
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Edith had quickly laid a pathway in the small area that comprised his store, while also creating a forest around his giant tree trunk. He also asked Luna a certain aspect that was bugging him, "How does the DC work? I notice that it seems Sol was able to use his own currency, yet it was still accepted."

"Mhm, the system will automatically accept any type of formally recognized currency and convert them into DC."

"I see, so that means I can also convert my DC into any type of currency."

"T-that is true, however you would be suffering a loss. Let's say a Spiritual Stone equals a single DC; if you wanted to convert DC into a Spiritual Stone, it would cost 2 DC."

"Wow, that's kinda stupid. I mean, what's even the point of such an unfavorable conversion."

"Sigh. That's just the way the system was designed. Anyway, now that you have created the restaurant you need to name it, while also setting the prices for the meals. Moreover, you also need to either assign staff; however, considering you have a single employee. You would need to hire more employees, mainly a waiter and a chef."

"I see, I'll hire 2 waiters and 2 chefs. So, 4 AI in total, how much would that be?"

"That would be 6,000 DC."

"That's fine, the rest can be used to procure food. Also, set all the food with a 200% margin."

"Alright, now what shall you do?"

"I'll go back. I should also try and find any rare material to sell. Oh yeah, let's say I find a certain material and I sell it. Do I have to prepare the inventory, or would the system take care of that?"

"You will be responsible for the supply of materials you find; of course, depending on its rarity, you may have the option of purchasing its supply from the shop."

"I see, well, I should still return."

"I agree, traversing your home world will be a vital step before traveling to other worlds. However, I would recommend securing some funds for your world."

"Ugh, that is true. I'm able to purchase items and use the system outside the shop correct?"

"That is true; however, it will be more direct and through a step-by-step process."

Edith nodded to Luna and chose to leave the Dawn Shop the next moment. Just than he appeared in the cell he was once in; however, the cell door was different and seemed to have been ripped off its hinges.

"What the hell?" Edith let out a small whisper, wondering what could have caused such damage. He ventured out of the guard tower that was located near the outskirts of the city; however, the sight that welcomed him was a gruesome view. The once proud walls that protected the city from dangers had been breached and fallen, while bodies littered the grounds. Blood was everywhere and a constant stench of iron filled the air. However, that was not the main reason his stomach felt sick, no, it was the state of the bodies. The bodies seemed to have been torn limb from loom, while also covered in various bite marks. Their various organs were spilling all over the grounds, tainting the grounds with an aura of war. Edith covered his mouth, barely stopping the vomit that was threatening to come out. His knees gave out and he fell to the floor, covering his hands in various people's guts and organs. Just than he heard a low growl, with fear taking control over his body, Edith ran and hid under the debris of the fallen city wall. He was careful about breathing as quietly as possible while also trying to minimize his presence; of course, his skills were amateurish at best. Luckily for him, such skills were enough for him to avoid the danger that was about to befall him.

A low growl escapes a beast's mouth as it scans its eyes around the rubble of a once-great city. When it notices that nothing was there, he sniffs a few times wondering if he was dreaming of the smell from earlier. He stayed there for a few minutes; however, it eventually gave up and left the rubble back toward the center of the city.

Edith slowly crawled out from the rubble, dusting himself off while also communicating with Luna.

"What happened!? Why the hell are there beasts inside the city? Moreover, is the city even still standing?"

"I'm not sure, I have no other information other than that is relevant to the system, its functions, and with the operation of the store. I have no information regarding your world, or even other worlds."

"I see, I guess I might as well explore then."

Edith quickly looked around, and after a few hours of exploring around him, he eventually found nothing useful or noteworthy. Finding out that the city seemed to have been mostly, if not entirely overrun by beasts, Edith decided to head into the forest to travel to a new city. Just before he left the city he looked back and wondered, what could be in the center that seems to attract the beasts.

While Edith ventured into the forest, Sol had settled down under a tree and opened one of the pill bottles he had bought. He looked at the pills that were sky blue and popped one of them into his mouth. The next moment, his eyes widened, and he quickly devoured the other pills in the bottle. He swiftly settled into a meditation position and absorbed the Qi that abruptly came about from the three pills.

Once he had devoured and absorbed the pills in that bottle and the other two, he let out a small chuckle.

"Haha! To think I could find such commodities in a rural place like this. Now I can finally leave this realm and venture out into the universe once again. Hmm, I wonder if my family is still insisting I marry that crazy woman."

Sol quickly took flight into the air and started to accelerate into the sky until he reached a physical barrier. He slowly reached his hands into the barrier and tore out a small enough hole for him to pass, vanishing the next moment, and the hole repairing itself. However, this small action had caused a slight tear in the balance that was holding the laws of the realm, slowly bringing it to materialize into the main realm. A very rare phenomenon that can happen for a few reasons and have a near-impossible activation; however, such a phenomenon can bring out both benefits and consequences.