
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Edith arrived in front of the hotel's door and opened it to find a man carrying a few packages.

"Edith Star?"

"That would be me. I'm guessing you've got some packages for me?"

"That is correct. Could you please sign here?"

Edith signed, and the delivery man left after giving him his packages. Edith quickly opened them and didn't even bother looking at them lest he become too intoxicated by their effects and take them for himself. Once the three items were absorbed into the system, Edith found a barrage of system notifications assaulting him; however, the very last one made a smile appear on his face.

[ Quest Complete ]

He quickly looked at the details of the quest completion and hoped he had gotten a high enough rating.

[ Quest: Gather Energy

Objective: Gather the Energy to create the connection between both worlds

Reward: Connection between both worlds

Consequences: None ]

[ Quest: Gather Energy

Status: Complete

Base Reward: D

Reward increased by swift completion +

Reward increased by manually connecting the worlds ++

Reward increased by the lessened pressure on the system +++

Reward increased by complete natural energy +

Reward decreased due to the pressure placed on the system by host -

Reward Level: SSS

Reward: Golden Plaque

Remark: While you may be a complete idiot and we're the cause of the circumstances, you have succeeded with the luck of a millennium. ]

Edith quickly looked at the information regarding the Orion Plaque. It was made of a weird black material that seemed to devour any light that came in contact with it. Its pitch-black color seemed to pale in comparison to the intricate design that was inscribed onto it. In a silver color, a dragon was circling around a large tree that seemed to envelop both the sky and earth. He quickly looked at the details of the item and was both happy yet fearful.

[ Orion Plaque:

A plaque made from the mysterious material of Orion. Once used, the Plaque will display the 5 closest Supreme Treasures and teleport one of your choices. ]

Edith was about to use the plaque; however, Luna quickly advised otherwise.

'Wait! Don't use it yet!'

'Huh? Why?'

'You should use it inside the store. Although such an item usually has measures against detection, you can never be too sure.'

'If it already has measures, then I don't see any reason to wait.'

'J-just go to the store, okay?'

'Hmm, fine,' Edith said with some reluctance, however, still decided to listen to her advice and left for the store. Unknown to him, a being of unfathomable power was scanning the entire universe, and its gaze had just appeared on Earth. A few milliseconds after Edith had left, the being's gaze had scanned his whole world and quickly moved on as he hadn't sensed his plaque.

Edith didn't waste any time and used his new item. The item slowly lost its luster and decayed, leaving behind not a single trace of its existence. Edith quickly looked at the items it displayed along with their information.

[ Sword of Seth:

A sword once used by Seth, a being that had seen and dominated this very realm with his might. This sword holds his Ego and can only be wielded by those it finds worthy. The sword has abilities that correspond with Seth's powers when he was once an overlord, and his Ego will guide you in your sword journey. ]

[ Spear of Heaven:

A spear that had once pierced the very laws that made up the universe. The spear was then dubbed the Spear of Heaven and had the ability to pierce anything, whether that be the laws, concepts, soul, or even the mind. ]

[ Meng's Embrace:

A cultivation technique that strives to grant the pinnacle of attacking potency possible. This technique will allow the user to be able to split the universe in half with a single strike or even fend off the onslaught of Chaos. ]

[ Fate's Plan:

A cultivation technique that strives to become the very pinnacle of defense and resilience. This technique will allow the user to be able to survive the destruction of the universe or even the onslaught of Chaos. ]

[ Pouch of Creation:

A pouch that holds a newly formed Galaxy inside. The owner of such an item is in absolute control over the galaxy and its resources. However, anyone in the Dao Lord Realm may sense the treasure in a 250 million light-year radius. ]

Edith quickly looked over all the treasures that had appeared in front of him. He needed to decide which treasure he wanted to keep among the five; well, four, as he already eliminated the spear. The reason? Spears were not as cool as swords to Edith. Then, although he was reluctant, he dismissed the sword and pouch. Although the sword looked enticing, he had no way of knowing if the Ego inside the sword would accept him. If it didn't, then it would become useless to him. While the pouch essentially painted a large red target on his back and considering his meager strength, he didn't feel the need to gamble so heavily. He was now down to the two cultivation techniques, the main reason he had strived for such a high reward level. Although he was unable to decide between the pinnacle of defense or offense, through his eyes, a fleeting moment lost in his thoughts passed by, a moment where the old couple who had raised him were still alive.

"Haha! Honey, guess what! Edith got in a fight!"

"Huh!? Is he okay!?"

"Haha! No, he isn't; he got beaten black and blue! Haha, he was absolutely thrashed!" An old man said while slowly carrying a young child on his back. The young child was covered in cuts and bruises; moreover, the dirt on his face didn't make it any better. Yet, his eyes shone with fierce determination, a determination for revenge.

An old woman quickly rushed to the door and snatched the child from the old man, quickly scolding him.

"Why the hell are you laughing at him!?"

"Pfft! I'm sorry; it's just he had been beaten by a little girl a few years younger than him."

"Cindy? I'm going to go talk with Lauren about this!"

"Honey, wait! Although he was beaten black and blue, look at his eyes. We shouldn't meddle in this squabble among children, and to be honest, he probably did something stupid."

"Herald! You just wait!"

"I'm okay."

"Edith baby, are you okay!?"

"Mhm, also, please don't tell anyone."


"See, honey, he's becoming a proper boy and should be able to handle his own grievances."

"Sigh! Fine, I won't tell anyone. However! That doesn't mean I won't worry, like, seriously what were you thinking?"

"I'm not really sure why we started to fight. Although, I never want to feel that helpless again. Never."

The old man and woman both smiled, thinking how precious the young child could seem at times. Although he was definitely not the best at things, he still wanted to improve. The old man smiled and said to him, "Haha! Very well, I'll help you learn how to fight!"

Edith shook his head, letting the thoughts in his mind flee. His eyes became slightly watery, and he mumbled to himself,

"You big liar."