
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Heral and Yargon charged at each other, each with their weapons ready to tear the other apart. Yet, when they collided, a giant arc of light appeared between them, and the wolf's head slowly fell to the ground. Just when the beasts and the soldiers wondered what had happened, a booming voice spread through the battlefield.

"Dear citizens, you are all safe now. By the decree of the King, I, Gernald Heltzin, have come to vanquish the beasts."

"Huh? I had thought you would arrive in four more days."

"That was correct; however, the mayor had contacted me through an emergency item, and I rushed to the city."

"I see. I guess I'll have to thank the mayor for indirectly saving my life. I should also thank you."

"That can wait, as my troops haven't arrived, I will have to deal with this myself."

Gernald waved his hand and grasped a sword that had mysteriously appeared. He then horizontally slashed the sword, and the next moment, a large group of the beasts suddenly found half their bodies disconnected. Unfortunately, he couldn't use any wide-scale attacks and could only expand his energy to guide his sword intent to his intended targets. Of course, normally, such an attack would have little effect on an enemy; however, due to his vastly superior cultivation, such an attack easily killed his targets. After a few more slashes, the main threat had been dealt with, and the soldiers all grouped up to deal with the remaining enemies.

Heral suddenly narrowed his eyes and expended his spirit sense over the battlefield, looking for the man who had thrown the bottle toward him, yet he was unable to. However, he did find a few intriguing items spread across the battlefield; a small golden coin that held an inscription of a large tree appeared all around. Heral counted a total of three coins, a small amount; however, considering he had no idea what the value of the coins was, this might be a large haul. He quickly grabbed the three coins and held them in his palm when Gernald approached him.

"How are you?"

"Haha, I'm alright. The most dangerous part has already passed."

"That is true, now, I'll need your report. I would also like to know how you were able to heal your wounds."

"Ahaha! I'll, uh, hehe." Heral said with a blissful grin and a red hue on his face. Gernald looked at him with an unknown glint in his eye and quickly grabbed his arm. He then flew to one of the few intact buildings to question him.

Edith was already back at the shop and grumbled at his low funds. Originally, he had 15,000 DC left; however, now he was left with 2,000. He had bought three Dawn Keys for 3,000 DC and bought a Bottle of Dew for 10,000 Dawn Coins. With only 2,000 left, he really needed customers to arrive and buy his products! He let out a defeated sigh when Luna appeared in front of him and told him to attend to the customer that had just arrived.

Edith teleported to the entrance of the shop and found a familiar face. Slightly smiling, he said, "Hello Sol, how are you today?"

"Haha, I'm alright. I also see you've been in difficult times; I had thought this place would be crowded with various customers."

"Haha, although we welcome everyone, we still require our customers to have a certain quality."

"Well, that's alright, I had wanted to see what new things you had in stock, and I'm very excited."

"Hmm, the last time you came here, we only had the Spirit Nourishing Pills. However, now we also have the Enlightenment Pill and Bottle of Dew. We have also added a restaurant, along with creating plans for a type of inn or something similar."

"I see, I'll have to check out the other places; however, I would like to purchase 30 Dawn Keys."

"30 Dawn Keys will be 30,000 DC."

"Huh? I had thought each of them cost 2,000 DC?"

"They did; however, we decided to take a loss on the item to encourage customers to visit our humble shop again."

Sol smiled softly at this and quickly exchanged 30,000 DC worth of his currency for 30 Dawn Keys. Although he was quite rich to think nothing of such a large purchase.

Dawn Coins are simply the term used for the currency in the Dawn Store. Moreover, the price automatically gets translated into the customer's original currency and original amount. Let's say a person on Earth wanted to buy a Dawn Key; instead of 1,000 DC, they would see $1,000,000. Of course, Edith wouldn't get such a generous transfer rate, and for him, 2 DC will always equal a single unit of currency.

Just when Edith was about to show Sol around, a sudden quest appeared in front of him.

[Quest: Expansion

Objective: Expand your store and the various services you offer.

Reward: Item Ticket

Consequences: None]

This quest was quite easy to complete if he had funds. With newfound determination, he guided Sol to the display cases and watched as he browsed the products. Although Edith wanted to introduce them himself; however, he also knew he shouldn't come off desperate.

Edith watched as Sol went around and purchased a wide assortment of products, gaining him a hefty sum of DC. In total, Sol had bought 25 Spirit Nourishing Pills and Enlightenment Pills, along with 3 Bottles of Dew. In total, Edith had gained 510,000 DC! With each Spirit Nourishing Pill gaining him a 2,000 profit for a total of 50,000 total profit. The Enlightenment Pills gaining him a 16,000 profit each for a massive profit of 400,000 DC in total. Then lastly, the Bottles of Dew gave him a 20,000 profit for a total of 60,000 total profit.

With such an overhaul of profit, Edith could already feel the massive spending spree he was going to have. Of course, he first made sure to accompany Sol on the rest of his time inside the store. After Sol had left, Edith's eyes gleamed as he watched the various things he could now buy.