
The Originals: Lycan Born

Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.

MrGodlyGod01 · Autres
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Elias pulled off knowing that his car would have gotten them there faster. It was just too bad that it was only a 2 seater. Thinking about it now he more often used Stiles' Jeep because it allowed for everyone to drive along. He wondered if he should get a new car or not. Shaking his head he realized this was not the time to be thinking about getting a new car.

Sure he had no interest in whether Jeremy stayed dead or not but he didn't want Bonnie to be sad.

Stopping the car he climbed out of the front seat quickly picking up Jeremy at Bonnie's request. He followed her inside as she told him where to place Jeremy Alaric asked a question.

"Is what you're planning going to work?"

"There's a spell for it if they'll give me the power to use it." Bonnie kneeled down to Jeremy's side placing his head in her lap she began to chant.

''Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus."

"No," Bonnie yelled out causing both Alaric and Elias to frown.

"What's wrong," Alaric asked.

"They don't want to help, they said they'll be consequences," Bonnie said in disarray as she continued to listen to the voices.

"Well he's just a kid, tell them to shut up!"

"I'll do it," Bonnie said to the witches.

"No," Elias called out.

"What do you mean no?" Alaric asked confused.

"What are the consequences?" Elias asked, looking at Bonnie. In response, she only shook her head. "Bonnie, what are the consequences?" He asked again only for her to ignore him as she shut her eyes and began to chant once again.

" Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas."

As Bonnie continued chanting the building began to shake. The words of the ancestors grew loud enough so that even Elias could hear them.

"Elias, they want her life, there is always a balance in nature. A life for a life, the amount of magic needed to cast this spell isn't something Bonnie has. She'll over exhaust her magic and die like Sheila" Elias could hear the voice of his mother coming from the room.

"I'll stop her," Elias said almost vamp speeding to Bonnie.

"No there's another way," his mother said. "Magic can be channeled. Like you saw the witch do in beacon hills with the branch. Your body is a vessel full of magic, allow Bonnie to channel you and she'll be fine."

Nodding his head Elias charged in Blood had already begun to drip from Bonnie's nose so he didn't have much time.


"Open your eyes, Bonnie!" Shaking her he watched as her eyes opened slowly only she kept chanting.

"I'm sorry Elias."

"Bonnie channel me," Elias said. Upon seeing Bonnie's confusion he said it again. "Channel me, I'm a Lycan vampire hybrid, Magic is a part of me. Cannel me!"

Bonnie's confusion faded away as she grabbed both of Elias' hands, magic like she had never felt before filtered through her bones. The spell that even with the help of the witches would have left her bleeding out had become as simple as a pyrokinesis spell.

"Aghh," Elias felt a terrible headache hit him. It was like energy was being pulled from his body, he powered through knowing the alternative would be much worse.

Bonnie's grip tightened upon hearing her brother's pain, great power came with a hell of a lot of pain. She was channeling him but the cost was excruciating pain, finishing the chant she immediately dropped his hands.

"No," She called out feeling the magic leave the room. The witches were gone.

"Elias, they're gone. Your mom," Bonnie didn't know what else to say.

"It's okay Bonnie," Did it suck that his mom hadn't mentioned that one of the consequences would be the old witch ancestors leaving. Yes, he had only talked to her twice. The first time had only left him more questions and the second one made him realize she had been watching his whole life. Maybe she was watching right now. Looking around the room, he whispered thank you before walking off to the side leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Bonnie asked, blood still dripping from her nose.

"I'll be okay," Elias said with a sigh. He had never had a hangover but he reckoned this was what it felt like.

"He's waking up," Alaric's voice was filled with excitement.

Bonnie made to turn around but stopped and looked at Elias, worry and a hint of guilt on her face.

"I'm okay, go. Your boyfriend just came back from the dead. We'll talk later." Elias watched as she smiled before turning around and hugging her boyfriend.

Bonnie was reckless. Too reckless, Elias didn't like it, soon it would be the death of her. His mother had given him an idea though, she needed an object she could channel so that she wouldn't have to risk dying to pull off the impossible. The branch was the perfect object, finding Peter's nurse wouldn't be easy though. Not to mention he couldn't do that in Mystic Falls. He had a feeling this place would be full of Drama. Meanwhile, Beacon hills was free of all this Drama.


"Bonnie we need to talk," Elias looked to the other side of the sofa. Bonnie turned his way, a sort of anxious confusion on her face.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Bonnie asked.

"Today has been a horrible mess, besides twitches this day has given us nothing but grief." Elias had never actually agreed with Scott's take on just wanting a regular life. It was too late for that, now his days consisted of witches, werewolves, and good old vampires.

"I don't think anyone died," Bonnie said with a smile on her face.

"Bonnie I'm leaving Mystic Falls."

"What? No! You just got here you can't leave already." She had just gotten her brother back, she wasn't ready to give him up again. Not now, not when he was all she had left.

"Which is why I think you should come with me. Beacon Hills should be relatively safe right about now. It's what you need."

"What do you mean it's what I need?" Confusion appeared on her face as she thought about his words. Things seemed to be going relatively okay, besides the fact that two original vampires were currently in town.

"Bonnie I've been here less than a week and you've tried to sacrifice yourself twice. I respect your willingness to do the impossible for your friends but what about me. I hate to say it but you're my only actual living family, who will I come to for warm hugs? How about actual advice that doesn't include murdering and feeding upon the masses?" Elias asked, staring at his sister with a frown on his face. He hated seeing her give her all for people he wasn't sure would return the favor.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

until the next time I randomly decide to update...

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