
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Edith and Luna both sat in silence as they waited for the system's action. Edith was nervous as the severity of his consequences had finally been realized, while Luna was filled with despair at the short life she had lived.

Eventually, a system panel appeared in front of him, revealing just how angry the system was.

[ Quest: Give the man a Discount!

Objective: Give the man a discount!

Reward: Enlightenment Pill

Consequence: Death ]

[ Quest has been failed! Quest has been failed! ]

[ Applying Consequence ]

[ Error! Error! Error! ]

[ Variable has been detected! World Will has been enraged! World Will has attacked System! ]

[ System going into defense mode! System limiting resource expenditure! ]

[ System countermeasures taken effect ]

[ Quest: Connect to Another World

Objective: Connect the Dawn Shop with a new world

Consequences: Loss of authority, loss of DC, loss of system benefits

Reward: Subject to change based on performance

Remark: You better complete this one, you damn idiot! Now get on your knees and thank my glorious self for respecting your beliefs! ]

Edith looked over at Luna in confusion. Quickly he asked, 'What just happened?'

'It seems your actions might have saved you, however, it put the system into jeopardy. Although, I say this was a win. Although it might not mean much, it seems the system has adapted to your ideals, a very good change.'

'I see, however, what did it mean when World Will was enraged?'

'Oh, that, uhm, I would advise not going to your world for a while.'

'I see, what's the system defense mode?'

'It's the protocol when it's in a state of attack; it limits its energy consumption and use for the duration of the attack or when something can lessen its pressure.'

'I see, hehe, Luna would I get rewarded if I could lessen its pressure?'

'While I'm not sure, however, I do believe so.'

'Hehe, Luna, I want to use my Golden Ticket.'

'Very well.'

Edith got his golden ticket he had gotten in the Starter Pack, a ticket that would let his shop connect with another world. He held it in his hand and abruptly tore it, and a system panel appeared in front of him.

[ Planet: Earth

Planet Rating: 1 Star⭐️

Planet Environment: Similar to Gia

Planet Distance: Unknown! Error! Error! ]

Edith looked at the panel in front of him and wondered why an error appeared. He quickly looked at Luna, who sensed his questioning gaze and answered.

'The only reasons I can think of that it would show an error would be because of the current state of the system or due to the special circumstances of your worn world. Although, I'm not sure what those circumstances could be, and you would need to discover them on your own.'

'I see, let's go then.' Edith said to Luna and confirmed his choice to teleport to Earth. While he was being transported, Rinke was being guided by Elizabeth toward the restaurant. As he is unable to leave at the moment due to his lack of funds, so he will work off his debt! Although his debt has become significantly less due to him selling a few of his possessions that he owned back in Gia. He had gone from 80,000 to 40,000, and it was decided that he will work in the restaurant as a server and cleaner to pay off his debt.

Edith appeared hidden in the back of an alleyway and quickly asked Luna what connecting a world entailed.

'When connecting with a world, you must establish a pathway between the shop and the world. This is usually done automatically, so you would need to simply wait for it. However, due to the system being in defense mode, you will need to collect the required amount of energy yourself. Oh, I guess the system also has noticed this problem.'

[ Quest: Gather Energy

Objective: Gather the Energy to create the connection between both worlds 

Reward: Connection between both worlds

Consequence: None ]

He looked around him and could tell he was in some kind of alleyway due to the trash that was littered all around. Although the clothes were dirty and covered in trash, he decided to wear them instead of the clothes he already had on. He was now covered in a dirty white shirt and mismatched yellow shorts.

He walked out of the alleyway to find a bustling street of people all moving about, giant towers that seemed to reach the heavens, and giant screens displaying various things. He walked out of the alleyways looking at everything in complete disbelief. Although he received a few stares of confusion and even disgust, Edith simply ignored them. He eventually found himself at a clothing store, looking at his get-up; he quickly went inside and purchased a new outfit. He came out with a black long-sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans; he also bought a pair of black running shoes. Now that he was wearing a normal outfit, Edith went out and decided to explore this new world. Quickly he found a library along with something called a computer that was connected to the internet. Just then he remembered his Classy Molecule and used it to download the information on the computer. For the next few hours, he simply sat there, waiting for it to download the relevant information. He also went ahead and read a few of the books that were in the library.

Once a good chunk of the internet's knowledge was downloaded, Edith started to sort through it and planned his next course of action. While walking through the streets, he has decided on the next course of action; he needed to find someplace to live. He eventually found himself in front of a towering skyscraper with the large sign that read, Four Leaf Hotel. He walked in and found a receptionist that was open to check in.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?"

"I would like to book a single room for, let's say the week."

"Alright, at $8000 a night, that will come out to be $56,000."

Edith stared in shock at the exorbitant prices that were listed and decided to tone it down to only 2 nights. However, even doing that still forced him to exchange 32,000 DC, an amount he was reluctant to part with. He grabbed his key and headed out his room when a man abruptly stopped in front of him. He held out a card and said toward Edith, "Hello, I'm Jason with Silver Wolf. How about we have a little chat, Mr. Cultivator."