
Chapter 7: Amun's 'Breaking Dawn' History

Amun's point of view:

24 hours later in the town of Forks.

Me and the rest of my coven arrived at the Cullen's house. I could smell the scent of many vampires. The house was of American design, very large, quite, modern and pristine. I let my way up to the front door and I was meant by Edward and another blonde vampire with yellow eyes.

"Amun, I assume that's Carlisle spoke to you?" said Edward Cullen.

"Yes, but he was a little cryptic about it. Now I just want to say that I don't want to be here any longer than is necessary, and should anything go wrong, I will not fight against the Volturi." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"That is fair. We are only asking you to witness. Nothing more." said Edward in a reassuring voice.

"So Carlisle says." I said in a worried tone.

Then Benjamin stepped in front of Edward.

"Edward Cullen," Benjamin started and then was cut off in mid sentence.

"You are Benjamin." Edward finished the sentence. Then he smiled and tapped his forehead.

"I am pleased to meet you. And I am rather talented myself." Benjamin said proudly. "So, what is this all about?"

Edward gestured to the blond woman beside him.

"This is my cousin Tanya, from Alaska." Edward said.

"The succubus, almost everyone knows about them." said Benjamin.

"How bout we talk about this inside?" I suggested.

We all went inside the house. Inside the house was quite a gathering. I saw a boy and girl over in one corner. Another blond woman with yellow eyes and a man a woman, both brunettes, with yellow eyes as well. I recognized the man and he was looking at Benjamin with awe.

"Eleazar of the Volturi. What are you doing here?" I asked him out of curiosity. The Volturi's guard rarely leave the city, unless on a mission.

"I found Carmon here, fell in love and I left. Though I am sure Aro hopes to get me back someday." said Eleazar.

"How is Demetri?" I asked.

"One hundred and four years ago, I saw him last. He was doing well. This over here is our sister Kate. Jasper's brother Peter and his mate Charlotte from the Southern Wars. And from Ireland, Siobhan, her mate Liam, and their newest coven member Maggie."

I nodded in respect for each of them. But I still didn't know why I was here. Edward was looking at me while I thought this.

"We have been accused of harboring an immortal child." said Edward.

I was in shock. An immortal child? This was appalling! And Carlisle sent me here to witness! How could he do this to me? My witness in such a case will bring the collective might of the Volturi down on me!

"EDWARD! I trusted Carlisle and your whole family when he sent me here! I didn't know I was going to be sent here for that! How could Carlisle do this to me?!" I shouted.

"It's not what you think. Let us explain." said Edward.

"If this is a matter of immortal children, then there is nothing to explain!" I shouted.

"Amun, I want to hear their explanation." said Benjamin.

I was surprised. I taught Benjamin better than this. He knows not to get involved with matters involving immortal children.

Edward smiled at Benjamin.

"Then we will show you Benjamin. Bella love, bring out Renesmee, please."

From around the corner in the other room came huge man who appeared to be human, but he smelled like a canine. Beside him was young newborn vampire woman, with long brown hair, and the bright red eyes of the newborn that were darkened to an amber-orange, probably from animal blood. She was holding what appeared to be a human child of maybe two years of age. I assumed at first sight, the little girl was an immortal child, she had pale skin but her eyes were a rich chocolate brown, I felt extreme heat coming off of her, she had a smell that I had never smelled before, and she had a strong, fast heartbeat. Okay, she is not a vampire, but she clearly is not human. I had never encountered a life form like her in this galaxy before, well maybe a serrakin from the planet Hebriden, but she was clearly not serrakin. Maybe a serrakin hybrid, but no, she looks more human than serrakin, and even a human that is only part serrakin would have at least some serrakin physical characteristics. If she was not from Earth, than where? Would she have gotten here through the Stargate? It was unburied. Or maybe by ship.

"Well Amun, you are the first one to think she's from outer-space." said Edward with an amused tone of voice.

"Clearly she is neither human, nor vampire. What is she?" asked Benjamin.

Now he was stealing my questions. Edward put his arm around the woman's shoulders.

"Benjamin this is my wife, Bella. This is Bella's best friend from the Quileute Indian Reservation, Jacob Black. He's a werewolf."

Ah, one of the infected from my first failed experiment. That was the most humiliating blunder of all of my work.

"How can that be?" I questioned. "The full moon is tonight, the sun just went down, and moon-rise was about twelve minutes ago." I finished as a statement of fact.

"I don't transform on the full moon. I can freely transform from human to wolf at any time." said Jacob Black.

I stared at him in curiosity.

"And this here is our daughter. Our biological daughter. Half human, half vampire."

I was inflamed at his words! He dares insult the variables of my work! To me, this was like blasphemy against all of my science!

"YOU LIE!" I shouted. "A vampire cannot have a baby with a human. The DNA of our two species are too different."

"Then let Renesmee show you." said Edward.

He beckoned Benjamin and Tia over, and the child placed her hand on Benjamin's cheek. Benjamin gasped like he had been shocked. He held there for a little while and then the child dropped her hand. Benjamin had a look of awe on his face. Tia then allowed the child to touch her face.

"You have an amazing gift child." said Tia, in a voice of divine worship. I was jealous, people are supposed to feel that way towards me.

Benjamin then reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette lighter. He ignited a small flame, he placed his hand over the flame and when he pulled his hand away he held a few inches above his hand, telekineticly, a small fireball. The fireball then shaped its self into the perfect shape of the child's face. The child laughed and clapped her hands. There was also a round of impressed awe from the crowd in the room.

"Amun, come let the child show you." said Benjamin.

"Have the child show me what?" I asked.

"She has the ability to transfer her own thoughts and memories into our minds telepathically." explained Benjamin.

"No, I won't allow this! This is gone on long enough, and too much of a risk against our family! Come Benjamin and Tia! Let us leave!" I demanded.

"I feel that this is serious, Amun. I feel that perhaps it is necessary to stay here and help convince the Volturi to stop and listen, you and Kebi are of course free to leave, but after seeing the beautiful peaceful life that this family lives, I now feel a very strong desire to protect it." explained Benjamin.

I felt a very strong desire to stay here and keep an eye on Benjamin. So I decided that if I was going to stay I had might as well find out all of the details of what was going on. I inquired of Edward how all of this happened. He explained a tale of how he met the young woman, Bella, only 23 months ago. Something about a silly high school romance, and then a coven of sadistic nomads. A birthday party where Jasper tried to kill her, and then in his absence after he broke up with her for her own protection. An entire pack of werewolves that apparently exists within the DNA of the local Indian tribe, and then a trip to Italy when Edward wanted to kill himself because he thought that Bella was dead. A promise to Aro that she would become immortal, and then a subtle threat that they would come and check. And then how the redheaded vampire known as Victoria, tried to wipe out the Cullen clan while she was in Seattle.

'Well that explained why there was a newborn Army in Seattle back in the spring, to begin with.' I thought.

Edward then went on to explain to me about a wedding, and then how he made love to her while she was still human, and their child was conceived and grew inside the womb to full maturity in only four weeks. And then the succubus by the name of the Irena, saw Renesmee one week ago, and went to the Volturi to report to Aro that the Cullen's had created and harbored an immortal child, and were allied with werewolves that killed her mate.

This was just getting worse all the time. The situation just sounded more and more like something that I did not want to get involved in. Under the fact that they were able to conceive a child, half human half vampire. How was this possible? I went over all of my notes in my head over my research but now I started to question my own work. I had never actually done a study on it. For 5000 years vampires and humans being unable to have children with each other was obvious. I had heard about rumors of half vampire children, here and there, but I dismissed them, past them off as human superstition about immortal children, I never considered them to be true. But I had never actually sat down and ran a computer simulation. I never actually conducted a practical experiment on it. I mean, when I created the serum, the serum said that it would do what it's supposed to do, but then it turned out to do things a little bit differently. Was it possible for a vampire sperm to fertilize a human egg?

Edward walked over to a laptop computer, opened up several documents, and turned the screen in my direction.

"This here is legitimate scientific data on the compatibility between vampire sperm and human ova. Me and Carlisle have been doing analysis on it for months." said Edward.

As I looked at the screen there was a digitally enhanced recreation of a sperm meeting an egg. And then a blown up image of a DNA strand of both human DNA, and vampire DNA, and then a mixture of the two, and then the image of a fertilized embryo growing into a child. There was also a lot of very complicated mathematical equations mixed into the explanations of each DNA strand.

I was in awe. The data was correct. This was no forgery. I was embarrassed. In 5000 years, how could I have missed this?

"I stand corrected. This is remarkable!" I exclaimed.

I then thought, half human vampires, could this be the key that I have been looking for?

I had tried several different versions of the serum, none of them better than the last.

Could turning humans into the perfect hosts for the Goa'uld be as simple as having vampires breed them through human women? It was only one second later that I scratched that idea off. The Cullen's child had skin as hard as vampire skin. A Goa'uld symbiote would not be able to burrow into the neck. But the Volturi were on their way, on a matter of an immortal child, so this was hardly the time. I would need to wait until later to conduct further experiments on the matter.

Benjamin and Tia quickly became friends with the clan of succubus. Conversation and common likes and dislikes flowed easily between them and the Irish coven.

One day later there was the arrival of another guest. He was rather young, only 200 years old, give or take. He was clearly American. He was a friend of Carlisle's, and by the things he was saying, he was changed during the American revolution. He called himself Garrett. They presented the child to him, and his reaction was much like Benjamin's, he was overly curious of the situation. The child showed him her thoughts and memories, and he was then quite taken with her. He then began to talking to the succubus, and came up with a lot of questions about drinking animal blood and getting close to humans.

"You know I've met a lot of beautiful vampires before but you are by far the most beautiful but I've ever seen." Garrett said to Kate, using no subtlety to the fact that he liked her.

Kate smiled.

"Well, you know I don't just take humans as lovers. I from time to time like the durability of a vampire." said Kate with a sly seductive tone.

I listened to their conversation from a distance. Feigning less interest then I actually had.

"So how is it that you came to live on just animal blood?" Garrett seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say.

"Well, after our Creator died," she paused after the last word, "we tried to find comfort in sex. In human legend we became the original succubus. Just the thing is that, it wasn't very easy to do, though we had vampire lovers, we also had mostly human lovers. Human men were very soft and warm, but also breakable and we couldn't resist feeding. In time when our self-control grew, we did learn to resist feeding while making love to them. As for a current lifestyle, our eating habits, that is something we just did on a whim one day, it took us awhile to work up to it but we felt that we could kill our human lovers less if we broke the vampire addiction to human blood. And that's the jist of how me and my sisters became vegetarians."

Garrett was still further curious and continued to ask more questions. I turned my attention however towards the werewolf, my interest in him got the better of me and I walked over to him.

"Jacob Black?"

He scrutinized me, taking in my profile. Appraising the look on my face, and then he answered.

"Amun," He then looked in Kebi's direction, "you'll have to forgive me, I forgot your name?"

"Her name is Kebi." I said.

"So you are from Egypt?" asked the werewolf.

"Yes, I am from Egypt. I was Pharaoh of Egypt 23 times under different aliases for 3500 years. I am curious about you Jacob Black. I don't think I have ever met one of your kind before. Can everyone on your Indian reservation transform like you can?" I asked.

"Not everyone, but the majority of the population has the potential." said Jacob.

"How is it that you and your pack transforms at will? I have never heard of such a genetic mutation that allows just the spontaneous transformation?"

"Our power to transform defies the laws of physics. Our power is strictly magical. Real magic." said Jacob.

I had found a great deal of scientific aspects to every vampire gift. But the werewolves gift to spontaneously transform by means of magic, I was rather interested.

"You know, where I come from, anyone who were suggest that anything his magic, is considered just simpleminded, not understanding the more vast aspect of what something is. But perhaps I will not argue with you. I would love to know if you have any records of how you came to be."

Jacob Black gave a brief explanation of his tribe's history though he left most of the details out as he explained that it was supposed to be secrets that were only to be told to people within the tribe.

Before the end of the day, two more vampires arrived; friends of Carlisle's. Mary and Randall, they appeared to be friends but they were not partnered or traveled together.

Carlisle and Esme returned a few days later. With one more guest.

"Amun, thank you for being here. This is my friend Alistair, from England."

"Pleased to meet you Alistair." I said.

"Yeah whatever. Carlisle what is it here you wish to tell me?"

And then, the newborn Isabella, brought out the child.

"What is the meaning of this Carlisle? You brought me here for this?"

"She is not a vampire, Alistair. She is a half human half vampire. Bella conceived her on her and Edward's honeymoon. She can make you read her mind if she touches you."

Alistair thought for a moment and then said, "No Carlisle. I'll take you word for it, and I would prefer to be left alone. Of course now they will know I was here. No way to keep it from Aro, at this point. Centuries on the run, that's what this will mean. What a fine way to treat your friends."

"It won't be like that, Alistair. Aro and I are good friends. He will listen." said Carlisle.

"You seem so sure Carlisle. I'll stay to witness. But I have a bad feels about this."

He walked off and had no interest to speak to anyone.

A few days later, Emmett and Rosalie returned. They had met several vampires but only Garrett, Mary, and Randal agreed to come.

Several days later. Everyone was standing around in the yard having private conversations then there was commotion out in the woods. It sounded like fast running and then there was some very fast blurs that came out of nowhere and clung to the trees, they appeared to be to vampires. I had never seen any vampires like them before. They look like exotic Cro-Magnon women, obviously they were aboriginals from long ago that were changed, and then they never abandoned their primitive ways. They dropped to the ground landing softly on their feet, they were tall, and strong, and exotic. Carlisle stepped in front and walked towards them.

"Zafrina and Senna. It is good to see you both. But where is Katcheri? I have never seen you three apart." said Carlisle.

The one who was called Zafrina spoke.

"Alice said that we needed to separate, and that it was very urgent and important that you needed us here, while she needed Katcheri elsewhere. She didn't say what it was exactly, only that there was a great hurry?" She said the last part with a great deal of concern towards Carlisle.

Edward then summoned Bella.

"Bella love, bring Renesmee."

And Bella came out and faced the wild Amazon vampires while carrying the half vampire child. The Amazon women showed no shock or surprise, or aversion to the half vampire child. They both came in close and as the child reached out and touched their faces.

Everyone quickly became fast friends with everyone, and I had to admit I was impressed with Carlisle's leadership in this matter. I had never seen a larger friendly gathering of vampires.

I became acquainted with some of the other Quileute werewolves. The ones that were referred to as 'Jacob's pack'. They seemed to stop by the house every now and then. I have met only one of them in human form, a sandy colored wolf frequently took human form and interacted with some of the other vampire guests, I was told his name was Seth Clearwater. The other three wolves, a smaller gray one, a larger gray one, and a chocolate brown one. Though I had already talked to Jacob, I did walk over to the one called Seth, and asked a few questions, he claimed that as long as he continued to regularly transform from human to wolf he would stay young forever, a measure of immortality. He also claimed that in his human form, though not as fast or as strong as a vampire, he was still several times the speed of a human, more than 10 times the strength of a human, as well as his good health and rapid healing, and his skin was still as soft as human skin, not like a vampire hybrid that was as hard as a vampire. I went back to thinking about my experiments. Could a Quileute werewolf in human form quite possibly be the perfect host for a Goa'uld symbiote. But no, I'm jumping to conclusions to quickly, there would still be much study to consider.

The two Amazons later that day, walked up to me and Kebi. They scrutinized me with disapproving looks.

I was wearing my Goa'uld Hand Device that works without Naquadah blood, on my left hand. I wore it for protection as I was surrounded by many vampires, though I hoped I wouldn't have to use it. It's also best to have protection around vampires that might recognize you and know who and what you were, perhaps even disapprove of you.

"You are the Egyptian God of wind and air?" Asked the one called Zafrina. "the false God Amun. You were once Goa'uld."

I raised my eyebrow at their question. They must know great deal. Though I'm not surprised, less than 800 years ago most South American tribes were ruled by the System Lord Amatarassu, until an unruly population made her leave. I found out later on that that it was Senna, Zafrina, and Katcheri that helped and did most of the work. Mostly by Zafrina using a lot of illusions.

"My symbiote died 5000 years ago when this host was first bitten. And I released all of my faithful worshipers from my service, hundreds of years before you were born." I said.

"So you are the host?" asked Zafrina.

I pointed to my face.

"Sort of. When my symbiote died, this entity, this consciousness, that you are speaking to now, is a fusion or combination of sorts, of the consciousness of both host and symbiote. I surmise that it is a side-effect of the transformation." I explained.

"Interesting. So, if you are not the original consciousness of the Goa'uld symbiote, Amun, why did you continue to masquerade as a god after your transformation?" asked Zafrina.

"Because the host was the symbiote's loyal servant, prior to blending, and the symbiote was always dominant." I said.

We exchanged a few anecdotes, but things remained amicable. Edward, his newborn mate, and his half human daughter in her arms, wandered over to us and began to tell her about Zafrina's gift.

"It's a very straightforward illusion. She can make most people see whatever she wants them to see. See that, and nothing else. For example, right now I would appear to be standing alone in the middle of a tropical jungle. It looks so real, I might actually believe it, if I couldn't still feel you in my arms." Edward told his bride. "Impressive!"

The child reached her hand out to the Amazon woman with eagerness.

"Can I see?" she said.

"What would you like to see?" responded Zafrina.

"What you showed, daddy." said the child.

Zafrina smiled as she looked at the child. The child's eyes unfocused for a moment and then cleared. She laughed and clapped.

"More!" she demanded.

Something about Edward's statement to his wife made me curious. Why would Edward need to describe the illusion to her. I tried to piece together the very, insignificant, mystery of that. I thought of the last few days since I first got here. Edward always answered unspoken questions before most people we're about to ask them, but never with Bella. Whenever someone did say something to him, his demeanor always indicated that he was not surprised that they said it. While sometimes when Bella would say something, he might have a look on his face indicating that he had no idea that she would say that. These were little things that were very, very subtle, but I picked them up.

Edward then looked in my direction.

"Bella is a shield." Edward said matter-of-factly. "Bella's mind can block any telepathic intrusion into her mind."

Another gifted vampire that the Cullen's found by accident, but Bella's gift, such a gift would be rather subtle.

"Really? So you can't read her mind and she can't see any images that Zafrina puts into her mind." I asked.

"When we were in Italy, Aro couldn't read her mind either. And Jane couldn't hurt her either. I also imagine that Demetri cannot track her, and Alec can't anesthetize her." explained Edward.

I thought, a vampire with such a gift that they are resistant to Jane and Alec. If Alec could be neutralized in battle, the Volturi would be forced to fight a fair fight. But that is neither here nor there, I'm only here at Carlisle's request to witness.

Edwards attention was then drawn back to his wife.

"Edward, I wanted to begin training. Zafrina, could you keep Renesmee company for a little while?" asked Bella.

"Of course." said the Amazon woman.

Edward and Bella went off. While one of the wolf boys came over to me.

"Hey!" said the boy in a cheerful tone. "Your Amun right, from Egypt?"

I looked at the boy with interest. While I had little interest in making small talk with him, I do have a fascination in him on a scientific level and I wanted more information on him and his people? Where did his shape shifting wolf ancestors come from? Jacob Black, was a lot more closed mouthed to me. But I know human psychology, this excited cheerful boy might be easier to get the answers out of.

"That is correct." I responded.

"You were once Pharaoh of Egypt?" asked the boy.

"Yes I was." I answered him matter-of-factly.

"Cool!" said the boy excitedly. "I'm Seth Clearwater."

"I know who you are." I told him.

"Oh okay. I've been studying some Egyptian mythology out of books. So, I guess you would know. I recently read a book published by an archaeologist by the name of a, Dr. Daniel Jackson."

Daniel Jackson? I remember him, 5000 years ago he claimed to be a time traveler from the future, but I thought it was just a coincidence. But I had heard of his work. He was brilliant and almost always right. I heard of him doing some work a few years ago when I kept an eye on him, but four months ago he just dropped off the face of the earth. It's probably because the archaeological community discredited him due to his unorthodox theories… pity, his guess was spot on.

The boy continued, "I thought his theories were a little interesting, and unusual, but in the past year I've learned not to write off anything that's a little obscure and unorthodox. So is it true? Are the Great Pyramids of Egypt really alien landing sites?" asked the boy.

The boy doesn't pull any punches with his questions. He is very straightforward and no degree of subtlety, and to ask me such a question, what should I tell him? Though who exactly would he tell? It was no big secret.

"Yes, it is true, the Great Pyramids of Egypt are alien landing sites."

"Cool! But may I ask a more personal question? Rumor has it among some of Carlisle's friends here that you are from outer space?" said the boy.

I looked at the boy and thought I might be able to yet get some information about his wolf ancestors.

"Yes, it is true, I am from outer space."

"Cool! How long ago was that?" asked the boy.

"6500 years ago. 1500 years before I became a vampire."

"Wow. So you were immortal prior to becoming a vampire?"

"No. My Symbiote would change hosts every few hundred years. As long as the symbiote has a healthy host, the symbiote will live for several thousand years, longer with a sarcophagus."

"I'm sorry, but what is a Symbiote?"

"It is the name of my species. It is what we are. Your species is, 'humanoid', meaning; you have a body, two arms, two legs, and one head. My species, in their true form, we are an aquatic serpent, about a foot long, with fins and fangs, we can leap into the air, and immediately borrow into the human's neck, attach ourselves to their brain stem where we then control their body." I described.

"Oh, interesting. What planet did you originally come from?" he asked.

"A planet far beyond the site of the Hubble telescope on the far side of this galaxy. When my mother gave birth to me, I was immediately given a host. My first host was an, 'Unas', another type of creature similar to humans, but more beast like. Fortunately the blending was successful, for when I was first born, there was only a 50-50 chance of a successful blending or an unsuccessful blending. An unsuccessful blending would've resulted in death of both host and symbiote. And even then, I only had faint, sporadic control of the body from time to time, until I was fully mature where I then went to Earth, and then left my host, and took a human host, and then I entered into the service of, Ra." I explained.

"Ra?… The Egyptian Sun God?" said the boy.

"Yes, that is correct." I said.

"So, is he an alien too?" asked Seth Clearwater.

"Yes he was, past tense. He is now dead."

"I'm sorry." consoled the boy.

"Don't be, I'm not. Good riddance. He was a fool, and an evil dictator. Capable of unsinkable atrocities."

"Yikes. Sounds like quite a guy." said the boy amused.

"My feelings towards the Goa'uld, are not what they once were. There was once a time when I held a great deal of respect for my own kind. But since I became a vampire, things have changed, my feelings have changed. When the symbiote blends with a host, it can be a very enlightening experience for the host. But very few Symbiotes do that anymore. The Goa'uld have been spreading across this galaxy like a plague for thousands of years. They masquerade as God's to countless billions of people on countless worlds, enslaving them, torturing them, subjecting them to hard labor, and then kill people for fun. I will admit that for the longest time, I myself indulged in such sadistic pleasures. They are fools to continue the God act after all of this time, it is rather getting kind of old. They profess to be gods, but they don't act like it. Of course they are not actual God's, though some of them have actually foolishly begun to believe their own propaganda. They could easily earn the respect of the people by helping them, but instead they rule through fear and intimidation, much like your Adolf Hitler, or Saddam Hussein. I will admit that I myself was like that once. But I am not like that anymore. The Goa'uld are a scourge in this galaxy, there were once a proud race that are now just a plague to be wiped out. I still keep in contact with some of them. I have half a mind to go and join the Tok'ra, a rebel faction."

Seth Clearwater's face was a mixture of interest and confusion. I am sure that much of what I said didn't mean anything to him, and I am quite sure that he now has two questions for every sentence that I just spoke.

"But enough about me Seth Clearwater, I wish to know more about you. Tell me, I wish to know more about your wolf ancestors. How to did the Quileute werewolves first come to be? I told you a lot about myself, I assure you that my interest in your tribes legends is strictly academic fascination."

Seth Clearwater had a look of contemplation on his face.

"Well, I suppose that it couldn't hurt. Okay, let's see, I live with my mom and sister. My mother is one of the tribal elders. My sister is second-in-command to Jacob, in my pack. I currently attend high school. My dad died of a heart attack in the spring out of shock and surprise when he saw my sister turn into a werewolf." said Seth.

This was boring. I did not want to know about his insignificant life.

"Anyway, sorry, you don't want to know about my insignificant life. Let's see, how the werewolves first came to be?"

Now were talking. I was interested now.

"I'll try and give you the short version of the story. If you were watching the tribal elders while sitting with us around a bonfire, and really hear the dramatization in their voices like expert storytellers. But for me, I'm just giving you the basics of the story. Well, according to our legends, my people the Quileute's, settled here in the Olympic Peninsula a long time ago, though we don't record time in years in our legends, we estimate that it was many thousands of years ago. But the legend that I'm going to tell you about our werewolf ancestors origins, took place in more recent centuries. According to our legends, our people used to possess the ability to leave our physical bodies, and fly through the air in a state of spectral consciousness."

Fascinating, I thought to myself.

"In our form of disembodied mind, we had magical powers to blow winds, control the minds of animals, and create loud screaming sounds in the air. Our first Great Spirit Chief Kaheleha, used this power to protect our land. Many generations passed and many Great Spirit Chiefs came and went. But then came the last Great Spirit Chief of our histories, Taha Aki. Taha Aki, was a man who ruled our tribe with peace and care, and our people lived in great comfort."

The boy went on talking. I found the story very interesting, as he talked I always wanted to know what happens next. He mentioned a ambitious man, Utlapa, who wanted power and glory, and was banished because the spirit warriors could read eachothers minds. And then Seth said, that Utlapa waited in ambush until the Quileute chief was in his spirit form and a distance away, he then killed his own body, and took the chief's body as a host for his mind and consciousness, and then masqueraded as the chief, and none of the aboriginal American Indians from a thousand years ago had any reason to believe that Utlapa was not the true chief. Hmm, curious, the guy seems more Goa'uld than man. Seth then explained how Taha Aki, took an abnormally large wild wolf as a host and then magically transformed into a human man with super-strength and super-speed, exposed the false chief as an imposter, and then killed him with his bare hands. Seth then explained how all of the Chief's wives gave birth to children that could also transform into giant wolves that had equivalent strength and speed to vampires, and then started the Quileute legends of what Seth called the cold ones, or the blood drinkers.

"Our Wolf brothers at the time were conducting a murder investigation by following strange sweet scent that they had never encountered before. And then they found the murder victim and the murder. He looked like a man, but his skin was pale white, his eyes as red as blood, skin as hard as granite stone, and as cold as ice. And when the oldest Wolf brother attacked, he underestimated the great speed and strength of the creature, and less than a second, the creature had broken his neck!" said Seth.

Seth explained that the first two vampires that they ever encountered killed the entire pack and that the tribes chief ripped the cold woman to pieces with the help of his two young sons because his third wife distracted the cold woman with her own blood. I will say that it was rather clever, it was the same tactic that Ra had used to lure Armon into the Stargate. I will say that the story was remarkable. Such an extraordinary display of supernatural power.

"And then in more recent legends. The legend goes on to explain that approximately 70 years ago, a larger coven came, a coven of five. And a Levi Uley, Quil Ateara the second, and Ephram Black the Chief, transformed into giant wolves to defend the tribe against a coven of vampires that was too strong for them to beat. Fortunately, it turned out that they did not have to fight a hopeless battle. And Carlisle Cullen, spoke to Ephram Black, and promised not to hurt the Quileutes. And our two clans have lived in peace ever since, with the exception of the week before Bella gave birth, the entire pack was convinced that Renesmee was going to be a demon vampire spawn, that was going to destroy us all. But then when Jacob imprinted on her, the treaty was renewed stronger than ever. And that is the story of how the werewolves came to be. As I said, I gave you the short version of the legend, it lacks the finesse of how our tribal elders tell it." said Seth.

I was in awe. It was an amazing story. It would help if I could obtain a sample of their DNA, but no, it would be an insult to even ask that. Seth asked me a few more questions about Egyptian mythology, and I answered as best I could.

(Please keep reading for the second half, 'Amun's 'Breaking Dawn' History, part 2')