Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Orion had bought a fully furnished mansion. He also bought a gray Lamborghini Huracán, a red and black Porsche GT3RS and a black Mercedes Benz AMG. He had bought everything with actual money so he had the titles and official paper work. He could have bought them from Mia, but he wanted to actually buy them since he basically had an infinite amount of money. He thought about attending Kuoh but decided against it.... too bad Mia had other plans.
[Mission: Attend Kuoh Academy and be early]
[Mission rewards: Super-Class Box, Respect from the Student Council]
Orion: "...."
Orion: "Really mia? Do I have to?"
He didn't want to go.... but he also wanted that super class box. If he went then he would most likely be kicked into the supernatural some how.
Orion: "Fine, I will register online as a Foreign Exchange student. Mia can you please purchase false identification papers for me please."
[DING!!! False Information about Host Purchased]
Orion used his false information to sign up online an apparently he was to come in to get his stuff on monday.... It was sunday. How did it go through so quickly? Probably devils, always blame devils .... even tho he was part devil now.
Orion: "Tomorrow I will go and collect my shit and leave. I went through school once and that was one time too many. I'm having doubts of going back to school but I'm smart so I can get by just fine. I'm gonna take the spot for the smartest person in school and see how sona reacts."
Orion slept and woke up at 6. He decided that he would start training a lot. He was only super class at the moment which was really strong, but it was nothing compared to Ophis, Great Red and the Trihexa. He decided to take the lambo out today, it was his first day and he wanted to flex bit. He drove out of his driveway and started speeding down the road. In about 15 minutes he was at the school, he didn't live that far away.
The students who were walking into the school heard the roar of a powerful engine and turned around. They saw a gray Lamborghini Huracan with tinted windows drive in. The students could only stare in shock; who could have been driving such a beautiful and expensive car? They could only wonder. Soon their question was answered when a tall young man stepped out of the car. He had jet black hair which a few silver streaks, Red eyes with a sharp face. He was wearing a black ripped jeans with a sleeveless red hoodie, Needless to say that every female that saw him started blushing. Orion's physical body had changed a bit upon entering this universe. He got the black hair from his dragon god side and the silver streaks represented his ancient devil side.
Momo Hanakai was responsible for taking the new student to the student council but upon seeing him she felt her face heat up. How could somebody be that handsome and his muscles looked like they were carved out of granite. She stood there blushing while he approached her.
Orion: "Good Morning, are you the one to take me to the student council room?"
Momo: "Y-Yes please c-come with me."
Orion had watched the anime and read the manga so he knew exactly who she was. She was one of the sexy girls that were in sona's peerage but barely anyone knew because sona's peerage barely got any screen time. He planned to get her along with all the females in sona's peerage including sona. It was kinda risky seeing that serafall might try to kill him. He would win but he wanted serafall as well.... she had a sexy milfy body while being a loli so he wanted to get on her good side so he had to take things slow.
As they walked to the room, students were looking at them as they walked. He could hear females giggling and males cursing. These dudes were just worthless.... how could you go to a school where the female population is 5 times the male population and yet you are single? but you still have the balls to curse a guy who hasn't even been to the school for 10 minutes as yet. He just ignored them and continued walking. Soon they had reach the room and momo opened the door for him. He gave her a charming smile that made her knees feel weak.
Orion: "Thank you for leading me here."
Momo: "Y-You're w-welcome."
He took her hand and kissed the back of it, making her face explode in red as she started stuttering. He laughed a bit and entered the room, there he saw two females waiting for him. The first one had short hair and wore glasses. She had on the normal kuoh academy female uniform, she also had a strict expression on her face. The second female had long black hair, she was also wearing a kuoh academy uniform. They were Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra.
Orion: "Good morning, I was told that you will give me my schedule and also show me around the school."
Sona: "Yes that is correct, and I would really appreciate if you didn't cause any trouble in the school."
Orion: "I won't cause any troubles for you at all."
Sona: "Good, follow me and I will show you around. After we are finished, I will give you the schedule and your new uniforms."
Orion wasn't gonna lie, Sona and Tsubaki made the sexy librarian look work perfectly. They were so beautiful that orion had to wonder why they didn't have boyfriends.
Orion: 'Must be a devil thing.'
Tsubaki: "So orion where are you from?"
Orion: "I'm from the USA, but my parents came from 2 different countries."
Tsubaki: "So why did you decide to come to Kuoh Academy when there are other schools?"
They both at orion intently so he immediately knew that it was a trick question. It was meant to see what kind of person he was but he had no reason to lie.
Orion: "Actually I was pretty much forced, I completed my studies many years ago but my parents said that coming here would be a great opportunity to make friends."
Sona and Tsubaki smiled slightly, at least this one wasn't a perverted creep. They showed him all the classrooms, the bathrooms, the cafeteria, the club rooms, gym and sporting areas. They had covered the entire school and were heading back to the student council room to pick up orion's uniform.
Sona: "Orion, if you would like, you can join the student council, you would fit in perfectly."
Sona had felt something different about orion. He felt like he possessed a sacred gear but it also felt like there was more than that, she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Meanwhile orion was thinking about why she had asked him, he was suppressing his bloodline so how did she...... Damn it he forgot he had sacred gears, shit well that ain't good.
Orion: "I will think about it Ms. Sona."
Sona: "Please just call me sona."
Orion: "Ok then good day to you sona, to you as well tsubaki."
As orion walked away, they looked at him until he had disappeared from the room. They looked at each other and waited a minute before talking.
Sona: "I sensed that he posses a sacred gear, but I'm not sure as what type."
Tsubaki: "And he isn't a pervert which is even better, we already have enough of those here already."
Orion was walking towards his car when he sensed someone watching him. He may not have been able to sense ki anymore, but he could feel when he was being watched. He turned around and saw a red haired girl talking to a black haired girl, both were looking at him in curiosity. They were breathtaking to look at and he knew exactly who they were. They were Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, the two great ladies of Kuoh Academy. They were beautiful in the anime and manga but that was an understatement. Were all devils that beautiful? Or was it all females that were a part of the supernatural world? This world was gonna be a pain to get through. He smiled at them and gave a small wave. They both looked surprised but smiled and returned his wave. Orion continued walking until he turned a corner and went out of their sights.
Rias: "Akeno, who was that boy?"
Akeno: "I don't know rias, sona would know."
Rias: "I sensed something from him, a sacred gear perhaps?"
Akeno: "We should probably talk to sona about it."
As orion was walking to his car, he saw a very familiar face. It was a face that he wanted to punch whenever he saw it in the anime, it was Issei Hyoudou. While I loved the anime itself, I hated Issei. He was so stupid, perverted and retarded. He had girls that would do anything for him and yet he still chose to peep on other girls. He was weak as well, only the boosted gear made him have use. The 8 pawns that rias used to revive him were because of the boosted gear, if he didn't have it then he wouldn't have been revived in the first place. He always talks about wanting to be strong but he never trains and always relies on his sacred gear.
There is nothing wrong with being a little perverted but this guy just takes it too far. The girls always show him their breasts but the only thing he can shout is oppai then nose bleed..... he can't manage seeing a pair of breasts and yet he wants to be harem king? Pathetic.
Issei: "Hey is that your car?"
Orion: "Umm yea."
Issei: "Nice, sweet ride man, I'm Issei Hyoudou."
Orion: "My name is Orion Luciel, nice to meet you."
As they shook hands, orion activated his sacred gear extractor to take the boosted gear. After hearing the notification that the process was done, he stopped shaking his hand.
Orion: "I'd love to stay and talk but I'm kinda busy right now."
Issei: "That's alright, next time I will introduce you to the world of beautiful oppai."
Orion: "Yea sure."
Orion quickly got in his Lambo and drove out, he needed to now wash his hand as he was afraid he would catch the dumbass disease from issei. At least he now had the boosted gear in his possession. Speaking of the boosted gear, he had azazel's artificial sacred gear but he never tried to contact the dragon living in it so he would contact both dragons when he got home.
After driving into his garage, he went to his room and began to meditate. He soon found himself in a vast plain with a mountain range. He heard a loud roar so he turned around. He saw a large red dragon with green eyes looking down at him. This was Ddraig, the red dragon of dominaton, he felt himself getting ripped out of his host and then placed in a new host. He looked down at the human with slight interest.
Ddraig: "Human, why have you taken me out of my host?"
Orion: "Sorry to tell you Ddraig but your former host was a weak and worthless pervert who would bring shame to dragons everywhere."
Ddraig: "And how do you know this?"
Orion then transferred a small amount of the anime to ddraig's memory. Ddraig was enraged, the red dragon of domination reduced to being called the boob dragon emperor. Ddraig looked at the human in front of him.
Ddraig: "How do you have knowledge of this?"
Orion: "I came to this universe to prevent some stuff from happening. At just 1% of my full power I could easily defeat great red and ophis at the same time but unfortunately my power is sealed up at the moment."
Ddraig's eyes went wide when he heard this, he was going to respond but another voice cut in before he could.
????: "I see there are finally others here.... Is that you Ddraig?"
They both looked to see the golden dragon king, Fafnir, flying towards them. He landed and looked towards the two, especially the human.
Ddraig: "Fafnir what are you doing here?"
Orion: "That's actually my fault. I might have accidentally attracted the sacred gear that he was sealed in when I was coming to this universe."
Ddraig: "So you were sealed away as well."
Fafnir: "Yes, I chose to because I was bored."
Orion: "I'm gonna let you guys in on a secret."
Fafnir: "And what would that secret be young one."
Orion: "I have the DNA and powers of great red inside of me. I also have the powers of the God of the bible and the 4 Devil kings."
Ddraig/Fafnir: "...."
Great Red....... The strongest being in the world? Ddraig decided to speak up.
Ddraig: "H-How?"
Orion: "I chose his bloodline to copy upon coming to the universe and I felt the power of the dead God of the bible and the 4 Devil kings so I absorbed them as well. Well guys I gotta go, but I will talk to you later."
Orion then faded from his mindscape, leaving two stunned and confused dragons. He laughed when he saw the look on their faces, it had been priceless. He decided to go to bed now, he had school start in the morning. He would ask mia to give him his quest rewards then but right now he slowly drifted into dreamland.
Chapter 20 guys. Milestone reached. I wanna thank everyone for the continuous support that you have been showing me. Please give a good review and comment on the story. I literally read all comments so go ahead and comment. Thank everyone for the stones, it really makes me happy knowing that I can make everyone's day a little happier. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!