
The Only Protagonist in Comprehensive Anime World

Author: 结成梨斗的系统 Synopsis: I think I will become Yuuki Rito with perverted luck, and I will be able to enjoy various benefits from now on. But this isn’t just the world of To Love Ru. There’s Toyogasaki Academy, Sobu High School, the legendary monster Gensokyo, lazy angels and good-natured demons. However, there is nothing special about the humans on earth today, they are all ordinary people. So Yuuki Rito became a Godslayer.

TranslatorFanfict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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70 Chs


Rito confirms the relationship with Sonoko, pays for the coffee, and the two walk out of the coffee shop holding hands.

Sonoko asked for a day off, and Rito already knew about it, so of course he wouldn't be leaving in a hurry, so he was dragged by her to the biggest bookstore in Tokyo, the otaku culture section.

"This bookstore is under the Fantasia Binko banner. The traffic is always high. See, we've been promoting [Sword Art Online] well."

Sonoko pointed at the giant billboard that occupied a large space in the otaku culture area, it was one of the illustrations in the first volume of [Sword Art Online]. Because Rito describes the characteristics of the characters in the novel It's very detailed, so whether it's the protagonist Kirito or his harem, they are almost the same as the original, or more handsome and beautiful, and the illustrator level is very high.

"By the way, who drew my illustrations?"

Fantasia Bunko has done a lot for Rito, whether it's the packaging and publicity of the light novel, printing and publishing, or even the cover design and illustrations, everything has been done by Fantasia Bunko. Only now did Rito realize that he had underestimated the manpower and material resources that the light novel would consume.

"It was completed by Kashiwagi Eri Sensei and Eromanga Sensei together. One person is very good at drawing pretty girls, and another person is better at drawing little girls. Both are experts shared by our publishing company. If the light novel's value isn't high, I won't let them take action."

Rito was just a little surprised, the protagonist's luck was gathering towards him, it would attract other Heroines to connect with him.

He didn't expect that Izumi Sagiri would be here, and Rito didn't know what the situation would be now, since the world was different, maybe there would be some changes.

It has been almost a week since the first volume of [Sword Art Online] was released, but there are still many customers who are attracted by the beautiful illustrations on the billboards, view them curiously, and even purchase [Sword Art Online].

"Have you finished writing the second volume? Even though other authors publish volumes every quarter, with your speed, you should have written many second volumes already, right? Send it to me when it's done. Take advantage of the skyrocketing heat to add fuel to the fire, and defeat all opponents in both quality and quantity!"

Sonoko is full of fighting spirit.


Seeing Rito's eyes dodge, Sonoko was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

"Didn't you forget to write the second volume?"

Recently Rito has been busy searching for holy relics, and he is still dizzy from the trouble caused by Lala. How did he have the time to write light novels, he was secretly complaining in his heart.

"You spent your weekend dating me, but you don't write light novels well, I don't know whether to be moved or angry. No problem, in a month, code a second volume for me!'

Rito regretted the unexpected development of matters, and nodded honestly.

"I will try my best."

"Hmph, there are still two hours left. You have to go home right? Otherwise, Mikan would be very worried. Where is the destination of the final stop?"

Because her relationship with Rito has undergone major changes, and Sonoko has become very close to Mikan who she has never met.

The last stop, Rito chose a park.

He chose the right one, because there were many couples in the park. It was definitely a holy place for dating, but he also chose the wrong one. Sonoko looked down on the young and energetic couple who were the same age.

Rito is just a teenage high school student, and Sonoko is already in her twenties. In a few years, when Rito is in full bloom, Sonoko will be almost an auntie.

His light novel had just started, his career was booming, and sitting in the editor-in-chief position was her limit. Getting to the top, it's not something Sonoko can touch without a background. In the future, Rito will get farther away, and she will start to decline.

Sonoko sighed softly, but she held Rito's hand tightly and didn't let go. At the very least, enjoy first dates and loves. Women are several years older than men. Marriage is impossible.

Rito was not an idiot, although at first he didn't understand the reason for Sonoko's sadness, but after thinking for a long time and observing her gaze, he also understood that she was bothered by the age difference between the two. He doesn't care about age.

With the increase in strength, the life span will also be extended.

Transcendent Rank can have a lifespan that far exceeds ordinary mortals, and Emperor Rank, if lived well, Rito can live much longer.

But Sonoko is just an ordinary person, and so is Mikan.

Apart from increasing their own power, Rito also needs to find a way to help them. The Elixir in Gensokyo seems to be able to achieve immortality, but it seems to have run out or there is only one or two.

He couldn't hope for much, he could only pray silently, so that killing the Heretic God next had the power of blessing.

Maybe Ryoko can use medicine to extend human life a bit, but there is a limit. Otherwise, the cosmic forces would not allow her to stay on earth.

After parting ways with a slightly sad Sonoko, Rito who is full of thoughts starts it journey back.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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