
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


While Edith was planning his devious scheme in Reno, a young adult was moving through the realm. He was breathing heavily while holding onto his injured arm, which was drenched in blood. His vision was hazy, and his strength had started to leave him days ago. Yet, even with everything, he never let go of the letter in his hand. The letter had already been dyed crimson from his blood, yet he knew that was simply a mild inconvenience to the person he needed to deliver it to. Just then, he collapsed onto the ground, almost losing his grip on the letter. He didn't yell in pain or curse about his situation. Instead, he gritted his teeth and crawled toward his destination, ignoring the pain of the dirt getting into his wounds.

"Keke! Where do you think you're going, little one?"

The young man stared at the beast in front of him with eyes full of despair, a look that caused the beast to lick its lips in excitement. The beast was in the shape of a large panther with ocean-blue fur. Its eyes of the same color looked at the human at death's door with anticipation at the taste. Just when it was about to bite down onto the human, a golden gateway appeared behind him, taking the human away at the exact moment. The beast roared out in anger and alarm, quickly scanning the area for the cause of such a technique. When it noticed no one nearby, it destroyed the tree around it in anger. Just then, it came to a realization that it had let its prey get away, dejectedly leaving back to its camp to inform its superior. Of course, not without a few curses toward both the human and whoever saved him.

Inside the Dawn Shop, Edith had just gone over the small details of his little plan when he suddenly received an urgent alert from both his system and Luna.

[Quest: Save the Traveler!

Objective: Save the injured traveler!

Reward: Item Ticket

Consequence: Immediate Death

Remark: It's better to use your life to help those that can actually make a difference and grow strong.]


"I know, I got the system notification. However, how can I save him?"

"Uhm, you would need to purchase Restoration Pods. Of course, that would need its own separate area and building."

"I see, hmm, would I be able to add it on my second floor by using a tree platform?"

"That could work, however, I would advise against it. Instead, I would create either a specialized medical facility, which might prove to be too expensive, or create an underground basement."

"I can do that!?"

"Mhm, you can create caves, caverns, mountains, and almost everything as long as you have the capital."

"Alright, create an underground space below my tree, also make the entrance by a staircase connected to my second floor. I want the walls to be completely gray and the floor the same color. Lastly, divide the large room into 5 different rooms with a single Restoration Pod in each."

"Alright, the cost comes around 50,000 Dawn Coins."

"That's fine, create it and also move him into a pod."

"Okay, it's done."

Edith breathed out a sigh of relief, however, his mind quickly went into overdrive as he speculated who could entice such a reaction from the system. The system didn't have such a reaction from a phoenix or even a ruler, and Edith doubted an ordinary person could create such a response. He arrived at the Reconstruction Pod that was housing the man and quickly scanned him with his system.

[Name: Rinke Delint

Age: 24

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: Qi Gathering]

Edith looked at the results from the system scan in confusion and suspicion. He couldn't help but let his thoughts out with a doubtful voice.

"Could he be the son of the system?"

"I can confirm that is not something that is possible or true."

"Then can I know why he was able to issue a task from his mere presence?"

"Checking for authority level. Authority level insufficient. Detected a variable connected with the question. Releasing limited information.

At the moment, the system has to cater to those that have a high connection or favor with their world's wills. Of course, its influence and involvement will lessen when you have been connected to more worlds or when something else occurs. That something else is above your authority level, so no use worrying about it."

"I see, so what the system is trying to say is to hurry up and connect to other worlds."

"That is the gist of it. Although I still believe you should wait until you at least have a cultivation technique."

"I see, however, that doesn't change much. Even if I got a cultivation technique, I wouldn't be able to use it."

"Yes and no, while normally that would be true. If you are given a sufficiently high cultivation technique, you would be able to cultivate normally, or at least with some difficulty."

"I see, however, the chances of that happening would be low."


"What is it, Luna?"

"If you can get a sufficiently high quest rating, you might be able to get one."

"Ugh, so I'm stuck as a mortal? He should be fine for now; I should get back. I should be arriving at a city soon."

"Very well, I'll make sure to keep an eye on our guest."

Edith left the shop the next moment and reappeared in the forest. He was finally coming up to a city, or at least from what he remembered from a map he had seen when he was younger.

A few hours away from Edith stood a bustling city, one similar to what he used to live in. Merchants had set up their stalls and were selling their wares, while guards diligently patrolled the streets. However, underneath such a city was a dark truth hidden from the people; the city was on the verge of destruction! The mayor of this city was currently in a meeting with the guards' commander and the noble's envoy.

"A scout has just returned, informing me that the beasts inside Denton have started to become restless."

"I say we strike while the iron is hot! The guards are ready to deploy at your command, sir!"

"That won't be necessary. I'm sure you can understand simply by their names, the guards are not to go on the offensive. I've already informed Lord Celin, and we simply have to wait for his input."

"That may be so, Sir Ferry. However, we don't have that kind of time! Don't tell me you've already forgotten about what happened to Denton!?"

"I have not, commander, however, you've seen the result of acting without orders."

"Tch! Fine! When is your so-called master going to answer?"

"It should be— oh, he just did. Hmm, he says all we need to do is hold out for a week; he's sent a Nascent Soul cultivator to handle the situation, along with a platoon of Golden Core Cultivators."