
The portal

It all started on one paticular rainy, dark, and cold night, thunders were heard all over the city sudenly a lightning stoke the middle of the city oppening a portal to the other world. Morning araised the villagers were stund at what they were seeing 3 brave men volunteered to go in the potal to see to where it lead and what it was their names were guappe, ricky, and jhon. Years flew by since these last 3 men were seen in the village and the portal was still on the same spot a monument was built to honnor the death of these 3 mighty men. They all taught, " these 3 guys are dead its been 15 years, do u still think they will come back? You gatta be kidding me." Suddenly the head master said, " would you all just calm down we dont know if they are still in there or came out to another place or maybe they came back out in the era where this village is destroyed." One of the villagers said, " should we go in the portal and find these guys maybe they are heald captive just waiting to be freed." The head master replied, " i strongly dout it these 3 guys are some serious skilled fighters.I strongly belive that these guys will return back because that portal is still there." Suddenly a huge explotion was heard and a dark thick fog started to cover the whole city .One of the villagers yelled, " yall get to your houses this is the fog of desapearance if u stay here when this fog passes all that will be left of you is a rotten body." This fog is called THE FOG OF DEATH. Every 15 years this fog would pass the people who were caugthup in the fog were repoted as the zombie corps or some would survive but would not live more than 3 days. 4 hours later when the fog passed the sight was unbelivable the grass was dry and dead the trees had dry leaves the sight was something they couldnt belive. "I just hope these guys are still in one peice said one od the villages."