
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


This new world was covered in monsters and beasts I'd swear were nightmares made flesh. Something in me approved. My curse went dormant the massive portal as the totems were drained dry as well. Something in this world called to the wolf in me so I let it take charge. I shifted and my talisman light armor melted into my fur, hidden away until I decided to turn back. My ring followed suit.

Now that I did not feel any emotions blocking the way, my bloodlust rose without equal. Time lost all meaning as I gave in to the slaughter and killed monsters all around. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to give in to the animal inside.

I let my consciousness fade to the back ground as the wolf hunted using only instincts. Eons I could fairly say, passed. I grew stronger and stronger as time went on. Eventually I ran into a beast nearly my equal. When the wolf couldn't win on instinct alone, it dragged me to the forefront to see what it was up against.

I shifted before the creature and saw its massive shape. A blue creature with tentacles as arms. I smiled. "What may I call you?"

It made a garbled sound before it screeched. "I am the demon Illyria and I will become a god."

I chuckled. "I am the beast. I am an immortal that cannot die no matter how much I wish to. I've slaughtered creatures such as you for food and sport for eons now. I can't really tell how long exactly as I have no sense of time anymore."

Illyria screeched out. "I wish to rule over all of my kind, will you stand against me?"

I shook my head. "Not really. Just don't assume yourself capable of ruling me and we'll get along just fine. Just know you may have tied with my beast form, but in this one I've yet to find an equal."

Illyria screeched. "Then we are allies?"

I shrugged. "Sure, just don't try to stop my slaughtering. It's the only thing I can think to do anymore."

With that I shifted back and we charged into the wilderness. We slaughtered and Illyria subjugated for ages. One day, after Illyria had grown to become a king of its kind, it summoned me to its territory for some fun. I arrived before it's thrown and shifted to my human form for the first time since we first met.

I sat on a thrown beside it and Illyria ordered the entertainment to be brought into the room. When I saw them, something in me clicked. I recognized what world this was now. I sighed and growled. "These creatures mimic a shape I have, interesting. Are you then trying to insinuate that I'm as pathetic as this? That I could be brought low like them?"

Illyria turned to me and stayed quiet for a while. My eyes shifted and my face went veiny. Illyria waved a tentacle, screeching. "If this offends you so, then I shall send them away."

I shook my head. "To me they are but food."

My form blurred and I ripped them apart as I fed. Their screams rang out in the hall as I slaughtered not only them, but the guards that held them captive. When I was finished, and covered in various creatures blood and fluids, I walked back to the thrown and sat down. I chuckled. "Thanks for the meal. I haven't had their blood in a very long time. Since before the sun and moon came to be at least."

Illyria screeched. "Amusing to say the least. There are more out there if they are what you desire."

I shook my head. "I prefer the blood of nightmares. They feed something else in me."

I turned to Illyria. "I am leaving to another land soon old friend. This place has become boring and dull. As have the other dimensions we have fought in. I wish to see something else now. This is the last you'll see of me."

Illyria looked displeased by the way I'd come to read its body language. After it calmed down again I asked. "Would you care for one last fight with the beast, to test how we've grown over the eons?"

I moved and I shifted. We fought and fought. The palace was wrecked and the throne room took the worst of it. Our blows effected the air around us and tornados formed. We fought tooth and nail. Over the time I'd been here my skin had become a lot tougher. I could take Illyria's blows as if it was a love tap. I had apparently grown so old that nothing could scratch me. Not blade nor magic.

I knew deep down inside, I should be disturbed but I just wasn't. I couldn't bring myself to care. I bit into a tentacle and backed away. The battle stopped then. We both now knew I was the stronger now. It could not harm me, while I could in theory kill it.

I changed back. "Goodbye my old friend."

I blurred and left Illyria's vast territory. We'd nearly taken a tenth of the planet with our combined might. I never fought as a vampire so it was fair to say I could be the strongest out there.

I used my inner magic once I reached the ocean and flew across. I went to what may one day be known as Africa in search of a girl. I arrived there way to early and shifted before finding a place to sleep. While in my wolf form, I found that I could go without blood indefinitely while asleep and so long as I fed when I awoke, I'd be fine, so I slept.

When I sensed the Magic's of this world being used once more, I awoke. I found a bear and ate it. With my hunger sated, I looked for the source of the Magic's. I found a cave with a group of shamans sitting outside. I shifted in front of them and spoke in a magically translated voice. "Whom are you people and what Magic's are you using. It has caused a disturbance across the land. I felt it in the earth as well."

After a minute the shaman I could only assume was the one in charge spoke. "We are the last hope of our people's and we are creating a weapon to destroy creatures like you."

I shook my head. "There is no other creatures like me on the planet. I cannot be destroyed or contained. I am eternal. If you send your weapon after me, it'll be destroyed or turned back on you. I say this not as a threat but as the truth. I've tried to end my existence before. If I cannot do so, you have no chance to."

I shifted back and walked away, uninterested in their words. I lay down several yards away and waited. A week later, they brought a girl out of the cave and pointed her towards me. She attacked and I lay there, uninterested. Sure she was strong, but not as strong as Illyria.

Her strokes felt like a massage. Eventually, the girl tired and I shifted back to my human form. "You are strong, but you lack technique and a weapon that could harm me. I can give you one, but I don't have the other. As far as I know, I am unkillable."

And so for the next several months, I trained her. She fought with instinct and skill. She learned everything I taught her almost instantaneously. We trained and trained until one day, the shamans came forward with a weapon someone else had forged.

The girl picked it up and struck at me. The blade created sparks of my skin and left a white line but nothing more. She became stronger with it though. A lot stronger. I felt she could put Illyria down if given a chance.

When our little spar ended with her on the floor I told her and the shamans. "She is strong enough to kill your enemies now. And talented enough that she might survive it all. Just remember, you may have created a weapon, but she was and is still a girl. And a young one at that. Perhaps you forgot in your desperate act that she has a soul and is human in the end. I take my leave now and know that if she is felled by your hands, I'll be back to end you all."

I shifted and turned to leave. The girl grabbed my leg and I looked at her. She looked at me with something other than hate now and I rubbed her face with mine before turning and leaving.

I teleported to what would eventually be California. I ran to where I felt the hell mouth and when I felt I was close enough, I found a cave and slept. Millenniums passed and eventually I felt a spell being used. My body awoke and I ventured out once more.

I found a rent a wizard doing the spell. I shifted and walked over to him. He was a stout little man. When he finished and turned to see me, he held out a hand. "Richard Wilkins, and you are?"

I took his hand before saying. "I haven't used a human name in so long, I'm Alexander Mikaelson. But If you go by my other name, I was called the beast. Or white wolf, if you prefer."

He shivered at the last two names. I grunted. "You've heard of me then?"

He nodded clearly sweating. I sighed. "I'm starting a bar in the town your building now. It's time I greeted the world again. Relax, I've no interest in what you're doing. I couldn't care less."

And so, I started said bar. I called it the bronze for shits and giggles. When I was established enough. I let the workers take care of most everything and I sat around drinking with the clients. Decades passed and during the eighties, I left town for a few years for a little pick me up in Boston.

I don't know why I did it, perhaps to see what would change, or not. The first time Faith's mother tried to sell her to a client, I broke in and killed the client before compelling her mother to treat her like she actually cared.

I gave her mother nearly a million and compelled her to never touch drugs or booze again before leaving. I ran back to Sunnydale that night after I took care of her mother's client and her old client list.

I slaughtered those into kids and compelled the others into practically sainthood. When I arrived back in Sunnydale, I went to drinking at the bar and hid myself from the humans in the VIP section I had built for me and any I deemed worthy of drinking with.

I started dusting any vampire that showed up at the bar as a warning and eventually they got the hint. I sent a message to the mayor that the bar is a vamp free zone and only to send those he wants gone.

I got a call at the bar an hour after the message was sent saying he'd personally warned all vampires it was a death sentence. From then on, I upped my alcohol brands and sold cheap to the humans. They were getting the best money could buy for as cheap as grocery store brands.

The club became a hit and even bands played here. This worlds Bon Jovi even did a few days playing as I payed top dollar for it and partied with him like he was the one from my previous world.

We became friends again from my perspective. A few other note able bands played here over the years. Finally, it was time for it all to begin anew. When a redheaded teenager started showing up with her tall goofy friend, I sent the bartender to tell them they were to be given free drinks for life.

As there was no fumigation parties because I refused to allow roaches near my bar with a spell, they needed a reason to come here often. While the booze was good and cheap, the sodas were not so I instated happy hour for all non alcoholic beverages between six and ten in the afternoon.

After a couple more years, finally the slayer rolled into town. The night she did, a vampire snuck into my bar. I sighed and went out back to wait. When the boy came out with Willow, I stepped out of the shadows. "You vampires never learn. I've killed off every one of your kind dumb enough to step into my bar."

Willow asked. "What?"

I pointed next to her and she looked at the guy with his vampire Botox face on and screamed. I moved and grabbed the vampire by his throat before squeezing him to dust. I brush off my hand and turned to Willow. "You ok now or do you need a minute?"

Buffy came out a second later. "Where is the guy she was with?"

I pointed to the ash pile. "My bar is a no vampire zone. Only the stupid or suicidal come here. This one was either miss informed or just plain dumb."

I turned to Willow. "You going to be alright now or do I need to rider you a whiskey. Just one mind you, I can't be seen giving alcohol to minors. Some stupid law or something."

She nodded and I headed back inside. Buffy grabbed my arm and asked. "Who are you?"

I chuckled. "Alexander Mikaelson, but you two can call me Alex. I hear you have a friend that shares my name, if you want, you can bring him to the VIP area to drink every now and then. It's got a descent view and less annoying riffraff come near it."

I pulled my arm slowly from her grasp and walked on. She yelled. "My names Buffy Summers."

I chuckled. "I know, vampire slayer. You're not the first one I've met. Probably won't be the last."

I went inside and the door closed behind me. The next few days were as usual until one evening Buffy and her friends came back into the bar, this time they brought an older gentleman. I watched as they headed to the VIP section. When my bouncer held up a hand I spoke. "Let them in then take a break."

He did so and I lit sage I'd spelled. When they came into the curtained area, I waved. "Have a seat. I have earl grey or hundred year old scotch if you prefer. The teens can have anything not alcoholic. Don't worry about paying, while you're in my club, none of you spend a dime."

The older gentleman took a seat. "In that case I'll take the tea please."

I waved a waitress over and she took their orders. I spoke to her. "Get the tea from my private stock. It should be fresh enough, I had it flown in last night."

The waitress bowed and left. The goofy kid asked. "What's with the bowing?"

I sighed. "The personal staff that serves me gets payed more than any of your parents do in a year per week. They think it funny to boy to me because it amuses them. I suppose they think I'm some rich lord hiding in a small town because I'm rich and have an accent."

The older gentleman snorted at the preposterousness of it all. I chuckled and held out a hand. "It's nice to meet the watcher to her slayer. The names Alexander Mikaelson. A pleasure to meet you."

He clasped my hand. "Rupert Giles at your service."

After his introduction I nodded and pointed to each of the kids. "Buffy Summers, vampire slayer. Xander Harris, potential hunter if trained well enough and Willow Rosenberg, potential witch if ever trained. Though I don't recommend doing magic on a hellmouth it tends to corrupt it unless your me."

Giles looked quizzical about my words. "How do you know so much?"

I shrugged. "I've been around a long time. I hear things from time to time. Not to mention I'm a witch."

Giles chuckled. "You're clearly not if you call yourself that. The term would be warlock."

I shook my head. "Thats where you're wrong. The term was witch or hexa or any other acronym that meant witch long before men decided to change it to fit their needs. Seeing as how I'm older than the human language, I think I win on this debate."

That got their attention. Giles raised a cross and I chuckled. "Seriously, what makes you think I'm a vampire. Sure I'm immortal and older than old but I hate vampires, well most vampires anyway. That's why my club is a safe zone in this town."

I grabbed the cross from him and held it up before handing it back to him. "Cute and nice try but I'm older than any religion as well. Sunlight doesn't harm me and I don't kill humans unless I have to or they really piss me off."

Xander audibly gulped. "And what would one have to do to piss you off?"

I shrugged. "Maybe burn down my club or kill a friend of mine."

Willow asked. "Who are your friends?"

I chuckled. "Right now? Everyone in this booth unless you decide otherwise. Look, relax. Buffy here isn't the first slayer I've met, that actually was the first slayer ever. Cute kid, hit like a Mac truck and refused to stop trying to kill me until the moment I left. I spent nearly a year teaching her how to fight and survive, and for what, I ask you? She goes off and gets herself killed taking out demons. Hell, I'd have killed them for her if she came with me instead of staying with those men."

I held up my hand and I stopped my rant. "Sorry, not a lot of people I can talk to about the past. Anyway, my point is, I'm no threat to you and I don't actively kill innocents. Hell, I save them if they're attacked near my bar."

I held a hand to Buffy. "Bygones?"

She looked at me like I was stupid and I suggested. "Tell you what, if you can kill me, I won't fight back in any way. I'll stand there and take it. Just not in my bar, I like this place."

She snorted and shook my hand. "Fine, I'll kick your ass a little for a warm up."

I shrugged. "If you win, I'll tell you about every human I've killed and you judge me on my own merits. If you lose, I'll train you like I did Sineya."

Giles whispered. "Oh dear."

I chuckled and turned to Willow. "Care to make a bet on which of us will win?"

She shook her head and I turned to Xander. "What about you? I'll drop cash if that's what you're interested in."

Xander spoke quick. "Ten grand says you win."

His words were followed by a "hey" from both girls. I sighed. "Fine, spoil sport. You're on. Would you like it in cash or check?"

Xander was arguing with the girls until he heard that. He stopped motionless for a second before saying. "Cash please."

I chuckled and did a whistle. The bouncer came over. "Pull ten grand in small bills and have it ready for an hour from now."

He nodded and left as the waitress came back with the drinks and a piping hot fragrant tea. She handed them out and Giles's face was in ecstasy when he sipped it. I chuckled. "It cost me a hundred grand to import it from Britain. It's earl grey aged forty nine years and shipped over in wooden boxes that are especially made to contain its fragrance. I drink it in the mornings and evenings I'm not completely drunk for."

Willow frowned. "Why would you get drunk?"

I smiled. "Because when you've lived as long as I have, and everyone and thing you've ever loved has died, it helps take the edge off of life. I can't be killed, that also means by my own hand. I should know, I've tried enough times."

That shut her up. I sighed. "The downside to eternity is that you are eternally alone or in pain from those that leave you here."

With that, I got up. I turned to Giles. "The reason you're here is obvious, you want to know what or who I am."

He nodded and I sighed. "I'll show you in a little while. You should have heard enough about me from your watcher diaries that you'd recognize who and what I am."

I walked out of the VIP section saying. "Take your time and enjoy the accommodations. I'll see you outside in and hour."

I went to bar and ordered a few bottles and started slamming it back. After an hour, I was good and drunk. Buffy and her group came out and I followed them outside. I led them to the graveyard not far away. When they were standing in front of me I waved a hand. "Hit me with your best shot, fire away."

I heard Willow giggle and Xander laugh. Buffy through a punch and when it landed I snorted. "Now hit me like you mean it."

She began punching me all over. It sounded like a carpet bombing. I just stood there and when she backed off I took a drink of my bottle of scotch. I passed it to Giles. "Hold this. I don't want to waste good booze."

He took it and I turned back to a panting Buffy. "Girl, you do remind me of Sineya somewhat. Though she had a lot more stamina and when she finally tired out it was when she could no longer stand."

I stepped back speaking. "Now that your fun time is over, I guess I could show you my other form."

I shifted into a wolf and Giles dropped my Scotch, shattering it. I snorted and shifted back. "Not cool, you had one job!"

He was still staring at me. I turned away and sighed. "There goes the neighborhood."

Vampires started coming out of the wood work. Around ten of them now. I turned to Buffy. "Don't look at me. I've no interest in these parasites."

That seemed to piss of the vampires. They attacked me like I owed them money or in this case, blood. I stood there while they punched and punched. When they stopped, I smacked them once each and their heads flew off. I turned to Buffy's group. "If we're done here, let's go get Xander's money."

They followed me back to my bar where I was handed a bag that I turned around handed to Xander. "Ten grand cash, as promised. Never say I'm not a man of my word. Now if that'll be all, I'd like to return to my drinking."

I left them at the VIP rope after telling the bartender to send me a few bottles and let them drink free. The next few days were quiet. Until another vampire entered my bar stalking Buffy's group.

I sighed and sent the waitress to invite them all back to the VIP section. When they arrived, I told them. "You've led another vampire into my bar, this time it's a grey area. The vampire in question will be here soon."

They looked curious and after a few minutes, Angel came in as well. I turned to him. "Now vampire, tell me why I shouldn't dust you right now."

He frowned and I blurred and grabbed him by the throat. "Speak, they may be your last words."

Angel bit out. "Maybe you should then. I've certainly earned death."

I sighed and dropped him. "A vampire with a soul. Interesting, sit have a drink with us and tell me your story."

He did so while the Scooby gang asked questions. Buffy looked hit punched and sad. When he finished, I told them. "So a young vampire then. I've certainly killed older ones. Eons ago I fought a vampire that was entertaining. After I nearly bled him dry he fled, I think his name was Maloker or some such. Now he was a real vampire. Not that half assed species you lot seem to fight. He didn't even cry when I defanged him and tore off an arm."

Angel started shivering as I spoke. When I finished, he asked. "You're an old one aren't you?"

I snorted. "That'd be a no. The old ones were demons. I'm older than them and I treated them like food but I am no demon. I arrived in this dimension when time had no meaning and the sun and moon had not blessed the earth with their presence. I saw a world with giant demons and beasts roaming the planet and I treated them as a buffet. They called me the beast in their tongues and the white wolf when they wanted the pain to stop when I ate them."

Willow smiled. "Can't be too bad, you were killing demons."

I shook my head. "I killed anything and anyone I came across. This was long before humans came out of the mud and started anything though. You see, I let my wolf take over and I became the beast inside. I felt no emotions only the instinct to hunt and the bloodlust of the kill. It was a pure feeling."

I sighed. "Then I met a demon I was hard pressed to best. We fought back and forth and became friends of a sort, allies would be a better term. It joined me in the slaughter and started subjugating it's own kind. When it took over enough territory here, it expanded to other dimensions as well. We fought in all manner of strange places and killed an uncountable amount of demons you call old ones. To me they were food, to my demon ally they were enemies to be killed or conquered."

Buffy asked. "What changed? Why go from expanding and hunting to owning a bar?"

I snorted. "Such simple questions yet a difficult answer."

When she didn't stop asking I finally sighed. "I have an ability, one all my own, it allows me to turn off my emotions. Unfortunately, time has a way of making it fade once it's used. When I left my old world, I used the ability because if I hadn't I would not have beef very stable and I'd probably have destroyed this planet. I left those I cared about because I was cursed, my curse would have killed everything around me and I couldn't allow that on my planet. So I came here."

Xander spoke up. "Oh joy, is our planet a half way house for world destroyers?"

I chuckled. "Perhaps so. Anyways, after eons of fighting beside what I'd come to call a friend, one day it called me to it's palace. A grand pocket dimension it had created to host and hold entertainment."

Buffy asked. "What kind of entertainment would an old one enjoy?"

I grinned. "The bloody kind. Usually it was captured enemies or trespassers in its territory. This time though, it was a group of hairless apes that looked not to far removed from you humans. The demon thought it was being funny, but it had done something then. I hadn't seen humans in so long I'd almost forgotten what they looked like. You see, I spent all my time in wolf form. When I saw them, a dark rage covered me and I slaughtered them and the guards holding them. I killed everything in the palace except for my old demon friend. You see, with that rage I felt, eventually came all the other emotions. I said goodbye to my old friend and left it's territory. I traveled for days as my other emotions came flooding back. I couldn't handle them anymore so one day, I turned back to my wolf form and slept. Centuries passed as I slept and time had meaning once more. One day a powerful magic pulsed through the land and woke me up."

I took a drink and let them take it all in. I enjoyed the soothing scotch before Willow asked. "What happened next?"

I sighed and looked to the ceiling. "I followed it to what you humans now call Africa. Where I found a group of witches, or shamans if you will, doing a spell. I shifted to this form and asked them what spell it was that effected the planet so much and they told me. They said they were making a weapon to wipe out my kind. Now that got me laughing, you see, I'm the only one of my kind there is. I thought them fools. And I told them as much. I shifted back and waited to see what weapon they could possibly make that could kill me. I'd spent a lot of time trying to do so myself before. I wanted to see if it were even possible."

I took another drink and turned to Buffy. "The weapon they'd made as it were came out of the cave and they pointed it towards me. It attacked and attacked until it grew tired. I shifted back to this form and looked upon a girl panting and sweating on the ground. Her blows did no more damage than a light massage. I saw the raw determination in her eyes to see me dead and so I helped her to give her the best shot. I trained her in every fighting technique I'd ever learned on my home dimension. For nearly a year I trained her. Then one day, when she'd mastered it all, a shaman came with a group of witches. They'd spelled a weapon and gave it to the girl. Her first action with it was to try and kill me. You see, the weapon made her stronger. As strong as an old one at least. And it's blade left white lines on my skin as sparks showered off. She began an attack in earnest now. It took her several days to tire where before it took her hours. But tire she did. When she was panting laying on the ground with the weapon in hand, I told the shamans to be careful. That they'd done more than create a weapon, they'd taken the innocents of a girl and replaced it with power and drive. With that I changed back into the wolf and turned to leave. Sineya, the girl, grabbed my leg as I did so. I turned to her and saw the girl underneath the power. I sent her a mental message that should she ever get tired of her fight, to come to me and I'd shelter her from this harsh world. I left her there to make her own decision and I ran for the first time in a long time. I came to a particularly active hellmouth and went to sleep. I woke up when the town was created and I've been running a bar ever since. That's my story."

Willow asked. "What about what happened in your home dimension."

I shook my head. "I'll probably never tell another soul what happened there. It's personal and right now its none of your business. I've said enough. Enjoy the club, I'm heading home."

I blurred and headed to my home I'd acquired a while ago. The Magic Box. There was a small space in the back and I had only one employee to worry about. The next day, while I was at the club, Giles showed up alone. He came to the back and the bouncer let him in. When he saw me I waved the waitress over and he gave his order of tea.

I asked. "So what can I do for you?"

He took off his glasses and cleaned them while saying. "I want to know what you know about the harvest."

I shrugged. "It's a spell vampires use to make the one that turned them temporarily stronger. A younger vampire feeds and the older one draws strength from it through the ritual."

He looked perturbed. "Would they come here to perform it?"

I snorted. "Not if their smart. I'd slaughter the vamps that showed their faces in my club."

He nodded and we had a nice little chat about random things like the watchers journals. When he left, I began my own treasure hunt. I found the ring of Amara, the glove of Myhnegon, and the cross of du lac. That was all in the first once over.

I took a trip to LA to meet a lawyer about acquiring a lot more than that. I walked into the Wolf Ram and Hart offices and went to the front desk. "Excuse me mortal, but I'd like a word with your highest authority in this building. Spare me the denial and just tell them the white wolf is here."

The receptionist picked up a phone and a few minutes later an older gentleman came out of the elevator in a hurry over. He held out a hand. "Holland Manners, I hear you're looking for me."

I shifted my eyes and looked him over once before sighing. "You'll do I guess. I have a list of items I'd like you to send people looking for. Some of them aren't in this dimension, so the I'm prepared for a small wait period, but no more than one year."

He nodded and smiled. "I'd be happy to get right on that. I'm assuming you have a form of payment in mind?"

I nodded. "I've enough gold and spelled gems to fill this lobby nearly a hundred times over. If you're not interested in that, I could always kill everyone here and devour your souls. Your magics that brand them would not stop me I assure you."

He smiled bitterly. "Since the senior partners speak so highly of you, I doubt they'd like it if I charged you anything."

I shrugged. "I met them long ago when they were fighting for scraps of power. Interesting to be sure, but mostly the weakest of old ones at the time. I had no interest in eating them, after all, I like a challenge."

He nodded and showed me the way to his office. I gave him the list and after an hour of him researching them, he came back to me. "Most of these will be rather easy to acquire, but there are a couple that will be difficult because they can only be retrieved by a champion of good."

I shrugged. "Good, evil, in the end it's all power. For those items that need an alignment, I'll give you a couple spelled gems that bypass all magic, good or evil and let the user in and out. That should do the trick, and of course, I don't care about your losses, so if it doesn't work, send me a message and I'll go personally and destroy the barriers."

He nodded and I tossed a pouch of spelled gems on the desk. "Remember, no later than one year or I'll see to it the senior partners pay the price instead."

I gave him my phone number and address before teleporting to the bronze. The next few days were boring, so I took to staying in my wolf form and laying in the VIP section till something exciting happens. And did it ever. One evening a bunch of vampires broke in and one started making announcements on stage.

I shifted back to my human form and killed all but one in a blur of speed. I grabbed the surviving vampire and brought her to the VIP section. When I closed the curtains, my staff were opening the doors again.

I turned to greet my guest. "Hello Darla."

Her look went from fear to confidence in a flash. "Then what is it you do want?"

I grinned and ripped her head off. She dusted all over the floor and table. I left and the staff got to cleaning.

Over the next few months, I received most of my list of items from the lawyers. They showed up at the Magic Box with suitcases and duffle bags of them.

I noticed a couple recurring faces every time. It seems Lyndsey and Lilah were sent as the go between. I had a few private conversations with each. Lyndsey's was mostly about sigils and runes ancient and new. While Lilah's was mostly business and questions about my powers. I brushed off the questions as they meant telling her my strengths and abilities. But the business was decent enough. I made sure to use a mind reading spell before each meeting with her just to be safe.

Presently, the best items they brought me were the orbs of Nezzla'Khan and the restless door. Lyndsey was telling me about them. "The orbs were an easy one, the door though, we had to bargain with an old one and even then it didn't want to give it up until we mentioned it was you that was looking for it. We sort of strong armed the Soul Glutton into handing it over with a promise that you'd come to get it yourself if it didn't."

I chuckled. "I imagine he was very amiable after that. I ate a few of his fingers before he fled with it last time. I doubt he'd want to continue his run over it."

I turned to Lilah. "You can go now, wait outside. I've some business to discuss with Lyndsey here."

She left and I lit some sage before throwing up a barrier. "We can speak openly now. I have an offer for you. If you ever find yourself on the outs with your bosses or dying, I'd be happy to take you on as a butler. The perks are immortality and power. You'd never be able to use magic again, but you'd be nearly unkillable and over time you'd only grow stronger."

He smiled. "While I appreciate the offer, the company owns my soul."

I snorted. "I can destroy that pitiful magic with a touch. No, take your time and think about it. It's a hard decision to make, after all, eternity is a spiteful bitch."

I waved him away and took the items into my ring before saying. "I'll see you next time."

The sage went out and he left. My time with those two had nearly come to an end and I'd found Lilah less interesting now. I went to the club where the Scooby gang was waiting. Buffy was hitting on a guy at a table, while Xander and Willow were sipping sodas in a booth.

I walked over and sat with them. "What are you two up to?"

Xander was watching Buffy and grumbling so Willow answered me. "We're admiring Buffy's bravery in trying to find a date."

I snorted. "You could always find one yourself. It's not hard to speak to the opposite sex. You're just awkward because you lack experience."

She looked at me curiously and I smiled. "Yes, I will flirt with you if you want, just don't expect more. I'm not looking for a relationship."

She blushed. "Thanks then I guess."

I nodded. "Anytime, it cures the boredom of time for me."

I slid closer to her and grabbed her fidgeting hands on the table. "You're as beautiful as a rose, wild and free. All you need now is to bloom."

She blushed deeper and Xander continued to ignore us in favor of staring at Buffy and her date. I continued to give her compliments and we devolved into idol chatter about likes and dislikes. If I'd felt anything for her it would have been a real date, as it was, I knew she wasn't my type. Witch she may be, but it was a little to close for me.

We spent a lovely evening talking and flirting. Eventually Xander noticed us and left to find his own pursuits. Eventually I asked about the kid that was with them the first time they showed up. She replied honestly and sadly. "That was Jessie, he was a friend of ours. The night you saved me, he went for a walk when Cordelia blew him off. A vampire grabbed him and we chased after him but more showed up. They fled and Buffy and Xander found him the next day turned in a sewer. He was one of the vampires you killed during the harvest."

I sighed. "Sorry then. I don't like vampires too much and when they ignore the rules, I tend to not ask questions."

She nodded. "It's not a problem. We don't blame you. I mean, Xander was mad at first but he grew out of it because of it wasn't you it would've been one of us to end him."

I sighed. "Well, lets turn to something more pleasant then. Have you ever experienced an orgasm just by one touch?"

She blushed and shook her head. I chuckled and used the sexual energy in the air and directed it to my finger before I touched Willows cheek.

She shuddered and spasms rocked her body. When I let it go again, she was repeating. "Oh, wow."

I chuckled. "It's been a lovely evening Willow. That was my thanks for saving me from boredom. It'll last about an hour so stay seated and enjoy."

I got up and left her to it. I went to my booth and had a few drinks while looking over the crowd. Willow eventually got up and I noticed her awkward walking. I told my personal waitress to have someone clean the booth, seat and all.

The best part about being the boss is that when you pay enough, people tend not to ask questions. Willow looked back to my booth while blushing before going to meet up with Buffy and Xander who seemed ready to go. The next day, Buffy showed up at the club and headed straight to my booth.

When she was inside, she punched me in the jaw. I raised an eyebrow and she spoke. "The next time you pick on somebody choose someone else's friends to mess with."

I chuckled. "First of all, if you're talking about Willow, then that was a thank you for keeping me company while Xander drooled over you and cursed the guy you were with. I hold no feelings for her either way and I made that clear to her. Besides, it was simple magic charged with energy in the air. A gift, nothing else. Second, if you're talking about anything else I've no idea what you mean."

She snorted and stomped her foot on mine. I chuckled and did the same spell before grabbing her arm for a second. "There, now you know it meant nothing to me either way. Enjoy your own. It'll last an hour and it has no down sides. It's not even my energy. So it's nothing personal. I'd suggest you sit and ride it out."

She nearly fell on her ass as she sat in the booth. While she had her eyes closed and was panting heavily I enjoyed my drink and watched the crowd. I lit some sage as the spell peaked and she made her ecstasy known. After an hour it passed and her dress was wet on the bottom. I passed her a towel and a whiskey. "The towel is for the perspiration and the whiskey will take the edge off. Just one glass mind you, I don't want others thinking I let teens get waisted in here."

She took them both and sat on the towel, making me laugh and her blush deepen. She asked. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I saw her longing for Xander, and Xander longing for you. I figured since he's to dumb to notice her, I might as well let her know there are others out there that can give pleasure and company."

She frowned a little. "But you just said-"

I sighed. "That I feel nothing for her, yes it's true. But I opened her eyes to the possibility of finding someone who would pay attention to her. Now she's experienced at least one good orgasm, she'll want to find someone that can give her another. And maybe, if she's lucky, more than sex."

She nodded. "Then why did you give it to me as well?"

I smiled. "You were annoying me and I wanted to make a point. If you need to blow off steam I'm free for a work out every now and then."

She snorted. "Thanks but I'll pass."

I shrugged. "You'd get a work out partner that would help with all the pent up energy you have as a slayer, and I'd get to not think about my long ass life and the long eternity ahead."

She shook her head and I got up. "It's up to you. Enjoy the drink and try not to tell anyone I gave you whiskey."

I left her at the booth and went to the Magic Box. Lydsey was there waiting with a chest. "So, how hard was it to retrieve the last of the list?"

He smiled. "We lost a lot for the last one but the stones you gave us worked like a charm. May I ask what magic it was?"

I shook my head. "It wasn't magic per say, but a curse of mine that I temporarily put in the stones."

He frowned. "How is it a curse if it's not magic?"

I nodded. "Exactly. I haven't figured it all out but I was born with the ability to absorb all forms of magic. And everything magical, be it demons or witches, would die if I just grabbed them and activated my curse. Those gems now have the magic of the barriers in them. Consider it my payment for your companies help."

He looked startled and a bit terrified at my words before he nodded and left. I opened the chest and there they were. Every weapon I'd ever heard of in the Buffy verse. The crowning achievement was Hopes Dagger, a sword that could used to disperse the first evil's essence across dimensions.

I closed it and put it in my ring before heading out to the graveyard for one last grave to rob. I found Gleaves grave after half a day of searching and stole the Amulet of Balthazar before leaving for the Magic Box to shower and change. After I was dressed again I went to the bronze.

When I arrived, I found Cordelia in my path to the VIP area. She looked at me and asked. "What makes Buffy so good that she can go to the VIP area and I can't?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I invited her there."

I walked passed her and closed the curtains while the bouncer stopped her from following me. I sat down and drank a Long Island ice tea in remembrance of good times. I listened in for any outside action.

After a bit of boring silence, I left the bar in search of a fight. I shifted and wondered the cemeteries until I heard a fight going on near the morgue. I ran over and started slaughtering vampires that were trying to get to the scoobies. In seconds all of them were dust and I changed back spiting out ashes.

I growled. "Fucking disgusting. Can't even eat them properly."

They were staring at me when I heard a vamp fighting inside as well. I ran and disappeared to their eyes. I found a crazy vampire fighting Buffy. I stood back and watched. When she noticed me I told her. "All the ones that were outside are dead. Though I think a bunch left because a window was broken in the hall."

She snorted. "Are you going to help me?"

I shook my head. "Be resourceful, if I help you now, what will you do in a similar situation without my help?"

Sh sighed. "Fine, any suggestions then? There's no wood in here."

I sighed. "Use your hand and rip out the heart. If it helps, shove under the rib cage and go upwards."

She frowned. "Ew."

I shrugged. "It all turns to dust when they die anyway. What's the difference?"

She nodded and did it. The crazy vampire stopped talking after she pulled out her hand. Everything turned to dust then. I chuckled. "Good job. Though I'd go change clothes before continuing your date with the guy outside."

She grimaced asking. "How much did he see?"

I shrugged. "Enough to make him excited about vampires. I don't know, kids weird."

I waved a hand and cleaned the dust off her. She saw that and her eyes went wide. "Thanks."

I nodded. "I'll see you later, talking to regular humans isn't my thing. My advice to you is warn him away. The way he looked at them made me think he's a groupie. Those end up dead or turned in the end. Or get someone dead in the process."

I disappeared to her eyes and ran back to the club. I cleaned myself and walked back in. I sat back in my booth and had a drink. After a bit, the scoobies showed up again, this time minus Giles. Buffy had a long chat with the boy she was dating before leaving him to head to the VIP section.

I sighed as she came in. "What can I do for you tonight?"

She stood there for a bit before biting her lip and saying. "I need to blow of steam."

I grabbed her hand and teleported is to my gym. When we were beside my gym mat, I told her. "Last chance to change your mind."

She shook her head and we began fighting. When it was over she was laying on the floor in a pool of her sweat panting.

She finally got some words out. "That was-"

I grunted and chuckled. "That was mostly my aggression at the beginning but during, you met me pace for pace. I haven't had someone do that in a long time. It's definitely unique as well."

She sighed. "That was great. I feel mushy and relaxed now."

I nodded. "And that's not even my version of a massage. Shall we go again?"

Several hours later, I teleported us to the Bronze in my VIP area after we'd showered. She went to meet her friends and I told her as she left.

I admired her strut and ordered another two drinks. After that night she showed up after nearly every hunt for either a work out and training. I began to teach her everything I'd thought Sineya even though she was clearly weaker.

She took to it easily enough and I could tell after each visit that her technique was evolving to include everything I showed her. Her fighting became more aggressive. One day she came to me after several months of training. "I'm going to die."

I shrugged. "All mortals die eventually, only I seemed to be incapable of doing so. You're going to have to be specific."

She shed some tears. "There's a prophecy that says I'm going to die tonight."

I sighed. "Then die on your terms. Besides, just because it says you have to die doesn't mean you have to stay dead. I should know, I've died before. It didn't stop me from coming back stronger. I've really died three times and the last time I thought it was finally over. Then my little niece cried and woke me up from death itself."

She seemed to calm down now. "You have a niece?"

I nodded. "Even in my own dimension I was old. I had many grandchildren and a few siblings. My brothers and sisters were immortal, but I was even more so. I was born cursed by magic itself. My curse grew so strong I had to flee my home dimension or risk the ones I cared about being consumed by my own power. I absorbed the power of several dimensions and punched a hole in reality to get far enough away that it wouldn't harm them. I ended up here. Just to leave, I turned off my emotions and became the animal part of myself."

She smiled. "When you put it like that, my problems don't really seem that bad."

I shrugged. "It depends on the person I guess. To me, you're as young as my little brother Kol before we became immortal. He loved magic and had a fascination with it. After he became immortal, he was unable to use magic ever again. Or so I thought. But after a thousand years, he found a way. It's all about perspective."

She nodded. "Thanks, I think that actually helps."

I nodded and handed her a slip. "My phone number in case you survive. Give it to your friends as well. I own the Magic Box here in town and I'm sure you may need it in the future."

She took it and asked for something else. "I've a few hours till dark."

I teleported her to my gym and we spent the time burning off her worry. After that I took her home for weapons and dropped her off at the entrance to the tunnels under the city. A kid was there waiting for her. He took her hand I waited at the barrier to the masters cave. I watched as Xander and Angel went in to save her and she drowned after they were knocked out.

When the master left, I threw a resuscitation spell at her and she came up spluttering. I chuckled. "You going to lay there all day princess?"

I threw the same spells at Xander and Angel a second later. As they woke up I held a finger to my lips that only she saw as I disappeared. I teleported to the school parking lot and watched the vampires gather by the hundreds. Damn the order of Aurelius was large, though I think the mayor was throwing those he disliked in as well.

I watched the final battle go down from the outskirts and I through up a barrier spell around all the vamps on the ground. After the master was slain, all the vampires in the barrier found out they were stuck. A few led by the child found a manhole cover and fled under while the sun rose and burnt the majority of them to ashes.

As the master fell, I ran inside the school library and watched as he was impaled on the wooden spike. When he was only a skeleton now, I pulled him down and ripped out his fangs in front of the group. I pulled out a leather cord and made a necklace from his teeth.

When Buffy came down, I tossed her the necklace. "A true hunter keeps a trophy of their most significant kills. He was young for a demon, but for a vampire he was old. A strong and significant first step."

She asked. "Was that your doing outside?"

I nodded. "A barrier to get rid of the riffraff. Simple but effective. A few escaped but most died with the sun."

I teleported to the club and enjoyed an orange daiquiri. The next few months were boring and busy at the club as summer break was in full swing. I didn't see any of Buffy the whole time, though she did call once to say she was in LA with her dad.

Willow and Xander visited several times, but even then it was only for idol chatter for their own boredom. Eventually school must have started up because Buffy came to the Bronze one night. She stopped by the VIP area to let me know that she was back and that she wanted to continue our training.

I nodded. "I'd like to finish your physical training. You're only half way done with that."

She smiled and agreed. "Thanks."

I shrugged. "Anytime."

She left to hang with Xander and Willow while I turned my attention to the music and alcohol. From then on I started building more totems and filling the ones I had with magical energy purified with a ritual formation from the hellmouth. When I needed more resources I ordered them through the magic shop or for the rarer materials, I called on the lawyers.

Over the next few months I paid little attention to the happenings of the scoobies or the town. That is, until October came around. I came out of my room and headed to Ethan's costume shop. I found him in the back.

I walked in while he was branding the costumes with his magic. "Well well, a chaos mage up to tricks. I have business with your god Janus. Tell him I want to add another set of costumes to your plan. Tell him I said if he doesn't I'll pay a visit to the higher planes and make a meal out of him."

Ethan started sweating. "And whom might I say is the message from?"

I grinned. "The immortal beast, the white wolf."

He paled and kneeled down at his alter and began praying. After ten minutes he looked up to me. "He says it's acceptable."

I nodded and pulled out a book of designs I drew of my family and what they were. I added Bonnie and Hope as well, though I left out Esther. I drew everything in great detail and included a list of item descriptions. I even added their relationship to me into the notes.

I handed it to him saying. "You have till the end of the month to have at least one set of each made. I care not who you give them to, though the witch will have to go to a female."

He nodded and I smiled. "Don't screw this up or your god won't be the only meal I have."

I teleported back to my bedroom and continued to work on the totems. And on Halloween day I left to the club to see who was dressed as my siblings. I saw Jonathan as Kol. I looked around more and Andrew was Elijah. I saw Cordelia as Rebekah and Buffy as Hailey. Xander was in the corner drinking with Willow. Xander got Niklaus and Willow got Freya.

I sighed when I didn't see Hope. They filtered out after a couple hours to meet at the school to pick up their groups of children. I waited and eventually I felt the magic become active. I went outside and jumped onto the Bronze roof before shifting my face and roaring. My howl shook the air and the town itself went from its very loud fear fest to quiet.

Even the demons had a self preservation instinct from a predator like me. It stayed quiet for a great while. My new siblings started showing up together. When they were gathered I asked. "Did any of you see Bonnie?"

They each shook their heads and I sighed. "Alright, so this isn't our world. I succeeded in breaking through the barrier around our reality and stepping into this world. It's full of demons and magic. The vampire species here is a demonic possession breed. They have no souls. The little demons running around are actually children and are turned into their costumes as a result of a spell, much like you all are. I found the witch that cast it and added your clothing and background story to it as well. We have until someone breaks the spell before your souls are sent back to your reality. I've been here alone for billions of years and I just wanted to see you all one last time."

The girls held hand over their mouths and Willow/Freya hugged me. I did something I hadn't done in a long time, I cried. Even Niklaus and Elijah had tears in their eyes. I released Freya and dried my tears. They had so many questions and I answered them as best as possible. I told them of my growing power unchecked and the suppression of my curse here, they felt relieved I was at least safe.

When I finished it all I told them. "Once I figure out how to control or eliminate my curse, I'll figure out a way to get back to you. I've already got the power and so long as the Gemini coven is alive, I have the connection to find our world again. Now I just need absolute control of it."

They smiled and I told them to go and make sure the children stay safe while I deal with the mage. I teleported to Ethan's and destroyed the Janus idol saying. "It's served it's purpose. Leave town mage, or I'll eat you here and now."

After he got up and left I teleported to the club and got hammered. The next day I woke up in the booth and had a glass of tea. Before we even opened for the day, people started showing up.

I sighed as I saw everyone that was dressed as my siblings come in. Buffy spoke first. "You know about the spell that turned us into that?"

I nodded. "I imagine you kept the memories of my siblings, don't worry, like all thing but me, they fade with time. I did it to speak with them, not you. Think of it as their souls possessed your bodies and you get to keep a few talents and traits."

I turned to Willow. "Like my twin sisters magical knowledge. So long as you put it to practice you'll keep it."

Jonathan spoke up. "All I got from your brother was magical knowledge and bloodlust. Though he had a thing for a with girl."

I shrugged. "And he was my favorite brother."

I turned to Buffy. "I know you all must feel betrayed or violated, but think of it like this, it's better than going as a princess and learning the true horrors of misogyny."

They blanched and I chuckled. "Yeah, not really fairy tale life there. Even Cinderella got her bearings. My point is, all I did was change the options and get to speak with shadow souls of my probably long dead family. You got all their knowledge and no one was hurt to bad. I suggest you write all the knowledge down and keep it for when you forget. Oh and if you're thinking to use the immortality spell, just know it won't work. The white oak doesn't grow on this world, I should know, I've checked."

The two that might one day become evil frowned and looked disappointed. I chuckled and offered them all alcohol. "You deserve it after last night, think of it as an apology on my part. The waitress will cut you off before you go to far."

With that I let them order and gave the ok. I left after giving the waitress her responsibilities. I went home and showered before going to sleep. I spent the next couple months making totems and setting up an automatic gathering and cleansing array to fill the totems I make.

The night I finally finished the array around the Magic Box, I went inside to see Spike and Drusilla waiting at the table by the magical book section. I sighed. "What is it two vampires want from my shop?"

Spike smiled. "I'm in the market for a gaudy gold cross, I hear your the man to speak to about it."

I nodded. "You want the cross of Du Lac I acquired a while back. And why should I give it to you?"

Drusilla stood up and started humming. She walked around me saying. "You wreak of power. The stars call you a beast in human form."

My eyes shifted and I growled in my throat before changing back. "And your point is?

She's giggled and Spike replied. "She see's what's to come. Dru here thinks she can point you in the right direction to help you with your curse."

I snorted. "And you want the cross in exchange. Very well. If she can point me in the right direction, the cross is yours."

Drusilla began humming in earnest now. Her eyes glazed over and a presence I'd not felt the likes of before spoke through her. "You have touched the realm of death and your curse has encompassed it. Your body grows stronger and soon enough it'll be strong enough to contain your power. It requires the blood of the divine for the next step in power."

I smiled wickedly and pulled out the cross as Drusilla went back to normal. I put it in her hand and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You wonderful little vampire. You've kept your part of the deal and I've kept mine."

Spike interrupted. "So what's it you're becoming?"

I chuckled. "That's not part of the deal nor any of your business. Now go before I decide the deal only included her leaving here alive."

They left in a hurry and I headed towards my room to make more totems. Just when I was about to open the back door the shop bell rang again. Out of curiosity I turned to see who it could be. Willow was heading towards me. I waited and when she was within arms reach she punched my arm. "Why was Spike and his crazy vampire girlfriend here?"

I shrugged. "They wanted a cross of Du Lac I acquired not long ago. They met my price and I sold it to them."

She slapped my arm again. "I thought you hated these vampires."

I chuckled. "I don't allow them around my club because I hate them. I let them buy magic artifacts because it's business. There's no one here they'd be able to feed on and get away with. At the club I'm not always watching."

She sighed. "I have to tell Buffy."

I nodded. "And next time remember you're not my twin, we're not that close of friends and I owe you nothing."

She gulped and nodded. I sighed. "Is there a reason you came here?"

She nodded now. "I wanted to know if you have all those grimoires from your world still. I wanted to practice it and see if I can buy some magic books from this world to compare them."

I smiled lightly. "I have a vast library of magical books from both worlds. I've been doing much the same myself. It seems my worlds magic is more nature based while this worlds relies on deities like spirits but stronger. Beings that encompassed a domain or aspect of nature and left their bodies because they were too weak to hold the power."

I sighed. "Come back tomorrow and I'll make up a solution for you."

She nodded and left. I went into my bedroom and into my ring. After discussing it with the dimension, we came up with a solution. It made a necklace and connected it strictly to the library vault. After it did so, I got back to work on the totems. I'd spent half a year making ten more totems so far. It was easier now that I didn't have to fill them with magic myself.

I continued to make more as I went. With a stray thought, I'd begun using my speed now to quicken the process. I wanted to smack myself to death. For the rest of the night I used my full speed to make more. By morning I'd run out of all materials and had a solid one hundred totems now.

Shaking my head I left the ring and went to shower before waiting for the shop to open. When it did, Willow was the very first person to enter. She'd brought the gang including Giles. They came over to the table and I handed Willow a box. "Inside is a necklace that's linked to a pocket dimension. Just put it on and think about the library inside. The dangerous ones will be locked away till you're ready for them."

Giles took off his glasses. "Dear lord."

I chuckled. "It's fine Giles. She has a thousand years of memories from a witch in her head. That with her talent will see her become a prodigy. Though you'll now have to ask her to use the library or trying to enter by force could see you dead. I spent a thousand years putting up magical defenses on my personal dimension. It would kill everything short of a god if they tried to enter."

Willow hugged me and I sighed. She pulled back. "Sorry, I know you said we weren't that close friends yet but-"

I waved it off. "Consider the necklace my final apology to you for using you to speak to my sister again."

She went quiet and Xander spoke up. "What about me? I got a thousand years of depressed alcoholic werewolf/ vampire in my head."

I snorted and waved a hand. A gold bar appeared on the table. "I robbed two worlds blind of magic and valuables. I emptied out two Fort Knox gold reserves and every expensive artifact on two earths. I bet I could reach any price you could name."

He looked ecstatic. Right before he could speak Giles spoke up. "We'll not be taking your money. Helping friends out is what we should do."

Xander snatched the gold bar saying. "Friends pay back friends as well. But he's right, this is more than enough."

I nodded. "I'd melt it down if I were you, it's got the federal seal on it and that could get you arrested if you tried to sell it as is."

Willow smiled and waved a hand, the bar turned into blank gold coins and fell all over the place. I laughed my ass off as Xander started picking them up. Buffy asked. "Can I get something shiny?"

I nodded and a chest appeared on the table in front of her. I took out Hope's Dagger and pushed the chest to her. "Nearly every legendary weapon on this planet. Most are magical and some are very dangerous."

She brightened up. "Ooh shiny."

I chuckled and turned to Giles. "I have a case of several billion year old scotch if you're interested. And if that's not enough, I'll throw in a crate of imported teas from your homeland."

He changed his attitude real quick. "I dare say it would be impolite to refuse a friends good gestures."

I smiled and waved a hand. The items I'd given them disappeared. "All the gifts are now in Willow's necklace for safe keeping and easy carry."

Giles smiled. "Now on to the cross business."

I shook my head. "This is a store Giles. They paid my price in full."

Buffy asked. "What was your price?"

I smiled. "A safe way to go back to my dimension without killing everyone there. They told me how, the vampire girl is a seer and has a connection to very high places. Whatever being spoke through her was more powerful than any god I'd ever met. It's presence was enough to shake my bones and make my blood burn with desire. Everything in me wanted to challenge it in a suicidal attempt do show dominance. I felt that it could kill me with a though and if it weren't for the information it gave me, I might have wanted it to."

They all went quiet and Xander finally couldn't take it anymore. "What was the way for you to get home safely?"

I shook my head. "That's none of your concern. Suffice it to say it's harmless to you and everyone else. And useless to boot. It would only be useful for someone in my exact situation."

Giles nodded. "Well I guise we'll be off then."

I nodded. "Come back of you want to speak on another topic or need information. I trade in all sorts of things and items of power."

He nodded and led them out. I made several massive orders for the totem materials and even sent the lawyers another long list of rare items I needed massive amounts of. With it I also sent a message that I'd be willing to pay in the form of literal tons of gold.

I got back the price and I sent my agreement and told them to open a portal. Twenty minutes later, they were carting forty tons of gold through it. When they finished, I got a receipt saying the items will all arrive in a month.

With that, I headed to the Bronze to enjoy a drink. The next two weeks passed in a blur for me. The Scooby gang came by very couple days to fill me in on the going one of their lives. Buffy and then burned down a church saving Angel from Spike and Drusilla.

Willow and Oz started dating. Buffy's mom was dating a killer robot. And finally demon eggs tried taking over the school. On Buffy's birthday, I let them use the Bronze and closed it for a private party.

That night I was chilling in my private booth drinking when everyone else showed up. It was a small group, scoobies mostly. After they set up and got ready for the surprise part of the party, Buffy came through a side window shattering it. A vampire jumped in and I snorted.

I moved so fast no one could react before the vamp dusted and I became visible to their eyes. "Dumb asses dare to enter my club."

Buffy spoke up. "There are more outside."

I shook my head. "Not for long."

I blurred to their eyes and dusted all but the vampire with glasses as he ran. I came back inside and pulled out my cellphone. I texted the builders to fix it in the morning.

The gypsy teacher came in carrying a box. "A little hand."

I grabbed the box and set it on the nearest table. Mrs.Calendar spoke. "Whatever it is they were after it."

I sniffed it. "It's a demons body part. Smells yummy."

They all looked at me funny. I snorted. "You try eating demons for billions of years then not have a taste for it. Whatever this one goes to was strong."

They opened the box to take a look and the arm tried to grab Buffy. I grabbed it by the wrist and broke it. There was an audible crunch as the bones snapped. I sat it back in the box. After closing the lid I stepped away.

They began debating on what they should do with it and who it belongs to. Angel became a fountain of information, spilling everything about the judge to the group. Oz raised a hand. "Why not let him eat it. I mean, if he it's demons, logic says he'd eat it."

I smiled. "You just became my favorite human in this reality."

He raised an eyebrow. I chuckled. "If it's escaped your notice, I'm not actually from around here."

His other eyebrow joined the first. "Interesting, so are you like an alien or something?"

I shifted my eyes and smiled. "Or something."

I turned to the group and sighed. "Send it away if you want. It'll be useless if it's out of the country."

They agreed and decided on Angel taking it by ship. I ignored that and went back to my alcohol. It took them two days to call me saying they were having a meeting to deal with the assembled judge.

I showed up at the school library. "You people only tell now that the demon is up and walking around? Some friends you are. I could've been dead by now and you'd have never known."

Xander spoke up. "Weren't you trying to kill yourself?"

I shrugged. "I got over it when I saw my family again. Besides, now I know of a safe way to get back."

Willow asked. "Will the judge be able to kill you?"

I shook my head. "No but that's besides the point. You didn't know it and you didn't call until now."

I frowned then sighed. "Okay, I'm over it now. So, where is he? I'll eat him."

They all shrugged and Oz spoke up. "He needs to kill a lot of people right? And since the Bronze is closed, I think I know where they went. The mall."

I chuckled. "Good, I get to eat and I can get breath mints for after."

Oz asked. "Just one question, how are you going to physically eat him?"

I smiled and shifted into my wolf form. My head met his on all fours now. His only response was. "Huh. That's how."

I shifted back and my leather armor appeared on me as my clothes were torn away. "My wolf form is a dire wolf. I've eaten bears for light snacks. Most of it is burned off from shifting or using my abilities."

Buffy started packing weapons and I shifted before following them in wolf form. We arrived at the mall half an hour later. They let me in the side entrance and we arrived just in time to see the demon vaporize a human. Just as it began to do so to everyone, Buffy shot it with an arrow and while it pulled it out and got mouthy, I appeared behind it and started ripping it apart.

Angel and Drusilla ran while I had dinner. It took a few minutes for the demon to die, but it's powers were drained and eventually it stopped struggling. After that, it was just a moment of time for me to devour its corpse.

When I was done, I saw people fleeing in mass. I looked to the scoobies and smiled in my wolf form. They paled and flinched. Well, all except Oz. He whispered. "Cool."

I shifted and Giles yelled. "Go help Buffy, she's fighting Angel."

I nodded and blurred. I found them fighting and leaned against the wall to watch it all. When she finally kicked him in the nuts and he fell to his knees I clapped. "Bravo, that was what I call improvisation. I know, I know, it's fighting dirty. But, if that's what it takes to win, go for it."

Buffy walked over to me. "We're going. I'll find another way to beat him next time."

I shook my head. "Pass. I say I lock him up till you figure out a way to put his soul back in him."

She smiled and nodded. "That sounds way better."

Angel got up to run and I appeared next to him. "You're not going anywhere friend. The lady has plans for you now."

I smacked him upside the head and he fell down unconscious. Buffy asked. "Couldn't you have magically put him to sleep?"

I nodded. "I could have, but that ways less painful. And after your mule kick, I figured you'd want him to suffer a little. He'll wake up with a concussion later. Don't worry, it can't kill him, but he'll wish it could until he heals."

She nodded and I put him in my ring. "There, he's in a cell that'll hold him indefinitely. His only supply of blood will be the animal variety. No wood so he can't stake himself either."

We walked back to her friends and they waited for us at the van. We left in high spirits when they found out we had Angel and the demon was whipped out.

Giles asked where they should keep him and I laughed. "Relax, he's not getting out until it's time to put his soul back in. And during the spell, I'll be making sure he doesn't do anything, although if he gets mouthy, Buffy can always kick him again. That seemed to shut him up."

With their collective agreement that it was for the best, I sighed and went back to my daily routine of drinking. The next evening Jenny came with the group to the club. She put the spell down on the table and it's ingredients.

I read it all and chuckled. "I have all this at the Magic Box. I'm even stocked up on orbs of Thesulah. I mostly use them as decorations, the mortals love it."

Giles was cleaning his glasses. "I have one I've been using as a paper weight."

I chuckled. "Nice. Anyway, since everyone is ready, why don't we do it now. I've got a gym in the back of the Magic Box that I use to blow off steam. It's private and large enough to get it done in."

I teleported the group over and handed the list to Giles. "Tell the clerk I said it's on the house. He'll ring you up."

Giles left and I waved a hand at the all. Chains appeared. I waved it again and Angel was bound by them. He started asking questions and getting mouthy so Buffy mule kicked him again. All the guys winced and the girls laughed.

I was chuckling as well. Xander looked to me. "What's so funny about that?"

I smiled. "Well, he really deserves it. Besides, it's not me and I know the feeling from when I spar with her."

Buffy snorted. "I don't do that to you!"

I looked incredulous. "You want to run that by me again? The first few fights all you did was kick me there."

She shrugged. "Try being less invulnerable elsewhere."

I snorted. "At least you're grew out of it mostly. A few more months of training and you'll be battle ready to kick the ass of even the worst out there."

Giles came back in with an arm full of stuff ready to go. Willow did the spell and I smacked Angel in the head again to keep him quiet. When her eyes went black I snorted. "Careful girl, don't get addicted to it. You have a thousand years of experience to draw from, use it."

Her chanting became slow and even after that and the black eyes receded a lot. When the soul formed in the orb, I sighed thinking I needed to put more effort into studying the magic here. Since I have free time before the next shipment I guess I'll do that instead.

When she finished her spell, the soul flew into Angel and his eyes glowed while he stared at the ceiling. Sighing I made the chains vanish. "He's back now. Give him some time and he'll be good as new."

I left them to their business and took the spell for my own collection. When Willow bulked I told her it would appear in the library soon enough. She calmed down after that. It took them one whole week to come and visit me again. They showed at the Magic Box as a group. This time only Giles and Oz joined the trio.

I set down my current book and asked. "What problems have you run into now? Another vampire needing a soul? Or is it some demon you want me to eat again?"

Buffy frowned. "You sound bitter."

I sighed. "The only time I see any of you come to see me now a-days is if you want something. I help you save your boy toy and I don't see you for a week straight."

Giles spoke up. "Perhaps I could stop by more often then. We were hoping you'd be able to help us hunt a werewolf. Buffy says their cycle is different where you're from, here it seems they turn the day before and after the full moon as well."

I raised an eyebrow. "Your point?"

Willow spoke up. "Seeing as your part werewolf yourself, we were hoping you'd be able to track and sniff one out."

I shrugged. "I guess but why didn't you ask the werewolf with you to track it down."

They all looked confused and I couldn't help but laugh. "I get it now, you didn't know about him."

I turned to Oz. "Sorry, I didn't mean to put you like that."

His eyebrows shot up. "I'm not a werewolf, I think I'd know if I was."

I shrugged and Giles spoke up. "Actually, you most likely wouldn't recognize the signs."

I nodded. "Tell you what, you come by the shop tonight and I'll put you up while I figure out how to make a moonlight ring so you can control it. The wolves here are different and the magic is as well. Luckily I've already found a version of the daylight ring so it shouldn't be to hard to work it out."

They seemed to agree on my words and left to do their own hunting just in case it wasn't just Oz. I continued to study this worlds Magic's and I think I figured out why I landed here of all places. This world had a unique connection to death as well.

I continued onto the aspects of magic and other than the demonic connections, it was separated into two categories. Borrowing magic from nature and borrowing it from deities. I delved into the ring of Amara and it's several enchantments. I sorted out each one and found the connection to its daylight properties.

It was bound by the power of a goddess of light. I smiled and pulled out a moonlight ring and began altering its spells to be bound by Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunt. When I started channeling the power of the goddess, I felt her attention turn to me. I sent her a pleasant greeting and all the information on what I was doing and gave her an idea to gather the werewolves as worshippers for her own power.

She seemed delighted and let me borrow the power I needed to do the spell. When I completed the ring, Oz was already here and waiting for me. I came out of my work room and tossed him the ring. "It'll give you control of it, but it's up to you to understand your wolf. If you want, I'd be happy to do runs with you. It's freeing to the wolf and you as well."

He put the ring on and I saw his eyes change for a moment. "Thanks. I think I'd like that."

I nodded. "Be careful, your bit is effective 24/7 with it on so I'd recommend only wearing it on the days you turn. That is, if you don't want to turn anyone. You'll still feel the moon and it'll make you stronger each time but it fades. I'd make a small alter to Artemis and wear her symbol as well. Right now she's your patron goddess. Don't piss her off or it's back to four legs and howling at the moon."

His brows furrowed. "Is she your patron as well?"

I closed my eyes and felt her new connection to me through the moon. I nodded. "She is so long as she doesn't piss me off. I can fight her and win, you'd be fucked."

He nodded. "Got it. Thanks for this."

I nodded. "No problem. It gives me a running friend as well. I haven't had another wolf to run with since I came here."

He nodded and sat down grabbing a book on the goddess he now worshipped. I chuckled and continued my studies. Some time during the night, the scoobies showed up to make sure he was ok. They saw Oz reading in the corner on a comforter. Willow went to him and he stopped her. "The ring works but right now I'm at full wolf strength and one bite could turn you as well."

She stopped for a moment before sitting on his lap saying. "I trust you not to hurt me."

I smiled and his eyes shifted for a moment. I chuckled as he growled. "Kids these days. That's love right there."

Giles, who was standing next to me, nodded. "Indeed. So, care to share how you made it?"

I handed him my notes and inferences on this worlds magic. I pointed out where I got the idea and even the goddess cooperation. Buffy came in an hour later. "We have a problem. There's a werewolf hunter near here."

I felt a surge of anger from Artemis and noticed the same in Oz. I held up a hand. "I'll handle it. If he's a hunter with any number of kills, that makes him a serial killer and those I'm inclined to eat."

Oz went to stand up and I growled he growled back and our eyes changed. I snorted. "Back down now. I'm the alpha here boy."

When he heard the threat in my voice he let out a whimper in his throat before going back to normal. I turned to Buffy. "He won't see sunrise."

I blurred and headed to the forest and shifted. I intentionally ran into his trap and it pulled me off the ground by my back leg. After a bit, he came out of the bushes with a gun. "Holy mother of god. I'm going to keep you and stuff your body as a trophy. You're the biggest one I've ever seen. Your coat would sell for a pretty penny."

I growled and he fired at me. I flipped up and cut the line with a claw before landing in front of him. He continued to fire and the bullets slid off my body like bbs. I jumped and tore out his throat. I left nothing to chance and ate him.

When I was done I dismantled his traps and headed back. When I arrived they were all tense. I grunted. "It's done."

I tossed a necklace of wolf canines to Oz. "Put it on your alter as a tribute to Artemis. She may seem to claim their souls for the hunt."

He nodded and I went to grab a shower. They were all sitting around reading except Xander, who had fallen asleep next to Cordelia. Buffy was getting bored so when I let them know I was back I waved to the gym room. "Care for a workout?"

She smiled. "Thanks, any more reading and my brain would melt from overload."

I spent the rest of the night beating her to a bruised mess. When she hit the mat for the last time panting, I tossed her a towel. "Showers in the back. I've some clean gym clothes you can borrow."

With that, I went to check on the rest of the group. Most were asleep so I teleported each of them to their beds but Giles and Oz with Willow. I put the sleeping couple in my room. Giles was still reading on the gods and their connections to the domains of nature.

I separated the death and demon gods into a separate category because of their influence on the massive domain that influenced this world. Buffy came out and asked. "Where'd everyone go?"

I sighed. "I took most of them to their own beds, but since Oz needs to be watched, I put him and Willow in my room. I won't be sleeping for a while and it's close enough that I can help if something goes wrong."

She nodded. "Drop me off?"

I grabbed her shoulder and we teleported to her bedroom. She raised and eyebrow. "Oddly weird and somehow creepy you can do that."

I snorted. "It's not like I'm taking you to another planet. You're a few blocks away and I've been in this town since before it was built. I know where everything is. You just have to ask the right questions."

I teleported back alone and picked up another book for myself before waving a hand and putting the books they'd left out away. I made myself and Giles some tea while we read. I sat down and asked. "So what do you think of the place?"

He raised an eyebrow and looked around. "It's rather nice."

I nodded. "Low overhead and high income for all shipments I send out. I've been thinking for awhile now about expanding. I'm thinking of buying the place next door and turning it into a storage slash apartment. This place will expand in the opposite direction and absorb the other shop."

He nodded. "Sounds reasonable. You'd need more staff afterwards."

I smiled. "I've been thinking of hiring a manager for the paperwork and new ideas to bring in more local customers. And then of course one or two more cashiers/workers."

He nodded and looked around. "Lovely atmosphere and unique floor layout."

I nodded. "So what do you think about quieting the librarian job and becoming a manager here?"

He shook his head. "I couldn't possibly."

I chuckled. "It's already got a gym for Buffy's training and the apartment next door would be all yours, no rent or hassle. I'd just use the upstairs for light storage. You can design it all yourself and the workers will do the rest. You'll have constant access to my resources and a boss who can give you all the time you need for watcher/slayer business."

He looked thoughtful. "And what would you get out of this all?"

I sighed. "A drinking partner and an employee I don't have to worry about showing up dead. Besides, I'm constantly bored and alone. I figure if your here, they'll hang out here more."

He nodded. "I guess I could see about it. But it wouldn't be until next year that I can start. I have to put it before the council, you understand."

I nodded. "That's fine, I'll buy up and start the expansion process as well. I think I'm going to turn the Bronze into a bar and grill. I'll call i Mystic Grill."

He smiled and we continued to discuss my plans for changes.