
The Other Gerard | A Niklaus Mikaelson Fanfction

ThePupster_9905 · TV
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Chapter One: The Originals

♪ See, I been a bad, bad, bad, bad man

And I'm in it deep

I found a brand-new love for this man

And can't wait till you see

I can't wait

So how you like me now?

How you like me now?

How you like me now?

How you like me now?

How you like me now?

How you like me now?♪

After my brother finishes his song, he thanks the crowd. He jumps down in front of me, Thierry, and Diego. Thierry hands him his drink and says, "You killed it, man."

Marcel and I sense someone's presence, so we look at the person, who is a man. His minions and I notice the sudden tension between the two males.

"Klaus?" He says to the man. No way! This dude saved my brother from my father! He's the big bad original hybrid? I don't see it.

"Marcel." Klaus says in return.

"Must be a hundred years since that nasty business with your papa."

"Has it been that long?"

They approach one another slowly. "The way I recall it, he ran you outta town. Left a trail of dead vampires in his wake." My brother snides.

"And yet how fortunate you managed to survive. My father, I'm afraid, I recently incinerated to dust." Klaus' aggressive tone alerts Marcel's minions to stand and ready themselves for a confrontation. It turns out there are much more than just a few of them, as half the restaurant gets on its feet.

"Well, if I'd known you were coming back in town, if I had a heads up–" Klaus cuts my brother off.

"What, Marcel? What would you have done?" They are now nose to nose, the tension thick.

"I'd have thrown you a damn parade." Marcel's face breaks into a wide grin and he laughs, which Klaus returns, and they embrace like long lost brothers. My brother draws back and places his hands on either side of Klaus' neck. "Niklaus Mikaelson. My mentor, my savior, my sire." I scoff making both men turn to me.

"Am I just another minion of yours or are you gonna honor your friend with my name?" I snap.

"Oh, right. Y'all haven't met yet." He grabs my arm and drags me over to the two of them. "Klaus, this is my beloved half-sister, Melody. Angel, this is Klaus."

"Pleasure to meet you, Melody." Klaus grabs my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Pleasure is all yours." I snap pulling my hand away from him and wiping it off on my jacket.

"Melody, chill. Klaus, let's get you a drink." Marcel takes Klaus to another room while me, Thierry, and another minion follow.

"Bro, can I go out?" I ask on the way to the room making Marcel turn around.

"No. I don't trust people I don't know around you." He responds.

"But I need to feed on someone." I whine and he sighs.

"Rapist or child abuser?"

"Child abuser."

"Background information?"

"Name's Grayson Castro. Police records say that he has been arrested for physical assault, armed robbery, and third-degree murder. He has also been in rehab multiple times because he's a definite druggie."

"The dead victim's age?"

"Twelve, and guess what?"

"It was his kid?" I nod. "Go kill the bastard."

"Yessir." I vamp-speed out of the bar and to the alley my food goes to take his drugs. I hold him up against the wall by his neck. "You will feel immense pain, but you will not scream. The pain will increase every time a memory, that you now regret doing, flashes through your small ass brain." I compel him and start to drink his blood.

After I finish, I dispose of the body by lighting it on fire. I vamp-speed back to the bar as my brother, Klaus, and a few others start to leave. Marcel notices all the blood on me and says, "Get cleaned up, sis. It's almost time for the show." He smirks at me.

I use my super speed to change quickly to an outfit perfect for the show. I picked out a simple biker outfit.

"Good pick. Now let's go."

-Time Skip­-

We are now on a street in the French Quarter. A crowd of vampires begins to form among us, walking along the rooftops and jumping on cars, setting off alarms. A large group follows behind Marcel, Klaus, and I while we approach the middle of the crowd. "Oh, how's your family?" Marcel asks.

"Those who live hate me more than ever." He replies. I definitely see how 'Lijah hates him.

"Ah, forget 'em. If your blood relations let you down, you make your own, eh? You taught me that. And what's mine is yours, as always. Even my nightwalkers, the riff-raff."

"Including your precious Angel."

"Hell no. She's mine only."

"Actually, she's hers only." I snap at both of them making them jump a bit.

"Your nightwalkers are hardly subtle, are they?" Klaus brings up noticing them being idiots while I grab a branch of a tree.

"It's the Quarter. Ain't no such thing as subtle, Jackass." I say.

Marcel whistles with his fingers and the crowd cheers. One of his minions brings forward Jane-Anne, whose wrists are bound with rope in front of her.

"Jane-Anne Deveraux! Give it up for Jane-Anne!" Marcel screams as the crowd yells.

"Come on, let's hear it!" I yell as they start to roar.

"Do you want this one or can I brag in front of Klaus?" My brother whispers to me.

"Go ahead as long as I get to kill her." I say, but I don't want to. There's something controlling me. He nods.

"Jane-Anne Deveraux, you have been accused of the practice of witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth by me and enforced by Melody. How do you plead?" He turns abruptly and walks over to Klaus. "Was that convincing? I studied law back in the '50s. Hold that thought."

"Seriously Jane, tick-tock. You know the drill. How do you plead?" I demand annoyed, while I'm actually crying on the inside.

"I didn't do anything." She testifies and the vampires laugh quietly.

"Mm, that's a lie. You know it, I know it, and you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that I'm aware of your every move. That you can't do magic in this town without getting caught."

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" I walk over to her. "You tell us what magic you're brewing. I mean, tell me. I'll grant you leniency. Hey, I am, after all, a merciful girl."

She scoffs with a disgusted look on her face and tells me, "Rot in hell, monster." I smirk, but I was hurt. No matter how much I fight, I can't win.

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you another chance…" I start walking away, then swing the branch and it hits her in the neck. She immediately begins to gag. "Or not." She falls to the ground while I listen to a certain conversation.

"What was that?" Klaus asks.

"The witches aren't allowed to do magic here, she broke the rules." My brother explains.

"I told you I wanted to talk to her. Why didn't you stop your sister?"

I turn around to face them and reply, "Hey, I'm sorry. I got caught up in the show. Those witches, they think that they still have power in this town. I have to show them that they don't." Klaus looks at me like he can tell I am not in control.

"Never waste an opportunity for a show of force, another lesson that I learned from you. And besides, anything that you could've gotten outta her, Melody can find out for you, and she will." He glares at me and I roll my eyes. He looks back at Klaus. "I promise."

Klaus stays silent for a few moments, then speaks, "Well, whatever it was, doesn't matter anymore, does it?" He smiles in which my brother returns.

"Good, good. Then let's eat, cause all that spilled blood makes me hungry, ha-ha!" He walks away as Klaus and I hang back for a moment.

"Okay, what do you want?" I ask.

"Do you know anymore Deveraux witches where she came from?"

"Yeah, she's my best friend. Walk with me." I walk away and he follows.

"You killed your best friend's sister?"

"I didn't want to."

"Then why'd you do it?"

"Because someone or something takes control whenever Marcel wants someone dead when I want to give them a second chance. Sophie's working on a potion to rid me of it, but it's taking her a while."

We walk for a few more minutes until we are at Rousseau's. "We're here."

Once we enter the kitchen, we see Sophie chopping vegetables, clearly upset. She turns around and is startled to see us standing there.

"You killed her didn't you?" She asks me.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop." I tell her hugging her.

"You're Klaus." She says as I calm down.

"I am. And you're upset. Sophie, isn't it? I assume this is because of what I just witnessed with your sister on the corner of Royal and St. Ann?" He responds.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

"It was a little melodramatic for my tastes. What did your sister want with me? Why did Marcel want her killed?"

Sophie opens her mouth to speak before I nudge her and nod towards two of my brother's men behind Klaus. "I see you two brought friends."

Klaus looks at the men, then back at her and says, "They're not with us."

"They're with my brother. That's all that matters." I say.

"I know you built this town, but this is his town now. He killed my sister because she broke the rules. So, I talk to you two in front of them, I'm next." She turns around so Klaus approaches the minions and he grips onto their shoulders.

"Are you two gentleman following us?"

"Marcel wants us to keep an eye on you with her." One of them says as he looks at me. I roll my eyes. Typical Marcel. Doesn't trust any guy, except Thierry, around me.

"Oh, he did, did he?" They nod. "He did. Well then, let me be exceedingly clear about something: if either of you follow us again, you'll do so without the benefit of a spine." He tightens his grip until the bartender, Camille, approaches them. God, I hate her. I don't know why, I just do. (It pained me writing this. I loved her until she became a vampire. :C )

"Sorry for the wait. If you're here for the gumbo, I'm about to break your heart. We just ran out." She says as Klaus releases the men and places a $100 bill on the bar.

"Your oldest Scotch for my two friends here, love." He replies as she takes the bill, smiling, and walks away. Klaus resumes his hold on the men. "If Marcel wants to know what Melody is up to, he can ask her himself." He lets go of them, roughly might I add, and leaves. I look at them smirking then leave to find my friend.

-Time Skip­-

I'm at one of Marcel's feeding parties just hanging around when someone covers my eyes. I smile laughing because I know exactly who it is. "Really, Sam?" I ask removing his hands from my eyes and turning around to see my friend. "That's cliché, even for you." I tap the end of his nose. He visits me from time to time on the other side.

"Yeah, but you love it when I'm cliché, don't you?" He asks as I nod.

"Yeah, yeah I kinda do."

"Only kind of?" He raises his eyebrows while I roll my eyes.

"You're aware the bite of a werewolf can kill a vampire?" I hear Klaus' voice say. Oh no. I turn to where I hear his voice coming from to see him holding Diego's neck with his eyes vamped out. "Well, as you can see, I'm half werewolf. So, I'm gonna ask you one more time…"

"Fuck." I mumble as Sam looks at me confused.

"Where is Marcel!?!"

Marcel hurries to break Klaus' grip on Diego, while I just casually walk over without saying a word to my dead boyfriend. "He-hey, I'm right here. I'm right here, eeeasy now. Diego's just looking out for me. Nobody harms my guys, those are the rules."

"I don't care about your rules, Marcel, and Melody and I don't need chaperones. Why are you having us followed?"

"Cause he can't trust any guy around me unsupervised, right, Marcel? All except Thierry, that is." I bring up.

"Come here." Marcel leads the two of us away from the others, while I look for Sam and don't see him. "I get it, a show of force. You've made your point. Let it go friend, ah? For me."

"Fine. Why don't you show me what you've done with the place, while you explain exactly what it is you've been up to in my town?"

My brother thinks for a moment. "Follow me." He begins to walk before he turns to me. "You're coming too."

"Fine." We walk up a flight of stairs and emerge onto a balcony overlooking the street.

"Look at that skyline, huh? That there, that's progress." Marcel explains.

"More hotels, more tourists, more fresh blood. Ain't that right, big brother?" He nods indicating I was correct.

"And the humans?" He asks challenging my knowledge.

"We taught them to look the other way."

"And what of the witches?" I look around my brother to Klaus. "In my time, they were a force to be reckoned with, and now they live in fear. How do you know when they're using magic? Is it the same way you do to control your little sister?"

"First off, I'm not controlling Angel. Secondly, maybe I got a secret weapon, an ace up my sleeve. Something that gives me complete control over all the magic in this town."

"Hm. Is that a fact?"

"Might be. Maybe I'm just bluffing." Marcel puts some type of vervain tablet in his mouth that sizzles slightly.

"You take vervain?"

"Burns like a bitch, but I figure I should limit the number of things I'm vulnerable to."

"Do you take vervain as well?" Klaus asks me.

"Yes, but my best friend is a witch and she doesn't want me to be easily manipulated, so she uses magic to protect me from the pain." He opens his mouth before I continue talking. "And yes. Marcel agreed with it."

"Also, guys, don't be mad about that chaperone thing. I've told my guys to look out for the both of you, that's all. That's what we do here. Remember, Angel? We look out for each other." Marcel spots Camille walking down the street below. "Mm, m-m-mm. New blood."

"Oh, god. I hate her." My brother looks at me with an 'Are you dumb?' look. "What? I do."

Klaus looks down and recognizes her from Rousseau's earlier today. "Bartender, walking alone at night. She's either brave or dumb."

"Let's see: brave, I let her live; dumb, she's dessert." Marcel jumps down onto the street.

"Please be dumb." I mumble quietly making Klaus laugh.

"Evening, Elijah." I hear Klaus say making me turn around.

"Niklaus." Elijah says.

"Papa Mikaelson." I say walking towards him.

"Melody?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's me." I hug him and he returns it while Klaus is staring at us confused.

"My Melody. Oh, how I have missed you." I pull away from the hug and turn to Klaus.

"He saved me from my dumbass father."

"I need you to come with me, brother."

"I'm not going anywhere. Not till I find out who's conspiring against me."

"I believe I just found that out for you."

"Ooo, can I come, can I come?" I ask intrigued.

��Of course, I'm not having you leave my side till we get caught up." I cheer as we leave.

-Time Skip­-

"Lafayette Cemetery? Really?" I ask as we walk in.

"It's the only place they can do this without Marcel finding out." Elijah explains.

"What exactly are we doing here?" Klaus asks.

"You wanna know what the witches have in store for you?" Klaus nods. "Follow me."

He leads us into one of the mausoleums where I see Sophie and smile. Klaus sees her as well and says, "Sophie Deveraux. What is this?"

"He's all yours. Proceed." 'Lijah tells her.

"You know you're famous in this town?" I laugh. Of course, he knows. He's the jackass of history. She glares at me, so I shut up. "Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing but an orphan street rat, until you made him the way he is. And now he's out of control. He does what he wants, he kills who he wants. I'm gonna stop him, and you both are gonna help me." She says in one sitting.

"Wait. You said 'both'. Including me?" She nods. "Cool. I'm in." I look over at Klaus who is smiling amused.

"This is why you brought me here?" He asks turning to his brother.

"Hear her out."

"I don't need to hear her out. I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even thirty more seconds of my time. Elijah, what madness is this."

Just then I hear five more heart beats and turn to see Hayley Marshall, another one of my friends, and a few other witches. "Klaus. You need to listen to them." She looks at me. "You do, too, Mels." There's only four of them. Why do I hear five heartbeats?

Klaus laughs in disbelief. "You're all out of your minds if you think some liquor-fueled, one-night stand… no offense, sweetheart… means a thing to me."

"Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift–" I cut her off.

"Of sensing when a girl is pregnant?" I ask remembering all our late nights after my dates with Sam.

"Yes." I look at Klaus to see a blank expression. Damn, I'm still trying to process the fact that Hayley slept with this jackass.


"I know it's impossible…" Hayley tells Klaus, then turns to me. "And sorry for not telling you this. I didn't want to just call you and say 'Hey, I had sex with your brother's sire while I was drunk. Now I'm pregnant.'."

"What are you saying?"

"Niklaus…" Klaus and I turn to 'Lijah. "The girl is carrying your child."

"No. It's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate."

"I have to agree with Jackass. Vampires can't have children."

"But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes."

"You've been with someone else, admit it!" Klaus yells making me freeze and Elijah going in front of me for security.

~Flashback ­– 1860, New Hampshire~

My parents were fighting again and on my birthday. I was crying in my room listening to the yells of my father. "You've been with other men, admit it! We hadn't been romantically involved since our bastard child was born!"

"Don't call our daughter that! And you've been with other women as well, so just forget it! It's Darcy's 5th birthday! Today is about her not me!" My mother snaps back.

"You're right…" My father says calmly then I hear a gun shot and banging on my door.

I climb out my window and run as fast as I can. Then I bump into a man and I cower.

~Flashback ended­~

"Mels? Mels, can you hear me?" Hayley says bringing me back to reality. I feel that my cheeks are wet, I must've been crying. I look around to see that the witches have left. Including Sophie.

"I'm fine." I say and leave hoping no one, especially the jackass, follows me. I sit in front of a gravestone and continue to cry.

{Klaus' POV}

We all watch as Melody leaves the mausoleum. For some odd reason my heart hurt seeing her cry. It felt like while she was dying on the inside I was as well. "I should probably go see what's going on with her." Hayley says after a while of silence and begins to walk out before Elijah stopped her.

"I think Niklaus should check up on her." He suggests leaving both Hayley and I dumbfounded.

"What?" "Excuse me?" We say at the same time.

"You both had abusive fathers when you were human." He explains.

"There's no way in hell anyone, even that man, would hurt her."

"Well he did. He even called her his 'bastard child' and shot her mother." He looks down. "That's when we met. After the tragedy she had to hear from her own bedroom."

Sophie comes back. "Klaus, what is your answer?�� She asks.

"Kill her and the baby. What do I care?" I leave the mausoleum to go find Melody. I hear crying so I go investigate it. Turns out it is exactly who I was looking for sitting in front of a gravestone with the engraving: Samuel Jacobs 1990 – 2007 Beloved.

I step closer to her and a twig snaps under my foot. What the bloody hell? This never happened before. She turns around startled then saw it was me, so she turned back around drying off her cheeks. "Why the hell are you here?" She snaps but her voice is strained.

"Elijah thought it would be best if I came to check on you." I respond sitting down next to her.

"Oh, well, he thought wrong." She mumbles. We sit in silence for a while before I break it.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?"

"Why would you care?" She snaps. Bloody hell. What is up with this girl's attitude?

"Sometimes it's better to talk about it with someone, even if you don't trust them, than to keep it all in." She looks at me in the eyes. I just realized how beautiful her eyes are. They're so enchanting with the green around her pupil that fades into blue.

"I'm assuming 'Lijah told you about my father shooting my mother and being abusive to the both of us?" I nod. "Well, there's one little detail I've never told him, not even Marcel." She looks away from me.

"What was it?" I ask curiosity consuming me.

"Not what." I look at her confused. "It was a who, more specifically a guy. I had a twin brother." She smiles a bit. "His name was Darron. He died from an illness at the age of 4. After the death of my twin, that's when my father became abusive."

"One of my brothers died back when we were human. It's an awful feeling. Losing someone you were so close to."

"Yeah. Oh, also…" I raise my eyebrow. "My name isn't Melody. Elijah picked that name for me when I realized I could restart my life."

"What is your actual name then?"

"I ain't telling you that. I hated the name." I laugh.

{Melody's POV}

He laughs at my remark. I made the cold-hearted hybrid laugh! He has a really nice laugh, very joyful. Wait, no Melody. You can't fall for anyone, even him. No matter how much you want to. Which is a lot. (Imma make him have his conversation with Elijah, with Melody in this. Deal with it.)

"So, how's the whole 'miracle baby' thing going?" I ask.

"It's a trick, Little Devil."

"First, I prefer that to 'Angel' so thank you. Second, no it's not, Jackass. It's a gift. It's your chance, it's your family's chance."

"To what?"

"To start over. Take back everything you lost, everything that was taken from you. Klaus, your own parents came to despise you. Your family was ruined, you were ruined. And since then, all that you have ever wanted, all that all of you have ever wanted was a family."

He gets up and starts to walk away. "I will not be manipulated." I vamp-speed in front of him.

"So, they���re manipulating you. So what? With them, my friend and her child, your child, live."

"I'm gonna kill every last one of them." He moves me out of his way, but I vamp-speed to block his path again.

"And then what? Then you return to Mystic Falls to resume your life as the hated one, as the evil hybrid? Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name?"

"People quake with fear because I have the power to make them afraid. What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power?"

"Family is power, Klaus. Love and loyalty, that's power. This is what you all swore to one another a thousand years ago, before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me someone Elijah can barely even recognize as his own brother. This is you two," He turns around to see Elijah standing behind him. "the Original family, and you remain together, always and forever. I am asking you to stay here." Elijah vamp-speeds next to me.

"I will help you and I will stand by you. I will by you brother. We will build a home here together." He says putting a hand on Klaus' shoulder.

"So, save my friend. Save your child."

"No." He vamp-speeds away.

"I've taught you well, my Melody."

"I gotta get to Marcel before he gets suspicious. Bye, 'Lijah." I vamp-speed to the courtyard party to see everyone still there. But with no music.

"Hey, Melody." Thierry hugs me. "If you don't mind, can you sing?" He asks politely, which is normal. He loves me to death.

"Why? You and the rest of my brother's little minions bored?" I snap.

"No, because you have a beautiful singing voice and need to show it off." I smile and laugh.

"Fine. I'm picking the song though." I walk up to the DJ. "Leave." I compel him and he leaves with wide eyes. I search through his playlist and find 'Melody's Songs'. Great, a whole playlist for me to sing. I put it on shuffle, and it chooses 'Bitch (Glee Cast Version) by Jane Lynch'

♪ I hate the world today

You're so good to me

I know, but I can't change

Tried to tell you but you

Look at me like maybe

I'm an angel underneath

Innocent and sweet

Yesterday I cried

You must have been relieved

To see the softer side

I can understand how

You'd be so confused

I don't envy you

I'm a little bit of everything

All rolled into one

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint

I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream

I'm nothing in between

ou know you wouldn't want it any other way

So, take me as I am

This may mean you'll

Have to be a stronger man

Rest assured that when I

Start to make you nervous

And I'm going to extremes

Tomorrow I will change

And today won't mean a thing

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

I'm a child, I'm a monster

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint

I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream

I'm nothing in between

You know you wouldn't want it any other way

Just when you think you've got me figured out

The season's already changin'

I think it's cool, you do what you do

And don't try to save me

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

I'm a child, I'm a monster

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint

I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream

I'm nothing in between

You know you wouldn't want it any other way

I'm a bitch, I'm a tease

I'm a goddess on my knees

When you hurt, when you suffer

I'm your angel undercover

I've been numb, I'm revived

Can't say I'm not alive

You know I wouldn't want it any other way

Uuh-ohh, uuh-ohh, ooh

Uuh-ohh, uuh-ohh, ooh

Uuh-ohh, uuh-ohh, ooh

Uuh-ohh, uuh-ohh, ooh♪

The crowd cheers after I finish the song. "Thank you." I see Klaus walk in. "Anybody up for an encore?" The party people roar. "Alright." I let it go to the next song, and it is 'Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey'

♪ I am not afraid anymore

Ready to face this, dying to taste this, sick sweet warmth

I am not afraid anymore

I want what you got in store

I'm ready to feed now, get in your seat now

And touch me like you never

And push me like you never

And touch me like you never

'Cause I am not afraid, I am not afraid anymore

No, no, no

No, no, no,

No, no, no,

No, no, no,

No, no, no ♪

I see Klaus looking at me singing. I smirk.

♪ I am not ashamed anymore

I want something so impure

You better impress now, watching my dress now fall to the floor

Crawling underneath my skin, sweet talk with a hint of sin

Begging you to take me

Devil underneath your grin, sweet thing, but she play to win, heaven gonna hate me

And touch me like you never

And push me like you never

And touch me like you never

'Cause I am not afraid, I am not afraid anymore

No, no, no

Crawling underneath my skin, sweet talk with a hint of sin

Begging you to take me

Devil underneath your grin, sweet thing, bet you play to win, heaven gonna hate me

And touch me like you never

And push me like you never

And touch me like you never

'Cause I am not afraid, I am not afraid anymore

No, no, no♪

I leave the DJ stand and walk over to him. "Hiya, Nik." I say as he just grabs my hand and walks over to my brother.

"Hey, guys. Where'd you run off to?" He asks us as he takes me away from Nik.

"You mean your minions aren't still documenting our every move?" Nik snaps.

"Someone put you in a mood. What can I do?"

"What you can do is tell me what this thing is you have with the witches."

"I wanna know that as well." I demand.

"Oh, we're back to that?"

"Yeah, we're back to that."

"You know I owe you everything I got, Klaus, but I'm afraid I have to draw the line on this one. For you as well, Angel. This is my business. I control the witches in my town. Let's just leave it at that."

"Your town?" I scoff.

"Damn straight." He replies. I feel utterly hurt. Nik sees it and pulls me behind him. Hold up. Why he protecting me like this?

"That's funny, because when I left a hundred years ago, you were just a pathetic little scrapper still trembling from the lashes of the whips of those who would keep you down, and now look at you. Master of your domain. Prince of the city." Everyone looks at us, so I move closer to Nik. "I'd like to know how."

"Why? Jealous? Hey, man, I get it. Three hundred years ago, you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it, but then you left. Actually, you ran from it. I saw it through. Look around. Vampires rule this city now. We don't have to live in the shadows like rats. The locals know their place. They look the other way. I got rid of the werewolves. I even found a way to shut down the witches. The blood never stops flowing and the party never ends. You wanna pass on through? You wanna stay a while? Great. What's mine is yours, but it is mine. My home, my family, my rules."

"And if someone breaks those rules?"

"They die." I say weakly from behind him.

"Mercy is for the weak. You taught me that, too. And I'm not the prince of the Quarter, friend." He puts his angry face on. "I'm the king! Show me some respect!"

Nik vamp-speeds to Thierry ready to bite him, but I go in between them. "Why? Why Thierry? Why not Diego? Diego angered you, remember? He didn't tell you where my brother was earlier today." He nods and goes to Diego and bites him instead. "Thank you." Thierry hugs me for saving his life.

"Your friend will be dead by the weekend, which means I've broken one of your rules. I'm also taking Melody with me, so there's another broken rule. And yet I cannot be killed. I am immortal. Who has the power now, friend?" He just stands there looking at my brother, who says nothing. After a moment he smiles around at the crowd then grabs me and we leave.

"Welp, that was weird." I break the silence.

"How was it weird?" Nik asks me.

"Marcel usually kills people who talk to him like that."

"Is that how Samuel died?"

"I mean, kinda. He was a werewolf and my boyfriend. Marcel didn't like it, so he killed him. But yeah, Sam did stand up to him before he died. However, he visits me from the other side sometimes."

We stop to see a band of musicians, then notice a man painting a large canvas. Camille is standing there watching him paint as well, so, me being me, I go ahead of him to stand next to her. She notices me and smiles, then Nik comes. He stands on the other side of her and she notices him.

"Ah, the duo. Hundred-dollar guy and Marcel's little sister." She remarks.

"How'd you know I was Marcel's sister?" I raise an eyebrow.

"He bragged about you when we first met. You know, you're the only picture in his wallet."

"That's surprising." I mumble.

"You're the brave bartender." Nik states looking at her name tag. "Camille. That's a French name."

"It's a grandma's name. Call me Cami." You know what? I like this girl. She's got spunk. "Amazing, isn't he?" I nod.

We stand there admiring the painting, while I was secretly losing my mind. I'm not really into this type of art. I understand music more. It's how I get my feelings out. "Do you paint?" Nik asks us.

"No, but I admire." Cami answers and turns to me.

"Uh, no. I have more fun with those." I point to the instruments.

"You're a musician?" Cami asks in disbelief and I nod. "I thought you'd be more of a boxer or something to do with violence."

"Oh, don't worry. I knife throw and spar in my free time."

"Well, maybe you can perform at Rousseau's sometime."

"As long as I can beat up the people who wolf whistle and cat call me."

"Great, cause ya can."

"I exist still, ya know." Nik says capturing our attention.

"Sorry, we were having girl time." I smirk.

"Why wasn't I invited to girl time?" I hear my best friend, Callie-Faith, ask from behind us. I turn around and squeeze her so much she'd be dead if she wasn't a vampire.

"Cause I didn't know you were here." I pull away from the hug.

"Callie, so nice to see you again." Cami tries to hug Derpo, but I hug her protectively.


"Oh, every artist has a story, ya know." Cami brings up.

"I did know that. Painter," I pointed at Derpo. "Musician." I pointed to myself.

"Well, to the people that actually like painting, what do you suppose his story is?" Nik asks pointing at the face mural thing.

"Derpo, you first."

"He has a happy life, but dead beloveds." She says and I laugh.

"Cami, please actually know what his story is." She turns to the face mural thing. I don't know paintings.

"He's," She thinks for a moment. "angry. Dark. Doesn't feel safe and doesn't know what to do about it. He wishes he could control his demons instead of having his demons control him. He's lost. Alone."

"You sure you read that thing and not me?" I ask feeling that deep in my soul.

"What you talking 'bout, Wife?"

"Uh," I turn to see a hot dude giving free guitar lessons. "Oh, look. Guitar lessons with a pretty boy. Imma go over there." I walk towards the mystery male.

"I'm coming with you." Derpo says following me.

When we get there, he notices us. "What can I do for ya, Lasses?" He smiles at us. Oh, God. Hot Scottish musician with a beautiful smile. I'm a goner.

"Oh, my friend here, saw that you were giving free guitar lessons and just had to come over. She's had a fascination for guitars, but never got around to taking lessons." Derpo says for me.

"Well, do you two want to see the type of stuff I teach to beginners?" He asks and I just nod. I must look really stupid right now. "Ok." He walks over to his seat and grabs his guitar.

♪ Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass

Hoping one day you'll make a dream last

But dreams come slow and they go so fast

You see her when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you'll understand why

Everything you touch surely dies

But you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Same old empty feeling in your heart

Love comes slow and it goes so fast

Well you see her when you fall asleep

But never to touch and never to keep

'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep

Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

And you let her go

Oh, oh, oh no

Well you let her go

'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go ♪

He smiles nervously at us since our eyes are as wide as they can be. "You're a good-looking, kind-hearted, Scottish musician. You're every typical teenage girl's dream boy." Derpo breaks the silence. She turns to me seeing as I haven't talked the whole time and that's not normal. "You good, Wife?" She sees the fact that we're just looking at each other.

"Ok, guys, this is pitiful. Give me your phones." She puts a handout to both of us and we do as she told. She crosses her arms to give us the other's phone. "Hurry up and put y'all digits in. But leave the name blank and take a selfie." We do as she told, again.

He hands me my phone and I return his. "Bye." I say and quickly walk away with Derpo. "What would I do without you?" I ask her as I type '♬ Hottie Musician ☠' as the contact name.

"You would've lost the chance with that beautiful Scottish man. How the heckity-heck did you not flirt with him? You flirt with every hot dude you see." She asks in disbelief.

"Not true. I didn't flirt with Sam at first."

"Besides him. Also, I just gave you a backup in case your new boyfriend pisses you off. You have Scottish Hottie now."

"Nik's not my boyfriend." I mumble.

"The vibes say otherwise." She smirks.

"Whatever." We turn to see Nik and 'Lijah. "Oh, look my family." We walk over to them.

"Every king needs an heir." Nik says smiling.

"Yes! Hayley isn't going to die!" I scream and all three of them look at me weird. "What? She's my friend and I'd be the honorary aunt of her child."

"You don't have to announce it to the world though." Derpo brings up.

"Hey, y'all aren't allowed to judge me. You," I point to 'Lijah. "are a part of the Mikaelson family. You," I point towards Nik. "are the homicidal Original hybrid. And you," I turn to Derpo. "have a dirty mind."

I vamp-speed away to my apartment that I share with Derpo. When I walk in my room, I get a text from the dude I met earlier with Derpo.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Hey. 🙃

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Hiya. 👋🏻

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

I didn't catch your name earlier.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Oh, right. I'm Melody Gerard, but you

can call me a nickname.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Ok, Lass. I'm Leonardo Johnson,

but you can call me Leo.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Well, don't mind the fact that my best friend

literally forced us to exchange numbers.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Ah, so that's who that was. I

didn't even think about that. 😅

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Yeah, I love her to death, but

she likes to help set me up with

hot guys. 🤷🏻

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

So, you think I'm hot. 😏

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

No. I didn't say that.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

You just said that your friend

likes to you up with hot dudes.

Meaning you think I'm hot. 😎

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Uh… 😳😳😳

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Oh, don't worry. I think you're

really pretty. Don't feel nervous.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Ok, thank God. I thought

I made a fool of myself.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Nah, ya didn't. I've done much worse.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Oh, really. What have you done?

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

I had a girlfriend. We dated for three

months before a guy approached me

at work. He said that I was dating his wife.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Oh, God. How'd that go?

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

I told him that she told me that she

was single. He divorced her and I broke

up with her. Damn, we were friends

before he died of old age.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Old age? What era did this

happen in?

♬ Hottie Musician ☠


❦ Pretty Girl ♚

If you're a vampire,

just tell me. Cause I'm


♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Wait, what? How'd you know

I was a vampire? I knew you were

because your last name is Gerard.

Marcel Gerard is the vampire king.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

Yeah, well I'm pissed at him.

Can we not talk about him?

Please. 😞

♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Ok, ok. So where are ya from?

Ya know, when you were a kid.

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

New Hampshire. Beautiful area,

but I never want to go back.


♬ Hottie Musician ☠

Did something happen there?

❦ Pretty Girl ♚

I don't want to talk

about it. I gotta go

to bed. Night.

♬ Hottie Musician ☠


Night, Lass.

I put my phone on my bedside table and go out on my balcony. I look down on the street which is empty. All I do is sit there and listen to the wind, until I hear a heartbeat. I vamp-speed the mystery person onto my wall. I widen my eyes when I see that it is Derpo.

"Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you." I say releasing her.

"It's okay. I came to make sure you got home safe." She says sitting on my bed.

"Well, I obviously did."

"No crap, Crazy." She looks at my alarm clock. "I should get to bed. Night, Wife." She leaves my room.

"Night, Derpo!" I yell. "Also, I'm going on a walk!"


I go out on the balcony and jump off. I look around and put my hood on. I walk around for a bit before I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see no one. My God. If Marcel is having me hunted down, Imma go insane on him.

I turn a corner and see an unfamiliar woman. She waves her hand and I faint.

{Nik's POV}

I'm walking around to clear my thoughts as I get a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number

If you want to see your

precious little devil, come

to the church. Now. Hurry,

or she's dead.

I quickly call Elijah and start walking towards the church.

'Yes, Niklaus?'

"I need you to meet me at the church. Now."

'What? Why?'

"Let's just say Melody's in trouble."

I hang up the phone when I see the entrance to the church. Just as I get to the doors, Elijah vamp-speeds in front of me.

"What did you do?" He asks me.

"Why do you suppose it's my fault? I haven't seen her since earlier with her friend." I defend.

"Well, do you know anybody that would take her hostage?"

"Everyone who hates me. So, a lot of people."

"Okay, which one of you texted me a creepy text saying Melody might die?" We turn to see Melody's friend standing there.

"Neither of us did, Callie-Faith. Niklaus got a text just like it." I nod seeing the anger in the blonde's eyes.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get my best friend back." She begins to walk towards the doors before Elijah stops her.

"We need a plan in case we can't get Melody right away."

"Okay, Klaus and I will go in since we got the text. You'll go through the back and sneak attack them if they try to hurt Wife. Got it boys?" We nod. "Good, now, let's go."

Callie-Faith and I walk in to see a random brunette witch. I notice Melody looking like she's going to kill someone. She's chained up and every time she threatens the brunette, she gets spelled.

"Oh, look at that. They did come. I'm honestly surprised this chick is a bitch." The brunette says.

"That's a complement to me." Melody mumbles.

"Shut up." The brunette spells Melody.

"Stop! Why are you even torturing her!?! Her and I don't know who you are and by the face Klaus made, he doesn't know either." Callie-Faith screams.

"Well, you see. This girl, Melody, she doesn't know it, but she's like you, Klaus."

"Huh?" I hear Melody say.

"Why do you think you lose control of your bloodlust sometimes?"

"Because her brother's crap and likes to take control of her mind to kill people she doesn't want to kill." Callie-Faith explains.

"I wish, Marcel forced me to contain Melody's werewolf side, so she wouldn't be able to use it. But all magic fades throughout time. So, I'm here to rid her of the cage." She waves her hand and Melody is out of the chains. "She'll turn the next full moon, so hopefully you won't have the need to kill for satisfaction."

The witch disappears as Melody faints causing Callie-Faith and Elijah, who has just entered from the back, to vamp-speed to her side. It takes me a minute to comprehend everything that just happened. How could I not sense that she was like me? How did Marcel get my blood when I don't recall seeing him again once before today?

"Klaus!" Callie-Faith yells taking me out of my thoughts. "It'd be very nice if you came over and helped us understand why Melody fainted!" I vamp-speed to the three of them and pick Melody up bridal style. I turn back around to leave, but Callie-Faith stops me. "What the heckity heck, heck do you think you're doing with my bestie?" She asks me as Elijah walks next to her.

"I'm taking her to my mansion." I deadpan.

"You're kidnapping her?" She asks aggressively.

"Actually, he's not really kidnapping her because I adopted Melody and I live with Niklaus." Elijah defends.

"See? Now, I'm taking her to our," I look at my brother, "mansion. Unless you," I look at the blonde, "have a better idea." She stays silent. "That's what I thought." I vamp-speed to the Mikaelson Manor where Hayley, the mother of my child, was waiting for some type of interaction.

"Oh, my God! What happened?" She asks as she sees me walking in with Melody in my arms with Elijah not far behind.

"It seems as though our Little Devil is a hybrid as well." I explain laying Melody down on the couch gently.

"That actually makes sense with her temper." She states.

"She should rest right now. We don't know what will happen if we wake her." Elijah says to us.

"I agree." I say. For all we know she could tear the two of you apart.

"That's fine by me, but why didn't you two take her to Marcel?"

"He kept the fact that she was a hybrid a secret to her and had a witch isolate her werewolf side from herself."

"Ah, okay. Now it makes sense." Elijah goes to pick her up from the couch. "What are you doing?" Hayley snaps.

"Taking her to a real bed." He remarked.

"She prefers sleeping on couches. You know that, right?"

"I did not know that."

"I am going to bed myself. I'm exhausted."