
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Edith began to venture into the forest, looking at the various herbs and wildlife that lived in it. He took a blade of grass that seemed to be hidden in the normal grass with its lighter color and shorter length. He had no idea what the herb could be used for; however, he felt it would be better to collect everything he could do so. For the next three weeks, Edith traversed the forest, collecting various herbs and plants that he found interesting or seemed valuable. Unfortunately, during this time, he had not seen another customer, and his funds had started to run low from the additions he had made and the food he had been eating through the restaurant.

Moreover, during this time, he had used the other Item Ticket he had gotten from the quest, giving him an item that he believed would be a major hit if he ever got any customers.

[ Enlightenment Pill:

A single pill that can artificially create the sensation of calm and peace of mind that leads to excellent discoveries. This pill also gives a boost to the chance to enter into enlightenment, a phenomenon every being yearns for. Please note overuse can lead to mental damage. ]

A very high-end product that would be sought out by anyone. Moreover, the price was set at a low 4,000 DC; however, Edith had listed the selling price at 20,000 DC. A product with an over 400% price margin; moreover, such a product might even be thought of as a steal by the customers!

At the very moment, he was wearing his owner's clothes that consisted of his Walking Cane, Classy Suit, and the Classy Molecule that he always wore.

"Sigh! It's been too boring! I want to do something! Moreover, that stupid forest is so annoying too!"

"Calm down, Owner; I'm sure a customer will arrive, e-eventually."

"Ugh! Yeah, yeah, anyway, would you like to play with me, Elisabeth?"

"Play what, Owner?"

"Hmm, how about we play tag?"

"Hehe, alright let's play tag then. Would you like to be it? Or should I?"

"Hmm, I'll be it first."

Elizabeth smiled at the childlike behavior the Owner would sometimes exhibit; it sometimes makes her question whether the Owner missed his childhood. Of course, she would never question the Owner, and she swiftly ran away from Edith as he began to chase her. This was a normal thing that had been occurring regularly with the absence of customers in the store. Of course, he had tried to play with the other 4 members; however, they would always refuse, saying it would be inappropriate. Although they say that, Edith had been able to notice that one of the chefs seemed to have a small inconsistency in their belief. Although rare, Rio, an old man that has devolved his culinary skills to an adequate level. He seems to find joy in the obvious behavior of Edith and would sometimes indulge him by showing him a few basic culinary skills.

During Edith's and Elizabeth's game of tag was cut short by the sudden appearance of a new customer. Edith quickly teleported to the store's entrance, a nifty trick he had learned, and greeted the guest in front of him with an air of seriousness that was a stark contrast to his childish attitude before.

"Hello dear customer, welcome to the Dawn Store; what will you be looking for today?" "Hmm, the Dawn Store?"

"That is correct, sir."

Edith responded with inspecting the man in front of him through the system.

[ Name: Reno Blena

Age: 532

Sex: Male

Cultivation Level: ???

Remark: Stop trying to understand the high cultivation levels of those around you mortal! ]

Although the man before him was stronger than him, all Edith could think about was the amount of wealth he possibly possessed. He was wearing a blood crimson cape that reached his feet while also adorned by a luxurious black fitted robe. He swiftly led Reno inside while also introducing the few items he did have on display.

"At the moment we might only have a few items that are available for purchase; however, our wares are all top quality. For example, here we have Spirit Nourishing Pills; they come in a bottle of 3 and are highly effective for most cultivation levels. Then of course we have the Dawn Keys, a simple coin that lets you revisit the shop as the entrance you have originally entered has disappeared. However, an item I believe you would benefit from immensely would be our Enlightenment Pill."

"Enlightenment Pill? A very bold name, isn't it?"

"That might be so; however, its effects are worthy of its name. It calms one's mind while also giving them peace of mind, a very excellent mindset for discoveries. Moreover, it also boosts the chance for someone to enter the enlightenment state."

"Oh? That does sound very enticing. Hmm, can I buy as many as I want?"

"Mhm, of course! Unless otherwise informed by a sign near the product, you may buy a product endlessly."

"I see; I'll of course get a Dawn Key, then I'll get 3 bottles of Spirit Nourishing Pills along with 9 Enlightenment Pills."

"Hmm, alright, that will be 197,000 DC."

"Here you go, all's do you have any other services?"

"We do have a fully functional restaurant that can create any type of dish you might want."

"I see I'll have to check it out then."

"It will simply be upstairs; I will stay down here as we have waiters upstairs and I don't like to intrude on my employee's duties."

"Very well."

Reno said as he took the card that appeared in front of him and tucked it into his robe. He slowly walked upstairs, anticipating the taste of the cuisine that awaited him. After Reno left, Edith got a big grin considering he had just made a hefty sum of money. After deducting the actual cost of the products that were bought, he had made 151,000 in pure profit! With such a large amount, he didn't have to worry about his decreasing funds; moreover, he believed he had found a repeat customer. A devious smile appeared on his face as he thought of a plan for his new friend, a plan that would help bring in a steady income to him.