
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Although Edith was now considered rich, he had already started to plan the way he wanted to spend it. He first set aside 100,000 for his procedure. He then kept 25,000 of the funds for an emergency fund, and he planned on using the rest to expand and upgrade his shop. He first went in and explored the various functions he had unlocked with the increase in his system authority, starting with the housing function. The function is quite self-explanatory as it gave Edith the ability to create houses that customers can either rent or even outright buy if he wanted. Moreover, these houses can be anything or even have various functions and arrays.

The other function he was interested in was the Midnight Market. The Midnight Market was like a system store that would let Edith buy products to sell in his own store. Of course, this would have a few downsides compared to him getting products from an item ticket or by himself. The products bought from the Midnight Market would be unavailable for Edith to purchase himself, and he was unable to change the price. All the products would only be given a 10% markup, and most would have a purchase limit. Even though the Midnight Market had such high restrictions, Edith knew the market would become a highly profitable tool for him.

He also quickly browsed the Building Feature, a feature that was similar to the Building feature; however, instead, he would buy various building permits. An example of this would be the Guild Hall building that he could now purchase. Although this would let him purchase the permit, he would still get to design it how he would like. Lastly, the Expansion feature; this feature would let him expand the space the shop was in and the various buildings. At the moment, the entire shop was placed in a 1,000 miles by 1,000 miles form of a square. The Expansion function would allow Edith to increase the size of the square for every 1,000 miles by 1,000 miles for 250,000 DC. Although this might seem expensive, being able to expand the amount of land he had indefinitely would prove to be useful.

With all the new functions available to him, Edith needed to come up with a plan with his funds involving the new functions he had unlocked. He first decided that he didn't need to use the Expansion Function; however, he had plans on using the building and housing functions extensively. He first went through the building function and made a three-tier list, tier one being buildings he wanted to purchase now, tier 2 being buildings he wanted, however, could wait on purchasing, and tier 3 where he wouldn't purchase them unless a need for them becomes apparent.

The list of tier 1 buildings he was purchasing this instant was a winery, a storage, and a garden. A winery to improve the types of wines and alcohol the restaurant can offer and a garden to improve the ingredients used for food. Although he slightly hesitated at the price that totaled 135,000 DC, the next moment he decisively bought the three buildings and started to design them.

He used a feature of the Expansion Function to expand the restaurant. This would let him expand the space of the building itself on the inside without affecting the exterior. He did this to make room for the winery that was connected to the kitchen. The winery was a simple building, and he didn't change much of the interior design, simply having a large barrel and a press to create the wine. Moreover, the winery also had a fermentation chamber that would speed up the process up to 100x. Lastly, the winery also came with a distilling system for making other types of drinks. However, he wasn't nearly done yet and bought two employees, one for the distillery and the other for making wine. These two employees were both young men that seemed to have just entered the workforce. Edith didn't pay much attention to them and quickly went to the next building, a storage facility. He put this in the basement using the same feature of the expansion function, creating a separate room. The storage building was there to store the various items, ingredients, etc. While it was empty at the moment, Edith knew it would come in handy when the garden started to produce ingredients. Moreover, it also had a stop time function making sure nothing went bad or was wasted.

Edith turned to his last building he wanted to add, the garden. However, instead of putting it inside or near the large tree, he instead put it off into the dense forest. The garden was a large bio-dome that housed a climate that made growing any kind of crop easier. After he was done, he also added an isolation formation and misdirection array to prevent anyone of finding it. Lastly, he hired an employee to take care of the garden and plant the seeds. The employee was a girl no older than 15, wearing a bright yellow sundress, and her baby blue eyes brimming with curiosity. Her light brown hair shone with a healthy luster as she bowed to Edith.

"Hello Owner."

"Hello, I'm sure you've already been informed of your duties. However, as you're in an important role, I believe a name is necessary for you. Hmm, how about Pehrios?" "Pehrios? I love it! Thank you, Owner!"

"Mhm, I'll leave you to your work, Pehrios."

He left the garden soon after, satisfied with the new things he had added, however, he smiled weakly at the decrease in funds. He had gone from 502,000 DC to 142,000. Just than, Edith remembered about his first employee Elizabeth and quickly made her a permanent employee. With little funds left, Edith decided to forgo the entire housing project he had in mind and spend the rest on products from the Midnight Market. Looking at all of them, he quickly bought three items and placed them all in the store.

[ Fatal Blow Talisman:

Blocks a single blow that would have killed you. Will not activate on those blacklisted and consider enemies of the Dawn Store. ]

[ Spirit Gathering Array: 

An array that can easily be placed to gather Spirit Energy to a single area. This will cover a 100 miles radius and coverage it into a single 50 square feet zone. ]

[ Low Purity Fexine:

Ore Fexine Ore of low purity; this ore is highly sought after due to its immense spirit conduction and hardness. ]

The Fatel Blow Talisman costed 30,000 DC to add to his shop. While the original price is 10,000, while Edith was selling it for 11,000. The Spirit Gathering Array cost him 70,000 and had a retail price of 25,000, with a selling price of 27,500 DC. Lastly, the Low Purity Fexine Ore had cost him 40,000 DC, had a retail price of 30,000, and a selling price of 33,000 DC. With everything done in the storefront, Edith smiled slightly and said to Luna, 'I would like to go through the first procedure.'