
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Luna looked over at the reflection in the glass counters and didn't find any reason he should be concerned. She tilted her head to the side while saying, "I'm sorry; however, I don't follow."

"I mean, who is that!? I know for sure I didn't look that good; moreover, I for sure as hell wasn't this tall. Now that I think about it, my arms and legs do feel longer than normal."

"Huh? What do you mean? Oh. Now, I understand the problem. I'm sure you've noticed the massive amount of knowledge that was injected into your mind. That came from the system deeming you unable to fully comprehend its functions and lack of basic knowledge. Of course, that large amount of information being injected into your mind forcibly and abruptly had caused you to lose consciousness. The amount of time you were unconscious was 3 years, 74 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes, and 10 seconds. This has caused your body to advance from a 13-year-old into a 16-year-old boy. Although this would have taken much less time if your spirit disruption disease wasn't making the injection of knowledge difficult."

"Y-y-you! You took away my childhood!"

"That would be correct, although your childhood wasn't that pleasant to begin with. Moreover, this also works in your favor as no customer would have taken a 13-year-old boy seriously, no matter their composure."

"Grr! I don't care! I want my childhood back!"

"Also, you must remember, you're still locked in a cell. You most likely would have been thrown in prison anyway; just think of avoiding that."

"S-still! That doesn't let you take away three years of my life!"

"That may be so; however, you are unable to control the system with your authority. If you want more freedom and control over the system, increase the authority you have."

Edith looked at Luna with red eyes, however, he knew she didn't have anything to do with what happened. The reason he knew this was because she came into being after it had happened. He sighed and instead decided to tear the item ticket he had received.

The next moment, a tiny slot machine appeared in front of him; he didn't know what it was and quickly asked Luna, "Uhm? What is this? Is this the item I received?"

"No, instead, all you have to do is pull that lever and it will dispense the item."

Edith nodded and pulled the lever. After waiting a few seconds, a golden panel appeared in front of him showing the item he had received from the item ticket.

[ Spirit Nourishing Pills:

A basic necessity for every cultivator that nourishes and replenishes spirit energy. These pills are of excellent quality and can have substantial effects for every customer up to a certain realm. Please be advised these pills can only be consumed three times a day; any more afterward will start to have negative side effects on the body. ]

Edith looked at the bottle of pills that had appeared in his inventory, ready to be placed in his store. He quickly placed them near the door; once that was done, he quickly activated his Universal Converter. A ball of light suddenly went to his right ear where a small fiery orange color that resembled dawn appeared behind it in the form of a small coin. The coin had the carving of a large tree. He then put on his Classy Molecule and his Classy Suit. Edith also took out his Walking Cane.

Edith was now wearing an exquisite midnight black suit with a single violet peeking out of the suit's chest pocket. With pants of the same color, along with classy shoes of dark grey. Moreover, a very exquisite golden molecule was attached to his face, giving him an air of success. He was holding onto a small wooden cane that was made from the only best possible wood.

At the moment, Edith really looked like a very successful businessman and a very classy guy. Once he was done admiring his new looks, he quickly used his AI lease agreement. The next moment a very beautiful woman appeared in front of him with golden hair that shone with the same intensity as the sun, and baby blue eyes. She was wearing a white blouse that was tucked into a long black skirt, while also wearing heels with the same color as her eyes. Immediately, Edith scanned her, curious about what type of AI the system would give him.

[ Name: None

Age: 18 years

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: Mortal

Condition: Perfect Physical, Spiritual, and Soul health ]

The AI quickly bowed to Edith and said in a soothing voice, "Hello, Owner."

Edith smiled at her and asked, "Would it be alright if I named you? Or would you like to give yourself a name?"

"I would be honored to be named by you, Owner!"

"Very well then, your name will be Elizabeth from now on."

The once AI, now Elizabeth hastily thanked Edith and inquired about her duties. Edith answered her by telling her that she would be the receptionist and would help the customers however they needed. Just then, Edith had gotten his first very quest.

[Quest: Make your first Sale!

Objective: Complete your first sale with a customer

Reward: Subject to change based on performance

Remark: If you can't even sell something, why even bother trying to control me?]

Edith glared at the hostile remark on the quest; however, he knew it would be pointless to argue with it. He quickly looked over at Luna and asked, "How do I get customers?"

"At the moment, you have no real way to get customers by yourself. Instead, gateways will open up randomly in connected planets. Also, you don't have to communicate with me verbally as we can communicate through our thoughts. Also, you're the only person who can see me, so keep that in mind before you get your employees thinking you've lost your mind talking to the air."

Edith quickly glanced at Elizabeth and noticed luckily she wasn't paying attention to him. He then said in his mind toward Luna, "Well, why didn't you tell me this beforehand!?"

"You never asked, and I didn't see the relevance of saying anything yet. Also, I would determine the prices for your wares as soon as possible."

"Wares? I thought I only had the Spirit Nourishing Pills?"

"You have that; however, you also have a Dawn Key. It's a simple coin that can let a customer teleport back to the shop. These cost 1000 Dawn Coins, while the Spirit Nourishing Pills cost 3,000 Dawn Coins for a bottle of three."

"I see well, set the Dawn Key at 2,000 Dawn Coins and the Spirit Nourishing Pills at 5,000 Dawn Coins."