
The Only Thing I'll Ever Be

Blending in will always be difficult, but even more so for a nameless monster. Even in his best efforts, he'll always be an outcast.

ZenithUniverse · Horreur
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Cloudy skies

When he woke up, he was somewhere he has never been before, it felt cramped and constricting as if he was in a cage. But as he was getting uneasy, the very woman who saved his life walked in holding a warm wet towel and simply put it on his head even though knowing he wasn't human. He simply looked dazed and confused by her actions for he has never experienced kindness at all, or any good will in any form so he froze still not moving a inch.

"Well aren't you something?" She even caressed his cheek, he hasn't ever experienced physical touch in a way that wasn't meant to harm him. So why Is this woman different? Why is she doing this for him?

"What's your name?"


He simply stared blankly, not understanding her request. Being cut off from society, he had no concept of names and other social structures. However due to watching humans for so long, he has picked up some of their language, meaning he could say some basic words but nothing too complex.


"You don't have a name?" She tilted her head in confusion and curiosity.

He shook his head still in a daze, staring at this strahge person blankly.

"Well...I'm Kyoko Shiba, but my friends call me Shoko! Even though I dont have many friends..." She stated sorely.

"Shoko...." He muttered under his breath, looking down at the floor trying to understand the new word he has learned.

"And I guess I'll call you...."

Shoko thought intensely, putting her hands on her hips as if to draw thought from her body. Then, she got an idea, her eyes flaring with ingenuity.

"Oh! I know! I'll call you Yoshiro! How does that sound?"

"....Okay." the newly named man? Said with a confused tone clearly not understanding what's happening to she slightest degree especially since hes never spoken a sentence before, Yoshiro dosent know whats happening to him at all.

Shoko beamed with a warm spring like smile, her radiant expression filling the room with a sense of comfort and kindness that was very new to him.

Which somewhat put Yoshiro at ease somewhat, seeing such unconditional kindness from a person when no one else bothered and it seemed to him that humanity was more monstrous then even himself, if he was a monster? Is he? Do those questions even matter anymore? With this string of thoughts one that came more suddenly and more prevalent "I'm so hungry" and as if on cue his empty stomach growled as if it was a lion uncaged.

Shoko hearing her new guest in need from her decorated kitchen, she quickly decided to cook some simple leftovers for them both, just some ramen with eggs and pork. Yoshiro could smell the food being cooked of course due to his enhanced senses, but he didn't know what it was due to his diet mainly being trash and assorted wildlife, such as raccoons and anything that was small enough that he could catch.

He soon started looking around his new environment and possible home. He quickly noticed weird wooden structures with things inside which he never saw before, he even found a door leading to a very strange room which was very small, all white and had a strange metal pipe in a small subsection of it! But right next to him, as he entered this intriguing room, he saw himsel in his own reflection. He never has before even been able to even glance at his appearance, so it scared him deeply and thoroughly. He has never seen his own sunken and outstretched eyes, he had a permanent eerie smile which seemed engraved If not carved into his flesh. All this combined into the fact he had no lips, it was a truly perturbing sight along with the fact his hair seemed closer to straw than keratin he tried touching his face, it felt like clay it was cold ever so cold. He was made in the shape of a human but wasn't even close. Yoshiro was deeply confused. He remembered feeling much different than being... whatever he is now.

As he continued to ogle and stare at himself in his reflection he could hear his new name being called by the woman named Shoko, Yoshiro could also smell the food she brought which excited him due to the fact he won't have to hunt anymore, strangely only knowing this strange yet kind person for such little time made his world is a bit less bland and dark.

"Here it is! My favorite dish! Tonkatsu!"

Shoko placed a heavily ornamented glass bowl in front of him. Inside of the decorated bowl, was a golden-brown cutlet with a satisfyingly crisp and crunchy exterior, which contrasted beautifully with the tender, juicy pork inside along with the shining noodles which were a nice light brown color. The breadcrumbs coating the meat added a delightful texture, and the aroma of the freshly fried tonkatsu was enticing. It was expertly sliced into bite-sized pieces, revealing the succulent, well-seasoned meat within.

Yoshiro stared at this new object in front of him not knowing what to do with it. Soon enough he wanted to ask questions that were plaguing his mind annoyingly and constantly!

Shoko was more and more confused by each passing minute. She had no clue how to react or speak to these perplexing questions. And could only ask one of her own

"How do you not who or what you are?"

As Yoshiro gave a slow shrug clearly not knowing how to respond Shoko realized she needed to ask something so she could stifle her raging curiosity and to also understand who or what was in front of her. So once again she asked a question which rang through her mind like a alarm.

"Are you even a human?"

She decides to closely look at the creature she just earlier named and tried to feed, and she is just now beginning to notice his eerie yet complex features, and also how the creature never acted like any person or living thing she has seen usually would in the short time they've interacted together.

Yoshiro not understanding her question in the least decides to ask one in return.

"What is a human?"

Shoko didn't understand on how she could answer this due to the complexity of said question. She was stunned for a moment but she continued thinking and still could not find a answer, but mid thought Yoshiro asked a strange question.

"What's that in the bowl? Is it food?"

Shoko of course said yes and of course gave him permission to eat it as well which was a given. Quickly and ravenously like a feral animal, Yoshiro quickly dug in and ate his fill which was extremely satisfying for him. While Shoko could only be disappointed in his horrid table manners while watching him eat, Somehow forgetting the worrying questions they both proposed.

As Yoshiro continued feasting on his freshly cooked meal which was satisfying his ravenous appetite Shoko continued pondering about who or what yoshiro was, but at the same time someone was making a call, to call in a old favor.