After extraordinary beings entered mid-level, their life levels underwent a qualitative transformation, and the speed of advancement gradually slowed down.
The textbooks on the extraordinary distributed by the Control Bureau provided relevant data:
Excluding some prodigies and some laggards, it took an average of 5.3 years to advance from rank 4 to rank 5.
The average time required to advance from rank 5 to rank 6 was 9.3 years.
Advancing from rank 6 to rank 7 took an average of 15.5 years.
Going further, the time required to move from mid-level to high-level was even longer.
Fang Qing's current strength was entirely due to her absorbing the power of an Evil God Embryo and spending two years nurturing herself in a massive Gathering Yin Formation. Without this fortuitous encounter, if she had relied solely on her own training, she would probably have just regained her pre-death consciousness by now.