
0. Beginning

"They never believe me... as always."

"Why do I have to go to school? When they're just going to make fun of me?"

"Why do I have to go home? When they don't even care about me?"

"Maybe if I die, nobody will even notice that I'm gone."

"Love? Home? Happiness? I never had any of those."

"Are these words really came out of the mouth of a 16 years old child?"

Y/n Gomez is a 22 years old woman that experienced how to be an outcast since she was a child. Many people hates her including her family.

In the present time, she is now successful vlogger/architect and famous for being simple, cheerful, talented, and beautiful. Now many people admires her. Many young people wants to be like her. But what everybody doesn't know... is that... she's been depressed and lonely.

Her family? They're always there when she got money. Her friends? They're always there when she got money and fame. Her boyfriend? He's always there when she got money, fame and beauty.

"I've been surrounded by fake people..." She said.

Her life was full of darkness... so she decided to end her life after she got drunk in her penthouse.

She went to the rooftop and jump while holding her expensive favorite wine. And when she jumped, she felt like everything suddenly went slow. Then she heard someone called her.

"Y/N!" He yelled.

Tears started to come out as she slowly close her eyes. Then everything went black.

"Huh? I'm... alive?" She mumbled.

"To be honest, you're indeed dead. But let me ask you something... do you still want to go back where everything starts? Or do you want to let go and live in peace?" She heard a familiar voice asked.

"What kind of question is that-"

"I'm asking you. So, answer me."

"Peace? Such thing exists? But to go back where everything starts... what do you mean about that?"

Before she got an answer, she suddenly wakes up and saw...

"Wait... where-" She saw herself in the mirror, shocked.