
The overlord of all Systems

An overpowered invincible existence travels the starry sky and the omiverse.

MTLNovels · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Lin Xiaofei tests her new power

Seconds later, Lin xiaofei came back to her senses and stared at Theo with a kind of burning as well as inquiring gaze while he just stood there unfazed with a smile plastered on his visage.

"Why are you looking at me with that kind of gaze?

Theo obviously wanted to tease her a little bit, but this time Lin Xiaofei was tough and chose not to respond to his superfluous question and instead asked him in return.

"Is the information I just got from the so-called "system"; you gave me true?"

The information that Lin Xiaofei meant, was the knowledge that was imparted by the system to her the moment it was bound to her soul. In the knowledge there was some information about her abilities and powers just like the information displayed on the status panel she saw at the beginning, just that the systems explanation was a little more detailed. "The information is naturally true which declares you a literal Goddess. You are my wife now, so I naturally won't treat you badly. You can test it for yourself if you want. Just try to do something that was absolutely impossible for your former self."

Hearing Theo's explanation, Lin Xiaofei's mind swayed a little by receiving such astonishing news, but she chose to believe it no matter how incredible the newly gotten information sounded to her because she would be able to see for herself in a moments time if it was true, when she tested her power just like Theo had suggested.

As the saying goes, rather try it once for yourself than believing a hundred scholars. (No idea if there really is such a saying)

After calming down her little restless heart and her chaotic churning thoughts, she turned her gaze to Theo as if saying: "Can I start?"

Theo naturally would not disagree and nodded with an encouraging smile at her to which she also responded with a small smile.

If outsiders were to see them, they would surely think that they were a long-established couple due to their gestures and expressions that looked nothing like a pair of man and woman that only knew each other for a few minutes.

It could only be blamed on Theo being a literal charismatic God.

Anyways coming back to Lin Xiaofei, after Theo nodded at her she did not wait any longer and thought of flying in her mind.

Before continuing it has to be explained that even if Lin Xiaofei is in the Ancestor God realm, she cannot fly yet, because it only becomes possible at the God king realm.

If it were on another planet without this low concentration of spiritual Qi, it would be possible to already fly at several major realms lower then hers. This is being the case due to the thin spiritual Qi concentration on this planet.

Here we can also notice that it is probably a planet with a kind of defect, since the spiritual Qi concentration should never be so low under regular circumstances.

This is also part of the reason why Lin Xiaofei's first thought was on flying when she wanted to test her power, because she had wanted to fly for a long time now.

Subsequently to her mustering up the thought of flying she slowly started to levitate above the ground.

Noticing her feet leaving the ground, she was so happy that she released a bell like laughter which was very pleasant to listen to from Theo's perspective. Sensing that Theo was looking at her she restrained her laughter and returned her attention back to her side.

She was inwardly thinking that after being able to let her fly so easily and even without any mana movement in the surroundings, then the previously received Information was probably also true or at least partially.

Unfortunately, her poverty really limits her horizons, because if she knew what she could do with her powers, then she probably would be shell shocked. If she had read countless novels just like Theo had before, then she would naturally have an idea of what was possible with such unfathomable powers.

It's just that while she was thinking this, Theo also had some small thoughts about her.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Her layout is really too small and the ability she uses to verify her new power, is flying. That's really underestimating the system I gave her, Haha. She could have literally done anything, but it doesn't really matter anyway."

Ending his thoughts, he looked at Lin Xiaofei, who was currently still levitating in the air and called her. "You can come down now, you will have plenty of time later to make yourself familiar with your power."

"Oh, then I am flying down now." She sighed a little dejectedly which already displayed her attitude of originally still wanting to fly for some time, but the still chose to come down.

"Now after flying, you should believe that the data on your Status panel is true, right?"

Theo asked her after she was standing back on the floor on her original place to which she nodded at once.

"Yes, I now believe it"

"Good" Theo said and before he could continue speaking, he was interrupted by her:

"Who are you, that you can give me such powers in no time without any hindrance?"

"To answer your question, I am Theodore King, the Overlord above all.

Does this answer satisfy you?" He spoke authoritatively and then waited for her answer, which was not long in coming.

Taking in this answer, Lin Xaiofei was immediately a little dissatisfied and couldn't help but complaining: "What kind of answer is this, if I had wanted to know your name, then I would have asked for your name and not for who you are, you little moron."

"What did you call me just now? Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? It seems as if I have to establish my authority a little or else everyone won't have an ounce of respect for me in the future." That's how Theo would have reacted if anyone else had called him a moron instead of his now wife.

But since it was his wife, he did not care about her calling him like that a moment ago and just smiled at her which made her even angrier. Seeing that Theo wasn't answering her she chose to ask again: "Then what do you mean with being the Overlord above all?"

"It is the literal meaning, I am the strongest, most powerful entity looking down from above on all living beings, that's why I am called the Overlord above all." Theo explained to her while exuding an exorbitantly majestic and domineering momentum while speaking the last few words.

The void around him immediately showed spider net like cracks and chaotic air currents poured out of those cracks, but were immediately stopped by Theo's barrier to bring any harm to the surroundings.

But one thing those chaotic air currents achieved, was to make Theo's hair sway in the wind and making him look even more handsome at this moment, and it seemed as if those currents came only to be a support in his domineering speech.

His momentum was, luckily for the living beings in this universe, restrained to only a few centimetres around him, because a tiny leak of his aura could instantly kill everyone in this cultivation universe due to his aura being way to heavy and exuding too much pressure for those living beings to being able of bearing it.

This time Lin Xiaofei was really shocked after hearing his explanation and even believed it because she could see his aura just now and his domineering expressions fully befitting of such a title. Another thing was also that part of her mind chose to believe him regardless of it being true or not.

Calming down her turbulent thoughts she suddenly smiled and then said: "Hehe, if you are the overlord above all then I am now the wife of the Overlord, right?"

"Yes, you are." Theo unhesitatingly answered while walking towards her step by step and when he reached her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and tilted his head in the direction of her ear and the spoke into her earlobe:" Then will you also fulfil your duties as a wife?" Lin Xiaofei instantly got apple red in her face, but still answered with full resolve:" Yes, I will, husband:"

"Good wife!" Theo subsequently praised her after hearing this answer, because to be honest he had not expected her to agree so easily, since she was obviously new to all those things in an in-depth relationship between a man and a woman. But Theo had already learned a lot through various channels unlike Lin Xiaofei, who was a real novice, so by all means she should be fearful and not agree so easily, but it was better anyway for Theo that she agreed, because then he could sooner practice human relations with her.

"To make you fully familiar with your new power we will go to my realm and there you have infinite space to let go off all scruples and you can test your power to the maximum amount." Theo spoke after contemplating for a few seconds on what to do next.

"Huh your own realm?" Lin xiaofei muttered but before she could ask anything Theo spoke once again and said he would teleport them now and before being able to make any preparations she already found herself in a completely unfamiliar environment.

The first thing that catches her eye was a magnificent and extremely large golden and red castle, that was reflecting golden light form the huge golden yellow sun burning above the cloudless blue sky.

Then she shifted her gaze away from the castle and saw many different kinds of buildings, there were large halls decorated with sculptures and carvings then there were also some unknow buildings to her that were extremely high and rather pointy and not that broad. And if she were to ask Theo or any kind of random guy from Earth, they would definitely tell her that those buildings are called skyscrapers.