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Noriko tried to imagine his limbs being back together but this time it did not work the best thing she could do was wrap up his two stubs to delay the pending death. "no...I can't fix you" she said looking down at the young man. The fading amber eyes looked up at her and smiled. "I know..." he coughed. " I'm so sorry", she said with tears in her eyes. The young man looked towards the guy in the uniform. " help him...save me", he chocked.

Chez had taken about enough of Yosuko's punches before pulling out his knife. " come kid you want to dance", Chez said wielding his blade around as he attempted to stab the boy. Yosuko dodged as best as he could but he ended up taking a few nicks to the arm before hearing the words duck. With swiftness, he ducked and watched as Chez was hit in the face with jello. Distracted, he took the knife from Chez and stabbed him. As the man fell to his knee's Yosuko ran over to the young man. " thank you," he said to the girl. She nodded as they both looked at the young man but it was too late. He was gone. " noooooo", she cried as she looked at him. " we were so close..." He said. " I know!" she screamed. " what's your name ", he asked quickly knowing time was running out. " Noriko Tsubame", she said through tears. "Yosuko Hikojime", he said as he woke up. Yosuko rolled out of bed and tried to write down her name as fast as possible. " Noriko Tsuname, I got it. " He smiled.

During lunchtime, he growled throwing his phone. Takeo was his closest friend at Komida All boys school joined him for lunch." What's wrong? still can't find your dream girl", he laughed. "It's not funny...I know tsuname is her name yet I can't find her anywhere," He growled. " if you can't find her then maybe she does not have a social media or you have to wrong name. Let me see your phone," Takeo order. "No Takeo last time I let you see my phone it had so much porn on it. it crashed." Takeo smiled ," what I was trying to give you a variety. But I understand. Maybe next time look for her first in your dream ".

"yeah yeah", Yosuko said still frustrated.

It was evening and still no luck finding her. Yosuko had climbed into bed frustrated. He knew he needed a way to communicate with her. This time for sure he would try to find her first. That's when his phone dinged with a notification. Yosuko debated on getting up to check his phone but it was across the room charging. It's probably a game notification. He rolled over and fell asleep.