Please call Kuro here."

"Very well," said the young man as he quickly left to call upon his son, although he couldn't hide the smile that had formed on his face.

A man who looked around the same age as the other young man walked into the room and bowed. He kept his eyes open, and his midnight hair fell past his eyes.

"Mhm, I have a present for you," the older man said as Kuro opened his royal purple eyes, looking at the black box placed in front of him with intrigue. The older man went on to say, "Don't use the pill that rests inside just yet; I will be taking you to the Selection Hall."

"The Selection Hall!? I had thought only the successor would be allowed access and even only once."

"That is true, however, I'm giving you both your last trial and a chance. Depending on your gains inside the Selection Hall, you might be granted the Successor title, and this won't affect your one chance of entering."

"I understand."

"Good, as we will be leaving immediately."

The man quickly guided Kuro out of the house and toward a small cave in the mountain. The reason the headquarters of the Kurayami family was on a small mountain instead of on Mars or even someplace else was due to the cave they had just entered. They had named and renovated the cave into the Selection Hall due to its unique effects. The real hall was a single platform on top of a lake that shined with the intensity of the sun.

"I'm sure you've heard of the Selection Hall multiple times in your pursuit of succession. However, I doubt you know its effects."

"That is correct, great grandfather."

"The liquid that rests in this cave isolates the space; moreover, it amplifies the laws that make up the world. Usually, you're only able to vaguely sense the laws in the Nascent Soul Realm; however, even at the Foundation Realm where you are, the laws will be visible to you."

"I see, so this helps you understand the various laws while also giving you a sense of direction for your journey."

"Correct. Now, I'll leave you alone, and as this is a special occasion, you will only be given 24 hours inside."

"I understand," Kuro said while bowing. The older man left the cave, and Kuro quickly went into a meditative state, trying to comprehend the various laws in front of him. Even though all the laws that make up the were present, Kuro was able to sense a certain three more than others. One was a sharp yet hidden blade that seemed to fade in and out of existence. Another was a shadow that would disappear and reappear randomly throughout the area around him. While the last one was nothing other than a beast-like smile. Kuro smiled faintly at the laws that surrounded him, understanding their names and his interpretation of them.

Laws and their uses can be used and viewed in different ways depending on the person. Kuro viewed the Law of Daggers as a blade that would fade in and out of existence. He also viewed the Law of Shadows as a shadow that can appear and disappear whenever and wherever. While he viewed the Law of War as a single beast-like being that terrifies their enemies.

While immersed in the laws apparent to him, Kuro quickly casts away all the others except for the Law of Daggers, the Law of Shadows, and the Law of War. As he focused on these three laws, Kuro takes the golden pill held in the box and swallows it whole. The next moment in Kuro's eyes, the whole world around him changes.