
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urbain
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107 Chs


"Sister, if you like him, go after him yourself. I won't object."

"You!... You broke up with him, and I will give you some money. Your mother needs money very much."

Although Xia Zimo is resigned, she will not stand and let others bully her: "Sister, do you think you will have more money than Dongfang Chen?"

'"There seems to be a silence on the other side of the phone.

Hearing Xia Ziqing say again, "Your father's legacy is not needed. If you break up with him, I will return your father's legacy to you."

After the president of Dongfang scolded her, Xia Zimo and her cousin also made a deal.

She went out and said to him meekly, "Mr. Dongfang, I want to go back to Xia's house to see Grandma."

Dongfang Chen frowns at her with the approval of the copywriter. He can't go to see Xia Zixian.

"Can't we go tomorrow?" Dongfang Chen is free tomorrow.

I want to go today. "

"No!" Here comes the hegemonic power again.

With that, President Dongfang also answered the phone, put down the phone and said in a soft voice, "Well, go tomorrow."

I prepared a surprise for her tomorrow.

Xia Zimo had no choice but to stay here and wait for the president to get off work.

She fell asleep in the lounge.

Dongfang Chen came in and saw her beautiful sleeping face. Her skin was too clean to see her pores. Her small red lips were like rose petals.

Xia Zimo felt that someone was kissing her.

"Mr. Orient"

Dongfang Chen is kissing her with his eyes closed. The beautiful couple in Lunlang with his side face is like the most beautiful artwork.

But Xia Zimo was most afraid of this. He was up and she was down.

She tried to hide, trembling, not daring to touch him: "Mr. Dongfang, you are off duty, let's go back, I'm honest... After a pause, she added:" I'm hungry and honest, let's go back soon. "

Xia Zibao doesn't want to do it with him here.

Dongfang Chen kissed her a few times, but still let her go.

"Let's go back to the castle for dinner."

The president walked her to work all day long, and the company broke the hearts of many unmarried girls and married young women.

I met Manager Chu Tiannan downstairs again. This time, he did not dare to chase him to have dinner with them. He stood at the door like a waiter in the lobby, bending 90 degrees. Who started: "Please, President

Walk slowly. "

"What's wrong with Manager Chu?" Fumo asked.

"Never mind him"

Dongfang President is domineering if his woman gets on the bus.

Xia Zixuan and Li Xinyao, who are engaged, live in a mansion on the Star Coast.

Li Xinyao came home from work and saw that the room was empty.

"Aunt Zhang, Aunt Zhang."


"Where did you go, sir?"

The servant looked up and said, "Sir is not here. I didn't see him go out."

Li Xinyao searched room by room and finally found Xia Zixuan in her study.

As soon as she opened the door, she smelled a strong smoke, which made Li Xinyao choke twice.

See her fiance Xia Zixuan leaning against the table, sitting on the ground smoking, and throwing two empty wine bottles on the side.

"Zixuan, Zixuan, you smoke so much. Get up quickly."

Xia Zixuan looked very embarrassed. He didn't turn on the light. He had been sitting for a long time.

Li Xinyao wanted to help him, but he threw him away: "Don't mind me!"

"Zixuan, Zixuan, you can smoke, but you don't touch drugs any more. You know," Li Xinyao has always been good at his western poisons. If her father knows, he will not agree with them.

"Zixuan, get up and let's go to dinner." Li Xinyao is still low enough to lose her temper in front of Xia Zixuan.

Xia Zixuan threw the cigarette butt, grabbed the coat on the ground and stood up: "I will go back to Xia's home tonight."

Xia Zimo and Dongfang Chen have sweet and sour fish for dinner.

Dongfang Chen tasted it at Xia Zimo's home last time and found it very good.

Although I didn't eat anything at noon, Xia Zimo didn't eat a few mouthfuls of dinner.

"What's the matter? It's not delicious?" Dongfang Chen asked.

Xia Zimo shook his head and said, "No, just no appetite." These are all dishes made by famous chefs. How can they not be delicious.

The president smiled at her: "It's not as good as you."

Dongfang Chen forces Xia Zimo to drink a bowl of soup again. The woman is too thin to crush her in bed.

"You like French Napoleon shortbread, don't you? "

Xia Zimo nodded, but she hadn't eaten it for a long time.

Looking at the gloomy expression on her face, Dongfang Chen's lips have been hooked with a beautiful radian: "We have something to eat tomorrow."


"Stay with me in the hot spring," said Dongfang Chen, who had already soaked Xia Zimo from behind, and puffed in her ear, making her heart flutter.

Remembering the fierceness of one night, Xia Zimo did not dare to go there, because he had fallen there, he had a shadow in his heart.

She can hide in the hot spring, but can't hide in bed, although she grabbed her clothes and hid in the room early.

But how could the owner have no key.

"This is my bed," said Xia Zimo, holding the quilt and retreating. Her big dark eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness, but they were rippling like water under the light, more beautiful than crystal.

Dongfang Chen was so dazzled that he directly pressed on her body and breathed into her reddish face, "Say again, is this your bed or my bed?"

Wearing his nightgown, he leans down so that he exposes a large piece of strong and sexy muscles in his chest, which is as perfect and attractive as sculpture.

Xia Zimo did not dare to look, but his eyes always slipped over his chest muscle uncontrollably:

Dongfang Chen gets closer and closer, and his breath is filled with male hormones, as well as the fragrance of Mucha milk, which is shrouded in summer purple ink.

It makes her heart beat faster and her breath sleepy.

"Woman, why do you blush?"

Dongfang Chen is afraid of really crushing her, so he supports the bed with one hand and holds her waist branch with the other.

Her body was fragrant and soft, which made Dongfang Chen very satisfied. She kissed her eyebrows like a treasure.

The two bodies were so close together that Xia Zibao clearly felt his blossoming hair and was standing against her manly.

Xia Zimo's heart is like a thunderdrum, his cheeks are burning like fire, and his ears are red.

Dongfang Chen, however, seemed to tease her on purpose and moved slightly.

Under the soft light, the face of Xia Zimo is honeyed, which is more intoxicating than the sunset glow.

Her lip powder is moist and has a layer of water light, as if she is making a silent invitation to him.

Dongfang Chen's throat knot rolled, no longer forbearance, and cheated himself to kiss.

He is short of breath, and his big hands slide up and down restlessly.

Xia Zimo was light all over, and his eyes seemed to burn her.

Dongfang Chen's hands are warm and dry, and the place he passes by is inexplicably hot.

He felt cold and pulled off his pajamas.

Xia Zimo is still very green, because of shyness and fear, her whole skin looks like a light pink.

It is more beautiful than the pink jade pearl in Dongfang Chen's eyes.

Full of pure desire turned into infinite love in an instant.


It was still painful when the body was broken. Xia Zibao gave a light cry, grabbed the quilt corner and breathed heavily.

Dongfang Chen stopped and comforted her with a kiss: "Good, relax, baby, I can't move like you, relax."

The president is a wolf, but as long as you don't fight against him, he will still be very gentle.