
The Owner of Dawn

An orphan that has seen the horrors that came from living on the streets was caught in his daily routine of stealing. In his stay in a cell inside the guard’s tower, a light of unkown orgin appears and consumes him. Being teleported to a unkown dimension and having the status of Owner of a store that aims to hold and control the economy of not a single planet, or realm, but the entire universe! Now he must traverse the dangers of holding that status while trying to gain control of the system that forced him into this situation. Of course he aims to compete the systems dream, not for the system itself but because of his own goals and ambitions. One of which is to demand the childhood that was taken from him by the system! * The main character will NOT be some highly intelligent and perfect person. He will have faults and will make mistakes, of course he will grow over the course of the story. Lastly, he won’t be a saint that protects every being near him or out of reach. He will also not be a demon that seeks to destroy everything. * * Copyright 2023 Oliie. All rights reserved. *

Oliie · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


In a secluded area of a newly formed universe sat a mysterious person. This person is ever-changing; his voice is never the same pitch when he talks. His size has been interchanging from the size of an atom to as large as a galaxy. His facial features are shrouded in a thin layer of fog, and his body is concealed under a veil of conspiracy. The being has been tasked with 'helping' this new universe grow, although it's been restricted with its level of involvement.

After contemplating for a small amount of time, 3 billion years, he finally decided on the path he wanted to take. With his newfound goal, he began to work in creating an abstract treasure. Of course, such a treasure couldn't be left as a single piece. Instead, he created thousands upon thousands of millions of different pieces of this treasure, each with its own function. However, to fully understand and grasp this treasure's strength, one would need every piece to be collected into a single treasure. In approval of his new creation, the being flicked his hand and watched as the endless amount of shards all left to discover their own hosts. Of course, he couldn't let them leave without a single shared name and let its ancient voice grace this universe for the first time, shaking the very laws that govern it.


In a world similar to Earth in the Middle Ages, a child no older than 13 can be seen running from a merchant.

"Hey! Someone stop that thief!"

"Pfft! Do you really—- ugh!"

"Haha! We finally got you, damn thief!"

The merchant quickly went up to the boy and grabbed him by the collar. The boy was covered in garbage; however, the merchant didn't care much for that and quickly yanked out a can of food that he was holding.

"Tch! Now it's time to go to the guards, little brat!"

"Grr! Let go of me, old man!"

"Haha, look, Genrard finally caught that brat!"

All around them were other merchants looking at the altercation, not with pity but instead with joy. The boy in General's hand was an orphan who had been left out in the streets since he was a baby. He had only survived because of an old couple that had taken care of him during his early childhood. However, a few years ago, they had died due to their old age. Left alone and with no skills to get a job, the boy had resorted to stealing.

General quickly took the boy to the guards' tower and left once he was in custody. The boy sat in a cell, waiting for one of the guards to come question him. He was wearing a tattered brown shirt and shorts that had a foul stench. His face and hair were covered in dirt, dust, and trash. However, that couldn't stop his exquisite appearance from shining. His hair was white, and his face showed a handsome boy who would grow up to be quite the lady killer in the future. Moreover his sun-like eyes that flickered with child-like innocence would draw anyone in.

Although his entire body screamed with poverty, a single item was out of place. It shone and reeked of luxury, like how a noble reeked of his upbringing. It was a necklace held on by a golden chain, the necklace itself a symbol of a lone star in the night sky, and on the back was the name Edith. Edith has had this necklace since he was a child; according to the old couple, they had found it in his basket. Although he didn't know who his parents were and had no lingering attachments, he still felt a sort of connection to the necklace. This connection had led him to carry it wherever he went.

In the dark and damp cell, Edith can be seen caressing his necklace when suddenly a flash of light that seemed to devour any light or energy to come near it appears. The weird unknown light seems to persist for a few seconds until he is transported away from the cell and the realm itself.

Edith found himself in an empty green field being brushed by a relaxing breeze. In front of him stood a golden holographic screen that would overshadow any technology his planet would develop for thousands upon thousands of years.

[ System has been Assimilated ]

[ System Launching ]

[ Welcome to the Dawn Store ]

Edith looked confused at the panels in front of him, and with no better alternative, he punched it. When his hand passed through them, another panel appeared in front of him.

[ System has detected a lack of knowledge ]

[ Rationalizing countermeasures ]

[ Countermeasures rationalized ]

[ Owner will now receive basic knowledge ]

Edith still looked confused at the panels when an aching headache assaulted him. His mind seemed to be split open by the sudden influx of knowledge, almost like a raging tide of water caused by the fall of a dam.

In the cell that once housed Edith, a guard had finally arrived to question the boy when he noticed that it was empty. He didn't think much of it and simply assumed another guard had decided to let the boy go. Looking at the night sky, he left the guard tower and headed back home to his wife and kids.

Edith finally woke up, however, he couldn't look at the world around him the same. The so-called basic knowledge the system gave him was equivalent to a high school graduate. Knowledge that was way ahead of his realm's current time. Of course, that basic information also included a mainly aspects of the system.

He navigated the golden panel in front of him and tapped on it lightly.

[ Welcome Owner! The Dawn Store strives to provide all its customers with the best quality of items and service throughout this entire universe! You, as the Owner, have come to materialize this. ]

[ Issuing your Assistant ]

"Hello! I'm here to guide you—- huh? A child?"

"Yes, a child. Although I should be the one surprised considering the, thing, in front of me."

"I'm not a, thing, I'm your assistant in the endeavor of creating the Dawn Store reach the heights it was made to reach. Although self-introductions are necessary, I have no name."

"I see, well, I'll name you, Luna."

"Luna? Very well, my name shall be Luna from this moment forward. I'm your assistant to help guide you in your store-owning journey. To get you more familiar with the system let's look at your personalized data."

[ Name: Edith Star

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: Mortal

Condition: Suboptimal ( limited nutrients, limited bone growth, spiritual energy dispersion, … select to expand )

Dawn Coins: 0

Dawn Authority Level: 0

Inventory: Starter Pack

Quest: None ]