
The Outcast ( DxD Fanfic )

A Past shrouded in silence. A single, exquisite momento - a reminder etched in bone of the atrocities found in humans

Kinshu_War · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

A lost sibling.

" Well it's because Isamu Elba is my half-brother. " 

Rias who was drinking a cup of tea spit its contents. 

" What !! Are you certain ?" Rias asked.

Akeno nodded.

" Back when my parents still were together I heard an argument between them . Barquis had another child from a foreign marine officer by the name Rosaline Elba . My mother had recently discovered it when an old man and a young boy with violet eyes had gone to visit the shrine . Mother thought the young boy heavily resembled Barquis and comforted him . The result was his confirmation , a child an year younger than me " Akeno said.

" This..... Are you sure you want him to join us , he could live a normal life and I would monitor him so that he doesn't die. " Rias suggested.

Akeno shook her head.

" He will never have a normal life , all it takes is one encounter with a stray devil or fallen angel for him to get a target on his back. He won't survive long in Kuoh without joining a peerage. " Akeno was determined. She had suffered due to her bastard of a father and she was certain he was suffering too. 

" Very well then , we will recruit him today . How about you fetch him for me. He will most likely listen to you if you explain everything to him. 

Akeno thanked Rias and walked away.

Classes were boring for Isamu . Being cooped up at home made him learn everything there was to every subject . That coupled with his past life's experiences made him sure he could answer everything to college without fail. 

" Isamu , what are the uses of chlorine ?" The teacher shouted at him . Isamu who seemed asleep woke up and stared at the teacher. For a while everything was quiet between the two before Isamu spoke .

" Chlorine is an oxidizing agent hence can be used as a bleaching agent sue to this property. It is also used for water treatment . In the human body it maintains proper pH levels , stimulates stomach acid to form HCl and regulates the fluid and types of nutrients going in and out of the cells " Isamu said before his head unceremoniously fell down to the desk. 

' I need to talk to Juzo to send me to college , this is just sad ' Isamu thought.

The bell rang and classes were over. Issei stood up and stared daggers at Isamu but his already setting in superiority complex let him leave Isamu alone.

' Haven't you heard , I am better than you will ever be ' Issei thought.

Isamu finally raised his body and took out his lunch . He walked to the top of the building hoping no one was there and luckily no one was.

He took out his lunch and sat next on the floor while leaning on the large fence.

He took out his food and started eating gluttonously. He could already feel his body was adjusting quickly to his training and currently it needed a lot of calories to fully function.

Just as he was enjoying himself, he felt the presence of a person behind the door. The door opened and a white haired loli appeared.

Isamu gawked at her . Koneko obviously seeing this thought he was another pervert. 

" Pervert " She said out loud for Isamu to hear but he didn't mind it. What he was surprised most with was her power. She emitted the aura of a 8th Foundation lstage cultivator. 

At Isamu's original strength this was but an ant but to him currently she was way too strong.

" Stop staring pervert " Koneko once again said. Isamu diverted his attention to his food and started eating it like nothing happened.

Koneko took out a bag full of sweets and started nibbling them as her gaze passed through the school and the excited cluster of students but it seemed that it wasn't fully focused on them as she felt weird. The source of it was Isamu but she didn't understand how.

" After Isamu finished his lunch , he stood up about to live but someone else approached him . A tall girl with black hair and violet eyes. 

She was incredibly beautiful but the look in her eyes was a major turn off. 

" Elba-kun , how are you this fine day . " She greeted him. Her appearance and stride gave out a certain feeling of elegance.

" I ain't interested in relationships with violet coloured bitches " Isamu said as he waved his arm dismissively. 

He looked genuinely uninterested to which he was. Relationships weren't his cup of tea . He was more of a hookup kind of guy in both his first life and second. Fate after all had a way of killing or corrupting everyone he loved.

Koneko's eyes widened at this blatant disrespect and Akeno's eye twitched in slight anger. 

' Just you wait brat , I am going to put you in the most torturous position you can imagine. ' Akeno thought .

" That's not it . I just want to talk " Akeno said.

" Tell me what you want then fuck off " Isamu quickly responded.

Akeno's lips twitched at this. She gestured Koneko to live and when she was gone she suddenly spoke.

" How much do you know about your father ?" Akeno just wait straight to rip the bandaid off.

Isamu slightly gritted his teeth as his anger slightly flared. But soon enough he slowly calmed down . It had seemed that he was still sensitive.

He slowly breathed in and out as his brain worked out what was happening then it suddenly became clear.

In the DxD series there was a member of the perverted peerage that was a half angel / devil . The queen Akeno Himejima.

Isamu looked at her face and could see the resemblance between the two of them , their nose structure , eyes and silky black hair.

' So she is my sister , what a surprise ' Isamu thought.

Outwardly he shrugged his shoulders.

" Just some bastard who banged my mom as quickly as he left. It would be more precise to call him a sperm donor " Isamu said.

Akeno smiled at this . It seemed they both hated that bastard.

" What if I told you that I am your sister , would you believe me ?" She asked.

" The nose structure , the eye color and your question kind of gave it away. " He responded nonchalantly. 

" Follow me , I need to show you something in a more private area " Akeno said.

" When siblings copulate , they bring about babies with deformalities so I am not interested " Isamu dismissed her again.

" Oh but that won't be a problem between the two of us ~ Just follow me ~ " Akeno said in a sultry voice.

Isamu honestly wanted to get rid of this nuisance. She was a devil and he in all honesty did not want to be introduced to it much less in the plot . 

However so that she doesn't disturb him anymore he agreed .

' Let's just get this over with ' 

That day there was an equal uproar when Isamu went with one of the most beautiful girls to the ORC.