
The Originals: Lycan Born

Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.

MrGodlyGod01 · Autres
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62 Chs


Elias awoke to himself lying in bed an unfamiliar room. He sat up quickly as he heard the doorknob twisting, he was already used to his enhanced senses but now they were stronger.

Elijah opened the door holding a cup of water he sat out beside Elias. " How are you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I feel a different sort of like my already enhanced abilities have been enhanced 3 fold."

"I'm sure you'll get used to it, for now, you need to get dressed and try not to stare at yourself too long in the mirror." Elijah grabbed a stack of clothes handing them to Elias before leaving the room.

That confused Elias he quickly walked to the mirror surprised to see himself. He stood around 5'10, his skin tone similar to that of Michael Ealy. Long curly hair made him resembled a rockstar or a skater, he eye color was pitch black like the night. He looked the same if you didn't pay attention to the fact that yesterday he looked 12 and now he looked 17. "Guess we won't be continuing that talk about puberty." Elias cracked a smile as he flexed his biceps in the mirror. " I see why he warned me," Elias quickly grabbed the clothes throwing them on he looked outside noticing it was daytime he frowned.

"What's the problem." Elijah appeared in the doorway.

"School starts today but I'm still here Grams must be worried."

"I've already contracted Shelia, I told her we ran into an unexpected mishap. Come we have places to be."

"Where to," Elias asked curiously.

"To meet an old friend," Elijah said mysteriously throwing his Jacket over his shoulder. He smiled before disappearing in a gust of wind Elias didn't hesitate he also vamp sped away following after his father as quickly as he could.

Before Elijah would be forced to slow down but after yesterday Elias was having no problem keeping up with his father.

"You've gotten faster," Elijah said as he stopped in front of a building.

"Your friend is a veterinarian," Elias said confused you would think an all-powerful original would have more interesting friends.

"Yes, he is a veterinarian, among other things." Hearing Elijah says that piqued Elias's interest.

Walking in the door the bell chimed a voice quickly responded to the sound. "I'll be with you shortly." The moment they both entered the shop every animal in there froze, fear had taken over, their instincts screamed 'don't move.'

Elijah stood at the counter with Elias standing beside him doing his best to see what the man was doing in the back. He could hear animals in the back although they sounded anything but calm.

"What brings the noble Elijah to my humble establishment." A bald African American Male said walking through a door.

"I have a problem, one I believe you can help with, but before that, I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is my son, Elias"

Deaton turned his attention to Elias raising an eyebrow he started to compare the two finding similarities was easy. "Your son as in flesh in blood?"

"My flesh in blood." Elijah nodded causing Deaton to nod as well understanding Elijah he knew this piece of information was a sign of his trust.

"Well I'm not usually much help to vampires so this must be important," Deaton said with a small smile on his face.

"Have you ever heard of a Werewolf's curse triggering years after their first kill?" Elijah asked getting an eyebrow raise from Deaton.

"Interesting, we should continue this conversation in a secure area follow me." Deaton led both Elijah and Elias to the back room where he would usually treat animals. "Tell me more, I need to know how old this person is and what they looked like after they transitioned," Deaton spoke with a spark in his eyes.

"The change happened on his 13th birthday years after his first kill and although he appeared similar to werewolves his height and stature were completely different." Elijah pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket. On that piece of paper was a rough sketch of Elias after he had transitioned. "My brother Niklaus may be the artist of the family but I believe that sketch should help."

Deaton nodded looking at the rough sketch and honestly he was both surprised and delighted. He had suspected they were back but looking at this image and going by the age he could tell this one was royalty.

"I'll be honest with you, from this image and the little information you've given me I'm 100% certain this person isn't a werewolf. If I'm to answer you truthfully I need one more piece of information. What did he do after he shifted?"

Elijah looked at Elias while he lowered his head before turning back to Deaton. "He chased and Bit two boys, before shifting back."

"An Alpha," Deaton's eyes shined this was something else altogether. He already had his suspicions just by the way Elijah looked at Elias. "It's you isn't it?" He asked Elias with a smile.

"What do you mean by an Alpha," Elijah asked causing Deaton to turn to him and sigh.

"If you're to understand I'll have to start from the beginning. You know my family as ambassadors or Druids to Werewolf packs. But Years ago we were Druids to a different kind of supernatural being. They were known as Lycans, Born with the ability to control their shift they are much more advanced than the current Werewolves of the world."

Elijah was shocked he was over a thousand years old yet he had never heard of such creatures.

"you're probably wondering why you have never heard of such beings." Deaton smiled seeing Elijah nod. " Years ago they all vanished every human, supernatural being forgot them, it wasn't due to time, but a powerful spell."

"Wait then how do you know of them?" Elias blurted out the question that filled his mind.

"When it happened a woman appeared she guided my ancestors, she left them with a purpose. To find anyone connected to the Lycans, and help them survive. Lycans were known as Apex predators but those that were bitten by a Lycan didn't become one themselves. They became something lesser, weaker the werewolves that frequent Beacon hills are the last survivors of the Lycan's existence."

"Before she left, she gave my ancestors a message. One day a Lycan will appear in Beacon hills it would be their job to guide him. The rest of the information I have can only be given when I'm 100% sure I'm talking to the Lycan."

"Thank you for your help but I'm sure you're aware of what has to be done next?" Elijah asked as he stepped towards Deaton.

Deaton nodded staring Elijah in the eyes, Elijah grabbed his shoulder staring deep into his eyes. " You will tell no one else without one of us giving you permission, do you understand." Elijah's eyes dilated causing Deaton's to do the same.

"Come, son, we have one other place to visit," Elijah disappeared causing Elias to shake his head as he disappeared as well.

Deaton returned to his duties as a veterinarian in his eyes a spark of hope could be seen.

Elijah stopped in front of a clothing store he reached for the door handle when he heard Elias speak.

"Why are we here? Do you have another friend that works here?"

"No, You need clothes unless you want to walk around in sweats pants all day."

Elias looked down at himself he had completely forgotten with his rapid growth his old clothes would never fit. Elijah smiled at his son before opening the door leading the way inside straight towards the suits, his favorite.

"You'll need one of these for each day," Elijah said as he felt the fabric of a grey suit.

Elias frowned looking at his father, he understood that he liked to dress nicely but no one needed to wear a suit Monday through Sunday. "Dad, when have you ever seen me wear anything close to a suit, I'm not uptight like you"

Elijah frowned hearing that " You don't like my suits?"

Elias could feel the cold wind on his neck looking at his father he chuckled nervously " I like them but I'm a kid, well teenager now we don't wear suits."

Elijah nodded seeing the logic in his son's statement "Well, we'll only buy a couple, the rest can be fashionable clothes."

Elias nodded walking to the other side of the picking out anything he liked, he needed almost everything since he could no longer fit his old clothes.

After paying for everything Elijah turned to the cashier, "He needs to use the changing room, Put on something nice."

"Why," Elias was confused as he looked at his father.

"Where you're going you're gonna want to make a good first impression."

Elias didn't question quickly changing into one of the nice sets of clothes he had just bought. A pair of black Levi jeans, a white tee with a black jacket. He smiled as he laced up his all-white Air force ones looking in the mirror he couldn't help but smirk.

Elias exited the changing to find his father alone he had already returned the bags to the hotel room. With his hand in his pocket, Elijah vanished Elias did the same they stopped in front of a school.

Beacon Hills High School