
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


While Edith was setting his prices, a figure that would otherwise be impossible to predict inside the realm that makes up Edith's world had found a gateway in the form of a door. The gateway has a similar appearance to dawn, yet seemed to have wisps of black and white leaking outside. The figure was a stranded cultivator in this realm, although his cultivation eclipsed this realm's limit. He was unable to leave due to a lack of spiritual energy; moreover, the bad purity of the spiritual energy has made gathering enough to forcibly leave the realm difficult.

"How intriguing, hmm, what could you possibly mean? Well, no use trying to rationalize it. I might as well take a look."

The figure said calmly as he slowly stepped through the dawn color doorway. The next moment, the figure vanished from the realm, with the gateway swiftly following after it.

Just then Luna and Edith both seemed to sense something. The next moment Edith fumbled trying to get to the entrance. Once he had arrived he found a unique situation standing in front of him. The situation was a small bird standing in front of him, of course, he wasn't naive enough to believe it was a normal bird as Luna was yelling in his mind about its origins.

"Be careful! He is extremely dangerous!"

Edith, wanting to understand more about his new customer, quickly let the system scan him, only to be disappointed by the results.

[ Name: Sol

Age: 850,000

Sex: Male

Race: Phoenix

Cultivation Level: ???

Remark: Wow! You caught a big fish for your sale; let's just hope he doesn't eat you whole! ]

Edith looked at his new guest in amazement, a real breathing phoenix. While he's never learned much about them, the old couple who had taken care of him had said that they were considered to be the rulers of fire.

"Hello good sir, welcome to the Dawn Shop. An establishment that will cater and strive to meet any of your needs. A forefront of economic development in the universe. I will be assisting you today; you may refer to me as the Owner."

The phoenix looked at the being in front of him with amazement, a being that can not only escape its eyes' scrutiny but also give him a slight sense of submission. He smiled at the person in front of him and asked with a polite smile, "I see, what an interesting little place you have here. If you don't mind, would I be able to purchase a room here?"

Edith looked over at the phoenix named Sol in confusion and quickly asked Luna whether that would even be possible.

"While such features and establishments might become available to you later, at the moment such a request would be impossible."

Edith's eyes burned with anxiety, however, he pushed himself to answer his customer. Moreover, he also led the customer into the shop, showcasing its products, or lack of products. He also made sure to ask Elizabeth to provide a few refreshments for himself and their first customer.

"Unfortunately, at the moment such services are unavailable. We can offer you Spirit Nourishing Pills or keys to enter the Dawn Shop."


"That would be correct, as this shop promotes high-end products at affordable prices for the whole universe. This shop will be limited by the entrances to those the shop seems worthy to shop here, or those that have the connections to them. Of course, the shops will not be handing out free keys and such a product will need to be purchased to return."

"I see, hmm, I'll buy a key then."

"That will be 2,000 DC."

"Hmm, that's quite expensive for a simple key, oh, I see. Now that I recall, the realm I was in should have its space locked down. May I inquire on how I was brought here?"

"I'm sorry, however that would delve into the shop's secrets."

"That is alright, here is the money."

The phoenix said as the next moment Edith heard a ding, however he tactically ignored it. He then also motioned to the bottle of spirit nourishing pills, while subtly acknowledging his problem.

"While we may not have much, we do have a bottle of excellent quality Spirit Nourishing Pills."

"Oh? Do you believe such a poor item would help me with my problem?"

"I'm not sure what you mean dear customer; our products aim to even affect those that have picky taste. Also, even if they don't have the desired effect, they should have some type of effect on anyone, or at least a better effect than where you have arrived from."


"I see, I'll have 3 bottles then."

"Very well, that will be 15,000 DC. Also please acknowledge we hold no liability for overuse on our products."

"That shouldn't be an issue."

The phoenix smiled at Edith as a card appeared in front of him containing all of his items. The card was the storage container for all of the Dawn Shop's products and would be destroyed upon use. He took the card and simply placed it into another type of spatial storage. Another system notification rang out, however he still blatantly ignored it. The next moment, Elizabeth has returned with a few cups of tea for both of them when the phoenix suddenly disappeared.

She looked around with slight confusion; however, Edith quelled that curiosity by saying, "Don't worry he was just finished with his shopping. However, don't throw the tea out. Might as well drink it, lest we waste it."

"Mhm, sure thing Owner."

While Edith and Elizabeth were drinking the tea he had asked her to prepare, he was going through the system notifications he had received.

[ Quest: Make your first Sale!

Status: Complete

Base Reward Level: E

Reward increased by the strength of the guest ++

Reward increase by price margin of 100% +

Reward increased by subsequent sales +

Reward Level: A

Reward: Item Ticket, Restaurant Building

Remark: Wow! You actually got a good score! I had thought the max you were going to get would be a D. ]

Edith's mouth twitched at the system remarks that appear infrequently, yet still choose to ignore them. He looked over his rewards, a new item ticket and a Restaurant Building.

The item ticket was the exact same thing as last time, while the Restaurant Building let Edith build a restaurant. He quickly added onto the massive tree trunk he was creating while creating the floor of the restaurant and the roof of the store as that same familiar wood. He also made sure to create a small hole in the ceiling of the store for a grand staircase to lead up to the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with various tables and chairs all set out in an elaborate design of a star. In the middle sat a piano lifted off the ground on a small platform. This room was slightly smaller as it also had a divider, separating the restaurant from the kitchen.

He also looked over at his Dawn Coins that sat at 7,000 and smiled mischievously at the renovations he was about to do.