
The Overlord of Mysteries

An Overlord - Multiverse Travel Fanfiction The protagonist, Mc, was betrayed by the world and his expectations, which led to his death. After meeting a being called ROB, Mc played a game with him to obtain cheat abilities. ROB then transported Mc to a world, from where he would get isekai'd to another world - Overlord. Mc is a dreamer who can be both kind and cold when necessary. He follows Machiavelli and Chanakya and is a fan of horror and Lord of the Mysteries. The story will begin with Mc having no powers related to Lord of the Mysteries, but he will try to build his guild based on LOTM themes. His NPCs will mainly be from Fate, LOTM, and other popular fiction works. Mc's in-game character's powers and events could be inspired by other Overlord fan fiction. Word Count Every Chapter: On Average around 3k to 7.5k. Note: This is an AU Overlord world. The AU part is Mc reincarnating as Bruce Wayne in Gotham of 22nd century of Earth in Overlord verse. The first volume is for Character development and doesn't affect much of your reading experience if you decide to skip it. The first volume is Batman Vs Joker, so you can skip it. If it's not to your taste. Batman[MC] and Joker are the only DC characters in this fic. The Batman arc will be over with the first volume. The second Volume is purely a Yggdrasil Game experience. There isn't much real-life experience shared in the second volume. 22nd-century Earth is a normal world with no magic or supernatural elements. Everything is the same as the original Overlord world. Except for there being Gotham in America and Bruce Wayne in it. Even the Joker is not the same as the comic version, at least his back story. You can skip from the fourth chapter of the First Volume to not miss out on the development of his wishes and the main base of the story. I'm the author of this fanfiction. As English is not my first language, constructive feedback is welcome. I'm a college student, so the upload schedule will be irregular, but I will strive to upload at least one chapter per week. I'm not asking for power stones, but I do appreciate comments and reviews, which may lead to more frequent uploads. The choice is yours, whether you decide to give power stones or not is fine. It is your choice. If you do decide to give, I appreciate it. I aim to upload four chapters per month. Note: Mc has Gilgamesh and Satoru Gojo's template. The image used in this fic as the cover image belongs to their respectful owner. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series/TV Shows/Movies/Comics. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. The image used for the cover or others does not belong to me. If you are the rightful owner of the image in question and would like to request its removal, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is my utmost priority to respect the intellectual property rights of others and I will ensure that the image is taken down expeditiously upon receipt of your request. References: [1] Overlord - Kugane Maruyama [2] Lord of the Mysteries - Cuttlefish That Loves Diving [3] Fate Series - Nasuverse [4] JJK - Gege Akutami [5] DC [6] Star Wars - George Lucas [7] Marvel [8] Anime

ChaoticVoid_24 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

22. Darkness

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 4000 Words

Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes to it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.

Due to my college work, I was unable to upload the chapter sooner so I've made this chapter longer. Increased the word count.

Note: Possibly next chapter is going to be the End of Yggdrasil Arc, Chapter 23.

Also, I'm sorry that my upload has been rough recently. I've had some assignments due in my college which is taking up much of my time. Though I hat to say it, it's unlike me to say it but I've got some incompetent teammates for my project team.

Due to them I've not been able to do any other work other than my project work. I had expected to free myself for some time to type but alas I failed to assess their skills.

It would have never happened if not for my professor assigning the teams for the Course Project. I've really have had some bad luck in teams where the professor's assign the teams.

Sorry for the rant, will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I've got to complete the next chapter by this week, as I've got my Semester End Exams starting next week. The I will be gone for approx two weeks.


A couple of Months Later:

In a valley, an octopus-looking humanoid being stood contemplating their situation as she stared at the space in front of them.

A Human Male wearing a robe appeared in front of her.

"So, how was it Vishanti?"

"Same as always."

"Another defeat. Isn't he too strong?"

"A World Enemy is going to be powerful. We already knew about it, Domitor. So, what do you plan to do now?"

"We have already wasted a lot of time challenging HIM again and again. So, what do you suggest we do Vishanti? There are just five weeks left before the Game ends. We have to do it before it."

"That we will."

"So, what do you suggest we do Vishanti?"



"Yes, we do nothing for now. Let's get back to town and enjoy some time wandering around the Game. We should enjoy our time here before the Game ends."

"We should beat Fafnir first, don't you think? We can hang around later after the End of The Game."

"The End?"

"After the End of the Game. We can tour around the Real World. I know that it's not the best of the places we have. It's not as beautiful as this World.

But this, Yggdrasil is a Virtual World in the End.

So, I think we should."

"We should?"

"We should kill Fafnir first and then move on to our tour."

"Wait. You are not angry with HIM, are you? You are frustrated about our loss."

"No. I'm not frustrated. I'm just unhappy with the results."

'That's the first one. It was unlike her usual cool princess persona. I guess you can never know a person truly.'

"So what do you suggest we do now Domitor?"

"First we should deal with those players coming our way Vishanti."

Vishanti turned around as he looked at two players coming their way.

"They are just like us Domitor. They are coming from Fafnir's home. Seeing that it's just the two of them, they may have lost the Battle. Fighting a World Enemy with just two ordinary players is a foolish endeavour.

And last I checked, we are doing the same, aren't we jesters."

"Aren't you enjoying this too much?"

"What fun is it to always be worrying? You should let loose from time to time."

"I'll consider it."


As they talked to each other standing near a valley, the other two players got near them.

As they got close enough, Vishanti turned around to face them as he questioned them.

"So, what do we owe the favour to meet you esteemed guests?"

Hearing his question, the duo walked close to Vishanti and Domitor, stopping a safe distance away.

"Well, we were hoping to ask you a question?"

The Man stepped forward as he asked them a question. The duo consisted of a man and a woman. Both of them were max-level players with unique dressing styles.

Bruce did not need to use appraisal on them to find out about them, he had World to provide Him with such information.

Vishanti also stepped forward as he answered him.

"Well, we are happy to answer your question."

"Are you guys here to challenge Fafnir?"


"Would you guys like to join us? We tried our luck recruiting others but no one was interested in joining just the two of us."

"It is a good offer but we will have to decline. We are done with Fafnir for the day."

"So you are interested in fighting Fafnir. If not today then we can surely fight Him tomorrow or by this week."

"We will think about it. For now Adios."

Saying what he had to say Vishanti turned around to Domitor, signaling her that it was time to leave.

Seeing them get ready to teleport, the Man BabaYag rushed towards Vishanti and he tried to stop Him.

"Wait at least tell me this. Are we going to fight Fafnir together or not?"

"At the same time, tomorrow meet me here. If you still want to fight Fafnir."


As Ars stood watching, Vishanti and Domitor teleported from the place where they stood. He stood there watching as his female companion arrived by his side watching at the spot where Vishanti and Domitor stood a second ago.

"Why are you interested in them Sato?"

"Don't you get it Amane? That guy was armed to teeth with Divine Tier items and may also hold a World Item. Also, I am unable to use Appraisal on him."

"So, the chances of us winning are higher with them than with ourselves or with others. Is that what you are trying to say? But in the end, it's just the two of us and two of them to face a World Enemy. Do you think we can win by this week?"

Sato turned to face his companion who also happened to be his wife in Real World.

"That's a chance I am willing to take. We have no other choice. Next week we will have to leave for Gotham. Once there I won't be able to play Yggdrasil anymore. Moreover, the era of Yggdrasil is ending."

"It's true. I understand that you trying your best to fulfil my wish to fight Fafnir but you can take it easy. I won't be mad at you even if we fail."


"So tell me Sato, how is Gotham?"

"Fine. Gotham is a Giant City. The biggest city on this planet and a city with the latest technology this World has to offer. The forefront of every revolution. And you don't have to worry about much there. I have got everything we will need ready."

"We will have to thank Wayne Enterprises for that won't we."

"That we do. No matter the situation, I will never forget about Yggdrasil. It was due to Yggdrasil that I met an executive of Wayne Enterprises. I am where I am today because of Yggdrasil and Wayne Enterprises.

Also, you don't have anything to worry about. We will beat every World Enemy of Yggdrasil. To be able to beat or challenge the End Boss of Yggdrasil. The Strongest and The Last World Enemy of Yggdrasil, The World Devourer to complete our set. We should have beat every other World Enemy, Yggdrasil has to offer. Only then will we have our ticket to challenge The World Devourer."

"We will beat them, Sato."

"Yes, we will Amane."


In the Streets of the small town of Hel, a Man and an octopus-shaped humanoid Being walked silently after teleporting here a minute ago.

Seeing a Human player roaming around in Hel could have caused other players to attack Him. But seeing that the Human was with a Heteromorphic Player, others ignored Him.

"Why did you accept to fight with them, Vishanti?"

"Well, it has to do with something that happened a long time ago.."

"By long time do you mean twenty-first century?"

"Not that long ago. Well, I guess he couldn't identify me."

"You knew him?"

"Yes, it just feels like yesterday. But it has been a long time since I last saw him. He is the last World Champion of Múspellsheim. The One I told you about last year."

"The World Champion of Múspellsheim. Wasn't his account deleted from the Game."

"That it is. But it's a different account that he is using now."

"How are you so sure of it?"

"Let's just say that being a member of the board of the parent company of Yggdrasil has its advantages."

"You violated the privacy agreement!"

"No, I did not hack into his Console Akane."

'It was World, anyway who did what she did.'

"Moreover the man works for me. Won't I know his status by just checking in with the company?"

"That's understandable but still. How were you able to do it so fast."

"Don't worry too much Domitor. Let's just say I wouldn't be in my position if I wasn't as good as I am."

"Fine. So we will meet tomorrow huh?"

"Yes. I will take my leave now. Good Night, Domitor."

"Good Night, Vishanti."

Both of them logged out of the Game at the same time. Both their bodies dissolved into specks of light as they went back to the Real World.


Next Day

"Were you waiting for me, Sato?"

"Who are you?"

Sato and Amane as promised had arrived at the valley to meet Vishanti and Domitor. They waited at the location as they had chosen to arrive ten minutes early.

As Vishanti teleported right behind them and whispered the question.

They were startled by his sudden arrival and more so by the fact that He knew BabaYag's IRL name.

Amane was too shocked to react calmly when Vishanti called BabaYag's IRL name. Sato chose to remain silent to see how it played out.

But Amane couldn't hold herself back. She ended up asking something that had been on both of their minds after hearing him call BabaYag by his IRL name.

"BabaYaga, The World Champion of Múspellsheim. Well, Ex-World Champion at least."

"You know me. You're.."

"The one who got you your Job Sato."


"Don't worry much about hierarchy here Sato."

"So, You're the executive of Wayne Enterprises, who hired me."

"Something like that."

"I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me, Sir. I did not know of your identity, had I known it before, I would have already visited you to thank you for all that you have done to me."

"There is no need for it."

"If you say so. Sorry for the late introduction Sir, I am Sato Kendo. You already are aware of it. She is Amane Kendo, my wife.

Amane, this here is my benefactor who has helped me a lot. The man who hired me in Wayne Enterprises."

As they continued their talk, they were interrupted by Domitor who teleported near them.

After getting together and planning their attack strategy, they moved ahead.


"Defend ME!"

Domitor shouts as she gets ready to cast a super-tier spell.

BabaYag was relentless in his attack on Fafnir with his sword. He hacked away at Fafnir but it's HP showed no sign of difference.

Amane had died already due to her weak defence being a Magic Caster.

While Vishanti circled Fafnir raining spells down on HIM.

Vishanti hearing Domitor's call for assistance, teleported in front of her.

A spiral of flame spewed by Fafnir was heading towards Domitor as she was casting a super-tier spell.

Raid Bosses or any other Boss Monster in Yggdrasil were designed to target those casting Super-tier spells over others.

Fafnir ignored others attacking him as HE focused his attention on Domitor.

The Speed of Flame Breath of Fafnir was fast enough to obstruct Domitor from her goal. She couldn't divert her attention enough to use a cash shop item to hasten the cast.

Vishanti made it in the nick of time, as he teleported in front of her. Vishanti raised his right arm to shield against the Dragon Breath of Fafnir. Answering his call and his hand acting as a catalyst, a Giant Shield formed in front of them.

The Dragon Breath wrecked Havoc the next minute but did not harm them. Domitor and Vishanti were protected by the Fafnir's Dragon Breath. The shield broke down after tanking the breath.

The shield had done its job.

Domitor was successful in casting the spell with the help of a cash shop item. The casting time had been cut short.

{Super-tier spell, End of Earth}

Beckoning her summon, Nine Huge Meteors descended from the skies.

BabaYag backed off as he looked at the Meteors descending on Fafnir.




Fafnir rose to the skies as HE gazed down upon a lone Human below on the ground.

'It's just me now. With all this effort and all, we managed to get his HP down by 23%. In the Grand Scheme of things, it is something. Domitor and I have only been able to bring HIS HP down by 17% so far. With BabaYaga's help, we have made great progress.

It is difficult to beat a World Enemy with just four max-level players.

Sato is an asset but his wife Amane holds him back. But he still was able to make a difference despite the drawbacks.

I guess it's time for me to go or not.'

Fafnir used his most used move, Dragon's Breath on Vishanti as he stared at him.

The Breath fired down by Fafnir was unlike any other breath of a Dragon. His breath was only weaker than World Devourer. The damage can strip Vishanti 85% of the total HP without any shield.

After the fire died out, unlucky for Fafnir, Vishanti was nowhere to be found.

Fafnir flapped its wings as HE used spells on himself.

Vishanti had Lopt to use for teleportation purposes. Using Lopt Vishanti had teleported on top of Fafnir.

Using the time frame of attack from Fafnir on Vishanti using Dragon's Breath, he had switched Avatars.

LordofTheMysteries stood as To'kustar, the Giant Race Avatar of his.

The Battle between the World Champion and the World Enemy commenced.

Not losing the opportunity of having Fafnir's back defenceless. To'kustar uses the Giant Sword he received with the Shield for winning the World Champions Tournament and becoming the Champion of Yggdrasil.

A World Class Item, though not a World Item is still stronger than Divine Tier Items. Its class is similar to Items made using Caloric_Stone, a one-time use World Item.

Using the Sword, he stabbed in his neck region. Trying to get as much damage as he could deal.

Fafnir persisted, as only a fifth of his 1% of his total HP was down by that attack.

Fafnir spun around trying to get To'kustar off his back.

But To'kustar continued with his onslaught.

Before the damage could transcend to dangerous levels for Fafnir, a huge lightning struck his back to where To'kustar stood a second ago.

Being a World Champion, his speed, strength, durability, defence and reflex are stronger than most players. Escaping lightning spells or skills was of no issue to him.

However, the attack struck down his HP by 3%. To'kustar also had to give up his advantage. But an attack capable of reducing 3% of Fafnir transcended the limits of what To'kustar could withstand.

A single-strike attack skill of Fafnir to take out Max-Level players.

A quite powerful skill of Fafnir, a skill strong enough to one-hit eliminate but like most broken prowess it comes with limitations. There's a cool-down period to it like most of its kind.

To'kustar stood down as he watched the lightning strike the Dragon Fafnir.

'Let's go all out now. World help me select the skills.'

To'kustar raised his sword pointing it at Fafnir.

After the lightning had done its job,

{Skill, World Break}

{Skill, Blood of Yggdrasil}

{Skill, Crusade of Jötunheim}



To'kustar attacked using all the ultimate skills that he had acquired through his unique classes. Each skill is equivalent to the World Break of World Champion class.

World Champion was not the unique class he had acquired. There's the Champion of Yggdrasil, which he got by winning the Champions tournament.

Knight of Jötunheim, Hand of God and Son of Ymir.

Adding to strikes he got on Fafnir did a good job of reducing His HP.

The slashes kept on piling up.

But his slash was intercepted by Fafnir's tail. To'kustar kept pushing but failed to do so.

The difference in strength between them was too vast for To'kustar to make a difference. But to his luck, he held his ground.

Fafnir retracted his tail, it did give him some room to breathe. But the very next second whipped To'kustar using its tail.

The force was too much for To'kustar or any World Champion to hold off.

To'kustar got hurled to the end of the Arena. The Battleground raged and quaked as Fafnir entered the ultimate battling mode.

To'kustar got up after experiencing the sheer raw power of Fafnir the Dragon. The Power of a World Enemy.

'He is a formidable foe. I could have lost the other time if not for World's support with my other Guildmates. I've got no other choice but to try it. The move of the Dragon Emperor, whose strength equals Fafnir if not it at least comes close to his.

The Class that I have stolen from Him and Fafnir.

The Lord of Catastrophe and Lord of Destruction.'

To'kustar raised his head as he stared at Fafnir.

The scene almost looked as if the World was heading towards its demise. HIS awakening brought about an apocalyptic environment.

'Now for the finale.'

To'kustar radiated light and after the light subsided, a Red Demon with many an eye on his chest instead of his face stood there looking defiantly at Fafnir.

However, he could not change his facial expression except for those already available.

One of them was that of a haughty look.

'Before I use the move, let's bring his HP down by a bit, World.'

<As you say>

{Spell, Grand Catastrophe}

After casting the spell he did not wait to see its effects.

Light radiated from his body, and after it subsided a Giant Dragon stood in its place.

A Red Dragon, Exitium stared down at an even bigger Dragon on the ground.

'Let's get it started'

"Have a taste of your own medicine, Fafnir. I'm not sure as to, why you haven't used it yet. But I won't hesitate to use it."

{Skill, World Apotheosis}


LordofTheMysteries stood in his first or original form as he gazed at the Dragon Fafnir.

Despite many strong attacks, Fafnir still stood HIS ground.

'How much HP does he have, World?'

<4.7% >

'That's quite a bit. I hope this attack gets HIM.'

"As the Lord of Interstellar Spaces and High Priest of R'lyeh, this will be my farewell to you Fafnir."

{Skill, Magnum Tenebrosum}

A Skill that summons tentacles from the Outer Reaches of the Universe, from the Void.

The tentacles rampage to their hearts' content, consuming everything and disintegrating everything that stands in their path. The time and space distort as the tentacles unlike Young Ones can move freely in the absence of time.

The All-Devouring Tentacles destroy everything and drag everything that it fancies back to its abode except those the caster or the invoker deems to be important.

Its origin is unknown but it is said to be Azathoth's child Darkness, inflicting chaos and destruction adhering to its Grandchildren's beckoning.

Sending back everything to oblivion.


Answering his call, tentacles unlike those of octopuses invaded reality, tearing through the fabric of reality and space-time. Draining colour of everything it touched. The space bent to its will.

The tentacles penetrated Fafnir as it tore HIS tail apart.

The body of Fafnir could not hold off the tentacles that were rampaging in reality to its wishes.

The apocalyptic environment created by Fafnir disappeared as everything IT touched receded to oblivion.

LordofTheMysteries was the only one standing unperturbed and unharmed through this rampage.

LordofTheMysteries stared at Fafnir as HIS body was getting torn to shreds LordofTheMysteries observed a glitch when HIS, Fafnir's heart was penetrated and torn to shreds.

Consuming and corrupting the origin and the essence of HIS existence.

The lore and the game mechanism clashed as the skill had the power to bypass all kinds of instant death protection and Anti-Death protection.

But alas Fafnir's code due to being more important in the eyes of the system, Fafnir came out triumph.

HIS HP dropped to zero, but regaining the fact of his Immortality, Fafnir rose back once again but completely recovered this time.

[0% - > 100%]

The fight to the demise had been reset.

<What do you wish to do, S? Would like continue and Kill Him or return your party members? Though if kill Fafnir, I will fetch the Sword, key break HIS Immortality from treasury, ones bought at auction it so, create for use.>

'I will return, World. I've had my fun for today. I am not in the mood to repeat it all and kill HIM.'

<If that is what you wish.>


Valley of Myths

Three players stood near a cave as they talked among themselves. Their topic of discussion was their strategy against the World Enemy, Fafnir.

These were the very ones who fought against Fafnir with LordofTheMysteries an hour ago.

"It's a good strategy. But what I don't understand is, how are we supposed to prepare against the strongest skill of Fafnir."

"That's a good question. He did not use it in the last match but it is the skill that has troubled the Swarm of players entering Yggdrasil, challenging a World Enemy."

"I'm not sure what you both have accomplished in this hour discussing my previous results. We will have to beat HIM before we leave, don't we Sato."

"Yes. So where's he, Domitor?"

"I'm sure HE is trying his luck against Fafnir even now. He is not your everyday player. He is strong, very strong. Back in the day, he managed to defeat a Greater Dragon, the Boss of a Greater Dungeon all by himself. So, against Fafnir, his chances are slim but not impossible."

"It's a possibility."

"You don't really think so, do you, Sato?"

"What do you mean, Amane?"

Domitor who was standing in front of BabaYag teleported in front of Amane as she questioned her earlier statement.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, Domitor."

To not escalate the issue, BabaYag stepped in to stop the fight.

"I'm sure she was only questioning his brilliance, Domitor."

Before she could reply to him, Vishanti teleported beside them and joined the group.

Seeing them positioned ready to fight each other, Vishanti questioned.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, it is"


"No, I'm good."

"Good", Vishanti replied as walked over and created a Throne to sit down on.

After seeing him settle down, BabaYag asked him the question that they had been wondering.

"What took you so long?"

"Just trying my luck against Fafnir, after you all died."

"So did you win?"

"Nope. But it was a great fight. Fighting alone against a World Enemy or the Dragon Fafnir was very entertaining."

"Though as much. But seeing how long you were gone, what took you so long?"

"Was busy using Hit And Run, methodology to waltzed down HIS HP."


"So how about we try our luck tomorrow as well."

"It's not a bad idea to practice the strategies now."

"You can, but Domitor you will have to do it yourself. I am a bit busy today. I will have to take my leave."

Leaving this as a cue, Vishanti teleported out of the meeting place.

BabaYag and Amane also left.

Domitor alone stood there watching towards Fafnir's direction,

She murmured as she kept watching in HIS direction. She turned and kept staring at the stop where Vishanti was present a minute ago.

"After Fafnir, I will tell you the truth. I promise - "


**The End**

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