
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Edith looked at the condition section of his data and immediately became concerned with the spiritual dispersion disease. This disease dispersed any and all spiritual energy that enters his body. This would prevent him from cultivating, a very respected practice in his world. He immediately turned to Luna and asked with urgency,

"How can I get rid of this!?"

"Oh, that. Uhm, you would need to shed your mortal self and start on the path of cultivation, however, that becomes impossible with such a disease. The only option I can think of would be to get a reward from the system, of course, such a reward would have to be extraordinary."

"How would I even get a reward from the system?"

"You can gain such rewards from quests issued from the system. However, with your low authority, they would also have consequences in the event of incompletion."

"I see, when would I even get a quest?"

"T-that I don't know. However, I would first open your starter pack first."


Edith quickly opened his starter pack, and the golden panel appeared, showing him what he had received.

[ Starter Pack:

*Building Permit of 1,000 square meters

*Universal Converter

*Classy Suit

*1 AI lease agreement

*Classy Molecule

*100 DC

*1 Golden Ticket

*1 Item Ticket

*Walking Cane ]

[ Building Permit of 1,000 square meters:

A permit to build a building of 1,000 desire meters. ]

[ Universal Converter:

A special implant that will convert all language in both the written and spoken form to English. ]

[ Classy Suit:

A classy suit that will be able to change its appearance based on the direction the host wished to develop the Dawn Shop. This suit will allow the user to easily use the system's function, which otherwise would need to be handled step by step from the host through the system. To secure the shop's prestige, the host will be able to perfectly control its facial and bodily movements with the suit on. Please note this suit has no defense capabilities, cannot leave the store's premises, and also has the effect of veiling the host's identity if they so please. ]

[ 1 AI Lease Agreement:

An agreement to hire a single AI for a month, after the agreement has expired the AI will be removed from the Dawn Store, and the host has to attain its own employees. ]

[ Classy Molecule:

A Molecule that lets the host store information inside an infinite database. The information will be then be shown with relevance or by the wishes of the host. ]

[ 100 DC:

100 Dawn Coins, the main currency that is used inside and through the Dawn Shop. ]

[ 1 Golden Ticket:

A ticket that allows the host to connect the Dawn Shop with a nearby inhabited planet. Please note that the ticket will only transport the host and connect the planet in a certain amount of time. ]

[ 1 Item Ticket:

A random item that you may sell in your shop, although you will be able to list other items, how could you possibly acquire something of value with your puny strength? ]

[ Walking Cane:

The universe is a dangerous place, and you should be careful with who you associate with. However, as you will be associating with many different races and beings, this cane can serve as a self-defense tool inside the Dawn Shop. This cane is able to kill any Qi Gathering individual, while also letting everyone be inspired by your classy weapon, and a very efficient walking cane. ]

Edith looked at the various items he had received with both wonder and intrigue. The first thing he did was look at Luna and ask for her advice.

"Uhm, Luna, what do I do with these?"

"Hmm, I would first decide what type of theme you want your store to have. Afterward, I would design the store you will be selling your items in."

Edith had no idea what a "store" looked like. The closest thing he had seen was various stalls that covered the streets selling their wares. Although he might have the mentality of a child, he still knew better than to trust whatever had fallen into his hands. However, he also knew appearances matter more than some would believe, so reluctantly he looked over at Luna and asked if she could design the store. At first, she was taken aback; however, she still performed the task she had been asked to complete to the best of her ability.

While she was working, she began to ask various questions to help with the designing process, "How would you like the building to be presented? A lord's manor, or a grand royal palace, or maybe a cozy cabin, simply think about it, and I will make sure to implement it into my design. Moreover, what type of atmosphere would you like? An expensive atmosphere that caters to the rich? Or maybe a more reserved catering to the less well-off? I see, alright, hmm, that should be there and we can put that there. Alright, before we finish please look over it and make any changes you wish to make."

In front of Edith stood a large tree that seemed trunk, a very unique design. The tree trunk was outlined with various windows and had a single carving of a door that led inside. The carving was left open, with a sign above it that read Dawn Shop. On the inside, various furniture from cushions, tables, and glass counters filled the room. The tree was deprived of a single room where a kitchen had been placed.

Edith looked at the building in amazement, however he felt a single piece was missing from such a fantastic design. He quickly removed the roofing from the tree trunk with thoughts of expanding the building upward when given the option, and he also changed the sky from a baby blue to a fiery orange mixed with various colors to create an artificial dawn. Once he was satisfied with his customizations, he quickly materialized the building into existence and wandered inside, gawking at everything.

The physical representation of Luna was catching up to Edith in the form of a small spirit. Her facial features were simply otherworldly, and her eyes were a moon gray just like her hair. She was wearing a sun-like gown that complemented her appearance.

Edith quickly looked into the mirror that was in front of him when he abruptly screamed, alerting Luna and causing her to rush over. Edith screamed out once more, however this time it was in the form of words.

"W-who is that!?"