At the beach Kuro relaxing on a beach chair while watching everyone have fun. After introducing his close friends to the To Love-ru group they started playing at the beach.
Klein was acting weird ever since he was introduced to Aya and often stares at her.
Kuro: Klein don't creep them out ok?
Klein: Kuro, I think I am in love.
Hearing Klein, the boys lagged a bit before giving their reactions.
Kuro: Nani!?
Kirito: to think I will hear "Love" Come out from his mouth.
Momonga: yeah, maybe Apocalypse is near.
Everyone laughs but suddenly stopped when they noticed that Klein was being serious for once.
Rito: who is it Klein?
Klein: it's Aya-chan! It just hit me, you know.
Touch Me: to think Love at first sight is real.
Takashi: the end is near!
Kirito: Kuro, please tell us she is single and your not aiming for her.
Kuro: she is single and i would have accepted her if she ever liked me but since Klein is like this I have to support him you know.
Everyone sighs in relief hearing Kuro, especially Klein who clenched his fist and had a determined look.
Kuro: Klein avoid going straight to a confession! Get to know her first and invite her to some dates to give her a good impression.
Kuro brought Klein towards Saki's group and started a conversation and when Klein and Aya started talking to each other, Kuro immediately dragged Saki and Rin towards the Blue Rose group.
Saki: ah~ Aya got left behind.
Saki was about to call for Aya but Kuro stopped her and told her the situation.
Rin: what kind of person is Klein-san?
Kuro: hmm~ a person that would do anything to help a friend in need. I think Klein is serious about Aya since we have never seen him like that. Give him a chance and don't obstruct him, I'll be the first to stop him if he ever do anything weird to Aya.
Saki: how old is Klein-san?
Kuro: age do not matter to me so I don't really keep track. Besides they stop aging when they reach twenty and unless they want to look more mature they can go to the shrine and choose their preferred age look, they can choose to look thirty if they want as long as they are at that age~ you can't look thirty if you are twenty.
They already reached the Blue Rose group when Kuro finished explaining.
Rin: I see. How old are you Kuro?
Kuro: mentally? Millions? You see I reincarnated multiple times and I remember every single one of my past lives.
Lakyus: to think you are older than grandma Evileye. Pft
Evileye: Oi!
Saki: then why are you still attending school, Kuro-sama?
Kuro: some of the girls did not get to experience graduating from high school like Saya, Saeko, Rei....
Kuro told them the circumstances why they could not finish high school.
Rin: Zombies and death game.
Saki: they are Lucky Kuro-sama was there.
Kuro just smiled and avoided commenting.
Kuro brought out watermelons and they started playing suikawari, only the kids played and the adults just watched them play with warm smiles.
Kuro and the boys smiled when they saw Klein acting like a butler for Aya. Aya almost left to join Saki but when Klein acted like an abandoned puppy, Aya decided to stay with Klein a little bit longer.
-Sudden Time Skip-
Monday, on their way to school Kuro noticed Run in a boys uniform and just smiled at her and did not stop walking.
Lala: that girl looks familiar~
Yuriko: she's cute. Kuro even smiled towards her.
Albedo: but why is she wearing a boys uniform?
They talked while walking and reached school. When homeroom was about to start, the teacher(Kuro) introduced a transfer student.
Teacher: this is Ren Elsie Jewelria, a girly boy who will be your classmate from now on.
Ren: oi what do you...
Ren immediately stopped talking when he felt the bloodlust coming from the clone.
Ren: Y-yes, I am girly. *coughs* I am Ren Elsie Jewelria.
Ren walked towards Lala that is sitting beside Kuro, when he was about to take Lala's hands, Ren could not move. Kuro materialized a feather and made Ren sneeze.
Kuro: Rito can you go outside the room for a bit? I need to do something.
Rito: okay.
Once Rito got out of the room Kuro used his time ability to age Run until they mature. Run started glowing and poof they separated.
Kuro: Shizuka, can you help Run dress up so Rito can come in.
Shizuka: Kay~!
After everything was done they called Rito back in.
Suguha: so what is happening?
Kuro explained the Memorzian's characteristics and how they split when they mature.
Lala: I remember them! I played with them when we were little~!
Kuro: now then~ Aliens coming here only means your aim is Lala, right?
Ren: that's right! I am here to take Lala back!
Kuro: *snaps his fingers* Demiurge, take that male with you and bring him to Nazarick. Just rough him up a little since he will become my brother-in-law. *looks at Run and winks*
Run blushed when she saw Kuro wink at her.
Run: why did you help us separate? *blushing*
Kuro got near her, held her chin and gave her a quick kiss.
Kuro: it would be hard for me to persue you if you keep changing~
Asuna: I don't think suddenly kissing her is a good start, Kuro.
Just after Asuna spoke Run immediately hugs Kuro.
Run: I am yours~ *while rubbing her head on Kuro's chest*
Asuna: I stand corrected. (lol)
Teacher: I will go to the principal and inform him to transfer Ren to a different class while enrolling Run and place her to this class.
Risa: our teacher is kinda weird accepting every single thing happening.
Kuro: eh? I forgot to mention that the teacher is my clone?
Everyone: what?
Kuro just laughs at them and when the teacher returns the class resumed with the addition of Run.
Run: I am Run Elsie Jewelria, please treat me well from now on.
Risa: you agreed to be with Kuro easily, are you sure about that?
Kuro: oi Risa don't make my Run-chan doubt her decision!
Run: that kiss he gave me felt good~ and that was my first kiss too~
Lala: that's right~ Kuro makes everyone feel good every night~
Saeko: Lala, that's different.
Yuriko: Lala, what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Don't tell anyone about it.
Lala: eh? Okay~
Rito and the others blushed knowing what they are talking about, Sairenji even fainted.
Kuro: 'this is a good chance' I'll bring her to the infirmary.
Before anyone could respond Kuro was already out of the room carrying Haruna.
They all thought 'couldn't you just heal/wake her up'
Kuro reaching the infirmary knocked.
Nurse: come in.
After entering Kuro finally saw Mikado Ryouko the school nurse and an alien. She looks exactly like a human except for her pointed ears that her hair hides.
Kuro: Sensei, my classmate fainted.
Ryouko: put her on the bed and let her rest there.
Placing Haruna on the bed, Kuro approached Ryouko
Kuro: if I knew there is a beautiful nurse here at the infirmary I would have injured myself and have you tend to me~ shame it's hard for me to get injured and I don't get sick. *sigh*
Ryouko: ara~ are you flirting with me?
Kuro: *reverts back to his original age* *gets close to Ryouko* I am~
Ryouko: so the rumors are true~ your not an ordinary human~
Kuro: hoh~ you know me?
Ryouko: fiance of Lala Satalin Deviluke and a strong human? There is also a rumor that King Deviluke is wary of you.
Kuro: well I didn't do anything to make him wary of me, a harmless "earthling". *smiles* by the way Sensei~ are you single~?
Ryouko: Yes I am~ *smiles*
Kuro: I am not but I would really like to take you out on a date~
Ryouko: I would like that but i am always busy so I don't have time for that *sigh* I don't know why but my clinic is always full.
Kuro pulled Ryouko and hugged her, he pressed a finger on her forehead and suddenly information about a clone skill flooded her mind. While still hugging Ryouko with one hand he gave her a bracelet and explained that it acts like a battery for her to use the clone skill.
Ryouko: what's the limit of this skill?
Kuro: Normal beings can produce one perfect clone, while capable ones can make two to ten clones. If you want, you can make inferior clones and larger numbers. The original is always in control so it's safe, no need to worry about them doing whatever.
Ryouko: this is Amazing!
Kuro: so~ how about that date? *leans his face closer*
Ryouko: okay~ later after school~
Ryouko leans forward and they started to kiss. Kuro's hands did not stay idle and started roaming Ryouko's body.
Ryouko did not notice that Haruna was already awake watching their intimate actions, while Kuro who noticed could not stop on time. Breaking the kiss Kuro spoke
Kuro: I'll go to your clinic later for the date~
Ryouko was about to answer when she saw Kuro look at Haruna who was looking at them with a red face ready to faint again.
Ryouko: ah~ I need to talk to the principal, can you take care of your classmate?
Kuro: I can Sensei~
Kuro and Haruna was left all alone in the infirmary.
(a/n: we need Ryouko for a beach scene so I stopped it half way. I will make another one when the two cuties join~)